Russia Population Decline

Russia's population has been on a decline for the last 30 years. The demographic has been on a decline ever since the fall of the Soviet Union.

This population decline makes people wonder why this is happening in Russia. There are policies set in place to provide financial aid to families and parents. There is also a lot of propaganda in place that encourages people to have babies (Cabot). According to demographic projections Russia's population will continue to decrease to a number between 130 and 140 million people. Putin is behind the policies of encouraging children. In Putin's eyes the larger the population, the more power a country has. The war against Ukraine can also be seen as a factor of population decline. This is not because of the soldiers being sent out but because of the fear the war is causing for the Russian population. The trust in the country as a whole might be another issue. With the lack of trust in a country comes reluctance to have children in it.

The population decline in Russia in a interesting topic. Looking at the many policies put in place to encourage children people wonder why it hasn't increased. I believe the wrong reasons are in place for people to have children. Putin sees it as a way to gain power. The lack of trust in the country due to war is another factor to contribute to this decline. It will be interesting to monitor the population in the future to see what happens.

Works Cited

Harvey, Benjamin. “Russia’s Population Is Shrinking Even as Putin Seeks Expansion.”, 10 June 2022,

Cabot, Cyrielle. “Population Decline in Russia: “Putin Has No Choice but to Win” in Ukraine.” France 24, 24 May 2022,