Main Street Veteran's Banner Program
Honoring Those Who Have Served
Banners A-K

Charles Aaron

Michael Aaron

Howard Adkins

John Earl Barton

James B. Beaty

William C. Bigby

Charles Blackwood

Larry Brown

Jack Moore Brown

Newell Brunner

Gerald Bryant

John C "Trey" Burg III

Ottis "Spec" Burnett

George L. Byars

Jerry C. Byars Jr.

Jerry C. Byars Sr.

Carl W. Cannon

Velton Chapin

Monroe M. Cooner

James H. Cornelius

Gordon H. Craven

Michael Crawford

Paul Crowell Sr.

Ernest Crump

Hollis Crump

Jim Cunningham

Jerry Dollar

Boyd J. Dover

Robert Dozier

William "Pete" Earnest

Leon Estes

Charles "Red" Elliott

William Estes, Jr.

Franklin T. Evans

C. Ken Fender

Harold E. Fowler

James Benton Fox

James W. Frye

William H. Gates

Denise Gilbert

Euclid Grace

Thomas Curtis Grace

William A. Grant Jr.

Michael A. Grinston

W. Hardie Gurganus

John S. Hayden, Jr.

Larry Harris

Percy Lee Harton

E. Grady Hendrix

Wayne Hensley

Grady Herron

Larry Lee Hewitt

James W. Hice

Clyde Hodges

James Marlin Hoobler Sr.

Kendrick Brown Hudson

William R. Hudson

William T. Hudson

W. Ralph Hudson

John Mentor Hudson

Dale Hyche

William A. Hyde

Freeman Johnson

James M. Jorden

T. Glenn Kelley M.D.

Charles "Chick" Kelly

Davis "Buck" Kendrick

Gary Dwight Key

Fred Killingsworth

Kenneth Kimbrell

Marvin T. King

Jim Kitson
Banners L-Z

Joy Lollar

Harold E. Martin

Michael McCandless

Mister McClinton

Lecil Jerome McClendon

AJ McDanal

Walton E. McDonald

Charles Ray McGuff

John Taylor McLain

Winford Minor

Ryan Apollo Morgan

Sam Ross Murphy

Thomas Myers

Paul F. Noles

Thomas Olive

Harold O'Rear

William "Bill" Pardon

Charles D. Parrish

Vonnie Pate

Wilbur W. Phillips

John Curtis Poe

Herschel Waid Posey

James "Wade" Posey

Jerry Posten

Virgil Lee Price

Terry L. Price

Robert Elmer Reece

Clifton A. Rhodes

CD Roberts

Franklin T. Robinson

Gordan Roell

David Rowland

Joseph G. Sanders

Claud E. Sartain

Clarence Scruggs

Ira Bud Seel

Jeffery M. Sewell

Hunter Sewell

Vernon E. Shaw

Clement Sherer

Joseph A. Shubert

John Sides

John S. Smothers

Robert H. Smith

Michael R. Smothers

John S Smothers

HC Sparks

JT Sparks

George Grady Sparks

Cecil Earl Stafford Sr.

Ernest H. Stephens Jr.

Thomas Stewart

M.E. Jr Stockman, III

Dorwood Stripling

William D. Stripling

Roy Taylor

Russell Taylor

Christopher Vann

Stanley Wade

James "Mickey" Walker

James David West

James E. Wilson

CB Wilson

John Woodley

John Arlie Woods

William "Bill" Young

William Hoyt Young
Purchase or Renew a Banner
New Banners are $300 Renewal Banners are $200
Banners are guaranteed for 3 years of showing. If banner rips, breaks, or tears, Jasper Main Street will replace it at our expense.
1. Complete the Veteran Banner Program Form
a. Download the form using the button below.
b. Complete the fillable form online or print and complete by hand.
c. Mail or scan & email the form to Jasper Main Street along with a photo of your veteran (see photo requirements).
d. If a form is not complete, the banner cannot be produced.
2. Photo Requirements: High resolution (1500 x 2100 pixels or 9MB or a 5”x7” size) military photograph. For a banner renewal, no new photo is required.
3. Payment Options
a. Pay through our secure PayPal - link below
b. Make checks payable to Jasper Main Street.
c. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 122, Jasper, AL 35502.
For PayPal: Enter the amount you are paying for the banner ($300 for a new banner or $200 for a banner renewal) and add a note that you are sending the money for the veteran banner program including the veteran’s name.
4. Veteran Banner Posting Schedule & Deadlines to Order: The Veteran Banner schedule allows for posting twice during the year for approximately 15 weeks.
– Veteran Banners are posted from May to July – With a deadline to order by March 15th each year. Banners ordered after March 15 th will be added to the Fall postings
– Veteran Banners are posted in October & November – With a deadline to order by August 15th each year. Banners ordered after August 15 th will be added to the next Spring postings.
You may scan this form and send it to mike@jaspermainstreet.com or renae@jaspermainstreet.com, AND you may also scan the photograph and send to the above email or hand deliver the photograph to our office. We do not suggest mailing the photograph.
You may print and deliver the form and photo to the Jasper Main Street offices are located on the corner of 4th Avenue and 18th Street in Downtown Jasper | 311 West 18th Street, Jasper, AL 35501. The mailing adress is PO Box 122, Jasper, AL 35501.
For more information call Jasper Main Street at 205.878.4JMS (4567), email Mike Putman at mike@jaspermainstreet.com OR Renae Wilson at renae@jaspermainstreet.com.
© 2022 Jasper Main Street All Rights Reserved.