2017-2019 Outcomes Report
Water Quality Financial Assistance, Washington Department of Ecology
Importance of Water Quality
Financial Assistance
The Water Quality Program’s financial assistance provides grants and loans directly to high-priority projects. These projects support cleaner water and compliance with regulations.
Sources of financial assistance for projects that benefit water quality in Washington State.
What Ecology Provided for Washington
Wastewater Facilities
Stormwater Activities & Facilities
Nonpoint Source Activities
Onsite Sewage Systems
17-19 biennium onsite sewage systems funding by funding source.
In the 17-19 biennium, Ecology provided almost $12.5 million for the repair and replacement of compromised onsite sewage systems (OSS).
Repairing and replacing OSS is expensive, and can be unaffordable for some property owners. Pollution from failing OSS is a significant issue for drinking water wells, swimming beaches, and shellfish beds.