DHIA Records

A brief history and what DHIA records are


My topic focuses on the efficiency and organization of Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) production records. The DHIA production records are an effective way of organizing information for better dairy management through data on milk production, herd size, breeding records, and feed records. The DHIA records started in Humboldt County, California in 1909. But this record keeping system was first a part of an association called Ferndale Cow Testing Association. The Ferndale Cow Testing Association is still in operation. The DHIA records are modeled after a record system created by this association. The DHIA records took off in the 1920s because the association reached out to farm bureaus, banks, and ag groups. The reason why it took off is by people being actively involved in the association. Also in the 1950s the DHIA started becoming national because of the importance of individual cow records.

This is me and my heifer Pearl

Personal Experience

I have had some background in this field. I have shown dairy heifers since I was nine. That means I have shown eight heifers. I have gotten heifers from two dairies and they both had DHIA records. These pictures are of me and my heifer Pearl.

Each time I went to buy a heifer I looked at these records so I could make an informed decision on which heifer I wanted. The dairymen also look at this information when looking at heifers. As I have said before because the heifers haven't had their first calf we looked at the dams records and that gave an expectation for the heifer itself.


Through this story map we can see the benefits and effects the DHIA production records have on the dairy industry. These include milk production, breeding records, herd size and for the effects on dairymen's appreciation and consumers benefits. The DHIA organization's record keeping system revolutionized this industry. While researching I saw a change in the records from the paper records and now with electronic records. We have great thanks to the Ferndale Cow Testing Association on creating this great record keeping system.


“Cattle in Milking Center.” Calisphere, https://calisphere.org/item/b7b4dd23695f1d30c718bbb80965e301/. Accessed 7 May 2021.

Cattle in a Stanchion. https://images.app.goo.gl/TebmmbhAKB2KTFuV6. Accessed 12 May 2021.

Cows Feeding. https://images.app.goo.gl/TUdRhjhqGyXMZh8Q8. Accessed 13 May 2021.

“DHIA 1929-1979 - 50 Yrs Testing Cows in Del Norte County.” Calisphere, https://calisphere.org/item/bd17a2bb-f1e6-4514-a80d-7b68a35f1647/. Accessed 7 May 2021.

"Influence of DHIA on Dairy Management.” Calisphere, https://calisphere.org/item/3c4f8eaf-003b-49d1-82b0-139e540c3392/. Accessed 7 May 2021.

Pelissier, C. L., and F. M. Murrill. “Impact of Dairy Herd Improvement Association on Milk Production Efficiency.” California Agriculture, Jan. 1970, pp. 4–6.

“Relationship of Herd Size to Production.” Calisphere, https://calisphere.org/item/1304c69a-637e-4fd6-948e-5c06a9c1f248/?order=0. Accessed 7 May 2021.

This is me and my heifer Pearl