Eureka Road Reconstruction
Resident Input | Shorewood, MN

Project Location Map
Project Purpose
Eureka Road is proposed to have the bituminous pavement improved from Birch Bluff Road to Smithtown Road in 2025. The project could be the opportunity to address several planning and maintenance items for the city and surrounding neighborhoods, such as:
- Incorporate a sidewalk or trail that has been identified in the city’s 2011 Master Trail Plan from Birch Bluff Road to the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail.
- Address any known safety concerns such as speeding, pedestrian safety, intersection sightlines, on-street parking, or others.
- Improve the pavement surface and base materials to reduce long-term maintenance costs for the city.
- Address any known watermain or sanitary sewer issues.
- Improve drainage in the area and explore options to provide water quality treatment to storm water prior to entering Lake Minnetonka.
- Eureka Road has currently been budgeted for pavement reclamation and the addition of concrete curb & gutter and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the east side of the roadway for $1.96 million.
- Reclamation includes the pulverizing and mixing of the existing bituminous pavement and the underlaying aggregate base material and constructing a new bituminous surface on top of the pulverized material.
- Eureka Road improvements have been incorporated into the city’s Capital Improvement Plan since at least 2017.
- A sidewalk or trail connection on Eureka Road has been included in planning documents since the 2011 Master Trail Plan .
- The Birch Bluff Road project did not include a sidewalk connection from Eureka Road to Pleasant Ave.
- Eureka Road is designated as a Municipal State Aid roadway for the city. This means that the city receives funds from MnDOT State Aid for maintenance and can utilize State Aid Funds for improvements to the roadway. If improvements are made, and the city plans to use money from MnDOT State Aid, then the roadway design must meet certain criteria for design speed, lane width, on street parking widths, shoulder widths, drainage, and other items. The criteria vary depending on the type of improvement. Currently the city is not anticipating constructing the roadway to State Aid Standards because the required street widening would be larger than either proposed option discussed below.
- Utilities (watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer):
- Watermain: Exists under the roadway and serves residents along Eureka Road and Maple View Court. Watermain is only stubbed out at Nesline Drive and Orchard Circle. Further evaluation will be required by the city to determine if valves or hydrants need to be replaced in coordination with this project.
- Sanitary Sewer: Exists under the roadway and serves all residents on Eureka and side streets. Further evaluation will be required by the city to determine if manholes, mains, or services need to be repaired in coordination with this project.
- Storm Sewer: Some small amounts of storm sewer exist along the project and discharge into the adjacent wetland. No major drainage issues are currently known along the project, however several yards drain toward the street and convey the water at the edge of the bituminous. This prematurely deteriorates the pavement and could be improved with selective areas of curb & gutter and additional storm sewer.
Proposed Improvements
There are three project scopes that could be applied to the roadway and the city is seeking feedback on which option to pursue.
Option 1: Reclamation and addition of curb & sidewalk to one side of roadway
Option 1 Typical Section
- Reclaiming or pulverizing and mixing the existing bituminous pavement and underlying aggregate base material and constructing new bituminous surfaced on top of the pulverized material.
- Addition of concrete curb & gutter and a 6-foot-wide concrete sidewalk on the east side of roadway placed against the curb.
- Widens roadway footprint to city standard of 26 feet.
- Will accommodate on-street parking.
- Will require removal of trees. The exact trees or number of trees is not currently known.
- Will allow for safety improvements for pedestrians.
- Will allow for improvements to any known drainage issues.
- The estimated project cost is $1.96 million and is currently budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan.
- Roadway expected to last about 20-30 years with regular maintenance until a mill & overlay would be required to improve the pavement surface.
Option 2: Mill & Overlay
Option 2 Typical Section
- Milling or grinding off the top 1.5-2.0 inches of the pavement and replacing it with a new layer of pavement of similar thickness.
- Does not change roadway footprint.
- Does not require significant impacts or removal of trees. Some selective tree removal may still be required.
- Does not typically fix any known safety concerns.
- Does not typically fix any significant drainage concerns.
- The estimated project cost is $325,000 and would save $1.63 million in 2025 construction costs.
- Roadway expected to last about 10-15 years with regular maintenance until another mill & overlay would be required to improve the pavement surface.
Option 3: Reclamation and selective addition of curb
Option 3 Typical Section
- Reclaiming or pulverizing and mixing the existing bituminous pavement and underlying aggregate base material and constructing new bituminous surface on top of the pulverized material.
- Addition of concrete curb & gutter in selective areas.
- Widen roadway footprint to city standard of 26 feet.
- Will accommodate on-street parking.
- Will have minimal impacts on trees. The exact trees or number of trees is not currently known.
- Will not include a sidewalk.
- Will allow for improvements to any known drainage issues. The estimated project cost is $1.46 million and will save approximately $500,000 in 2025 construction costs.
- Roadway expected to last about 20-30 years with regular maintenance until a mill & overlay would be required to improve pavement surfaces.
Watermain Improvements
Currently watermain runs under Eureka Road and serves the residents along Eureka Road and Maple View Court, watermain does not extend on Nelsine Drive and Orchard Circle. Further evaluation to install watermain on these streets now or at a later date are currently being reviewed.
Sanitary Improvements
Currently sanitary sewer runs under Eureka Road and serves residents on Eureka Road and the surrounding neighborhoods. The system will be reviewed and televised. Any issues discovered will be addressed as part of the project.
Drainage Improvements
The storm sewer improvements will include the construction of storm sewer facilities to convey street and area runoff to existing low areas along the corridor.
- There are many low points on properties adjacent to the proposed improvements that will be connected to the trunk storm sewer under the street to help resolve known flooding and prolonged inundation during wet periods. If a property owner knows of drainage issues that could be resolved with the project they should reach out to the City as soon as possible, so solutions can be reviewed and incorporated into the plans.
Project Timeline
Current - Fall 2023
Spring 2023 - Fall 2024
Spring 2025 - Fall 2025
Fall 2025
We want your input!
Gathering concerns from area businesses, residents, and the traveling public – including people walking, biking, rolling, and driving – is a top priority for planning the recondition of Eureka Road. Throughout the public engagement effort the project team will:
a. Prioritize equity and inclusion b. Collaborate with community partners c. Identify and communicate impacts of proposed changes
Map your ideas
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INPUTiD Comment Map
Additional Information
Project contact
Andrew Budde | City Engineer | cityengineer@ci.shorewood.mn.us | 952-960-7910
City Trail Master Plan
City of Shorewood Trail Master Plan Map
What's Under My Street
Example of typical utilities under newly developed urban streets. On Birch Bluff Rd and Lee Circle, the electrical and communications lines are planned to remain above ground.
What to Expect During Construction (video)
Shorewood - What To Expect During Construction 2021