Areawide Pest Management

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Areawide Pest Management (AWPM) is the systematic reduction of a target pest(s) to predetermined levels using uniformly applied pest mitigation measures over geographical areas clearly defined by biologically-based criteria (e.g., pest colonization, dispersal potential). AWPM augments and expands upon the traditional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy, which is defined as a sustainable, environmentally-friendly approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes and/or prevents economic, health, and environmental risks.

Managing pests on an area-wide basis can offer long-term solutions to pest problems. When successfully implemented, the methodology could prevent major pest outbreaks and provide a more sustainable and permanent control procedure for pests.

Historically, the AWPM concept has been practiced in some form since the late 1800s. The overall premise is that several serious economic and damaging ecological pests can be effectively managed by using organized and coordinated population control measures over large areas rather than using a field-by-field approach. Examples of AWPM projects that have been going on for years include the pink bollworm and boll weevil in the cotton growing regions of California and the Southeastern US (1960s and 1970s); grasshoppers in the Great Plains and Intermountain West (1980s); and gypsy moth in hardwood forests of the Northeast (1990s)


In 1993, USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in concert with a USDA IPM Working Group, developed a partnership framework for an AWPM initiative that would include the federal, state, and private sectors as partners. On September 27, 1993, key pest management representatives from the USDA, university research and extension, and several state Departments of Agriculture participated in an organizational meeting in Beltsville, Maryland. At this meeting, participants identified key pests and cropping systems for which environmentally sound pest management technologies were available for implementation on an area-wide basis. The following year, Congress allocated funding that would support projects through the AWPM program and continues today.


The original goals of ARS AWPM program included all of the following:

  • Demonstrate technologies for suppressing key target pests to manageable levels using the AWPM IPM concept
  • Increase community involvement in the initiative through educational programs during the program
  • Increase economic benefits to end-users, the community, and other stakeholders as a result of the program
  • Promote a sustainable AWPM suppression program
  • Introduce, transfer, and encourage adoption of the demonstrated pest suppression tactics and approach

Early On

In 1994, the first AWPM project was initiated in the northwestern United States against codling moth, which was a significant problem in apple orchards. Mating disruption was used to reduce the pest population while reducing and eliminating the use of organophosphate insecticides, saving growers money and protecting the environment. 

In 1995, a second AWPM project was initiated for corn rootworm in the Midwest by using adult semio-chemical insecticide bait. Corn rootworm populations were significantly reduced at participating sites and new bait products were developed and evaluated for use in rootworm-infested areas.

In 1996, two other AWPM IPM projects were initiated:

  • Utilizing two elevator networks in Kansas and Oklahoma, stored wheat was followed and monitored for insects as it was moved from farm to the county and finally to the terminal elevator. Fumigation using aluminum phosphide pellets, as needed, along with sampling/monitoring and decision support software was used in the demonstration project.
  • Leafy spurge, an invasive weed of rangelands, was targeted in a partnership between a half dozen state and federal agencies, including ARS, APHIS, BLM, NPS, USFS, Departments of Agriculture, and land grant universities. Biological control along with other tactics, such as grazing, revegetation, and herbicides, were implemented with GIS and decision aids.

Between 1999 and 2006, ARS initiated six additional AWPM Demonstration projects.

Recent Projects

Today, 24 projects have been completed with funding through the AWPM program and have addressed a variety of pests in systems ranging from highly managed crops to lower-input natural areas. A database of specific project information and be searched and viewed in the "Data Exploration" tab of this story-map, in the navigation bar above.

Current Projects

The AWPM Program has six active projects on crops, insects, invasive plants, and agronomic weeds spread across the US. These updates provide a brief summary, current status and projections along with photos and graphs.

Site-Specific Soil Pest Management in Strawberry and Vegetable Cropping Systems (6th Year)

Site-Specific Soil Pest Management in Strawberry and Vegetable Cropping Systems (6th Year). Click to expand.

Summary – Site-specific soil management is needed to facilitate fumigant applications based on actual pathogen load and distribution. Variable rate fumigant applications match the amount of fumigant with pathogen pressure within a crop field. Thus, reducing net fumigation amounts applied while the level of disease control is equal to or better than traditional single dose fumigation strategies. Techniques developed through the project have been to quantify pathogens in the soil, implement high resolution remote sensing imagery at a plant level, and collect precision yield data to create maps of disease pressure in real-time. Multiple field locations have served as test sites in developing the techniques and an overall strategy for more efficient fumigant use.

An Areawide Pest Management Approach for Spotted-Wing Drosophila (5th Year)

An Areawide Pest Management Approach for Spotted-Wing Drosophila (5th Year). Click to expand.

Summary – Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) is a serious pest of small fruits and cherries, costing $800 million per year in revenue lost. To help in the management of SWD, the project has been involved in the release of a recently imported and approved parasitoid wasp (Ganaspis kimorum =brasiliensis). Monitoring the impacts of releases of the wasp on SWD is being done throughout the landscape along with incorporating sustainable control methods. These efforts will help reduce infestations and provide savings to growers.

Managing Waterhyacinth and Other Aquatic Plants in the Southeast (4th Year)

Managing Waterhyacinth and Other Aquatic Plants in the Southeast (4th Year). Click to expand.

Summary – Waterhyacinth is an aquatic invasive plant found throughout the US, where it is particularly problematic in the south. Similar to other invasive plants, it competes with native vegetation, inhibits water conveyance, and covers freshwater bodies making boating and other recreation nearly impossible. The project is taking an integrated approach for managing invasive waterhyacinth, including herbicides and biological control (Megamelus scuterllaris, a waterhyacinth plant hopper). The project will also investigate a mass rearing and release strategy as a means of control. All these elements will be used as a demonstration for outreach and technology transfer. The project takes an ecological perspective and aims to impact waterhyacinth on several fronts including treatment and impact, surveillance and detection, and maintenance sustainability. The project also aims to investigate the impacts of treatments on multiple trophic levels, including vertebrate predators and mesopredators (i.e., fish).

Getting Rid of Weeds (GROW): A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic (4th Year)

Getting Rid of Weeds (GROW): A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic (4th Year). Click to expand.

Summary – A nationwide network of public scientists working to coordinate, promote, and deliver research and best management practices for integrated weed management, in the face of the costly epidemic of herbicide resistance plaguing American farmers. GROW has become a one-stop shop for farmers and crop consultants looking to manage weeds and farms more sustainably via the use of cover crops, harvest weed seed control, precision weed management tactics through expertise from a wide range of collaborators. Via the GROW website and social media platforms, weekly news is broadcast along with educational web pages, digital tools, farmer-led webinars, and a a library of weeds. GROW connects farmers across the US to an array of sustainable farming resources and expertise.

Improving Honey Bee Health Through Breeding and IPM Control of Parasitic Mites (1st Year)

Improving Honey Bee Health Through Breeding and IPM Control of Parasitic Mites (1st Year). Click to expand.

Summary – Honey bees contribute billions of dollars to global agriculture. However, honey bee colony deaths have approached 40% annually, threatening the beekeeping industry and the various crops that are reliant on pollination. While many factors affect honey bee health, the parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, devastates colonies. Recent developments of resistance to the major chemical treatments means new solutions are needed. The project goals will advance Varroa management by training beekeepers to breed bees that resist parasitic mites without beekeeper intervention and developing new genetic tools to increase the speed and efficiency of selective breeding. In addition, the project will create a field decision program based on presence of miticide resistant Varroa, novel miticides and climatic conditions. An economic analysis will demonstrate cost savings and increased revenues possible with incorporation of integrated Varroa management strategies.

Managing Spotted Lanternfly and Tree of Heaven at an Areawide Scale (1st Year)

Managing Spotted Lanternfly and Tree of Heaven at an Areawide Scale (1st Year). Click to expand.

Summary - Tree of Heaven (TOH), Ailanthus altissima, is an invasive tree species that thrives in disturbed areas and spreads through production of large numbers of seeds. TOH also supports a recently introduced invasive planthopper, spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula. This invasive insect prefers TOH as a feeding host and is often present on TOH in extremely high numbers, leading to a large pest reservoir in unmanaged habitats. SLF will disperse from TOH to feed on other hosts including wine grapes, which as led to increased insecticide inputs, reduced yields, and increased winter injury. The opportunity to manage both invasive species simultaneously across the landscape using compatible biological control agents and reducing the spread of SLF is very compelling. On an areawide scale, we plan to: 1) deliver Verticillium nonalfalfae (VNA), a fungal pathogen of of TOH and document potential spread of VNA to uninfected TOH by SLF; 2) deliver commercially-available entomopathogens, Beauveria bassiana fungus and entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), to suppress SLF; and 3) conduct evaluations of complementary biological control agents against TOH and SLF at an areawide scale. Our goal is to suppress populations of both invasive species to reduce insecticide inputs, mitigate yield losses, and alleviate impacts on native pollinators and plant species.

Site-Specific Soil Pest Management in Strawberry and Vegetable Cropping Systems (6th Year)

Summary – Site-specific soil management is needed to facilitate fumigant applications based on actual pathogen load and distribution. Variable rate fumigant applications match the amount of fumigant with pathogen pressure within a crop field. Thus, reducing net fumigation amounts applied while the level of disease control is equal to or better than traditional single dose fumigation strategies. Techniques developed through the project have been to quantify pathogens in the soil, implement high resolution remote sensing imagery at a plant level, and collect precision yield data to create maps of disease pressure in real-time. Multiple field locations have served as test sites in developing the techniques and an overall strategy for more efficient fumigant use.

Status – Trials in commercial production fields were conducted yearly in three to five locations from the 2020 to the present strawberry season. Data on disease incidence and pathogen populations with variable fumigation rates along with precision yield data and weekly UAV analysis of NDVI were used to evaluate treatment efficacy and economic viability. The results thus far indicate the site-specific management system is comparable to the standard single rate application.

Projections – Monitoring will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of grower practices, crop rotation and variable rate fumigant application on disease management using the site-specific management system. Efforts are also underway to combine yield data with remote sensing data to develop tools for maintaining maximum fruit production and yield prediction.

An Areawide Pest Management Approach for Spotted-Wing Drosophila (5th Year)

Summary – Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) is a serious pest of small fruits and cherries, costing $800 million per year in revenue lost. To help in the management of SWD, the project has been involved in the release of a recently imported and approved parasitoid wasp (Ganaspis kimorum =brasiliensis). Monitoring the impacts of releases of the wasp on SWD is being done throughout the landscape along with incorporating sustainable control methods. These efforts will help reduce infestations and provide savings to growers.

Phase I – Large acreage paired sites were set up in Washington cherries, Claifornia blackberries/raspberries, and Oregon blueberries. Baseline levels of SWD were monitored, and no larval parasitoids were found in the first year.

Phase II – Releases of wasps, incorporating new sustainable tools, and insecticide screening are done each year along with monitoring.

Status – Larval parasitoids were recovered starting in 2022. The imported wasp (G. kimorum) was recovered at various locations within one site suggesting establishment in the surrounding non-crop habitat. Use of an arrestant and 'attract and kill' on farms has shown promise.

Projections – Grower request for wasps is increasing, and we partnered with a larger scale rearing state facility. Additional sustainable tools will be implemented at Areawide sites in the final year.

Managing Waterhyacinth and Other Aquatic Plants in the Southeast (4th Year)

Summary – Waterhyacinth is an aquatic invasive plant found throughout the US, where it is particularly problematic in the south. Similar to other invasive plants, it competes with native vegetation, inhibits water conveyance, and covers freshwater bodies making boating and other recreation nearly impossible. The project is taking an integrated approach for managing invasive waterhyacinth, including herbicides and biological control (Megamelus scuterllaris, a waterhyacinth plant hopper). The project will also investigate a mass rearing and release strategy as a means of control. All these elements will be used as a demonstration for outreach and technology transfer. The project takes an ecological perspective and aims to impact waterhyacinth on several fronts including treatment and impact, surveillance and detection, and maintenance sustainability. The project also aims to investigate the impacts of treatments on multiple trophic levels, including vertebrate predators and mesopredators (i.e., fish).

In cooperation with Nova Southeastern University, we have found that fish, as an ecosystem indicator, have significantly lower mortality rates with control of waterhyacinth. In terms of surveillance, we have developed spectral signatures for waterhyacinth and native vegetation. This development is critical for monitoring and management.

We have also developed and are testing hyperspectral signatures to detect healthy plants, Megamelus scutellaris infested plants, and Neochetina bruchei (another biocontrol agent) infested plants. This will directly aid in determining where inundative release efforts may be focused.

As part of our outreach and technology transfer, we are currently installing rearing facilities at US Army Corps of Engineers sites around Lake Okeechobee as a pilot project to inundate populations with M. scutellaris.

Additional studies on interspecific competition between native and invasive floating vegetation, in the presence and absence of herbivores and developing IWM including biological control earlier in the invasion curve, to lessen the potential impacts from secondary invasions, are underway.

o   Several cooperators are involved with this work including University of Florida, University of South Florida, Nova Southeastern University, Australia’s Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation, Argentina’s Fundacíon para Estudios de Especies Invasivas, Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, South Florida Water Management District and the Jacksonville District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Status – The project teams is being assembled and planning is underway to collaborate with agency partners, identify field sites, and collect biocontrol agents.

Projections – The team will continue to develop and implement in-situ integrated projects (e.g., Nubbin Slough and Lake Okeechobee), and work with our cooperators to transfer information gained from our experiments and implement those in practice.

Getting Rid of Weeds (GROW): A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic (4th Year)

Summary – A nationwide network of public scientists working to coordinate, promote, and deliver research and best management practices for integrated weed management, in the face of the costly epidemic of herbicide resistance plaguing American farmers. GROW has become a one-stop shop for farmers and crop consultants looking to manage weeds and farms more sustainably via the use of cover crops, harvest weed seed control, precision weed management tactics through expertise from a wide range of collaborators. Via the GROW website and social media platforms, weekly news is broadcast along with educational web pages, digital tools, farmer-led webinars, and a a library of weeds. GROW connects farmers across the US to an array of sustainable farming resources and expertise.

Status – The team is refining two cutting-edge, non-chemical weed management tactics for row crops: cover crops and harvest weed seed control. They are also collecting digital images of weeds that will contribute to providing precision integrated weed management solutions for growers and farmers.  

Projections – The team will be conducting on-farm trials with corn, soybean, cotton, and wheat producers, building an open-access digital weed image repository, and continue to deliver a coherent, compelling outreach message via extension and outreach activities including the GROW website ( and social media. GROW has also generated a partnership with a longstanding checkoff-funded herbicide-resistance research program, Take Action, and will be rolling out a website addition housing the group's resources and digital tools for fighting herbicide resistance in the coming year.

Improving Honey Bee Health Through Breeding and IPM Control of Parasitic Mites (1st Year)

Summary – Honey bees contribute billions of dollars to global agriculture. However, honey bee colony deaths have approached 40% annually, threatening the beekeeping industry and the various crops that are reliant on pollination. While many factors affect honey bee health, the parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, devastates colonies. Recent developments of resistance to the major chemical treatments means new solutions are needed. The project goals will advance Varroa management by training beekeepers to breed bees that resist parasitic mites without beekeeper intervention and developing new genetic tools to increase the speed and efficiency of selective breeding. In addition, the project will create a field decision program based on presence of miticide resistant Varroa, novel miticides and climatic conditions. An economic analysis will demonstrate cost savings and increased revenues possible with incorporation of integrated Varroa management strategies.

Managing Spotted Lanternfly and Tree of Heaven at an Areawide Scale (1st Year)

Summary - Tree of Heaven (TOH), Ailanthus altissima, is an invasive tree species that thrives in disturbed areas and spreads through production of large numbers of seeds. TOH also supports a recently introduced invasive planthopper, spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula. This invasive insect prefers TOH as a feeding host and is often present on TOH in extremely high numbers, leading to a large pest reservoir in unmanaged habitats. SLF will disperse from TOH to feed on other hosts including wine grapes, which as led to increased insecticide inputs, reduced yields, and increased winter injury. The opportunity to manage both invasive species simultaneously across the landscape using compatible biological control agents and reducing the spread of SLF is very compelling. On an areawide scale, we plan to: 1) deliver Verticillium nonalfalfae (VNA), a fungal pathogen of of TOH and document potential spread of VNA to uninfected TOH by SLF; 2) deliver commercially-available entomopathogens, Beauveria bassiana fungus and entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), to suppress SLF; and 3) conduct evaluations of complementary biological control agents against TOH and SLF at an areawide scale. Our goal is to suppress populations of both invasive species to reduce insecticide inputs, mitigate yield losses, and alleviate impacts on native pollinators and plant species.

Success Stories

So, what does "success" look like in an AWPM project?

Below are the main components that made the stories on the following pages a success:

  • It should be defined by some geographic entity that encompasses the area of interest (e.g., farms, rangelands, forests) including all components of the landscape, and should be conducted over large geographical areas with consideration of pest colonization and movement and dispersal of pest and beneficial species. The area should represent typical settings with representative pest problems and consistent populations of the key pest(s). It is important to have assurance that the target pest(s) is amenable to control using the areawide concept over a large geographical area that may extend across county, state and in some instances national boundaries.
  • An understanding of the pest biology, ecology, genetics, behavior, physiology, genetic variation within the pest, interactions with other organisms, and other biological and physical characteristics of the system are critical. The natural control and reasonable isolation of the area from other non-included infested areas are important to consider for migration and/or reduction in the area. The host range must be reasonably represented (including wild relatives of the crop plant in the case of crop AWPM programs) so that the effects of residual populations can be evaluated. Finally, accounting for other pests in the ecosystem that could increase as the target/key pest(s) is managed is also important for understanding indirect impacts.
  • There should be coordination by groups of key participants as opposed to just individual producers or other end-users, and the program should involve federal (as needed), state and local extension, commodity and private grower groups, land managers, communities, agribusinesses, and other stakeholders in a true partnership. Extension IPM programs should be in place in the state or region to be developed in synchrony with the AWPM program to ensure that as much as possible, multiple and secondary pest problems are managed and the full impact of a combined program is realized. 
  • Bio-intensive, environmentally sound, and economical tactics must be available to the end-users and, of course, the program should focus on reducing and maintaining a pest population at an acceptably low density, providing positive environmental benefits, food and worker safety, with a high benefit-cost ratio. Implementation of AWPM requires overall participation and compliance of those in the area whether growers, land managers, or other, under the strategy for optimum success, as well as frequent evaluation to measure effectiveness and to assure that goals are being met.

Continue on to view the Success Stories.

Leafy Spurge

Title: The Ecological Areawide Management (TEAM) of Leafy Spurge

Lead Project Director: Dr. Gerry Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Sidney, MT

The Need: Leafy spurge is an invasive weed of Eurasian origin, which infested more than five million acres in 35 states and Canada’s Prairie Provinces by 1997. It crowded out native vegetation, threatened biodiversity and wildlife habitat, and control costs reached $144 million annually in just four Northern Plains states (MT, WY, ND, SD). In addition, the most commonly used control tools (herbicides) often had adverse environmental impacts. TEAM Leafy Spurge (TLS) was a six-year integrated pest management (IPM) research and demonstration program begun in 1997 to curb the aggressive spread of leafy spurge in rangeland.

Image: Before (left) and after (right) of a field site with leafy spurge in South Dakota. Photo credit: ARS Archives.

New Partnerships: The program united federal, state and local agencies and private entities in a cooperative effort to systematically combat leafy spurge using ecologically-based IPM strategies across Montana, Wyoming, and North and South Dakota. TLS was managed cooperatively by ARS and USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Program partners included seven federal and ten state entities, a dozen private organizations, and numerous individual ranchers and land managers. Participating were the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, state departments of agriculture, land grant universities, county weed supervisors and Extension agents. TLS also aided two National Wildlife Refuges and two Native American Reservations.

Image: Beetles on spurge skeleton.

Accomplishments: Under the program, proven environmentally friendly and sustainable IPM technologies, emphasizing use of insect biological control agents as a base, were developed and shared with landowners and managers across the U.S. and Canada. As part of that effort, TLS funded 35 research projects to fill in knowledge “gaps” in leafy spurge management (e.g., weed and control method impacts on threatened and endangered species, ecological barriers to biocontrol establishment, rangeland recovery, and increased collection of native rangeland seeds). Research indicated that insects with sheep or limited herbicide use can produce effective control over the shortest amount of time.

The program achieved between 90% -100% control of leafy spurge at the program’s four primary research and demonstration sites. And a core group of ranchers and land managers began using the approach. The program benefits exceeded $6.7 million (1997-2003).

Impacts: The program distributed more than 48 million biocontrol insects in 13 states and 3 Canadian provinces (enough for 24,000 new insectaries), and developed more than 20 informational products, including a website, how-to manuals, CD-ROMs, newspaper articles and a documentary on using the insects and other IPM tools for successfully managing leafy spurge. These products reached a large audience. TLS officials traveled approximately 250,000 miles, gave 100-plus presentations, and distributed 65,000-plus how-to manuals and 10,000 plus educational CDs designed to bring the expert to the customer over the life of the program. Thousands more were distributed as part of TLS’s “Information Resource Center” binder delivered to every county Extension and weed district office in six states. Over 2,700 were distributed across the U.S. and Canada. In total, products developed under the TEAM Leafy Spurge program were distributed to 7 countries and 34 states.

In June 2008, the North Dakota Department of Agriculture issued a press release announcing that Leafy Spurge was no longer the number one weed menace in that state by acreage, falling to number two after years atop that state’s annual Noxious Weed Survey. The decline in leafy spurge acres was attributed to integrated control strategies, adding that the biological control program in particular “has been very successful in reducing spurge infestations.”

The foundation laid by TEAM Leafy Spurge continues to produce benefits. Annual collection and redistribution days remain a fixture on summer calendars across the Northern Plains, and biocontrol is a widely implemented and accepted tool against leafy spurge. Nearly twenty years on, ARS Sidney is in the midst of an extensive re-sampling of TLS sites and other areas where biocontrol agents were introduced to quantify the long-term impacts of the biocontrol program, understand how it may be changing through time, and identify options for adapting and augmenting integrated management strategies.

Image: Ranchers lined up for flea beetles at a TEAM Leafy Spurge Field Day. Photo credit: ARS Archives

Invasive Annual Grasses

Title: Areawide Pest Management Program Demonstrating Ecologically-Based Invasive Plant Management (IPM) of Annual Grasses

Lead PD: Dr. Roger Sheley, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Burns, OR

The Need: Throughout the Great Basin and surrounding rangeland ecosystems, a major factor detrimental to ecological function, wildlife and their habitat, and forage production is the invasion by winter-annual grasses, especially cheatgrass and/or medusahead. These pests dominate more than 130 million acres throughout California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, and Utah and continue to rapidly spread.

Annual grasses dramatically reduce plant diversity and richness; reduce suitable habitat for wildlife; especially sage-grouse; remove livestock forage by 50-80%; and accelerate erosion. In addition, annual grasses promote out-of-control wildfires that facilitate the conversion of rangeland from a perennial-dominated to an annual-dominated system and near urban areas pose a serious risk to human life. In response, a group of representatives and stakeholders from around the western US convened “The Medusahead Challenge”.

The Medusahead Challenge involved over 140 stakeholders and spent 3 days designing a comprehensive strategy to initiate a long-term state of the art program aimed at managing annual grasses in the western US. From this initial thrust, the ideas and concepts were formed into an Areawide project that was funded by USDA-ARS. These representatives and stakeholders remained involved in the program for its entire 5-year duration.

New Partnerships: The project was initiated across five states in the Great Basin ecosystem of the western United States. Within each of the five states, extensive partnerships were developed with university researchers, extension specialists, ARS scientists, land managers, and producers. In total, more than 20 principal investigators or senior project associates were responsible for the development of demonstration, site research, and outreach for this project.

Image: Participants in the EB-IPM program in Oregon. Photo credit: USDA-ARS publication "EB-IPM of Annual Grasses" Brenda Smith and Roger Sheley

Accomplishments:  Ecologically-Based Invasive Plant Management or EBIPM was established for managing annual grasses in the western US. This was a change from the traditional approach where rangeland managers focused their efforts mainly on just killing weeds. However, EBIPM helps managers recognize weeds as symptoms to underlying ecological causes of invasion. To achieve sustainable invasive weed management, managers must learn how to modify the underlying ecological processes that control favorable vegetation dynamics. In the past, a decision-making framework has not existed to guide the development of causal-based management systems. The EBIPM model helps fill this void in providing land managers with a much-needed process to

  • integrate an assessment of the current state of the land
  • predict vegetation change with and without imposed management
  • evaluate the outcome of management activities

By using the EBIPM framework, land managers have been able to develop integrated weed management programs. EBIPM helps managers recognize and modify the underlying ecological processes that shift plant community dynamics from undesirable to desirable species. The framework has been tested in the field and documented scientific publications [link to EBIPM guidebook].

Image: Successful seeding in rangelands. Photo credit: USDA-ARS publication "EB-IPM of Annual Grasses" Brenda Smith and Roger Sheley

Impacts: The number of land managers and producers directly impacted through field schools, workshop trainings and presentations has been close to 3,000. Another 12,000 managers have been indirectly impacted as a result of obtaining products offered at various venues, website visits or by word of mouth. The number of land managers directly reached are responsible for more than 1 million acres of land. Additionally, managers who indirectly learned of the materials, visited the website, or picked up products at various venues are responsible for another 5 million acres of land that have benefited from some aspect of EBIPM management.

To convert the benefits of these rangeland improvements into monetary values, Animal Unit Months (AUMs are the amount of forage to feed a mature cow for one month – approximately 800 lbs. of forage) are used with economist-developed formulas. The monetary increase from EBIPM improved rangeland is nearly $134 million in direct benefits and $200 million in additional indirect benefits 20 years after the project officially ended.

Image: An established stand of perennial grasses. Photo credit: USDA-ARS publication "EB-IPM of Annual Grasses" Brenda Smith and Roger Sheley

Fruit Flies

Title: The Hawaii Fruit Fly Areawide Pest Management (AWPM) Program

Lead Project Director: Dr. Roger Vargas, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Hilo, HI

The Need: For over a century exotic fruit flies – especially Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly, Oriental fruit fly, and Malaysian fruit fly—have been devastating more than 400 fruits and vegetables in the Hawaiian islands. Susceptible crops include citrus, eggplant, guava, loquat, mango, melon, papaya, passion fruit, peach, pepper, persimmon, plum, star fruit, tomato, and zucchini. These fruit flies make it almost impossible for Hawaii’s farmers to raise crops without resorting to almost weekly applications of pesticides.

Fruit fly damage has cost Hawaii more than $300 million each year in lost markets for locally grown produce. Prior attempts to control these fruit fly pests had limited impact, but, in 1999, the Hawaii Areawide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management (HAW-FLYPM) program, which has dramatically curtailed fruit fly damage, reduced pesticide use by 90 to 100 percent, and remarkably expanded agricultural potential.

New Partnerships: The program built collaborations with Hawaii Department of Agriculture, industry partners, and the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension.

Image: Mediterranean fruit fly. Photo credit: Scott Bauer

Accomplishments: HAW-FLYPM is a comprehensive management package that is economically viable, environmentally sensitive, and sustainable. The technologies include strict field sanitation, protein bait sprays and/or traps, male annihilation with lures and attractants, and population monitoring, also referred to as the 1-2-3 Approach.

ARS conducted research to develop the techniques that worked scientifically and economically. Then the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension designed a communications program and enlisted farmers and home gardeners, made sure they understood the program, and provided hands-on help to implement the research. Feedback from growers and gardeners allowed the program to be continually tweaked to suit individual crops and producers’ circumstances.

Impacts: From the beginning of the project, Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s involvement was essential to ensuring compliance with regulations, since some of the lures and baits were experimental and had not yet been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

It’s been noted that what really made the program so successful was that partnership was its foundation – a carefully organized interagency team started out talking together, and communication flowed throughout the program. The payoff from this level of cooperation is a 32% return on an investment of $14 million over 15 years—and that doesn’t count the substantial indirect benefits that don’t have a direct dollar return, such as increased agricultural employment, or reduced environmental exposure to pesticides.

Image: ARS entomologist Roger Vargas examines melon flies attracted to a Sudax border sprayed with GF-120 protein bait. Photo credit: Glenn Ausmus

Data Exploration

The data in the dashboard below reflect all of the Area-Wide Pest Management Projects over the lifetime of the initiative. To explore the data, you can select a point on the map to bring up its detailed record in the bottom-left pane. Every chart and graph (except for those noted) can be used to filter the data by clicking on wedges, bars, etc. For example, you can see only projects whose system of focus is "Corn" by selecting that bar in the "System of Focus" bar chart. Additionally, you can filter the data by using the State, Region, and/or Project Title selectors in the very top-right of the dashboard.