From Idle to Active
Brownfields Programs Spark Redevelopments in Utah
Mention "eyesore" or "blight" and nearly everyone can think of a place they know of that has been neglected and seems to be frozen in a bygone time. What can be done with shuttered factories, boarded-up buildings on a main street, and long-closed gas stations? Why do they persist?
When the threat of contamination - either real or perceived - prevents properties from being sold or developed, the property is considered a brownfield.
By definition, a brownfield is a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
In Utah, a partnership between the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (Utah DEQ/DERR) {EXIT} and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program facilitates conversion of many of these problem areas into beneficial new uses. Grants, funding mechanisms, and technical assistance provided by the two agencies enable communities to identify brownfields, conduct environmental assessments, and -- if they are found to be contaminated -- clean them up and make them ready for reuse.
Utah DEQ/DERR and EPA each have tools that help address brownfields. They can be used in combination, as they were for this 338-acre Ironton Steel Mill property in Provo that sat idle for more than 35 years.
Provo City was awarded an EPA Brownfields Redevelopment Grant to investigate possible avenues for remediation. The property owner, U.S. Steel Corporation, applied to the Utah DEQ/DERR's Voluntary Cleanup Program and developed a cleanup plan in cooperation with Provo City and Utah DEQ/DERR.
The cleanup focused on removing asbestos-containing materials, tar, slag piles, and lead- and semi-volatile organic compound- contaminated soils.
The new Mountain Vista Business Park built on the former Ironton Steel Mill site now serves as a premier commercial hub for local and national companies. It has brought in new jobs, private investment and higher property values.
Brownfields Assistance
In addition to providing statewide outreach to ensure that communities are consistently informed of brownfields remediation opportunities, Utah DEQ/DERR offers practical brownfields applications, such as technical assistance, a voluntary cleanup program, and enforceable written assurances. See the Utah DEQ/DERR website {EXIT} for more information.
U.S. EPA Brownfields Program
Since its inception in 1995, the EPA Brownfields Program has generated proven results, providing nearly $1.76 billion in grants nationwide to assess and clean up contaminated properties. EPA brownfields grants are active in Utah, assisting mainly with brownfields assessments and cleanups.
Brownfields Assessments
When a property is suspected of being contaminated and reuses are being considered, the first step is to find out if any harmful substances are actually present. Through EPA there are two ways to accomplish this. The short-term method is by Targeted Brownfields Assessment. Areas with multiple properties can be addressed with an EPA Assessment Grant.
Targeted Brownfields Assessment
A Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) is conducted at no cost to the community, tribe, or nonprofit organization requesting assistance. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and assessments are performed throughout the year. The process is straightforward: A project sponsor submits a TBA request to EPA via an online form . EPA promptly follows up with the requester and EPA's contractor begins to investigate the property within a few weeks.
The TBA starts with a detailed look at the history of the property and may also include collecting samples of building materials and soil for testing in a laboratory. The resulting environmental site assessment report describes the presence and locations of any contaminants found on the property and, if needed, includes cleanup options and cost estimates based on anticipated future uses and redevelopment plans.
View a 6 minute video produced by EPA’s Region 3 Office that describes TBAs and their beneficial impacts.
TBAs in Action
Premium Oil in Green River, Utah
The City of Green River owned a property that had previously been a gas station. A known above-ground fuel storage tank spill had occurred in the past and it was suspected that there was a leaking underground fuel storage tank nearby.
In this photo, an EPA contractor is collecting a soil sample core near the area where there was a suspected leaking underground storage tank. The former gas station is visible in the background.
One of the questions to be answered by the TBA was: "are soil-gas vapors from potentially contaminated soil a concern for use of the building and/or future buildings constructed at the site?"
Results from the investigation identified contaminants and recommended a method for remediation.
After remediation, a City/County public safety building was constructed on the site.
Former Gas Station in Elsinore, Utah
In Elsinore, which is located in the south-central part of the state, the brownfields program through Utah DERR helped this small town to get a new public safety facility.
DEQ conducted a TBA at this abandoned gas station. The TBA identified contaminants and recommended actions for remediation.
After cleanup and demolition, the property was redeveloped as a fire station; a big win for the community.
Brownfields Assessment Grants
The second option for funding a brownfield assessment is with an EPA Assessment Grant . These competitive grants are applied for annually, at certain times during the year and are used for evaluating multiple properties in a community or large, complex sites. Communities use the funds to inventory, characterize, assess, conduct community outreach, and develop site-specific cleanup plans related to brownfield sites.
Assessment Grants in Action
Ogden, Utah
This map shows the 37 properties in the City of Ogden that were evaluated for contaminants within the 3-year timeframe of their $400,000 Brownfields Assessment grant. You can zoom into the map to see detailed locations and click on the map symbols for information about each assessment. Download the data table of brownfields assessments in Ogden (XLXS).
Later, we will visit a significant project in Ogden in which these brownfields assessments played a key role.
Brownfields grants aren't limited to urban areas! Local government organizations in less populated parts of Utah, such as the Uintah Basin Association of Governments and Carbon County, have received EPA brownfields assessment grants.
Roosevelt, Utah
In Roosevelt City, current population 7,000, the Western Hills Motel was built in 1961 along the town's main street and highway route. After it closed, the building and the property sat vacant for more than 30 years. The prime location for a business generated interest among potential purchasers; however, the suspicion of soil contamination from a nearby underground petroleum storage tank prevented sale of the property.
Through an Assessment Grant held by the Uintah Basin Association of Governments an environmental assessment was conducted at the property. No contaminants were identified. The results of the assessment were provided to the property owner and a prospective buyer. Having this information enabled the property sale to proceed and a new auto parts store now operates there.
"Although this may not seem like a lot of jobs, for a rural area whose workforce is relatively small and limited the addition of 10 jobs is vital for a local economy." Uintah Basin Association of Governments
Carbon County, Utah
Carbon County competed for and received a $600,000 EPA brownfields assessment grant to evaluate 12 properties at no cost to the owners. This map shows the brownfields assessments that have been conducted with EPA Brownfield Assessment Grants (blue placemarks) in Carbon County, Utah. Download the Carbon County brownfields assessment data table (XLXS).
"The grant is being used to assist owners as they reuse and redevelop properties and buildings, secure funding for new businesses, and sometimes sell properties that would otherwise sit idle or be underutilized." - Carbon County Newsletter March 2021
Total Brownfields Assessments in Utah
Nearly 200 properties in Utah have been evaluated using EPA Brownfields Assessment Grants and over 50 TBAs have been completed.
This map shows the brownfields assessments that have been conducted with EPA Brownfields Assessment Grants (green diamonds) and TBAs (blue circles). Darker symbols indicate that multiple symbols overlap. Zoom in and out using the "plus" and "minus" icons in the lower right of the map to get a better view.Click on a map symbol to get information about each property. Download the data table for brownfields assessment grants in Utah (XLXS). Download the data table for TBAs in Utah (XLXS) .
Cleaning Up Brownfields
When contaminants are identified and a cleanup plan is developed, the cleanup cost can be more than the owner can afford. EPA Cleanup Grants are competitive and can be applied for at certain times during the year.
Another tool for funding brownfields cleanups is an EPA Revolving Loan Fund Grant which provides no/low-interest loans for cleanups. When loans are repaid, the loan amount is returned into the fund and re-lent to other borrowers, providing an ongoing source of capital within a community.
As the next two projects illustrate, EPA-sponsored mechanisms have been used in combination with tools and technical assistance provided by the Utah DEQ/DERR to remediate Utah brownfields and support community and economic development.
Centro Civico Mexicano, Salt Lake City
Centro Civico Mexicano started in 1935 to promote solidarity among Salt Lake City's Hispanic community.
Since its inception, the nonprofit organization has operated in a building west of downtown Salt Lake City.
Recently, the group created a bold plan to expand their civic center to include senior housing, playing fields, a theater, classrooms, retail space and more, as illustrated in these artist's concepts.
But during redevelopment planning, pollutants were discovered in the soil. These were likely left as residual impacts from previous industrial activity in the area. This was a blow to Centro Civico's expansion plans.
Centro Civico contacted Utah DEQ/DERR, who helped them get a TBA. As shown here, the TBA collected soil samples and checked for potential contamination of soils and groundwater in the area slated for new construction.
Semi-volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, asbestos-containing materials, and lead-based paint were found on the property, all of which required cleanup before any new development could proceed.
Centro Civico had to determine how to pay for the cleanups. With the help of Utah DEQ/DERR, they successfully procured a $200,000 EPA brownfields cleanup grant.
Then, Utah DEQ/DERR helped Centro Civico secure a $200,000 loan from the Wasatch Front Brownfields Coalition revolving loan fund.
These sources helped fund the soil remediation, which is shown here.
EPA's investment in this project unlocked more than $12.2 million in leveraged redevelopment funding for construction of Casa Milagro, a 61-unit affordable housing apartment building for seniors, and a future new civic center for Centro Civico.
“We’ve needed a lot of improvement to this side of the city, so we are proud to be part of that. It’ll be something that the Hispanic community will be proud of to give back to the entire community.” Brandi Farmer, Centro Civico President and CEO.
Ogden Business Exchange, Ogden, Utah
The former Ogden Union Stockyards were a prominent economic force in the City from 1917 to 1977, producing the modern equivalent of approximately $1.3 billion in commerce, and employing hundreds of people in Ogden and the surrounding area. In the 1970s, both the stockyards and all associated processing plants declined and closed. The property changed hands several times over the years, eventually falling into disuse and dilapidation. The site remained vacant for 40 years; becoming infamous locally for blight, decay, and environmental contamination.
The pre-cleanup conditions at the former stockyards.
Determined to transform the area, the City of Ogden embarked on a redevelopment process that included the following steps:
Step 1
A master plan was developed, which established the redevelopment vision as a lifestyle-based manufacturing and production park.
Step 2
An action plan was made for environmental remediation, demolition of buildings and structures (except the historic Exchange Building), and installation of new infrastructure.
Step 3
An EPA Brownfields Community Wide Assessment Grant was secured by the City, to better define the remediation effort.
This map shows the properties related to the Ogden Union Stockyards that were assessed with the grant. You can zoom in and click on the blue symbols to get more information about each.
Step 4
When the results of the brownfields assessments were known, Ogden the sought help from Utah DEQ/DERR to pursue an Enforceable Written Assurance. This legal document provides protection to prospective purchasers and helps remove barriers to redevelopment.
Utah DEQ/DERR also worked with the City to develop a Voluntary Cleanup Plan. The property was divided into sections so that the most critical areas could be addressed first.
To help pay for the cleanup, Ogden applied for and was awarded a loan from the Wasatch Front Brownfields Coalition Revolving Loan Fund.
Step 5
The cleanup process was extensive, with three phases of cleanup conducted over three years. Parcels were sold to private businesses as remediation was completed.
Use the slider arrow to see the aerial image on the left of the stockyards before cleanup and the image on the right that shows the same site in 2020, after cleanup.
The City of Ogden reports that beyond revitalizing a blighted and underutilized area, the Ogden Business Exchange will:
- Contribute to the recruitment and retention of business to Ogden;
- Enable the creation of approximately 400 jobs, including high-quality manufacturing jobs;
- Attract significant private investment;
- Catalyze the revitalization of West Ogden; and
- Create new open space and improve access to the Weber River.
This 3-minute video produced by the City of Ogden tells more about Ogden's redevelopment vision and process.
"The West Ogden area has faced substantial environmental injustice – two dumps, a transfer station, and a defunct stockyard in their neighborhood for decades. Removing the waste and detritus from the stockyard, and the subsequent redevelopment projects, acted as the catalyst for improved community growth and vitality. By improving the property along the river and introducing public easements for direct access, the City has been able to reintroduce a unique and memorable recreational amenity to the West Ogden community." Ogden Utah Business Development News, posted September 9, 2020
With assistance from Utah DERR and EPA, Utah communities have tapped the potential of the brownfields program to help remove the environmental uncertainties that often pose obstacles to redevelopment.
To see how the brownfields program can benefit your community or situation, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Brownfields Department of Environmental Response and Remediation Program {EXIT} offers an array of assistance.
As part of its mission to protect human health and the environment, EPA is dedicated to revitalizing contaminated land for productive and sustainable reuses. Learn more about how the EPA brownfields program works in Utah and throughout EPA Region 8 and about how grants can play a role in realizing community redevelopment goals.
Contact Information
Utah DEQ/DERR Brownfields Program Coordinator Bill Rees .
EPA Region 8 Brownfields Project Manager and information about this StoryMap Melisa Devincenzi .
EPA Region 8 TBA Program Coordinator Joann Jeplawy .