Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

Using the lessons of the past to plan for floods of the future

The land near Nebraska’s rivers and streams has long attracted farmers and developing communities. But the bounty of this land comes at a price. Over the past century, Nebraska’s floods have caused major damage and a heavy financial toll. In some cases, floods have wiped out entire livelihoods. The state is using the lessons of the past to plan for the floods of the future.

Scenes of flooding across Nebraska.

On October 24, 1968, Nebraska declared flooding a state concern. The Soil and Water Conservation Commission was tasked with starting a floodplain management program to reduce flood losses. Part of that job was to determine land use standards and regulations. The Commission later became the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR). The department now develops floodplain regulations and helps communities enforce them. The NeDNR is also tasked with producing flood risk maps. The Nebraska Floodplain Regulation Act and other laws clarify these tasks. 

The Floodplain Management Section at NeDNR is responsible for coordinating a program that encourages the wise use of land that is subject to flooding. 

Four elements of Nebraska's Floodplain Management Program - Floodplain Management, Flood Risk Identification, Flood Insurance Coordination and Mitigation Planning.

Floodplain Management

The state helps local communities build and manage their own floodplain management programs by developing minimum standards and offering outreach and technical assistance.

Floodplain Management icon showing a river and pine trees.

Flood Risk Identification

NeDNR identifies and prioritizes areas that need flood risk data. NeDNR then creates new, accurate, and updated flood risk data in-house using both State and Federal funds.

Flood Risk Identification icon showing a measuring stick and flood water.

Flood Insurance Coordination

NeDNR links local, state, and Federal partners within the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Mitigation Planning

NeDNR works with communities to mitigate the risk of flood losses by helping them identify mitigation projects and by administrating FEMA’s Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant.

Through these services, NeDNR has successfully supported communities across the state to increase flood awareness and reduce flood risk.

"The City of Hastings has been pleased with the leadership, congeniality, and technical competency exhibited by the NeDNR Floodplain management group this past year..."

"Let's just say that (Ne)DNR were my go-to for all and any floodplain or flood map questions that arose!"

"NeDNR's multi-faceted Floodplain Section is a customer service oriented group of individuals dedicated to handling all floodplain management matters for the state of Nebraska..."

Floodplain Management

Floodplain Management icon showing a river and pine trees.

Nebraska has been building its floodplain management program since 1967. At that time, the state set minimum standards for building in floodplains. The current standards can be found in the  Nebraska Administrative Code, Title 455, Chapter 1 . They include and exceed the Federal minimum standards described in 44 CFR 60.

Nebraska's standards state that the lowest floor of all new and substantially improved buildings must be 1 foot above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). 

FEMA maps floodplains on its Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs or flood maps). Most of the floodplains in Nebraska are identified as Zone A. FIRMs do not include BFEs for Zone A areas. Without this information, it is hard for communities to meet the standards for building in floodplains. NeDNR provides FREE BFE determinations for communities to manage their floodplains.

Community officials can view valid BFE determinations on an interactive map (featured below) and request new ones. By providing this free service, NeDNR has advanced floodplain management activities throughout the state. As a result, structures that are built in areas at risk of flooding are built in a safer way.

To interact with the map below. Click the box next to 'I agree to the above terms and conditions' then click 'Continue' in the bottom left. To open the map in another tab click on the icon in the top right.

NeDNR Floodplain Management Interactive Map.

In recent years, NeDNR has developed a full outreach and training program to raise awareness of floodplain management. NeDNR provides quarterly training on both basic and more advanced topics. The workshops take place throughout the state, so any community can attend one close to home. Basic concepts are taught to new floodplain administrators or those who need a refresher. Advanced topics include flood insurance, post-disaster work, violations, and enforcement. NeDNR also trains many local organizations including:

  • Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA)
  • Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association (NPZA)
  • Independent Insurance Agents of Nebraska
  • Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO)
  • Nebraska Municipal Clerk Institute and Academy
  • Professional Surveyors Association of Nebraska (PSAN)
  • Southeast Nebraska Land Surveyors Association (SENLSA)

NeDNR hosts floodplain management outreach and training events across the state.

NeDNR’s Floodplain Management Section also offers technical assistance to help local and state agencies run their programs. This help can take place one-on-one by email and over the phone. It also includes outreach and training. Many communities have asked for future training on a virtual platform. NeDNR is working on a new virtual training series to meet that need.  

NeDNR has prepared a  quarterly newsletter  since 2014. It focuses on topics such as floodplain mapping, flood insurance, violations, historic flood events, and new or updated FEMA documents.

NeDNR's newsletter Floodplain Management Today has been providing stakeholders with information on floodplain management, regulations, insurance and more since 2014.

Flood Risk Identification

Flood Risk Identification icon showing a measuring stick and flood water.

Through the Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) Program, eligible entities work with FEMA to identify hazards, assess risk, and train local community officials to communicate risk to residents. These efforts help communities increase their awareness of flood risk and reduce it. As a CTP since 1999, NeDNR has modernized flood maps, created digital products where none existed, and reduced the state’s flood risk. NeDNR works on the engineering and flood mapping in-house. It uses its relationships with communities to improve the products. As those relationships grow, the state staff expertise grows, and products continue to improve.

Since 1999, NeDNR has produced or helped produce digital FIRMs in 65 of the state’s 93 counties.

In 2014, NeDNR initiated Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) flood mapping projects in several watersheds. More Risk MAP watershed projects have been added each year. As of September 2020, NeDNR has initiated 16 watershed projects. These projects will update the flood risk information in portions of over 35 counties. Previous projects were mapped at the county or community level. However, flood risk does not stop at a municipal line. By looking at an entire watershed, Risk MAP projects improve the final product.

The Risk MAP project lifecycle.

Risk MAP projects also produce powerful Flood Risk Products which can be used to manage floodplains and show residents their flood risk. Flood Risk Products are non-regulatory, ready-made sources of flood risk information that can improve how stakeholders visualize local natural hazard risks and mitigate potential damage from future hazards. NeDNR has shown community partners effective ways to use Flood Risk Products.

An overview of FEMA's Flood Risk Products.

In addition, Risk MAP puts more emphasis on involving and informing members of the communities. This emphasis keeps communities engaged in the mapping projects. During each mapping project, NeDNR works closely with communities to provide clear and accurate information. For active mapping projects, NeDNR updates communities quarterly. The updates also remind officials of all the comment periods during the project. As concerns or questions arise, NeDNR addresses them at extra meetings. This helps avoid project delays.

NeDNR offers to provide public open houses for each mapping project. At open houses, residents who want to speak one-on-one about their specific property can do so. NeDNR staff locate an individual’s property on the interactive map. They can also share depth grids and the annual chance of flooding for each property. This helps property owners understand their unique flood risk.  

Public Open House in York County.

In 2016, NeDNR began to replace the state’s remaining paper-only maps. These maps are not in digital form on  FEMA’s Map Service Center , unless there is a scan of the paper map. Using paper maps to regulate development can be a challenge. Users must apply their best judgment to determine where the floodplains exist. Most concerning, paper-only maps often have little or no information on how the floodplain boundaries were made. They can’t be reproduced using modern engineering methods. NeDNR will start its two last CTP projects to replace paper maps in 2021.

Comparison of a paper flood map (left) and digital flood map (right). Use the arrows at the center of the map to swipe back and forth between the two.

Flood Insurance Coordination

Flood Insurance Coordination icon showing pair of hands displaying a badge.

NeDNR is Nebraska’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) coordinating office. This involves helping communities with floodplain management or flood insurance issues. NeDNR responds to hundreds of requests for technical assistance every year. From simple requests to complex violations of floodway standards, NeDNR addresses local community partners in a professional and collegial manner.

In June 2020, NeDNR was named the NFIP Coordinator of the year for their response to the March 2019 flood event. The story map below describes the flood event and its impacts.

Nebraska Flooding: March 2019.

Immediately after the March 2019 flood, NeDNR started contacting Floodplain Administrators throughout the state to make sure they had the resources necessary to fulfill their post-disaster responsibilities and stay in good standing with the NFIP. Post-disaster packets were emailed to all Floodplain Administrators, and two webinars were setup to discuss the packet. NeDNR and FEMA facilitated four workshops on post-disaster responsibilities and insurance in St Paul, Norfolk, Omaha and West Point. NeDNR also visited several communities to provide post-disaster technical assistance.

NeDNR worked with affected communities to capture lessons-learned before, during and after the March 2019 flood event and is using these lessons to create a post-disaster handbook. The handbook will be available in early 2021.

A fact sheet with information about managing floodplains after disaster.

NeDNR plays a small role in the field of flood insurance. NeDNR’s close relationship with FEMA ensures flood insurance experts are available to help answer property owners’ questions about their specific situations. This has been very helpful in providing concerned residents with realistic answers on how map changes will affect them.

NeDNR works with the Nebraska Department of Insurance and several real estate associations to improve the knowledge base of insurance agents, lenders, real estate agents, and community officials. In addition to connecting them with training opportunities, NeDNR encourages insurance agents to attend Risk MAP open houses so they can understand the potential effects of the new maps on flood insurance. These efforts have expanded NeDNR’s engagement with the insurance and real estate community and will be rewarding for years to come.

NeDNR helps communities who are interested in the Community Rating System (CRS) by explaining how the program works, how to enroll, and how to improve their scores. CRS gives credit to communities that complete floodplain management activities above the minimum NFIP requirements. This credit is in the form of flood insurance premium reductions.

NeDNR helps Nebraska residents in CRS communities save approximately $700,000 per year in flood insurance premiums.

Six cities in Nebraska currently participate in the CRS. They are Fremont (Class 8), Omaha (Class 7), Valley (Class 8), Lincoln (Class 5), Papillion (Class 7), and Scottsbluff (Class 9). NeDNR's NFIP coordination and CRS assistance provide resources to communities that support floodplain management planning and development. Communities interested in learning more about the CRS program are encouraged to complete the  CRS Community Self-Assessment .

Map of CRS participating communities in Nebraska.

Flood Mitigation

Mitigation Planning icon showing ruler and pencil writing on piece of paper.

NeDNR has always had a strong focus on encouraging mitigation. This includes providing technical assistance to local entities on projects of this type. NeDNR helps localities update the flood section of their local hazard mitigation plans. NeDNR is also the grant administrator for FEMA’s Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant. Over the years, NeDNR has worked with communities to plan flood mitigation, complete flood reduction projects, and acquire and remove structures from the floodplain.

Following a historic flood in 1973, Beatrice decided to begin purchasing flood-prone properties instead of rebuilding. From 1977 to 2014, Beatrice bought 120 properties with a total investment of $4.9 million. Beatrice converted the purchased properties into parks, open space, ball fields, hiking and biking trails, and other outdoor uses. On May 7th, 2015, the Big Blue River rose to its third highest crest and officials saw firsthand the benefits of the flood mitigation strategy implemented in the City. Explore the story map below to learn more!

Avoiding Flood Losses in the American Heartland: A tale of successful risk management and acquisition in Beatrice, Nebraska.

NeDNR is a member of the Governor’s Task Force for Disaster Recovery. It also co-chairs its Hazard Mitigation Grants recovery support function. On the Task Force, the NeDNR helps review applications for FEMA's  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program  (HMGP) and  Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities  (BRIC) and provides technical assistance for projects as appropriate.

Federal grant programs like HMGP reduce risk and save communities money.

In August 2020, Nebraska’s legislature passed a bill to fund the NeDNR to develop a statewide Flood Mitigation Plan. This plan will unite statewide planning into a concise and coordinated effort. It will clarify the available mitigation and recovery resources and identify strategies to prioritize and streamline their distribution.

Partnerships and Collaboration

NeDNR has a strong history of establishing and maintaining partnerships with other agencies to reduce flood risk throughout the state. 

Nebraska Silver Jackets

NeDNR is a founding partner of the Nebraska Silver Jackets team. This team includes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha and Kansas City Districts, the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, FEMA Region VII, National Weather Service, and others. NeDNR has helped develop successful Silver Jackets partnerships that focus on identifying risk reduction strategies. 

Screenshot from Nebraska Silver Jackets webpage.

Ice Jam Partnership

NeDNR has played an instrumental role in monitoring ice jams along the Platte River. Every winter, as ice either builds or breaks up, large chunks are caught in a river bend or against a bridge. These cause the oncoming water to back up and lead to widespread and rapid flooding. In the mid-1990s, NeDNR helped form the Lower Platte River Ice Partnership. They established a process to monitor and respond to flood threats. In 2016, communities and stakeholders along the Central Platte corridor expressed an interest in establishing a similar partnership. 

Screenshot from NeDNR's Ice Jam Reporting webpage.

Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA)

NeDNR was a founding member of the local ASFPM chapter, NeFSMA. Each year, they help organize and develop content for three main events: the spring workshop, the annual conference, and the fall membership meeting. These events are attended by water resource engineers, floodplain managers and stormwater professionals across the state.

CTP Overview

The CTP Program enhances partnerships between FEMA and eligible entities. FEMA teams with these partners to deliver high-quality hazard identification and risk assessments, provide outreach support, and help empower communities to bring more awareness and take action to reduce their risk through the latest data and resources.

Fiscal Year 2019 Cooperating Technical Partners Snapshot showing awardees and funding in each FEMA Region.
Brief overview of how the CTP program supports the National Mitigation Investment Strategy Goals.

Scenes of flooding across Nebraska.

NeDNR hosts floodplain management outreach and training events across the state.

NeDNR's newsletter Floodplain Management Today has been providing stakeholders with information on floodplain management, regulations, insurance and more since 2014.

The Risk MAP project lifecycle.

An overview of FEMA's Flood Risk Products.

Public Open House in York County.

Comparison of a paper flood map (left) and digital flood map (right). Use the arrows at the center of the map to swipe back and forth between the two.

Map of CRS participating communities in Nebraska.

Federal grant programs like HMGP reduce risk and save communities money.