Pacific Southwest Region Recreation Fee Proposals

Introduction & Instructions

Welcome to the Pacific Southwest Region's Recreation Fee Proposal Public Scoping Application!

How to Use this Site

Select one of the forest names above to comment on the recreation fee proposal. Forest names that say *Closed* have ended their commenting period but you can still view the proposed fee changes for developed recreation sites. Each forest provides general project information. Navigating past the general information will bring you to the interactive map. Select a site on the map to see details and leave a comment.

How to Submit a Comment Note: Do not track your physical location if your browser prompts you to. If the map has zoomed to a different location than the project area, press the "Home" button to return to the project.

  1. Select the Home button to see the full list of sites.
  2. Use the "Filter list by map" toggle to show only those sites that are in your current view.
  3. Zoom to, or search for, a location you would like to comment on.
  4. Select the site you would like to comment on and click the green comment button to leave your comment.
  5. Leave your comment and optionally provide your email and any supporting documents as an attachment.
  6. Select the submit button to leave your comment.

 Note: Your comment is limited to 10,000 characters. You do have the option to attach a document if you have more to share. 

Klamath National Forest *Closed

Fall colors reflect off a still river with mountains in the background.

Inyo National Forest *Closed*

Sign that says "inyo national forest" in a grass field with blue sky and rocky mountains in the background

Los Padres National Forest *Closed*

Snowy trailhead on the Los Padres National Forest.

Lassen National Forest *Closed*

Scenic stream on the Lassen National Forest.

San Bernardino National Forest *Closed*

Mountain on the San Bernardino National Forest.

Shasta-Trinity National Forest *Closed*

Inside a lookout on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest.

Tahoe National Forest *Closed*

Tent and a mountain sky on the Tahoe National Forest.