MTSA Interactive Mapping Tool
City of Hamilton
City of Hamilton
Transit-Oriented Development is an approach that focuses growth within a short distance of rapid transit stations, such as light rail transit (LRT) stations and GO train stations.
Hamilton’s east-west LRT corridor is identified as a Priority Transit Corridor in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan).
Hamilton also has 3 GO rail station locations (Hamilton GO Centre, West Harbour, and Confederation).
The area within 500-800 metres (approx.) of each station is considered a Major Transit Station Area (MTSAs).
The Growth Plan provides the following minimum density targets for these MTSAs:
The MTSA Interactive Mapping Tool will show you the City’s draft MTSA boundaries delineations and potential densities that may be achieved in each area, based on existing policies. The boundaries and potential densities are still draft, and we want your feedback.
As you are exploring the map, you will notice that not all MTSAs are achieving the minimum provincial density target. The City can request an alternative density target for certain MTSAs, subject to the approval of the Province.
We invite you to start exploring the MTSA interactive mapping tool.
Click on the map below to start and then select the MTSA that you're interested in.
Click the options button (...) and select "Clear". Now you can select a new MTSA.
Continue scrolling to the comment form at the end of the page to share your feedback.
We welcome your feedback on the draft density targets, MTSA outlines, and any other information you believe is important.
Please use the comment form below to share your thoughts. You have the option to specify the location of your comments by clicking/tapping on the map below. All comments will be kept confidential.
Engage Hamilton MTSA Comments
To learn more about MTSAs and to access reports and other information, visit Engage Hamilton MTSA Project Page