SMTC Work Products Portfolio
A summary of planning activities between 2007 and 2021

The Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council completes a variety of planning projects or studies annually, some of which are recurring work items. Topics addressed through these planning studies include:
- Impacts of land use and development on the transportation system;
- Safety;
- Bicycle, pedestrian, and transit needs;
- Traffic operations;
- Congestion;
- Parking; and
- Bridge and pavement conditions.
Project Locations
The following maps include a general point location for each project. Please note that project location points for county or metropolitan planning area wide projects have been generally placed in Onondaga Lake. Additionally, points for City wide or agency specific projects with large study areas have been placed at the respective agency's office location. For specific project study area boundaries please refer to the linked project document downloads.
Environmental Considerations & Assessments
If you are interested in more detailed environmental considerations mapping please visit:
Or, the SOCPA GIS on the Web interactive map located here: http://www.fsihost.com/onondaga/
For more information about completing State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) forms, please visit this DEC website: https://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6191.html
As stated on the above linked website, the NYS DEC provides a mapping application that will auto populate environmental information for either a short or full environmental assessment form based on project location. This tool can be accessed directly by clicking here: https://gisservices.dec.ny.gov/eafmapper/
Regionally Significant Projects
The United States Department of Transportation defines a project as Regionally Significant if the transportation project is on a facility that serves regional transportation needs (such as access to and from the area outside the region; major activity centers in the region; major planned developments such as new retail malls, sports complexes, or employment centers; or transportation terminals) and would normally be included in the modeling of the metropolitan area’s transportation network. The Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council has worked on four multi-year projects since 2007 that are regionally significant. The SMTC notes that these studies build the foundation for potential new studies and even project development.
Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning
Federal legislation requires that transportation planning activities of MPOs increase the safety and security for motorized and non-motorized users. The SMTC has studied a wide variety of bicycle and pedestrian projects throughout the MPA. While many studies are site-specific, other studies are intended to be guidelines for development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and safety measures. Additional studies may be found at www.smtcmpo.org .
Corridor Studies
Corridor studies examine numerous transportation topics from road diets to break-in-access.
Comprehensive Planning
Comprehensive Planning topics range from assisting municipalities with the transportation component of their Comprehensive Plans, Feasibility Studies, educational outreach, traffic data collection, and crash data analysis.
General Planning
General Planning topics include recurring items such as Congestion Management Process, Bridge and Pavement Condition Management System, and Environmental Justice documents. Other topics such as feasibility studies, wayfinding, transit, freight, and modeling efforts are examined.
Additional Resources
The Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council also creates maps, newsletters, brochures, reference materials, and other documents for our member agencies. All work products are available free of charge.
- Greater Syracuse Bike Suitability Map (2020) - Download or Interactive
- Centro System Map (2019) - Download
- DIRECTIONS Newsletter (On-going) - View
- Highway Map of Onondaga County New York (2021) - Download
- Transportation Atlas (2015) - Download
- Map of Waterway Destinations & Services in the Greater Syracuse Area (2011) - Download
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Interactive Maps - View