Globe-Union Battery Facility Removal Assessment
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As EPA pursues its mission to protect human health and the environment, we actively work with communities and local partners all over America to limit the risk of exposure to contaminants that might have negative health impacts. We have been working in Garland, Texas at the Globe-Union Battery Facility to identify and understand any potential risks to human or environmental health and to mitigate those risks.
Site Description
The former Globe-Union Battery Facility is located at 1111 S. Shiloh Road in Garland. The facility manufactured lead acid batteries from the 1950s until 1995. By the 1970s, Globe-Union was one of the largest producers of automobile batteries in the country. The Garland location was one of many Globe-Union facilities throughout the United States that manufactured batteries for various brands.
The property is approximately 12 acres in size and consists of a warehouse, garage, and administrative offices, with the majority of the property paved in concrete. The property generally slopes to the west and drainage flows to an intermittent tributary to Duck Creek (Stream 2C4).
Following the end of battery production in 1995, the property was used as a trucking business, and later as a warehouse for an exporter of used photocopiers.
Former Globe-Union Site
The process of battery manufacturing produces various wastes and air emissions. Records of regulatory investigations of Globe-Union by the City of Garland, the Texas Air Control Board, which is now known as the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Department of State Health Services, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) date back as far as 1973. Investigations of air emissions for particulates and waste disposal indicated compliance with applicable regulations and a lack of complaints or violations through the 1980s.
Former Globe-Union Site Historical Imagery (1968)
A preliminary assessment of the site was conducted in 2019 by the EPA to determine the potential risk to public health or the environment posed by the site and to evaluate the potential for placement of the site on the National Priorities List (NPL). The assessment did not observe evidence of residual contamination within the facility or in the parking lot (the former baghouses and waste staging areas). The EPA concluded that additional information was needed before a final determination could be made.
A site investigation was then conducted in 2020 by the EPA and included the collection of soil and sediment samples from locations along the drainage pathways from the site. Samples were analyzed for metals and mercury.
For further site-related background information please click here .
Risk Paradigm
In order to better understand how specific chemicals might lead to adverse human or environmental health effects and what EPA can do to mitigate or prevent these effects, the EPA follows a risk paradigm approach. The risk paradigm includes both risk characterization and risk management. Risk characterization in turn is made up of four critical steps: hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. At the Globe Union site, the EPA is currently working to understand what hazards or chemicals might be present and where those hazards are located. The EPA is working with TCEQ and the community to understand and limit potential exposures to these hazards.
Each of the four steps of risk characterization is needed to understand the risk to human or environmental health associated with a specific chemical or other hazard. Risk management involves understanding treatment, remediation, and control options; regulatory requirements on a federal, state, and local level; and other social and economic factors that might impact the success of an individual risk management plan. This may mean taking remediation actions, and it may mean recommending behavioral changes in the community.
As you review the analytical results of the EPA’s most recent sampling, it is important to remember that in order for there to be a health risk from a specific contaminant, the contaminant must be present and individuals must be exposed to that contaminant. The EPA tested samples for a panel of contaminants that might be found at this type of site. Several samples had levels of lead that warrant further investigation. One sample also found a high level of arsenic.
Analytical results are available in the link provided below.
Click here to view the Analytical Results.
EPA Activities
Worker Conducting Sampling Activities
The EPA identified 74 properties along the streambed for sampling. In October of 2020, the EPA Team sent out access agreement forms to the owners of the residential properties to obtain written consent for access. Of the 74 identified properties, 34 properties granted access, 7 properties denied access, and the remaining 32 properties were unresponsive. From November 4, 2020 to February 19, 2021, the EPA completed sampling of the 34 residential properties and 1 elementary school that granted access. On the week of July 19, 2021, the EPA mailed results letters to owners and residents within the Globe-Union study area that granted access to their properties. The EPA plans to conduct additional sampling as we obtain more access agreements from the properties where an access agreement is pending. To ensure that EPA can effectively clean up the site, the agency is requesting any assistance from residents and stakeholders to assist us in getting signed access agreements to conduct additional sampling.
During sampling activities, a small volume of soil is collected from pre-determined locations and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The samples are analyzed for metals, quality checked, and then compared to established screening levels. Those samples that have concentrations of metals exceeding the screening levels are evaluated for further action.
Approximate Sampling Area
Removal Operations
Workers conducting field operations.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began property cleanup activities at the Globe-Union Site on August 27, 2021. Prior to clean-up activities, underground utilities located in the cleanup area were identified and marked with spray paint. At the beginning of the cleanup process, EPA met with property owners to answer any questions they have regarding the cleanup activities.
As of September 04, 2021, there were 14 properties that required cleanup. Property owners will see workers, trucks, excavators, and other heavy equipment in the area, and there will be some noise from the equipment used. All work will be completed during regular business hours to minimize the inconvenience caused to neighbors.
Workers discussing field operations.
EPA will take precautions to ensure there is no dust generated while the work is done or during transportation of excavated soil. Real-time weather monitoring data is being collected daily and includes wind speed and direction, humidity, temperature, precipitation, and lightning detection. Dust monitors have been placed near the cleanup area, typically in up and downwind positions to capture potential dust migrating off-site. The dust monitors are providing real-time data to EPA. EPA is also applying water to the soil during the cleanup activities to suppress any dust. The continuous dust monitoring will assure that no airborne contaminated dust is escaping the cleanup area. EPA will also sample the soil at residential properties to confirm the contaminated soil is removed successfully.
The residential soil clean-up process generally follows these stages:
Worker overseeing operations.
- Excavation: Contaminated soil up to 24-inches deep, depending on sampling results
- Backfill: With clean soil. The soil is tested and must meet strict EPA standards.
- Restoration: Restore the property to its previous condition by replacing grass, plants, and flowers.
After the property is restored, EPA representatives will meet with the property owner to ensure that the work was done to the owner’s satisfaction. EPA will also provide a letter to the property owner stating that the cleanup was completed and that there is no further action required.
Community Action
While EPA activities are underway, there are steps the community can take to protect themselves from potential exposures to lead or arsenic in their environment.
The primary route of exposure for both lead and arsenic from soil or sediment is through ingestion. Young children are especially susceptible to lead exposure because they are still developing and are more likely to ingest soil, sediment, or stream water than older children or adults. If you live near the site and are concerned about lead or arsenic exposure, EPA recommends that children and adults leave their shoes at the door or use doormats and wash their hands after outdoor activities. In addition, Park Crest Elementary has since expanded and reinforced perimeter fencing around the school to keep children from entering areas in which the EPA found contamination. Additional information regarding steps you can take to protect your family is available here .
Site Access
In addition, residents can help the EPA improve our response by allowing the agency access to their properties as needed to collect samples.
In order to collect samples on residential properties, the EPA must obtain permission in the form of a signed access agreement from the property owner. An informational packet will be prepared and mailed to the owners of properties within the study area. The link below will take you to an access agreement form that you can print, complete, sign and return to the EPA if you would like to have your property sampled. Once the access agreement is received, a EPA representative will contact you to coordinate a time for collection. Once the properties have been sampled and results obtained, a summary of the analytical results will be provided.