Brownfield Redevelopment
Long-term efforts show payoff across Dakota County.
Dakota County and The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) support and promote economic development through brownfield redevelopment programs that can provide technical expertise, planning experience, and funding to cities, developers, property owners and non-profit organizations. The CDA and Dakota County were successful in receiving US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfield Assessment grants in 2009 and 2019. These grants were used to conduct environmental assessments and prepare cleanup plans on many properties across the county. A few of the properties and projects are highlighted below.
Brownfield redevelopment is an important aspect in economic development. The CDA and County have developed programs to continue to provide support to entities taking on the challenges of brownfield work.
What are Brownfields?
A brownfield is a property that may be polluted or contamined and where grant funding can help in cleanup and redevelopment of the site. Examples of brownfields include former gas stations, industrial sites, buildings constructed prior to the 1980s, and properties where vehicles or hazardous substances may have been stored. A brownfield is a place people care for and want cleaned up to become an asset to the community once again.
Example Brownfield Site
Brownfield redevelopment revitalizes communities, provides economic development opportunities, creates jobs, expands tax base, and improves the environment and public health outcomes.
Communities across Dakota County have already received significant funding.
Brownfield opportunities are present throughout the County. Some areas have been identified as potential brownfield sites. These properties were identified through a site inventory process completed for the 2019 EPA Grant.
Check out a few of the success stories below.
Camelot Cleaners (West St. Paul)
Located at 984 S. Smith Ave. on 0.33 acres of land was a former gasoline filling station (with two underground storage tanks) before becoming a commercial dry-cleaner in the 1950s, and Camelot Cleaners in 1978.
The property was submitted to the Minnesota Polution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) program. Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessments were conducted. Property owner Bob Tessmer entered Superfund/Site Assessment for responsibility of drycleaner solvents on and off site.
A developer acquired the former Camelot Cleaners in 2023 completing work on site for redevelopment with the vision of creating a mixed-use commercial and residential development.
When the property sold in 2023 for $360,000, the tax rate was $8,860. By 2024, the tax rate had risen to $9,174 with the land valued at $132,800 and building valued at 237,000.
Animal Hospital (South St. Paul)
Located on Concord Street about 0.65 miles from the Mississippi River sat six vacant parcels (totaling 1.53 acres) that had previously housed residential properties, a gasoline filling station (with three underground storage tanks), a grocery store, restaurants/bars, liquor stores, an auto repair, and a lumber supplier at various times – then the property sat vacant from the mid-2000s.
Significant environmental investigation was completed with grant funds on the site: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Phase II ESA, Response Action Plan (RAP), and enrollment into Minnesota Polution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) program. On September 19, 2023, the Dakota County CDA Board of Commissioners approved $250,000 grant for environmental cleanup costs preceeding commercial redevelopment and construction of the South St. Paul Animal Hospital.
The total development cost was $5.2 million for a 12,343 square foot multi-tenant commercial building. The Animal Hospital will occupy 6,691 square feet of the building. Construction began in Spring 2024 and will be completed in 2025. The newly construction Animal Hospital will retain 7 permanent jobs and generate 10-20 more.
Armour Gates (South St. Paul)
Once the gateway to a sprawling stockyard, two brick columns are a lasting vestigate to the bygone plant. The gates sit where Hardman and Armour Avenues once intersected, guarding entry to the Armour plant.
An Envrironmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assessment Grant was used to complete a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Cobra Holdings, LLC with support from the City of South St. Paul was awarded Redevelopment Incentive Grant (RIG) Environmental Investigation to complete additional investigation necessary to redevelop site for Cobra Transportation business expansion.
Twin Cities Premium Outlet Mall (Eagan)
Before it was a busy retail mall, the site where Twin Cities Outlets sits today included numerous brownfield properties. The County was awarded an EPA assessment grant in 2009 that was used to assess the Larson Automotive, Competition Engines, and U-Haul properties which set the stage for the mall we know today.
The mall redevelopment has worked as a catalyst for further development of surrounding senior housing, townhomes, apartments, hotels, restaurant revitalization, and further development of the Cedar Grove Transit Station.
The core redevelopment area (also known as the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area) had a total of 60 acres and included multifamily developments, hotels, and additional retail surrounding the Twin Cities Premium Outlet Mall.
The Outlet Mall itself was a $100 million redevelopment in 2013 and covered a 24 acre site with room for 100 retail stores. Prior to redevelopment, the property value was minimal. By 2024, the value had increased to $85 million, contributing more than $2.2 million anually in property tax base.
Redevelopment efforts lasted more than 10 years. $412,200 of Environmental Protection Agency assessment dollars were utilized on the redevelopment area.
Twin Cities Outlets (above); the automotive repair it replaced (below left); in-progress redevelopment construction (below right)
Nearby development and activities supported by development of the Twin Cities Outlet Mall either directly or indirectly, include but are not limited to:
- Affinity at Eagan - 174 unit senior housing
- The Preserve - 150+ unit market-rate apartments
- Fairfield Inn - advertised as "across from the Twin Cities Premium Outlets which features the biggest brands in fashion"
- Jensen's Food and Cocktails - rebranded and remodeled with development of the mall, advertised as "surrounded by outlet mall"
- Fresh Eyes Arts exhibit - Twin Cities Premium Outlets
- Autumn Carolynn: Around the World exhibit - Twin Cities Premium Outlets (January - April 2023)
Previous condition of Bridgeview Park
Bridgeview Park
Dakota County applied for and won grants to assess hazardous substances on the former Instant Testing site in Eagan. Today the area is known as Bridgeview Park.
The park is situated near Twin Cities Outlets and between apartment buildings, providing recreational space in a growing neighborhood. The park features a hard court, playground, pickle ball court, sun shelter, walking path, and a ping pong table.
Site during cleanup
St. Joe's & Steeple Center
A grant was awarded for the former St. Joseph School in Rosemount to assess petroleum substances. After cleanup, the site was redeveloped to become the Steeple Center and senior housing. The Steeple Center hosts 55+ adult programming and activities, the Rosemount Area Arts Council, and a spectacular event venue.
Wedding Event at Steeple Center (Credit: City of Rosemount )
View of industrial site along Main Street prior to remediation (2012)
A train depot and grain elevator, then Farmers Union Co-op, and finally furniture manufacturer, the site was then tax forfeited before being awarded Brownfield grant funding. The resulting study identified a former well that was sealed and vapor impacts investigated. Thereafter the site was redeveloped into parking in conjunction with road and utility upgrades.
CDA Redevelopment Incentive Grant funding and other County funds were also used after the Brownfield grant was completed.
Historic view of Main Street with grain elevator and railroad on right (1950)
Historic site photo (left); planned event space (right)
The Confluence (Hastings)
H.D. Hudson manufactured Hudson Sprayers at the facility in Hastings from 1907 to 2010. The City of Hastings and HEDRA were awarded a total of $691,000 in EPA grants between 2010 and 2015 to assess and cleanup the property for redevelopment.
The historic site is now a boutique hotel, one- and twobedroom apartments, a casual bar and restaurant, event space, riverfront park, extension of riverfront trail, overlook, and parking. The project opened in 2023, completing a 14-year long redevelopment project lead by City of Hastings.
Aerial view of site between the Mississippi River and Concord St.
Since 1910 the site at 722 Concorn St. in South Saint Paul has been used at least as a single-family residence, a restaurant, and several automotive serving companies. In the late 2000s the building was vacated and has remained vacant since.
Floor drains in the former automotive servicing area, a septic system, and a potential underground storage tank presented environmental concerns that needed to be remedied in order for the site to be redeveloped – potentially as townhomes or apartments in the future.
ProTec Environmental Consultants, Inc. conducted the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
Twin Cities Pallet
Now a pallet fabrication, repair, and storage facility, the site was once used for grinding and dying wood pallets into mulch.
A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in part to evaluate if soil and groundwater has been impacted by the industrial uses. Soil and groundwater samples were collected. Thanks to a 2019 EPA Brownfield grant, contaminated soil and buried debris were able to be removed – supporting future business expansion and growth.
UBC - Lake Isabelle Flats (Hastings)
Located at 412 3rd Street in Hastings, Lake Isabelle Flats began construction in 2022 on a former UBC industrial site. The 1.12 acre site will host 89 market rate apartments including studio, 1, and 2 bedroom units.
In 2023 the land and building were valued at $1,734,400 with property taxes of $10,448. By 2024 the value increased to $16,100,000 with property taxes of $24,122.
Rendering of Lake Isabelle Flats
Future Sites
More places in Dakota County could benefit from Brownfield funding in the future.
Like funding already won, grant applications could further create opportunities to explore benefits to residents and property owners including identification of community assets, tracking of market trends and identification of redevelopment opportunities in Dakota County.
Opportunity Zones are low-income communities and certain neighboring areas recognized by the state and federal governments which can be special opportunities for brownfield funding.
Brownfield Coalition Sites are selected through the submission of a Site Nomination Form (link?). Once the Form is received and the CDA & County agree it is a good use of funds an Eligibility Determination is prepared and submitted to EPA. Once EPA approves use of funding for the site work can begin.
Want to develop a site?
Want to redevelop a property? Want to learn more about redevelopment of brownfield properties?
Dakota County can assist with technical assistance, regulatory guidance, timeline evaluation, pre-purchase environmental due diligence and funding. CDA offers redevelopment and brownfield grants for planning, environmental investigation, and cleanup.
Contact us for more information.
- Cathy Undem, Dakota County - cathy.undem@co.dakota.mn.us
- Lisa Alfson, Dakota County CDA - lalfson@dakotacda.org
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