Groundwater Monitoring in Somalia
Using Real-Time Data to Make an Invisible Resource Visible
Our Roadmap to Impact & Groundwater
Our Roadmap to Impact: World Vision's 2021-2025 Global WASH Business Plan sets forth World Vision's strategy and commitments for the coming five years in support of Sustainable Development Goal 6—clean water and sanitation for all. Offering a bold vision for our work in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector, Our Roadmap to Impact describes how World Vision will advance our mission to bring transformative WASH services to every community we serve across more then 40 countries. This strategy lays out four core programming areas: Water Supply; Sanitation and Hygiene; Governance and Finance; and Water Security and Resilience. The following StoryMap focuses on the final area—Water Security and Resilience—and, more specifically, the fundamental role of groundwater monitoring and management in sustaining access to clean water for the world's most vulnerable communities.
The Hidden Crisis: The Vulnerability of Groundwater Resources
World Water Day 2022 Graphic and Definition ( UN Water )
The theme of the United Nation's World Water Day for 2022 —"Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible"—serves as a timely reminder of the crisis beneath our feet. The confluence of multiple factors—including watershed degradation, climate change, and unsustainable rates of aquifer pumping—means that precious groundwater resources are under threat in many countries around the world. Indeed, while groundwater represents the primary source of clean water for billions of people, groundwater levels continue to plummet as aquifer withdrawals exceed replenishment. As noted by J. S. Famiglietti at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, "most of the major aquifers in the world's arid and semi-arid zones, that is, in the dry parts of the world that rely most heavily on groundwater, are experiencing rapid rates of groundwater depletion". In other words, what UN Water refers to as the "hidden treasure" that is groundwater, is in a state of peril. Notably, the multitude of risks that threaten the sustainability of groundwater resources is further exacerbated by a broader lack of information on the quantity, quality, and use of those resources.
Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. In the driest parts of the world, it may be the only water people have. ~UN Water, 2022~
A ten-year-old boy withdraws water in Puntland, Somalia
At World Vision, we strive to bring clean water to the marginalized, working in partnership with communities, governments, and civil society. Groundwater resources are vital to this mission. As an organization, we therefore endeavor to embrace and promote responsible stewardship of these critical, life-sustaining water resources. Notably, such stewardship requires the collection, analysis, sharing, and use of timely and accurate hydrological and meteorological (or "hydro-met") data. Let's visit the Horn of Africa to learn how World Vision Somalia is supporting real-time monitoring of the hidden treasure of groundwater.
Fostering Sustainable Groundwater Management in Somalia
Operating in Somalia since 1992, World Vision currently works in all the regions of the country to help vulnerable children, families, and communities overcome poverty and injustice, promoting development and resilience. Our approach cuts across multiple sectors, including food security and livelihoods, health and nutrition, and WASH. Importantly, the protection of vulnerable communities requires the protection of the vulnerable resources on which those communities depend. Thus, new wells and water reservoirs are only part of the resilience story—access to better hydro-met data is also required to help safeguard these infrastructure investments. Obtaining an in-depth understanding of the status of Somalia's groundwater resources has been made all the more urgent as the Horn of Africa continues to suffer from sustained drought following three successive seasons of failed rains.
In partnership with Grand Challenges Canada , the Response Innovation Lab , and World Vision Canada , the World Vision Somalia WASH Team recently launched the Integrated Water Point Monitoring Systems for Vulnerable Populations in Somalia Project. Recognizing the heightened need for timely hydro-met data accompanied by the steep cost of manual data collection in remote areas, the World Vision Team began deployment a network of groundwater sensors and weather stations that, through 3G mobile network transmission, provide real-time data on the groundwater resources on which so many Somalis depend. Specifically, the sensors collect five key types of water data: groundwater level, water temperature, electrical conductivity, salinity, and total dissolved solids. Taken together, the sensor data provides a robust picture of both groundwater quantity and quality.
The following map introduces the locations of the nine groundwater sensors installed by World Vision Somalia to date while also providing a brief overview of the hydrological context of Somalia.
The first nine groundwater sensors were installed in 2020 in Puntland State in northeastern Somalia. The sites were selected based on the locations of vulnerable communities where World Vision is working accompanied by consultations with national and local government partners. To understand the hydrological context of these nine locations, let's first overlay the drainage basins for Somalia.
The principal hydrological boundaries of Somalia consist of nine river basins. However, only two of these basins—the Shabelle Basin and Juba Basin—are "perennial" rivers that flow year round. The arid and semi-arid climate of northern Somalia means that basins such as the Ogaden, Tug Der/Nugal, and Darror (where the groundwater sensors are located) have no year-round surface flow. Thus, communities in this parched, sparsely vegetated region are almost entirely dependent upon groundwater resources. In this regard, let's take a closer look at northern Somalia and the underlying aquifers here.
The Puntland Region of Somalia is dominated by three types of aquifers: sedimentary fracture with karstic formations; sedimentary fracture; and unconsolidated sediment. All three are typified by moderate (to sometimes high) groundwater yield. The hydro-geology layer shown here, however, represents a simplified view, and site-specific data and analyses are critical to better understand the potential of local groundwater resources. Let's drill down now to the local level and explore two of the hydro-met sensor sites.
Located in an arid region, the Ligle 2 Borehole is 160 meters in depth and has the highest yield of the nine boreholes currently being monitored. Below, the World Vision Team lowers the sensor and cable into a borehole to begin the data collection process.
Installing Borehole Data Logger
The following graphs provide initial snapshots of the groundwater data collected by the real-time sensors. In the first graph, we see 10 months of recent data showing a gradual decline likely related to the ongoing severe drought. The second graph distills a single four-day period in May 2021, highlighting the rise and fall of the dynamic groundwater level following cycles of pumping and recovery. Understanding the overall water level trends (such as in the first graph) as well as the recovery period after each pumping session (such as in the second graph) is critical to tracking the sustainable management of groundwater resources.
Dynamic Water Level (April 21 - Jan 22)
Water Level Change Over Four Day Period
Importantly, the Ligle 2 Borehole serves as the primary source of clean water for nearly 30,000 people in the nearby town of Garowe. Here we see a mosaic of rooftop colors in Garowe accompanied by the riverbed of the Garowe River, an ephemeral (non-permanent) waterway that winds through the town.
As a comparison, let's visit one more borehole sensor in the Sanaag Region, located approximately 150 kilometers to the north of the Ligle 2 Borehole.
Located just outside of town, the Xingalool Borehole provides clean water to the community of Xingalool in the Sanaag Region. The Borehole is about 100 meters in depth, and serves as the single source of clean water for approximately 7,000 people. The graphic below shows depth data over a period of 10 months. Notably, while the static water level remains relatively constant at just under 65 meters in depth, the draw-down from pumping shows an increasing trend over the 10 months as water levels from pumping reach 75 meters and even 80+ meters. It will be important to continue monitoring this trend to ensure sustainable abstraction volumes.
Dynamic Water Level at Xingalool Borehole Over 10 Months
Completing the Sensor Setup
'The Lack of Water Will Increase...'
The above quote from Engineer Mohamed Abdirahman Ahmed—the Director of the Water Department at the Puntland Water Development Agency—summarizes the urgency of the water crisis in northern Somalia. Eng. Ahmed's statement also captures why an in-depth understanding of the quantity and quality of groundwater resources in the drought-prone regions of Somalia is so vital. Water is life, and the dangerous combination of plummeting groundwater levels and rising salinity puts the well-being of the Somali people of Puntland at risk. To hear more from Eng. Ahmed and the experts from World Vision Somalia and the Response Innovation Lab, click on the video below highlighting the water challenges faced in Somalia and how real-time monitoring efforts play a fundamental role in overcoming these challenges.
Real Time Remote Water Monitoring in Somalia
Looking Ahead: Towards Comprehensive Hydro-Met Monitoring
Residents of Jariban District, Puntland line up for a water truck during a period of drought
Building on the success of the nine-sensor pilot, World Vision Somalia is now partnering with World Vision US to expand the network of sensors, setting up a comprehensive system of hydro-met stations to support integrated water resources management efforts in four of the seven states of Somalia. This network will include 18 additional hydro-met stations, which will be positioned to gather data from all known aquifers within each state, thus helping to monitor localized aquifer hydrological responses to the increasingly erratic rains as well as the related impacts on larger, regional groundwater systems.
Puntland residents collect water one container at a time from a water truck during a drought emergency.
Throughout the next phase, World Vision will continue to work closely with the Somali Government to ensure that the resulting data is both used and useful for decision-makers—specifically the state governments of Somaliland, Puntland, Jubaland and South West accompanied by the Federal Ministry of Energy and Water Resources—as they seek to better manage groundwater resources in the face of persistent periods of drought (such as those pictured above and at right). World Vision is also coordinating with the Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) to maximize the availability and application of the data generated by the expanding network of groundwater sensors. Only through the collective action of all stakeholders—communities, government, and international organizations—can we both protect and sustain the hidden treasure that is our groundwater resources.