2025 Campus StoryMap Competition
Discovering Caltech: Showcasing Our Campus Through GIS
The Caltech GIS StoryMap competition is an exciting opportunity for students, staff, alumni, researchers and members of the general public with an interest in Caltech culture to showcase their creativity and GIS expertise. Participants will create interactive ArcGIS StoryMaps that explore campus-related themes, using geospatial technology to tell compelling stories about Caltech’s unique architecture, landscape, and research.
Participants are invited to create a StoryMap based on Caltech-related ideas, including but not limited to:
- Architecture: Explore the history, design, or evolution of Caltech’s buildings.
- Landscape: Document the gardens, green spaces, or biodiversity across campus.
- Points of Interest: Highlight iconic views and hidden gems on campus.
- Scientific Legacy: Trace the groundbreaking discoveries and significant research projects that have shaped Caltech’s legacy, highlighting the buildings and spaces where they took place.
- Most Creative: Innovative storytelling with engaging visuals and a unique perspective.
- Most Informative: Demonstrates in-depth research and provides insightful, data-rich content.
Open to all members of the Caltech community:
- Students (undergraduate and graduate)
- Faculty and staff
- Caltech alumni
- General public who is interested in Caltech culture
Submission Requirements
- Platform: All StoryMaps must be created using ArcGIS StoryMaps.
- Content: Must align with the campus-related theme.
- Format: StoryMaps must include interactive maps, multimedia elements (images, videos), and narratives.
- Submission Deadline: May 9, 2025
Evaluation Criteria
- Relevance: Alignment with the theme.
- Creativity: Innovative use of GIS tools and storytelling elements.
- Impact: Ability to engage and inform the audience.
- Technical Excellence: Effective and seamless integration of geospatial data and design.
- Winners will have their StoryMaps featured on the Caltech Facilities website, gaining visibility across the campus community.
- Exciting Caltech-themed swag for all category winners.
February 12, 2025
Competition Launch
May 9, 2025
Submission Deadline
May 12–22, 2025
May 23, 2025
Winner Announcement
Competition Jury Panel
The jury panel for the Caltech GIS StoryMap competition will feature a distinguished group of experts across various disciplines:
- Peter S. Collopy – University Archivist and Head of Archives and Special Collections
- Tony A. Diaz – Librarian for Geological & Planetary Sciences, and Physics, Math & Astronomy
- Leandra J. Davis – Executive Director for Planning, Design, and Construction
- Marie-Claude Fares – Director of Planning, Engineering, and Architecture
- Shayna M. Chabner McKinney – Chief Communications Officer and Assistant Vice President, Strategy Implementation
- Lori Oliwenstein – Director of Institute Communications and Special Projects
StoryMaps Workshop (Open to general public)
- Time: Monday, March 24, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
- Location: Zoom
- Sign up for workshop: https://libcal.caltech.edu/event/14210636
- Join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll guide you through the essentials of creating a StoryMap for the competition. You will learn how to:Whether you're new to GIS or an experienced user, this workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge to create a compelling StoryMap. Don't miss this opportunity to get hands-on experience and make your StoryMap stand out!
- Sign up and log in to the GPS Division ArcGIS account.
- Understand the competition requirements and timeline.
- Explore the basics of ArcGIS StoryMaps and its features.
Contact Information and Project Submittal
- General competition information: Katie Chiu kaiting@caltech.edu
- Caltech ArcGIS account inquiries: Tony Diaz tonyd@caltech.edu
Build your Story with ArcGIS StoryMaps
If you're part of the Caltech community, sign in to the Caltech GPS ArcGIS account to create and share your story using ArcGIS StoryMaps.
If you are general public, you can create a free account below.
Submit Your Project
Are you ready? Below is the link for the project Submittal.