The Boones Mill Historic District encompasses the historic business district of the Town of Boones Mill in Franklin County, Virginia, and those contiguous residential areas that have a concentration of historic buildings. Located within the Blue Ridge Mountains, the topography includes steep ridges flanking a narrow, generally level valley through which Maggodee Creek flows. East of the creek, a railroad line winds through the district, following hillside contours. The commercial center and oldest developed residential areas are located on the flatter lands, while later residential areas typically occupy the steep hillsides. The District, approximately 45.3 acres in size, includes commercial development on Boon Street, Boones Mill Road, Easy Street, Main Street, Virgil H. Goode Highway (U.S. 220), and Bethlehem Road; and residential development along Dogwood Hill Road, Easy Street, and Maggodee Ridge Lane.
Overview Map
The Town limit is shown in the shaded yellow, the Historic District outlined in green, and Historic District parcels shaded in blue.
The district includes a total of seventy-five (75) resources. Of these, fifty-eight (58) are contributing, and seventeen (17) are noncontributing. The contributing resources include an industrial site, nineteen (19) houses, sixteen (16) domestic secondary structures, three (3) agricultural outbuildings, thirteen (13) commercial buildings, two (2) rail-related resources, a town hall, a town siren, and two (2) meeting halls for social and civic groups. The non-contributing resources include eight (8) commercial buildings and structures, six (6) domestic secondary structures, one (1) house, and two (2) road-related resources (bridges).
The Boones Mill Historic District is roughly bounded by Maggodee Ridge and the Norfolk Southern rail line on the east; Boones Mill Road on the south; a tributary of Maggodee Creek and the right-of-way of Virgil H. Goode Highway on the west; and on the north, the site of Jacob Boon’s eighteenth-century mills and two historic residential properties. The contributing resources include fifty-two (52) buildings, four structures, one (1) site, and one (1) object. Most of the contributing resources are commercial buildings or single-family dwellings and their associated domestic and agricultural outbuildings, but the district also includes a former church, the former town hall, a social hall, and a railroad depot. Also counted among the contributing resources are a railroad grade, the town siren, and a mill site. The noncontributing resources include fifteen (15) buildings and two (2) structures. Three (3) of the district’s seventy-five (75) resources pre-date 1830, about sixteen (16) were built in the late nineteenth century, about thirty-eight (38) resources date from ca. 1900 to ca. 1940, about eight dates from the ca. 1940 to 1964 period, and the remaining ten post-date 1964. Architectural types represented in the district include referential (rather than high-style) examples of Commercial Style, Italianate, Folk Victorian, Craftsman/Bungalow, Colonial Revival, Tudor Revival, and Modern Movement styles, and forms such as I-houses, Foursquare, and vernacular log and timber-framed dwellings.
The district's core commercial area.
The district’s core commercial area includes a loose collection of one- and two-story, mostly freestanding buildings, dispersed along different streets rather than concentrated along a single streetscape. Some of the district’s most prominent buildings are its two-story Commercial Style buildings. Built between 1900 and 1930, they feature masonry construction, ornamental elements such as decorative brickwork, rusticated concrete blocks, pressed metal cornices, and raised parapets. The Boone Mill Supply Company (DHR #170-0009-0015) at 100 Easy Street is the best-preserved example of this type. From the same period are a few examples of one-story Commercial Style buildings, most notably the ca. 1912 Farmers and Merchants Bank (DHR #170-0007) at 75 Boones Mill Road. These buildings tended not to have large storefronts and display windows but often exhibited at least one of the typical characteristics of the style, such as corbeled brick cornices or stepped parapets. Along Main Street is a concentration of single-story, brick-veneered commercial buildings that date from the 1950s and incorporate details associated with Modern Movement architecture. The Boones Mill Shopping Center (DHR #170- 0009-0046) at 60-80-90 Main Street is the principal building on this block and incorporates floor-to-ceiling display windows, a flat-roofed portico, and minimal ornament in its interpretation of Modernism. Commercial buildings in the district from all periods tend to have had alterations, particularly to storefronts and other ground-level entries, and several have replacement windows or siding. So long as they retain their historic (often evolved) forms, and at least some historic exterior materials and design features, they are considered to have sufficient integrity to be contributing.
The old Bussey house (current location of Carter Bank) with the train depot in its original location across the street on the hill.
Single-family dwellings and their outbuildings constitute the largest number of resources in the district. Two important houses predate the railroad’s arrival. Local tradition holds that the Boon- Angell-Ferguson House (DHR #170-0001) at 300 Easy Street was built for Jacob Boon in 1782 or 1784. Located directly across the creek from the site of the Boon mills, the weatherboarded log dwelling has a massive double-shouldered stone chimney and other construction details that corroborate a late-eighteenth or very early nineteenth-century date. The Boon-Abshire House (DHR #170-0005) at 44 Dogwood Hill Road is a ca. 1820 timber-framed dwelling with exceptionally fine interior woodwork of late Georgian/early Federal character and an unusual main stair situated in an enclosed porch bay. Both houses were originally associated with much larger farms that were later divided. Other houses in the district date from ca. 1890 to ca. 1930 and are mainly located in residential enclaves set apart from the businesses. Nine houses, including the Boon-Angell-Ferguson House, are located along Easy Street. Another enclave of four houses is situated on Maggodee Ridge Lane, on the hillside above and east of the railroad tracks. A final group of houses is located on Dogwood Hill Road, west of U.S. 220, and in addition to the Boon-Abshire House includes four large 1920s dwellings. In the residential enclaves, detached garages, storage sheds, well houses, and agricultural outbuildings like barns, chicken houses, and corn cribs, occasionally survive with a dwelling. Only two houses survive within the commercial area (one is vacant, the other has been converted to commercial use), although historically there were other single-family dwellings mixed in among the businesses. At least one commercial property, the Bowman and Bowman Building (DHR #170- 0009-0013) at 4 Dogwood Hill Road, provided apartments in a mixed-use setting. Contributing domestic resources are typically of wood frame construction on stone, brick, or concrete foundations, are clad in weatherboards or veneered in brick, and feature front and/or side porches and side-gabled or hipped roofs. Most of the dwellings in the district have been altered or added on to over time, with aluminum and vinyl siding and replacement windows being the most typical changes. For a domestic resource to be considered to contribute to the district, it should retain its historic form, and two or more major character-defining exterior features/historic materials (roofing, siding, windows, porch, or foundation) should be visible.
The district’s noncontributing resources are principally those buildings constructed after 1964, but they also include a few historic buildings that are noncontributing on account of extensive incompatible alterations, one recently rebuilt bridge, and one historic-period bridge with extensive alterations.
Interactive Map
The interactive map below takes you on a tour of the historic structures. As you click and/or scroll the images and descriptions to the left, the map on the right will adjust to each structure's location within the district. Detailed information, including photos and videos, if available, of each structure, is available in the content window as you scroll.

41 Boon Street

51 Boon Street. Ca. 1920. Commercial Building. 170-0009-0042. CB

63 Boones Mill Road. Ca. 1890. Jess and Edith Call House. 170-0009-0011. CB.

75 Boones Mill Road. 1912. Farmers and Merchants Bank. 170-0009-0003. Also 170-0007. CB.

10 Church Hill Street. 1892. Norfolk and Western Railway Boones Mill Depot. (Original location) 170-0009- 0002. Also 170-0008. CB.

24 Depot Drive. 2014. Norfolk and Western Railway Boones Mill Depot. (Current location) 170-0009- 0002. Also 170-0008. CB.

4 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca 1920. Bowman and Bowman Building. 170-0009-0013. CB.

44 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1820. Boon-Abshire House. 170-0009-0006. Also 170-0005. CB.

7170 Bethlehem Road - Originally Boones Mill Christian Church Ca. 1920

Former Boones Mill Christian Church Fellowship Hall

Ca. 1930. Lee Telephone Company (former). 170-0009-0024. CB.

117 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1920. Bowman House. 170-0009-0010. CB

121 Dogwood Hill Road Ca. 1920. Abshire-Flora House. 170-0009-0008. CB.

185 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1930. James Moore House. 170-0009-0007. CB.

183 Dogwood Hill Road. 1927. White-Richards House. 170-0009-0009. CB.

37 Easy Street. Ca. 1970. Lee Telephone Company Building. 170-0009-0051. NB.

100 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Boone Mill Supply Company/Garst Lumber and Wood Company Offices. 170-0009-0015. CB.

120 Easy Street. Ca. 1950. Boones Mill Town Hall (former). 170-0009-0049. CB.

125 Easy Street. Ca. 1950. Homer G. Murray Building (Boones Mill Lions Club). 170-0009- 0048. CB.

150 Easy Street. Ca. 1890. Jamison-Thurman House. 170-0009-0016. CB.

160 (also addressed 206) Easy Street. Ca. 1900. T.A. and Mae Flora House. 170-0009-0017. CB.

170 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Crook-Cannaday House. 170-0009-0018. NB.

200 Easy Street. Ca. 1890. Young-Hurt House. 170-0009-0019. CB.

230 Easy Street. Ca. 1930. Ferguson-Ruff House. 170-0009-0020. CB.

240 Easy Street. Ca. 1900. Garst-Wright House. 170-0009-0001. Also 170-0002. CB.

280 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Garst-Cook House. 170-0009-0021. CB.

300 Easy Street. Ca. 1782. Boon-Angell-Ferguson House. 170-0009-0004. Also 170-0001. CB.

450 Easy Street. Ca. 1900. Charles O. Murray House. 170-0009-0022. CB.

30 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1890. Emswiler-Murray House. 170-0009-0025. CB.

44 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Pete Murray House. 170-0009-0026. CB.

80 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Ethel Boitnott House. 170-0009-0028. CB

90 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Boitnott House. 170-0009-0027. CB.

20 Main Street. Ca. 1920. C.H. Peters Feed Store (Windy Gap Outdoor Power & Equipment). 170-0009-0012. CB.

40 Main Street. Ca. 1955. Farmers and Merchants Bank/Former BB&T Bank. 170-0009-0044. NB.

60-80-90 Main Street. 1958. Boones Mill Shopping Center. 170-0009-0046. CB.

100 Main Street. Ca. 1955. Boones Mill Medical Center (former). 170-0009-0047. CB.

24930 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 2000. Commercial Building (FSI Auto Sales). 170- 0009-0043. NB

24935 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 1920. Virginia Motor Company Building. 170-0009- 0014. CB.

24938 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 2000. Commercial Building (Subway Restaurant). 170-0009-00. NB.

25160 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 1920. Lily Peters House. 170-0009-0023. CB.
Statement of Significance
The locally significant Boones Mill Historic District is eligible under Criterion A in the area of Commerce as one of Franklin County’s principal commercial centers serving agricultural and industrial producers during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially after the Norfolk & Western Railway arrived in 1892. The district is also eligible under Criterion A in the area of Politics/Government for its resources associated with the governmental operations of the Town of Boones Mill, which was established in 1927. The historic district is further eligible under Criterion C in the area of Architecture, for the distinctive character and variety of its buildings, which include settlement-era landmarks such as the Boon-Angell-Ferguson House; the early nineteenth-century Boon-Abshire House; I-houses, bungalows, Foursquares, and cottages with Colonial Revival, Craftsman, and Folk Victorian detailing; a stylish Tudor Revival dwelling; Italianate buildings including a church and railroad depot; farm buildings; and commercial architecture that includes handsomely detailed early-twentieth-century masonry buildings as well as minimalist mid-century Modern Movement buildings. The district’s period of significance begins in 1782, reflecting the traditional founding date of the community by Jacob Boon, and extends to 1964, fifty years ago, reflecting the town’s ongoing importance as a commercial and governmental center in Franklin County.
The community of Boones Mill was founded in Franklin County in 1782 when pioneer settler Jacob Boon established flour and corn mills on Maggodee Creek along the Carolina Road, a north-south route that connected to the Great Wagon Road through the Valley of Virginia. Although Jacob Boon died in 1814, the mill named for him continued to operate at least through the 1920s. The first post office in the village, by then named “Boone’s Mill,” opened in 1828 (Mitchell). Through the nineteenth century, the mill village continued to grow into a small trading center serving farmers and travelers in the northwestern part of the county. Despite the establishment of a turnpike through the community in the late 1840s, generally, inadequate transportation facilities in rural, mountainous Franklin County hindered the ability of farmers to deliver cash crops to markets in a timely fashion, so until the coming of the railroads in the late nineteenth century, most trade was local. Farmers typically “had a mixture of livestock and such crops as wheat, corn, oats, and flax. Almost everyone grew at least some tobacco as a cash crop, although a few farmers managed to get along without it” (Salmon and Salmon, 134). Boon’s mills were counted among the manufacturing mills in the county, of which there were nine in 1850 and thirteen in 1860 (Salmon and Salmon, 122). Thomson’s Mercantile and Professional Directory – Virginia – 1851 identified John A. Smith as a flour miller in the village of “Boon’s Mill.” Smith was also a tobacconist, producing and/or selling tobacco products. As the century wore on, the growth of the county’s agricultural production was evident in the increased number of local manufacturers: the 1870 census recorded 33 gristmills, 7 sawmills, and 4 tobacco manufacturers in the county; and the 1880 census listed 11 sawmills, 27 gristmills, 2 cabinetmakers, and 3 tobacco manufacturers (Salmon and Salmon, 335).
Train Ride Through Boones Mill, June 27, 2012, filmed by Mike Smith.
The expansion of railroads in the last decades of the nineteenth century facilitated profitable connections between producers and markets, leading to commercial development booms in large cities as well as small villages. The Boones Mill Norfolk & Western passenger and freight station opened in 1892, and commerce in the village just across the tracks was quick to follow. Mrs. J.L. Abshire opened a florist shop by 1897 (Salmon and Salmon, 351); Mrs. A.M. Bowman advertised her millinery business in 1908, and was listed as a milliner in a 1911 business directory; the same directory noted that Bettie Mettes was a general merchant in town; and in 1917 at least one woman, Mrs. S. E. Turner, operated a boarding house (Salmon and Salmon, 352).
,In 1903, commercial-scale apple growing was established in Franklin County when Dr. Samuel S. Guerrant created the county’s largest apple orchard in the first half of the twentieth century at Algoma (near Calloway). Guerrant’s rail shipping point was Boones Mill, from which (as of 1916) “many thousand barrels of Albemarle Pippins and other apples are shipped annually, many of them being exported” (N&W, 68). By 1933, Algoma “employed 180 people and shipped as many as twenty thousand barrels of apples a year, an increase of ten thousand barrels over 1926.” (Salmon and Salmon, 372). While there was a growing population and ready market for fresh produce in nearby, rail-connected markets like Roanoke, canning fragile fruits and vegetables before shipment also became a popular and lucrative commercial activity for growers and brokers in Boones Mill beginning around 1900. In 1916, the Industrial and Shippers Guide said of Boones Mill, population 500: “Bones [sic] Mill is in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains and is a very important trading center for a large section of Franklin and Floyd Counties. The town contains several general stores, bank, well graded primary school and a number of churches . . . Surrounding Boones Mill is one of the finest apple and tomato sections of Virginia . . . Many thousand cases of canned goods are shipped from this station annually. . . There are four sawmills, two flouring mills, a dozen or more canning factories and several other enterprises of a similar character located here” (N&W,68). Boone Mill Supply Company, Inc., located at 100 Easy Street, was organized in 1918 to include canning among its several commercial activities. Company officer Arthur H. “Jack” or “Buck” Garst was one of the community’s most productive businessmen; in addition to the cannery he managed a lumber dealership and several sawmills, was a livestock dealer, and “in some years shipped as many as ‘one thousand carloads of lumber and timber product’” including cord wood, telegraph poles, railroad ties, and pulp wood (Salmon and Salmon, 341). Garst, like other lumber dealers, would typically obtain crossties from area farmers, who used them as a source of extra income from their land (Salmon and Salmon, 340). Other commercial-scale agricultural endeavors that were enhanced by shipping by rail from Boones Mill and, later in the twentieth century by over-the-road trucks, included butter and milk exports to Roanoke’s Clover Creamery and Winston-Salem’s Southern Dairies (the latter, after a processing stop in Rocky Mount (Salmon and Salmon, 375).
As income flowed into the community, some of the town’s businessmen decided to keep local money close to home, and so established the Boones Mill Farmers and Merchants Bank, which opened in 1912 on a corner lot close to the railroad depot. The bank eventually outgrew its home and expanded into a new building at 40 Main Street in the 1950s. As the population of the county grew in the years after the conclusion of World War II, Boones Mill garnered more professional office spaces, including a medical center and other small office buildings.
Farmers not only shipped products out of town, they also purchased goods and equipment in the town’s various retail establishments, including general merchandise (department) stores such as the Blue Ridge Mercantile Company and Boone Mill Supply Company, both of which date from the late 1910s; specialty stores such as drug stores; and beginning in the 1920s, automobile dealerships such as the Virginia Motor Company, a Chevrolet dealer. As a well-stocked supply center for the area, Boones Mill also was a convenient service center, with restaurants, gas stations, and auto repair businesses. Established in the early 1920s, the C.H. Peters Feed Store served as the local supplier of feed and seed through the Virginia Seed Service (now Southern States). The store moved to its present location at the corner of Main Street and Boones Mill Road in the 1930s (Cundiff and Shively 1978:80). The 1940 United States Census documented the types of local retail and service businesses where area residents worked, including a feed store, auto repair shops, a café, a flour mill, a stationery store, filling stations, a car dealership, the post office, a bank, general merchandise stores, barber shop, shoe shop, lumberyard, drug store, millinery shop, lunchroom, and telephone company. By the later decades of the twentieth century, Boones Mill’s retail focus shifted from the historic commercial core area to the roadside gas stations and convenience markets alongside heavily traveled U.S. 220. The Chevrolet dealership closed in the 1960s. While many retailers have moved out, most of the town’s commercial spaces continue to be used and are occupied by professional and service offices and workshops.
One of the first governmental entities to establish its presence in the community was the U. S. Postal Service, which established a “Boone’s Mill” post office in the 1820s. The post office occupied various business locations over the years but eventually settled into its current home at the Boones Mill Shopping Center (60 Main Street; DHR #170-0009-0046) in 1958. Local government authority was eventually granted to Boones Mill when it received town status in 1927. Chartered by the state of Virginia, Boones Mill is one of only two incorporated towns in the county (the other is the county seat, Rocky Mount). It is governed by a council composed of a mayor and six council members elected at large. Perhaps not coincidentally, electric power arrived in Boones Mill in 1927. To encourage additional community development, Boones Mill’s leaders realized they needed to offer better infrastructure and services, including utilities like water and sewer systems, and basic fire and police protection. Paying for such enhancements was possible only after the community had an official town government authorized to levy taxes. Unfortunately, the Great Depression struck not long after Boones Mill acquired town status, so for a time infrastructure improvements were placed on hold. In the 1930s Wilson Abshire, son of Franklin County Deputy Sheriff Henry T. Abshire, began serving as town policeman, a position he held for decades. The town also gave some attention to fire protection during this period by obtaining a fire truck and organizing a crew of volunteer firefighters. Initially chartered as Boone Mill, the town officially changed its name to Boones Mill in the 1940s.
During World War II, the Franklin County Volunteer Emergency Service was established with departments that included fire, police, emergencies, nursing, utilities, and air raid warning services; some people even offered “to house children who might have to be evacuated from the Eastern Shore”(Salmon and Salmon, 434). Boones Mill, because it already had fire, police, and other services in place, mobilized quickly to participate. “Because Franklin was located 250 miles from the coast between two trunk line railroads and two industrial cities and not far from the gunpowder plant at Radford, the mission of the local defense force was to protect the area from incendiary bombs and resulting fires. With the formation of the Franklin County Aircraft Warning Service, the county was divided into strategic observation districts for spotting enemy planes. By 15 June 1941, twenty-four warning posts had been established” (Salmon and Salmon, 438). A mid-twentieth-century “air raid” siren located on the hill above and to one side of the Virginia Motor Company building (DHR #170-0009-0014) may date to this period, or the Cold War era of the 1950s and 1960s.
After World War II concluded, the town finally managed to build a modest Town Hall at 120 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0049), which also originally housed the town’s fire truck. With the creation of the Boones Mill Rescue Squad and the Boones Mill Volunteer Fire Department in the 1960s, the building ceased serving as a garage space for the firefighting apparatus. Town Council meetings and other town government activities took place in the diminutive building until 2011, when the town offices and meeting space relocated to spacious offices elsewhere in the town. And while the town did manage to establish a public water authority to supply Boones Mill from area wells and springs, as of 1993 there was still no sewage treatment service available (Salmon and Salmon, 452).
The district is significant for its varied assemblage of historic buildings that illustrate the evolution of architectural preferences in a small rural community over more than two centuries. While no two buildings are exactly alike, nearly all reflect a generally conservative or modest approach to exteriors. The oldest resource in the district is the Boon-Angell-Ferguson House (DHR #170-0001), which, although altered, is the house that Jacob Boon, the founding father of Boones Mill, built ca. 1784. Known as Locust Lawn, the house is a two-story log dwelling with a raised foundation of coursed fieldstone, exterior wood siding, a two-story frame rear ell, and a 1960s side wing. On the north gable end of the house is perhaps its most significant feature: a massive double-shouldered stone chimney of coursed fieldstone. Original portions of the house include the mud cellar, the living room, and two upstairs bedrooms. The two-story front porch was constructed in the mid-nineteenth century. Like other early settlement-era structures in the region, the house features locally sourced native materials for its construction. In 1782, Boon established his first mill along the west side of Maggodee Creek. The mill consisted of two buildings, one that milled corn and the other grain (Salmon and Salmon 1993:342-343). Both were large, blocky timber-frame buildings with weatherboard siding and stone foundations, with small glazed windows and side-gabled roofs with minimal eaves overhangs and no other ornamentation. The mill was removed ca. 1930 when a federal highway (then Route 30, now U.S. 220) was built through town; the approximate site of the buildings is located within the district boundaries.
The Boon-Abshire House (DHR #170-0009-0006) was constructed ca. 1814 when Stephen Boon inherited the property upon Jacob Boon’s death. It has been in the Abshire family since 1900. An eighteenth-century log house stood in the rear yard until the 1930s. Reputedly the first frame dwelling in the area of Boones Mill, this two-and-a-half-story building has an unusual floor plan with the main staircase tucked into a small room off the front porch rather than from the more typical interior hall. This variation suggests an intentional attempt to separate public (downstairs) from private (upstairs) spaces, a desirable feature if the house actually served as some type of tavern or lodging for travelers. Two front doors access the two first-floor rooms from the porch. The house retains exceptionally fine craftsmanship in the form of its Federal-style woodwork, which includes gouged and reeded carved mantels and door surrounds with tripartite and tablet panels, reeded architrave moldings, and wood panel wainscoting. First-floor windows feature nine-over-nine wood sashes, while the shorter second floor has six-over-six windows. A one-story rear kitchen separated cooking messes from the more elegant dining room and parlor of the dwelling. The building stands on a rubble fieldstone foundation, is of mortised and tenoned timbers with weatherboard siding, and features exterior end chimneys of handmade local bricks with semi-detached stacks.
Until the post-Civil War period, few other buildings were constructed in the area now encompassed by the district boundaries. The Boon-Angell-Ferguson and Boon-Abshire houses were both the seats of larger farms, and the bottomlands alongside Maggodee Creek would have been prime agricultural lands, not occupied by buildings. Though “Boone’s Mill” existed as a place and had a post office, it was not a dense village but rather a collection of neighboring farmers and millers. The next phase of building, which did increase the density of development, began after 1880 when the Angell family purchased the Boon Mills and Homeplace and set about subdividing the land along the creek into smaller lots for houses. By 1892, the Norfolk & Western Railway had built its rail line through town and established the Boones Mill Depot as a passenger and freight station; and the first batch of new houses was going up. The depot design reflects standard-issue N&W planning: a long rectangular form clad in board and batten siding, a side-gable roof with broad eave overhangs, exposed rafter ends, and decorative stickwork trusses and braces; and a distinctive projecting polygonal bay facing the tracks. The Late Victorian and Italianate categories come closest to describing the building’s architectural style.
The earliest houses from this period are I-houses of weatherboarded frame construction, with six-over-six or two-over-two windows, brick foundations and interior flues, and hipped or side-gabled roofs with front porches that feature either turned posts or Tuscan columns, turned or picket balusters, and other trim. The Jamison-Thurman House at 150 Easy Street (DHR #170- 0009-0016) is a good example of this vernacular type with simple Folk Victorian accents. Slightly more grand is the Jess Call House at 63 Boones Mill Road (DHR #170-0009-0011), another weatherboarded I-house, which has fancy Eastlake stickwork applied in the gable ends.
At the upper end of the spectrum for this period is the Angell-Young-Hurt House (DHR #170- 0009-0019), which grew from an I-house into a complex cross-gabled house with a Queen Anne inside corner tower. Houses from ca. 1900 to 1920 are stylistically similar, but often employ either a one-story (square cottage) or two-story (Foursquare) form, and are distinctive for their steep hipped roofs. A few examples, such as the Folk Victorian-detailed Garst-Wright House at 240 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0001) are raised above tall basements. Colonial Revival characteristics also begin to make an appearance with these types, as with the Bowman House at 117 Dogwood Hill Road (DHR #170-0009-0010).
The district has four large Commercial Style buildings in the district, all built ca. 1900-1920, that anchor their respective areas: the Blue Ridge Mercantile Building on Boones Mill Road, at Main Street (DHR #170-0009-0012a), the Boone Mill Supply Company at 100 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0015), the Virginia Motor Company Building at 24935Virgil H. Goode Highway (DHR #170-0009-0014), and the Bowman and Bowman Building at 4 Dogwood Hill Road (DHR #170-0009-0013). They each include ornamental masonry features, were constructed with large ground-level storefronts or display windows, and smaller upper-story windows, and have flat or low-slope shed roofs obscured from pedestrian view by raised front and side parapets. A one-story version of this style is represented by the former Farmers & Merchants Bank at 75 Boones Mill Road (DHR #170-0009-0003), which also happens to fall into the corner-entry “bank” type, due to its angled and recessed corner entry.
The former Boones Mill Christian Church on Bethlehem Road at U.S. 220 (DHR #170-0009- 0005, dedicated in 1920, has the most ornate and unusual exterior in the entire district, and as a result stands out among its neighbors. Now used as a masonic lodge meeting hall, the building might be best described as Italianate-Romanesque in style. Its ornamental features include roughcast bricks, stucco panels, brick corbels and brackets, and stained-and-leaded glass windows to the original sanctuary.
The 1920s-1950s witnessed the more widespread use of brick as a finish veneer to disguise less expensive, easier-constructed wood frame or concrete block structural systems, for both houses and commercial buildings. Earlier examples continued to use decorative brick treatments such as corbelled cornices, while later buildings such as the BB & T Bank at 40 Main Street (DHR #170- 0009-0044) adopted minimalist, clean lines that gained favor for commercial buildings in the mid-twentieth century period. Three of the four 1920s houses on the heights of Dogwood Hill Road are of brick-veneered frame construction, and illustrate the influence, if not the adoption, of certain styles popular in Boones Mill housing during the period: Craftsman/Bungalow, transitional Queen Anne/Craftsman, and Colonial Revival. There are also only a few houses in the district that represent “academic” or “textbook” examples of the styles they use: the Boitnott House at 90 Maggodee Ridge Lane (DHR #170-0009-0027) is a Craftsman Bungalow of merit, and the Ferguson-Ruff House at 230 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0020) is a singularly wellcrafted example of Tudor Revival style.
Brown, Ron. Jacob Boon Established Mill Along Maggodee Creek. Franklin County Bicentennial, Franklin News-Post, Rocky Mount. 1 January 1986:3E.
Chauncey, Barbara and Michael Pulice. NRHP Nomination Form for the Rocky Mount Historic District (Boundary Increase), December 2007.
Cundiff, Dorothy R. and Rod Shively, editors. Franklin County 1785-1978: Yesterday and Today. Seventh Edition. Franklin County Retail Merchants Association, Rocky Mount, 1978.
Franklin County General Index to Charters, Partnerships, and Assumed Names (Book C, page 78).
Franklin County GIS data: http://arcgis.webgis.net/va/Franklin
Franklin County Real Estate Records, online at http://arcims2.webgis.net/va/franklin
Hildebrand, J.R. A Settlement Map of Franklin County, Virginia. Franklin County Historical Society, Rocky Mount, 1976.
Historic Boones Mill, Virginia Facebook page (referenced in nomination text as “HBMV”): https://www.facebook.com/pages/Historic-Boones-MillVirginia/286873631450447
Mitchell, Betty Naff, A Little History of Boones Mill. Web article at http://naff.bravepages.com/boones_mill.html Accessed 28 February 2014.
Norfolk & Western Railway Electrification Plan for Boones Mill Combination Depot (1927): http://www.nwhs.org/archivesdb/detail.php?ID=56001 Accessed 23 February 2014.
Owen, Randy. Informant, interviewed 4 November 2013.
Salmon, John S. and Emily J. Salmon. Franklin County Virginia 1786-1986: A Bicentennial History. Rocky Mount, Virginia: Franklin County Bicentennial Commission, 1993.
Smith, Mike and Dianne, with Albert and Lois Janney, "Ca. 1950s Downtown Boones Mill." Display at Boones Mill Town Hall.
Thomson’s Mercantile Directory (Virginia, 1851): http://www.newrivernotes.com/topical_business_thomsons_mercantile_directory_virginia_1851. htm#Franklin Accessed 23 February 2014.
U.S. Population Census for Franklin County, Virginia, 1920, 1930, and 1940.
Virginia Department of Transportation Advanced Bridge Report: http://dashboard.virginiadot.org/Pages/Maintenance/AdvancedBridgeReport.aspx?districtCode= 2 Accessed 23 February 2014.
Virginia Historical Inventory. “Old Abshire House, Boones Mill, Virginia.” Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project sponsored by the Virginia Conservation Commission under the direction of its Division of History. Copy in the collections of the Library of Virginia, Richmond. 1937.