Housing Navigator

Welcome to the City of Danville's Housing Navigator. This Storymap provides information about housing demand, construction, and services.

Community Profile

Located in southern Virginia along the North Carolina border, Danville has a population of 42,556. The median household income is $38,904 and the median house value is $91,800. Danville's cost of living is 16% lower than the U.S. average.

Based on a four-quarter moving average, the city's total employment was 25,250. The largest industry sectors in the city are Health Care and Social Assistance (21.5%), Manufacturing (16.1%), and Retail Trade (14.8%).

Danville's Immediate Housing Needs

Incentives for Developers, Home Buyers, and Renters

New Housing Permits

Current Projects

Neighborhood Planning

The City of Danville is taking a proactive approach to planning and designing for new housing development that meets the needs of the community with a focus on affordable, “missing middle”, and market-rate housing, ensuring that residents have a range of places and housing choices in the future.

Through this planning process, the City and its consultant (WRT) are working with landowners and the community to collaboratively test out and design future residential neighborhoods, helping to meet the city’s pent up demand, providing places where residents can age in place and not be priced out of Danville, and helping to meet the needs of ongoing economic growth.

This engagement summary will be updated throughout the planning process and will provide a record of each engagement event and a summary of community feedback and ideas. This process is being closely coordinated with PlanDanville, the city’s new comprehensive plan. We will look for opportunities to leverage other engagement opportunities and events.

Sales Dashboard

 Individual sales since July 1, 2020.  

Interested in knowing where houses are being sold? Follow  this link  to our Real Estate Sales Analysis Dashboard. Dynamic sections of the dashboard update automatically as users filter by sale price, date, and location. This dashboard is updated weekly with the latest sales information from July 1, 2020 - Present.

For more information regarding assessments, property ownership, and transactions, follow  this link  to our Parcel Viewer application.

Emergency Housing Services

Low Income


Housing Summit

This full-day event featured presentations on local, state, and federal funding options, a panel showcasing examples of housing projects currently underway, and an exhibit hall. In addition, participating localities provided information about single- and multi-family development opportunities throughout the Southern Virginia region.

PowerPoint presentations from the summit can be found  here .

Explore the available sites suitable for development projects in  PDF format .

Explore Available Sites

For more information regarding sites suitable for development, please contact Susan McCulloch, Division Director of Housing & Development at  mcculse@danvilleva.gov ; 434-799-5260 x 2505


Housing Information

City of Danville's Division of Housing & Development


City of Danville GIS

 Individual sales since July 1, 2020.