Car Wash Investment Property - Winder

0.4 +/- Acres Barrow County, GA $1,180,280

Property Photos

Property photo gallery

Parcel Map


The demographics within a 1, 3 and 5 mile distance from the subject property.

Population Density Map

The populations density within a 1, 3 and 5 mile distance from the subject property.

Local Retail

View some of the local retail locations in proximity to subject property

Drive Time Map

15, 30, and 45 minute drive times

Traffic Counts

Average daily traffic counts provided by Sites USA

Location Map

This interactive web map allows you to explore the area around the property.

Location Overview: 78 W Athens Street Winder, GA 30680

Flood Risk Map

Surrounding area flood risk map


Parenn Mulji

Parenn Mulji

Land Professional, Atlanta, GA Office Licensed in: GA

Cell: 404-509-5720

Office: 470-735-8946


Note: Listing information provided is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All maps and related content is provided without guarantees of accuracy. The user should validate all information through their own due diligence.

Parenn Mulji