Alkali Lake Wildlife Management Area

Explore the Alkali Lake WMA through photos, videos, and interactive maps

About __insert name__ WMA

Conserving Nevada's Wildlife

The Nevada Department of Wildlife owns or has long-term leases on more than 155,000 acres of land incorporated into wildlife management areas (WMAs) across the state of Nevada. The primary conservation goal on WMAs is the protection of wetlands and waterfowl, including the use of WMAs for recreational hunting.

EDIT HERE: example: ________ Wildlife Management Area


EDIT HERE: example: Settlement of the White River Valley progressed during the 1870s when isolated homesteads appeared, generally associated with meadows where a water supply was available. During the early 1900s, W. E. McGill and J. W. Adams formed the Adams-McGill Company which owned and operated a successful ranching empire for several decades with ranch land and associated federal rangeland totaling nearly 100,000 acres. Ervin Hendrix purchased the Sunnyside and Hot Creek Ranches in 1943 and operated the ranch for the next 16 years until 1959. The Nevada Fish and Game Commission recognized the wildlife potential of the property and purchased the area in 1959. In May 1968, the area was established as the Wayne E. Kirch WMA in honor of Fish and Game Commissioner Wayne E. Kirch of Clark County. Today, KWMA is composed of a total of 14,815 acres, including five major reservoirs

(insert inset map here) Location of ___insert name__ WMA

Geographic Description

EDIT HERE: example: Located in the Lahontan Valley, at the base of the Carson Sink, south of Fallon, Nevada. (About 76 Miles Southeast of Reno, NV) Once in Fallon, Nevada take US 95 South approximately 8.5 miles. Turn left on Pasture Rd. Follow Pasture Rd for approximately 2.3 miles, its the first right entrance with two open gates.

Virtual Map Tour

Click on any point in the map to learn about the location or select a topic and scroll down to explore the __________ WMA! To view the map legend, click the right hand arrow next to the the display image.







Public Use


EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example: Big Water, Sprig, Rice, York, Grimes, Sump Unit(s)Lahontan Valley wetlands consist of fresh and alkaline marshes varying from several inches to 3 feet deep. The wetlands are largely dependent on irrigation return flows. CLP has five habitat types: emergent wetland, open water, mudflats, wet meadow and pasture, and uplands. The types of emergent wetland vegetation are cattails, alkali, and hardstem bulrush. The amount of emergent vegetation varies slightly from year to year in each wetland management unit and is dependent on water quantity and quality.


EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example: Big Water, Sprig, Rice, York, Grimes, Sump Unit(s)


EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example:

Raptors: great horned owl, short-eared owl, Cooper’s hawk, red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, Swainson’s hawk, northern harrier, osprey, golden eagle, prairie falcon, peregrine falcon, merlin, bald eagles, ferruginous hawks, rough-legged hawks

Songbirds: yellowthroats, horned larks, marsh wrens, red-winged blackbirds, Savannah sparrows, song sparrows, blue grosbeak, ash-throated flycatcher, black phoebe, Western bluebird

Non-game: great blue herons, black-crowned night herons, egrets, bitt erns, white-faced ibis, avocets, black-necked stilts, common snipe, sandpipers, yellowlegs, dowitchers, plovers, phalaropes, grebes, pied-billed grebes, Forster’s terns, Virginia rails, soras, American bitt erns, least bitt erns

Upland Game: California quail, Rio Grande turkeys, mourning doves

Waterfowl: mallard duck, gadwall duck, northern pintail duck, green-winged teal duck, redhead duck, ruddy duck, ring-necked duck, canvasback duck


EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example: Occassional Carp and Catfish when there's water in the ditches


EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example: Big game, nongame, furbearers


EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example: Zebratail Lizard, Long-nosed Leopard Lizard, Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard, Great Basin Fence Lizard, Norhtern Sagebrush Lizard, Side-blotched Lizard, Northern Desert Horned Lizard, Western Skink, Great Basin Whiptail, Roucky Mounatin Rubber Boa, Western Yellow-bellied Racer, Red Coachwhip, Mojave Patch-nosed Snake, Great Basin Gopher Snake, California Kingsnake, Wandering Garter Snake, Western Ground Snake, Night Snake, Great Basin Rattlesnake, Bullfrog

Public Use

EDIT HERE: Edit location, and set current zoom level to 'Town'

EDIT HERE: example: hunting blind, bathrooms, use of campfires, camping, all public use spatial POIs

Public Uses

Entry Restrictions and Trespass

EDIT HERE: example: Between February 15 and August 15 a person shall not enter, occupy, use or be upon the following portion of Nesbit Lake north of the old fence line.

Vehicular Travel

EDIT HERE: example: Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, it is prohibited, within a wildlife management area, to operate a motor vehicle:

  1. Off an interior road or trail that is designated for vehicular travel; or
  2. On an interior road or trail that is marked as closed to vehicular travel. (Refer to NAC 504.115)

Use of Vessels

EDIT HERE: example: A primitive boat launch site is located on the south side of Nesbitt Lake. Vessels must be operated at a speed that leaves a flat wake, but in no case may exceed 5 nautical miles per hour. Motorized vessels are prohibited during the waterfowl hunting season.


EDIT HERE: example: Hunting is allowed every day for wildlife species upon which there is an established open season.

Deer may be hunted only on the following days during the season set for the hunting of deer: Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays; Nevada Day, as observed, pursuant to NRS 236.015; November 11, Veteran’s Day as observed; Thanksgiving Day; and Family Day, as declared pursuant to NRS 236.015. Deer may be hunted only with bow and arrow during the season set for the archery hunt for deer. Mule Deer: Nov 5 - Nov 3.

Special Restrictions

EDIT HERE: example: Discharging of a rifle or pistol is prohibited. The use of shotguns capable of holding more than three shells is prohibited on all wildlife management areas owned or managed by this State unless the shotgun is plugged with a one-piece filler, incapable of removal without disassembling the gun, so that the total capacity of the shotgun does not exceed three shells. The use or possession of shells for a shotgun containing shot that is toxic or larger than standard-size T is prohibited. (Refer to NAC 504.135)

Printable Map

Want to print a map before your visit? Free to download here: _____link to PDF document__

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Check out NDOW's other WMAs:

insert links or embed for Alkali Lake Bruneau River Carson Lake Fernley Franklin Lake Humboldt Key Pittman Kirch Mason Valley Scripps Steptoe Valley

EDIT HERE: example: ________ Wildlife Management Area

(insert PDF map here)