Online Vendor Marketplace

Virtual Canada Day by the Bay

White Rock's Virtual Canada Day by the Bay Online Vendor Marketplace

Welcome to the White Rock Museum & Archives' Online Vendor Marketplace

We're pleased to offer the vendor marketplace online this year! Please scroll down the page to see the participating vendors and to find out how you can help support our programming at the Museum.

“Celebrating our community through preserving artifacts, designing exhibits, and communicating stories.”

To use the map below, you can either continue to scroll downwards to see all of the vendors or you can click on each booth number and the corresponding vendor information will pop up. Please contact the vendor directly for more information or to purchase items via the information provided.

Making a Donation

Care to make a donation to the White Rock Museum & Archives? Many of our programs and services would be impossible to offer without the kind generosity of our patrons. We appreciate all contributions, and are happy to issue a tax receipt for your purposes.

Donations can be made by cheque, cash, or by sponsoring specific projects or needs. To discuss the various opportunities and current items requiring sponsorship, please call our Director Karin Bjerke-Lisle at 604.541.2251 or email

Donating Online

Donations can also be made to the White Rock Museum & Archives Society on-line via PayPal. In addition to direct payments, PayPal accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. PayPal will send you a payment receipt and the Museum will send you an income tax receipt. The White Rock Museum & Archives Society gratefully accepts your donation.  DONATE ONLINE 

Train Plaque Program

The Train Plaque Program is a popular and unique community project. This program enables you to commemorate a friend, family member, or a special occasion with an engraved brass train plaque installed on the promenade in front of the White Rock Museum and Archives.

As a train plaque donor, you’ll be able to write a personalized message. The cost of participation is $700, with a tax receipt for the sum of $500 to the purchaser.

You can find more information about this program on our  website .

“Celebrating our community through preserving artifacts, designing exhibits, and communicating stories.”