The Most Polluted Zip Code In Michigan


The zip code 42817 near Boynton and Oakwood Heights is Michigan's most polluted zip code. The community is filled with toxic chemicals wafting from steel mills, coal-fired power plants, smokestacks, a salt mine, wastewater treatment plant, and one of the nation's largest oil refineries. Toxic chemicals such as benzene, hydrogen cyanide, and chromium in the air can be deadly. Residents of 48217 suffer from disproportionately high rates of asthma, cancer, brain damage, respiratory problems, birth defects, and cognitive impairments. These illnesses are caused by the insane levels of polluted air. Residents of 48217 also say the air has a terrible odor and unusual smell.

This map above shows Michigan's most polluted zip code

Not So Fun Facts

The University of Michigan School of Public Health estimates that air pollution kills more than 650 Detroiters a year 

University of Michigan researchers examined standardized test scores at Detroit schools in 2013 and found that children with elevated levels of lead performed the worst.

7. 97% of cities in low- and middle-income countries with more than 100,000 inhabitants do not meet the WHO minimum air quality levels, and in high-income countries, 29% of cities fall short of guidelines.

Opinion- The disregard for human life shown by the government to the people who live in zip code 48217 is very very sad. The air is slowly killing members of society and there is nothing they can do. Most families in zip code 48217 face serious financial trouble and couldn't move out of this toxic environment if they tried. I believe that the government needs to enact more laws and legislation that would prevent more pollution and damage to this community. One example of legislation working against air pollution is The Clean Air Act. This act gives EPA the authority to limit emissions of pollutants coming from sources like chemical plants, utilities, and steel mills.

Book Connection: This relates to chapter 18. Chapter 18 is all about air pollution and how humans cause pollution. Also this chapter covers most of the main pollutants of zip code 48217. This chapter also goes over some of the dangers pollution can cause to plants and animals. Many of these dangers are a reality to people living in Boynton.