Introduction to the MTP, Santa Fe, NM
Prioritizing transportation projects in Santa Fe, NM using the 2020-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan as a guide

The Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (SFMPO) has been planning the transportation network in the Santa Fe area since 1982, after reaching a population exceeding 50,000 people.
The Metropolitan Planning Area includes the city, parts of the County, and the Pueblo of Tesuque. Click on underlined text to visit a linked page, in this case the planning area map and more about the SFMPO.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan details this plan. This document guides investment of federal, state, and local transportation funds. It is updated every 5 years and covers a 25 year horizon.
Keep scrolling to find out how it influences transportation in the Santa Fe Metropolitan Area. Or click/slide through each photo gallery to find out more details about each topic.

This vision guides the Santa Fe Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
The Santa Fe Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a document that reflects our community’s vision for the future transportation system
including roads, bridges, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities, transit/rail facilities, operations, and program support. The MPO Planning Area covers approximately 25% of Santa Fe County, 80% of its population, and 90% of its employment.
The MTP is required under federal code of regulations governing the MPO planning process.
Essential to the planning process is public participation.
The next slideshow hints at what we learned, though you can see the summary in chapter 2 of the MTP, and access all the details in the MTP appendices.
See the Public Participation Plan
These goals influence the prioritization of projects included in the MTP. Each project is evaluated and ranked according to how well they meet each of these goals, which can be found in chapter 6 of the MTP.
Our public outreach lead to the development of the goals guiding the MTP.
The goals expressed in the MTP overlap with state and federal transportation goals.
The identification of mutual goals is essential in working with our partners.
These goals overlap with the broader goals of our community.
Transportation affects so many aspects of our lives, our environment, our health, and our economy. We've aligned the MTP to overlap with the goals of many community partners.
Included in the MTP document are strategies, projects, and funding options to build the transportation network that best supports the vision and goals of the MTP.
Traffic patterns are understood using long-term and short-term counts yielding data like these. These data are summarized in chapter 4 (figure 4-12 on page 4-28), and can also be found on the SFMPO traffic count page
Chapter 4 of the MTP details our existing infrastructure such as the road network, transit network and bike ways network. We have also illustrated the crash patterns, traffic patterns, and some of the identified gaps in the network.
Below you will see the Bikeways network that was first developed in the Bicycle Master Plan and supported in the MTP. Many projects included in the MTP have been developed and included in other plans pertinent to our transportation network.
Read the Bicycle Master Plan or check out the Pedestrian Master Pla n.
2021 Bikeways and Trails
Through the understanding of the network, its gaps, and the needs and desires of the population whom we serve, through many years of work, and careful consideration of the trends, we are able to include a list of transportation projects that illustrate a potential future. This list does not include maintenance projects.
Projects included in the MTP are much more likely to receive federal and state funding than projects that are not included in a coordinated planning document such as the MTP.
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for example is a master list of near-term projects that have federal, state or local funding allocated to them. Each road or trail project MUST be included in the MTP to be federal funding. See the SFMPO TIP page to get a better understanding of current TIP projects and the processes involved.
The process of prioritizing projects is comprehensive and strives to identify those projects that will most effectively move our region’s transportation system toward fulfilling our vision and achieving our goals. Prioritization of regional projects is detailed in chapter 6 of the MTP.
We have identified that all of the projects on both of the maps are desirable. But ultimately the planning process identified the projects that are "fiscally constrained" meaning that funding projections for the next 25 years demonstrate these projects have a could be fully funded.
The illustrative map of projects (left) and the fiscally constrained map of projects (right). Both project sets are listed in chapter 7 of the MTP.
All amendments and projects included in the MTP must be considered by the Technical Coordinating Committee and then voted on by the Transportation Policy Board. These committees are essential to every piece of MPO business and meetings are always open to the public.
Still have questions about this important document?