Major League Baseball Stadiums

There are currently 30 active Major League baseball stadiums around the world. Each stadium is assigned as home to one Major League team, some teams even own their stadiums.

Currently there is 15 National League teams and 15 American League teams, each stadium is assigned as part the league for the team that it hosts. Baseball is played differently between National League and American League stadiums.

The map below shows the active stadiums. There are currently 29 active stadiums in the continental United States(US) and 1 active stadium in the United Kingdom(UK).

The lonesome stadium in the UK is located in London, this is  London Stadium  formally called the Olympic Stadium.

Active Stadiums

London Stadium is the only stadium outside of the continental US because Major League Baseball is conducted in the US. However, there are other baseball leagues, and other stadiums used outside of Major League Baseball including the Minor League teams associated with the Major League.

London Stadium is active outside of the US because recently in 2019 the stadium hosted the  London Series , a two-game series between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees. Future games will more than likely be held at London Stadium once a year in the near future with the Boston Red Sox against another Major League team.

While there is currently 30 actively used Major League stadiums, there has been around 224 formally used stadiums.

Most of the former stadiums have been in the US including  Hawaii  but there has also been formally used stadiums in Japan, Australia and Puerto Rico.

Some of these stadiums are still actively used in baseball just no longer home to Major League teams or games.

Inactive Stadiums

One of the inactive stadiums home to the Philadelphia Phillies, the Baker Bowl(1887-1938) was known for its towering right field wall at 60-feet high.

The Tiger Stadium in Detroit(1912-1999) had right field seating that hung 10-foot over the field.

The  Memorial Coliseum  in Los Angeles was built in 1921 as a memorial for all those who served in the US army during World War I and was only active for Major League Baseball for a few years from 1958 to 1961.

As Major League Baseball is divided into two Leagues; the National League and American League, their stadiums are also divided by the League of the team they host.

The map below shows the different active stadiums that are used between the Leagues today.

Major Leagues

Not only are the Major Leagues divided by National and American Leagues, there are also 3 divisions within each League; West, Central and East.

As seen in the map above, most of the Eastern United States is the home to the majority of the active stadiums for the Central and Eastern divisions. Another close set of stadiums are on the west coast in California as the home to 5 of the 30 Major League teams.
