CDBG Park Improvements Public Comments
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board | Dec. 5, 2019
All residents within 300 ft. of Lawson Park, Franklin Park, and existing traffic diverters were mailed a postcard inviting them to attend the meeting to give feedback on proposed improvements.
This is a map of the addresses of the residents who spoke, as well as the diverters and parks under discussion. Click on a point to view the comments.
Summary of Public Comments
Lawson Park
- Majority opposed paving Parent north of park
- Majority opposed adding parking north of park
- Some supported adding parking south of park, but to defer to those neighbors
- Majority supported multi-age or older age play equipment
- Little support for multi-sport court
- Support for redoing baseball field and basketball courts
- Support for exercise equipment or appropriate scale picnic shelter instead of volleyball court
- Support for adding stop signs around the park
Franklin Park
- Majority supported keeping park enclosed with fence
- Many support 1 tennis court over 2
- Many support younger child or multi-age play equipment
Diverters and Berms
- Majority of those who spoke supported keeping berms and diverters and enhancing them
- Many supported adding more vertical elements for safety,
- Many supported natural plantings that are easier to maintain
- Several mentioned raingardens and bioswales
- Three residents who lived on Longfellow, a street to which traffic is diverted, support removing the berms and diverters
- Those residents who did not live on Longfellow and supported the berms and diverters support adding stop signs on Longfellow, to help with cut through traffic
Other Themes
- More city maintenance of parks needed
- Simplicity of improvements, those that can be easily maintained and built to last