Please be advised that some Brampton Plan MTSA land use schedules and policies have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, including the land use plans for Bramalea GO MTSA and Ray Lawson MTSA.

A staff recommendation report will be prepared in 2025.

Feedback and comments from the September 9, 2024 statutory public meeting will be considered in the recommendation report.

A  staff report  on Brampton’s MTSA Study was approved by Council on April 17, 2024. Through the recommendations in this staff report, the new Official Plan “Brampton Plan” will provide direction to implement maximum building heights and densities for Brampton’s “Primary” MTSAs through future Precinct Plan and Secondary Plan Amendments.

Portions of the MTSA policies within Brampton Plan have been appealed to the OLT, including the land use plans for Bramalea GO MTSA and Ray Lawson MTSA. While direction is forthcoming from the OLT, staff will continue to process the planning work on the MTSAs.

  Click here   for the Council endorsed Brampton Plan MTSA Land Use Schedules (Schedules 13a – 13n) and policies for Brampton’s 14 “Primary” MTSAs.

Stay tuned for further detail on the Staff recommendation report with respect to City-initiated MTSA Precinct Plan and Secondary Plans later this year.

About The Project

Major Transit Station Area (MTSAs): Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) are lands generally within a 500 to 800 metre radius (a 10 minute-walk) of a transit station or stop, primarily located along existing or planned rapid transit corridors, such as a GO rail line, Light Rail Transit (LRT) or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

As part of the Region of Peel’s Municipal Comprehensive Review and adopted   Regional Official Plan  , the City is directed to demonstrate that it has a transit-oriented plan in place to accommodate minimum density targets around planned and existing higher order stations throughout the Region of Peel.

Brampton has a total of 27 MTSAs classified as either “Primary” or “Planned” per the Region of Peel’s Official Plan (ROP). The location of Brampton’s MTSAs are shown on Schedule 1 and 1B of Brampton Plan.

The interactive map below shows the location and proposed boundaries of Brampton's 27 MTSAs. Click on each MTSA for information on existing and planned population and jobs.

Project Timeline

Brampton’s MTSA Study was initiated in December 2021 and includes the following three (3) phases of work for the “Primary” MTSAs:

  • Phase 1 – Preliminary Area Plans
  • Phase 2 – Policy Directions and Recommendations:
    • Phase 2a. Official Plan Policies (adopted through Brampton Plan)
    • Phase 2b. Secondary and Precinct Plan Policies
  • Phase 3 – Preparation of Zoning By-law Amendments
  • Phase 4 – Planning Framework for Planned MTSAs
Image of Project Timeline phases

  • Phase 1 – Preliminary Area Plans (Complete: Refer to   Aug 28, 2023 PDC report  )
  • Phase 2 – Policy Directions and Recommendations (Refer to   Oct 23, 2023 PDC report  )
    • As identified in the August 28th, 2023, Planning and Development Committee Information Report (statutory public meeting) on Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs), the proposed MTSA land use schedules and policies are incorporated into Brampton Plan and are being presented concurrently with Brampton Plan to Council for adoption.
    • Brampton Plan includes land use schedules (Schedules 13a – 13n) for 13 “Primary” MTSAs and associated land use and development policies (found in Chapter 4) to guide residential and employment growth and development until 2051 and beyond.
  • Phase 2b - Secondary and Precinct Plan Policies *CURRENTLY UNDERWAY*
    • With the adoption of Brampton Plan, general MTSA land use schedules and policies were approved.  Phase 2B involves the preparation of more detailed land use schedules and policies based on the completion of a number of urban design guiding documents, including a Block Analysis and Precinct Plans.
    • Phase 2b will be completed simultaneously with Phase 3.
  • Phase 3 – Preparation of Zoning By-law Provisions and Urban Design Guidelines *CURRENTLY UNDERWAY*
    • This Phase involves pre-zoning lands within 12 “Primary” MTSAs (excluding Brampton GO and Bramalea GO MTSAs).
    • The Zoning By-law provisions for the 12 “Primary” MTSAs will be included as part of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review project, which is tentatively targeted to be forwarded to Council for enactment in Q2 2025. This tentative timeline is subject to change depending on the Ontario Land Tribunal appeals associated with Brampton Plan (Brampton’s Official Plan).
    • Urban design guidelines are being prepared and are proposed to be included in both the Queen East and Bramalea Centre Precinct Plan Guidelines for the 7 Primary MTSAs located along Queen Street East (Centre, Kennedy, Rutherford, Laurelcrest, Dixie, Central Park and Bramalea). All “Primary” MTSAs will be subject to the Brampton’s Urban Design Guidelines. The draft Urban Design Guidelines can be found here:   Urban Design Guidelines | Let's Connect Brampton 

Background/ Past Reports:

September 9, 2024 Statutory Public Meeting:

A statutory public meeting was held on September 9, 2024, to present five proposed Official Plan Amendments (OPAs) that will implement a policy and design framework for 12 Primary MTSAs in Brampton:

The OPAs are intended to implement the overall policy direction of Brampton Plan, set out a planning framework for Brampton’s “Primary” MTSAs and to supplement the policies in Brampton Plan.

Background Studies that have informed the MTSA policies include:

Stay in Touch!

Contact the MTSA Team at 

Major Transit Station Areas

City of Brampton