Bold and Faithful: Meet Today's Religious

An introduction to our newest Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers, and priests and opportunities to learn more.

Contributed content from A Nun's Life Ministry, Called and Consecrated, and Global Sisters Report, and NRVC resources and publications, including VISION Vocation Guide

Allow us to introduce you

In these featured profiles and videos, some of our newest Catholic religious sisters, brothers, and priests will give you a glimpse of who they are, what gives them hope, and what led them to their vocation.

Listen to the stories of Catholic sisters, brothers, and priests

Our featured podcasts help people discover and grow in their vocation through engaging interviews and conversations about God's call, the Catholic faith, and religious life today.


Learn more about the religious institutes in your area and their far-reaching ministries.

Note: Click on any map point to find more information about featured religious institutes and their ministries (if available). Click again anywhere on the map to go back to the full map. Alternatively, click on the advance carets in the sidebar to review each of the 851 religious institutes featured or the 100 ministries currently outlined. Ministry map points will continue to be added. To filter by various categories, such as institute or ministry type, click on the filter funnel symbol in the upper right of the map and choose desired filters.

Institutes:  Add your ministry information here . Or contact NRVC at  to be included in this map.

EVENTS: Meet Catholic religious sisters, nuns, brothers, or priests in your area

Religious Institutes, parishes, campus ministry offices host a number of events throughout the year--both in-person and virtual--featuring men and women in religious life. Check out VISION Vocation Network's Events calendar. 

Note to institutes and organizations hosting events:  Feel free to add your upcoming events by clicking here.  (All posts subject to review.)

CURRICULUM: Teach others about religious life

For catechists, parish preaching teams, campus ministers, and youth and young adult ministers

 Called and Consecrated  is a free, bilingual, online curriculum that tells the story of Catholic Sisters. Each unit includes prayer resources, original content, including videos, and links to additional online resources. Each unit also includes pre- and post-lesson notes for teachers and catechists. Quick links to initial lessons  What do sisters do?  |  ¿Qué es lo qué hacen las hermanas religiosa? 

 Global Sisters in the Classroom  shines light on the mission and ministry of Catholic women religious around the world. Each lesson connects articles about sisters or columns written by sisters to the good news found in scripture and church teaching. Action ideas and compelling prayer bring new learning alive. Teacher guides provide vital context and engaging activities. Suggested lessons on vocations  Love behind the vows   Students' questions help a sister's growth   Guide: the permanence of commitment 

Key dates for teaching and preaching about vocations

February 2

World Day for Consecrated Life

March 8-13

Catholic Sisters Week

Fourth Sunday of Easter

World Day of Prayer for Vocations (Good Shepherd Sunday)

May 1

Religious Brothers Day

Week starting with the 1st Sunday in November

National Vocation Awareness Week

Additional Sundays with vocation-related themes

  • World Mission Sunday: Second to last Sunday in October
  • Easter Sunday: 2025 Apr 20 | 2026 Apr 5 | 2027 Mar 28
  • Additional Sundays of Easter: April, May
  • Pentecost: 50 days after Easter

Scripture readings with vocation themes

  • Calling of the first disciples (Matt. 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-34; Luke 5:1-11)
  • Mission of the Disciples (Matt. 10:1-42; Mark 6:7-13)
  • Conditions of Discipleship (Matt. 10:37-39; Matt. 16:24-28; Mark 8:34-9:1; Luke 14:25-35)

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: videos, webinars, storymaps, infographics

VISION Vocation Network articles by and about men and women in religious life

Celebrate the gifts of religious life

NRVC Religious Life Today webinar series

RELIGIOUS LIFE TODAY WEBINAR 1: Fundamentals from call to charism to community living

RELIGIOUS LIFE TODAY Webinar 2: Using All Avenues to Support Vocation Ministry



RELIGIOUS LIFE TODAY WEBINAR 5: Addressing parental concerns: Wisdom and advice

RELIGIOUS LIFE TODAY WEBINAR 6: Newer entrants stories

Religious Life Today Storymap


This short tutorial that walks you through the key features of this storymap.

Bold and Faithful: Meet Today's Religious storymap guide

Something for everyone: Tips for use

DISCERNERS Listen to the stories of men and women in religious life; attend events in your area; make use of all the discernment tools available to you including Vocation Match; and when you are ready, contact a vocation director, who will help guide you on your journey.

CAMPUS MINISTERS Feel free to use the resources linked throughout this site for discussions on commitment and life choices; plan vocation-related prayer services and liturgies; post events hosted by your office or campus that feature a member of vowed life or that touch on vocation-related themes. Post items from the storymap on your socials.

PARISH MINISTERS Post a link to this Storymap on your website or in your bulletin to promote vocations and encourage young people in your parish to consider religious life (use this quick link:  or ). Celebrate the days the Church sets out each year to promote consecrated and use the materials here to prepare liturgies, prayer services, and bulletin inserts. Reach out to Religious Institutes in your area for opportunities for shared ministry.

CATECHISTS/THEOLOGY TEACHERS Use the many resources here to prepare lesson plans on vocations. Connect with Religious Institutes in your area and invite members to visit the classroom or generate service opportunities for your students.

VOCATION SUPPORTERS/EVERYDAY CATHOLICS Learn more about the vitality of religious life and the continuous story of call. Encourage family and friends to support the ministries of religious institutes. Invite young people you know to consider a religious vocation.

VOCATION PROMOTERS/RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES Gather materials here for use in your ministry and assure discerners and members of your institute that God continues to call women and men to religious life. Connect with others in ministry through the work of the National Religious Vocation Conference and our collaborative partners.


National Religious Vocation Conference expresses gratitude to GHR Foundation for its funding of this project.

In addition, we are grateful for the support our the collaborating publications and organizations on this project:  A Nun's Life Ministry ,  Global Sisters Report ,  Called and Consecrated  (a project of National Catholic Sisters Project funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation), the NRVC's  VISION Vocation Network .


The NRVC ~ Cultivating What's Possible

SPONSORSHIP & SUPPORT NRVC offers many opportunities to provide financial support for our vital work. Learn more at .

NRVC MEMBERSHIP Choose to become among the nearly 1,000 active NRVC members who receive professional education, resources, research, and other supportive services. Learn more about the benefits of membership: .

PUBLICATIONS Our award-winning HORIZON journal is an essential resource for vocation directors, vocation ministry teams, and members of leadership: .

VISION VOCATION GUIDE is a free and trusted resource for those discerning a religious vocation. Go to  to learn more.

NRVC RESOURCES Shop the  NRVC store  items for use in your ministry, parish, classroom.

Questions? Contact Sister Dina Bato, S.P. at

February 2025 last updated.