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Boones Mill Historic District Story Map

Celebrating Boones Mill's Exciting History!


The Boones Mill Historic District encompasses the historic business district of the Town of Boones Mill in Franklin County, Virginia, and those contiguous residential areas that have a concentration of historic buildings. Located within the Blue Ridge Mountains, the topography includes steep ridges flanking a narrow, generally level valley through which Maggodee Creek flows. East of the creek, a railroad line winds through the district, following hillside contours. The commercial center and oldest developed residential areas are located on the flatter lands, while later residential areas typically occupy the steep hillsides. The District, approximately 45.3 acres in size, includes commercial development on Boon Street, Boones Mill Road, Easy Street, Main Street, Virgil H. Goode Highway (U.S. 220), and Bethlehem Road; and residential development along Dogwood Hill Road, Easy Street, and Maggodee Ridge Lane.

Overview Map

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The Town limit is shown in the shaded yellow, the Historic District outlined in green, and Historic District parcels shaded in blue.

The district includes a total of seventy-five (75) resources. Of these, fifty-eight (58) are contributing, and seventeen (17) are noncontributing. The contributing resources include an industrial site, nineteen (19) houses, sixteen (16) domestic secondary structures, three (3) agricultural outbuildings, thirteen (13) commercial buildings, two (2) rail-related resources, a town hall, a town siren, and two (2) meeting halls for social and civic groups. The non-contributing resources include eight (8) commercial buildings and structures, six (6) domestic secondary structures, one (1) house, and two (2) road-related resources (bridges). 

The Boones Mill Historic District is roughly bounded by Maggodee Ridge and the Norfolk Southern rail line on the east; Boones Mill Road on the south; a tributary of Maggodee Creek and the right-of-way of Virgil H. Goode Highway on the west; and on the north, the site of Jacob Boon’s eighteenth-century mills and two historic residential properties. The contributing resources include fifty-two (52) buildings, four structures, one (1) site, and one (1) object. Most of the contributing resources are commercial buildings or single-family dwellings and their associated domestic and agricultural outbuildings, but the district also includes a former church, the former town hall, a social hall, and a railroad depot. Also counted among the contributing resources are a railroad grade, the town siren, and a mill site. The noncontributing resources include fifteen (15) buildings and two (2) structures. Three (3) of the district’s seventy-five (75) resources pre-date 1830, about sixteen (16) were built in the late nineteenth century, about thirty-eight (38) resources date from ca. 1900 to ca. 1940, about eight dates from the ca. 1940 to 1964 period, and the remaining ten post-date 1964. Architectural types represented in the district include referential (rather than high-style) examples of Commercial Style, Italianate, Folk Victorian, Craftsman/Bungalow, Colonial Revival, Tudor Revival, and Modern Movement styles, and forms such as I-houses, Foursquare, and vernacular log and timber-framed dwellings.

The district's core commercial area.

The district’s core commercial area includes a loose collection of one- and two-story, mostly freestanding buildings, dispersed along different streets rather than concentrated along a single streetscape. Some of the district’s most prominent buildings are its two-story Commercial Style buildings. Built between 1900 and 1930, they feature masonry construction, ornamental elements such as decorative brickwork, rusticated concrete blocks, pressed metal cornices, and raised parapets. The Boone Mill Supply Company (DHR #170-0009-0015) at 100 Easy Street is the best-preserved example of this type. From the same period are a few examples of one-story Commercial Style buildings, most notably the ca. 1912 Farmers and Merchants Bank (DHR #170-0007) at 75 Boones Mill Road. These buildings tended not to have large storefronts and display windows but often exhibited at least one of the typical characteristics of the style, such as corbeled brick cornices or stepped parapets. Along Main Street is a concentration of single-story, brick-veneered commercial buildings that date from the 1950s and incorporate details associated with Modern Movement architecture. The Boones Mill Shopping Center (DHR #170- 0009-0046) at 60-80-90 Main Street is the principal building on this block and incorporates floor-to-ceiling display windows, a flat-roofed portico, and minimal ornament in its interpretation of Modernism. Commercial buildings in the district from all periods tend to have had alterations, particularly to storefronts and other ground-level entries, and several have replacement windows or siding. So long as they retain their historic (often evolved) forms, and at least some historic exterior materials and design features, they are considered to have sufficient integrity to be contributing.

The old Bussey house (current location of Carter Bank) with the train depot in its original location across the street on the hill.

Single-family dwellings and their outbuildings constitute the largest number of resources in the district. Two important houses predate the railroad’s arrival. Local tradition holds that the Boon- Angell-Ferguson House (DHR #170-0001) at 300 Easy Street was built for Jacob Boon in 1782 or 1784. Located directly across the creek from the site of the Boon mills, the weatherboarded log dwelling has a massive double-shouldered stone chimney and other construction details that corroborate a late-eighteenth or very early nineteenth-century date. The Boon-Abshire House (DHR #170-0005) at 44 Dogwood Hill Road is a ca. 1820 timber-framed dwelling with exceptionally fine interior woodwork of late Georgian/early Federal character and an unusual main stair situated in an enclosed porch bay. Both houses were originally associated with much larger farms that were later divided. Other houses in the district date from ca. 1890 to ca. 1930 and are mainly located in residential enclaves set apart from the businesses. Nine houses, including the Boon-Angell-Ferguson House, are located along Easy Street. Another enclave of four houses is situated on Maggodee Ridge Lane, on the hillside above and east of the railroad tracks. A final group of houses is located on Dogwood Hill Road, west of U.S. 220, and in addition to the Boon-Abshire House includes four large 1920s dwellings. In the residential enclaves, detached garages, storage sheds, well houses, and agricultural outbuildings like barns, chicken houses, and corn cribs, occasionally survive with a dwelling. Only two houses survive within the commercial area (one is vacant, the other has been converted to commercial use), although historically there were other single-family dwellings mixed in among the businesses. At least one commercial property, the Bowman and Bowman Building (DHR #170- 0009-0013) at 4 Dogwood Hill Road, provided apartments in a mixed-use setting. Contributing domestic resources are typically of wood frame construction on stone, brick, or concrete foundations, are clad in weatherboards or veneered in brick, and feature front and/or side porches and side-gabled or hipped roofs. Most of the dwellings in the district have been altered or added on to over time, with aluminum and vinyl siding and replacement windows being the most typical changes. For a domestic resource to be considered to contribute to the district, it should retain its historic form, and two or more major character-defining exterior features/historic materials (roofing, siding, windows, porch, or foundation) should be visible.

The district’s noncontributing resources are principally those buildings constructed after 1964, but they also include a few historic buildings that are noncontributing on account of extensive incompatible alterations, one recently rebuilt bridge, and one historic-period bridge with extensive alterations.

Interactive Map

The interactive map below takes you on a tour of the historic structures. As you click and/or scroll the images and descriptions to the left, the map on the right will adjust to each structure's location within the district. Detailed information, including photos and videos, if available, of each structure, is available in the content window as you scroll.

41 Boon Street

51 Boon Street. Ca. 1920. Commercial Building. 170-0009-0042. CB

63 Boones Mill Road. Ca. 1890. Jess and Edith Call House. 170-0009-0011. CB.

75 Boones Mill Road. 1912. Farmers and Merchants Bank. 170-0009-0003. Also 170-0007. CB.

10 Church Hill Street. 1892. Norfolk and Western Railway Boones Mill Depot. (Original location) 170-0009- 0002. Also 170-0008. CB.

24 Depot Drive. 2014. Norfolk and Western Railway Boones Mill Depot. (Current location) 170-0009- 0002. Also 170-0008. CB.

4 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca 1920. Bowman and Bowman Building. 170-0009-0013. CB.

44 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1820. Boon-Abshire House. 170-0009-0006. Also 170-0005. CB.

7170 Bethlehem Road - Originally Boones Mill Christian Church Ca. 1920

Former Boones Mill Christian Church Fellowship Hall

Ca. 1930. Lee Telephone Company (former). 170-0009-0024. CB.

117 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1920. Bowman House. 170-0009-0010. CB

121 Dogwood Hill Road Ca. 1920. Abshire-Flora House. 170-0009-0008. CB.

185 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1930. James Moore House. 170-0009-0007. CB.

183 Dogwood Hill Road. 1927. White-Richards House. 170-0009-0009. CB.

37 Easy Street. Ca. 1970. Lee Telephone Company Building. 170-0009-0051. NB.

100 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Boone Mill Supply Company/Garst Lumber and Wood Company Offices. 170-0009-0015. CB.

120 Easy Street. Ca. 1950. Boones Mill Town Hall (former). 170-0009-0049. CB.

125 Easy Street. Ca. 1950. Homer G. Murray Building (Boones Mill Lions Club). 170-0009- 0048. CB.

150 Easy Street. Ca. 1890. Jamison-Thurman House. 170-0009-0016. CB.

160 (also addressed 206) Easy Street. Ca. 1900. T.A. and Mae Flora House. 170-0009-0017. CB.

170 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Crook-Cannaday House. 170-0009-0018. NB.

200 Easy Street. Ca. 1890. Young-Hurt House. 170-0009-0019. CB.

230 Easy Street. Ca. 1930. Ferguson-Ruff House. 170-0009-0020. CB.

240 Easy Street. Ca. 1900. Garst-Wright House. 170-0009-0001. Also 170-0002. CB.

280 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Garst-Cook House. 170-0009-0021. CB.

300 Easy Street. Ca. 1782. Boon-Angell-Ferguson House. 170-0009-0004. Also 170-0001. CB.

450 Easy Street. Ca. 1900. Charles O. Murray House. 170-0009-0022. CB.

30 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1890. Emswiler-Murray House. 170-0009-0025. CB.

44 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Pete Murray House. 170-0009-0026. CB.

80 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Ethel Boitnott House. 170-0009-0028. CB

90 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Boitnott House. 170-0009-0027. CB.

20 Main Street. Ca. 1920. C.H. Peters Feed Store (Windy Gap Outdoor Power & Equipment). 170-0009-0012. CB.

40 Main Street. Ca. 1955. Farmers and Merchants Bank/Former BB&T Bank. 170-0009-0044. NB.

60-80-90 Main Street. 1958. Boones Mill Shopping Center. 170-0009-0046. CB.

100 Main Street. Ca. 1955. Boones Mill Medical Center (former). 170-0009-0047. CB.

24930 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 2000. Commercial Building (FSI Auto Sales). 170- 0009-0043. NB

24935 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 1920. Virginia Motor Company Building. 170-0009- 0014. CB.

24938 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 2000. Commercial Building (Subway Restaurant). 170-0009-00. NB.

25160 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 1920. Lily Peters House. 170-0009-0023. CB.

41 Boon Street

This is a ca. 1920 one-story, front-gabled commercial building of frame construction with a stepped false-front parapet, metal roofing, a poured concrete foundation, and a ca. 2000 covered wooden deck along the creek side. The original weatherboards are covered over with metal siding. A metal canopy across the façade shelters the front entry; evidence suggests a former second front entry and division of the interior into two spaces. This is a small commercial building that dates from the first half of the twentieth century. It is a representative example of Boones Mill's simplest type of frame commercial building. It retains a distinctive false-front stepped parapet that obscures a gable roof, and evidence of its early or original division into two commercial spaces. Exterior alterations from the 1960s and later include the installation of metal siding. This building is located on the same parcel as the adjacent commercial building, a former house, at 51 Boon Street. According to the 1940 U.S. census, Owen L. Amos was a cobbler living in Boones Mill who worked from his own shop; Smith et al indicated that in the 1950s, Amos Shoe Repair and Amos Barber Shop operated by Lonnie Amos were in this location. Currently vacant, the building was most recently occupied by a salon and before that by a restaurant.

51 Boon Street. Ca. 1920. Commercial Building. 170-0009-0042. CB

This ca. 1920 house is a one-story, cubical cottage dwelling of wood frame construction with aluminum siding over original weatherboards, a poured concrete foundation, 2/2 double-hung wood windows, simple trim including a wide frieze, a standing seam metal hipped roof, and a narrow shed-roofed side addition with fixed 6-pane windows. The original shed-roofed front porch has been enclosed with stone veneer and has three large picture windows across the front. A large sign is affixed to the roof of the porch. This former dwelling, a ca. 1920 pyramidal roofed cottage, is representative of modestly scaled residences built in Boones Mill in the early twentieth century when the town was a significant industrial, commercial, and transportation center for the area. The house's front porch was incompatibly altered and enclosed ca. 1970, but the remainder of the building retains good integrity. Currently occupied by a private law office, this house is historically associated with the Amos Building next door and may have served as the Amos home.

63 Boones Mill Road. Ca. 1890. Jess and Edith Call House. 170-0009-0011. CB.

This is a two-story, three-bay wood-frame I-house dwelling with wood siding, side-gable roof, applied ornamental stickwork and pierced wooden decorative vents in gable ends, an original rear ell, a center entry that includes a transom and single sidelight, a one-story front porch with Tuscan columns and turned balusters, and an early-20th-century brick exterior end chimney. The house’s windows are obscured by shutters but are likely intact 2/2 double-hung wood sash. According to Smith et al, this house was occupied by Jess Call in the 1950s. Local tradition holds that this was the Call House until 1964, when it was sold to the Maxey family. At one time the phone company had a manual switch board here, operated by a Mrs. Terry, who lived in the house with her family. The house is currently vacant and used for storage, but appeared to have been mothballed, when surveyed in late 2013.

The house includes a storage shed. Ca. 1950. CB. This is a one-story, gabled shed of wood frame construction.

75 Boones Mill Road. 1912. Farmers and Merchants Bank. 170-0009-0003. Also 170-0007. CB.

This is a one-story masonry building built in two phases. The original section features brick walls laid in five-course bond, an angled and recessed corner entry, wooden console brackets, a cast iron corner support, paired wood/glass panel doors with a transom and sidelights, a shed roof, tall parapets, and decorative brickwork including a corbelled cornice and splayed jack arches above window and door openings. Some of the original windows have been reduced or closed in, but their openings remain visible. A ca. 1950 addition to the side/rear of the original bank is of concrete block construction and incorporates steel-framed windows and a second building entrance. The exterior masonry has been painted and needs repointing and other repairs. This property was used as the Farmers and Merchants Bank from ca. 1910 until the early 1950s when a larger, modern bank building was constructed on newly platted Main Street. In 1916, the bank’s president was L. A. Bowman, and the bank had $10,000 in capital and reported profits of $2,400. The building is currently occupied by Boones Mill Upholstery Company, Inc.

10 Church Hill Street. 1892. Norfolk and Western Railway Boones Mill Depot. (Original location) 170-0009- 0002. Also 170-0008. CB.

This is a one-story, rectangular wood frame “combination” depot (accommodating both freight and passenger service) of corporate design, built in two phases. Historic photos and plan drawings document that the building’s passenger service end was extended one bay between 1892 and 1927. Built on a narrow parcel between the rail line and Boones Mill Road, the depot exhibits Italianate influences including board-and-batten exterior siding, deep overhanging eaves, decorative exposed rafter ends, braces, and other stickwork. The building’s gable roof is clad in standing-seam metal and includes a lower (trackside) gabled polygonal bay that separates the freight and passenger areas. Several two- and four-panel wood doors remain in place, along with transoms over a few of the doors. Corrugated panels are affixed to most window and door openings, but it appears that the original multi-pane double-hung wood windows remain in place and protected behind the panels. Entry to the passenger zone of the depot is at grade, while a raised platform accesses the wide doorways of the freight transfer/storage zone. "Boones Mill" is lettered in paint on each of the main gable ends of the depot. Several vintage industrial exterior light fixtures remain in place on the exterior and presumably date to the late 1920s electrification of the building. The Boones Mill Station was established in 1892 on the Norfolk and Western Railway’s Roanoke and Southern branch line connecting Roanoke with Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Later known as the Shenandoah Division of the Norfolk & Western Railroad, the rail line was nicknamed the “Punkin Vine” due to its winding route through the Blue Ridge Mountains. After its opening, the Boones Mill depot quickly became an important shipping point for farmers and stock dealers from a large section of Franklin County, as reported in the Norfolk and Western Railway’s 1916 business-promoting Industrial and Shippers Guide: “From this point, many thousand barrels of Albemarle Pippins and other apples are shipped annually, many of them being exported. Many thousand cases of canned goods are shipped from this station annually.” In addition to fresh and canned produce, timber and dairy products were shipped to outside markets through the Boones Mill freight station. Within a decade of beginning rail service in Franklin County, the Norfolk and Western Railroad was carrying local butter to Roanoke for sale. By 1917 local dairy farmers B.T. Flora and J.A. Naff were shipping Grade A milk from Boones Mill to Clover Creamery in Roanoke, and within six years, “300 gallons of milk a day went to Roanoke from Boones Mill alone” (Salmon and Salmon, 320, 374; Norfolk and Western, 68- 280). Passenger service at Boones Mill ended before 1976, although freight service was still available for a couple of decades thereafter.

24 Depot Drive. 2014. Norfolk and Western Railway Boones Mill Depot. (Current location) 170-0009- 0002. Also 170-0008. CB.

4 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca 1920. Bowman and Bowman Building. 170-0009-0013. CB.

This is a two-story, four-bay commercial building of rusticated concrete block construction with plain cast-concrete lintels over all door and window openings, a flat front parapet and stepped side parapets with tile coping, a central recessed entry, and two unrecessed entries. Alterations include the partial enclosure of former showroom/display windows on the two street facades, replacement of other windows with vinyl sashes, and installation of vinyl siding to the rear elevation. The large one-story rear extension has side and rear garage bays. A concrete raised loading platform extends from the building's south side. This early-20th-century mixed-use commercial block was originally occupied by transportation-focused businesses including Star Cars, Gas, Oil, Accessories, and General Repair Work; and served as the local bus stop after the improved national highway (previously Route 30, now U.S. 220) was built. According to Smith et al, the building also accommodated a billiards hall. Local tradition holds that the building once housed the garage for the Virginia Motor Company, a Chevrolet dealership run by Yuell Bernard, located across the street. At one time there was a pool hall downstairs. Bernard Cooper was the mechanic for the garage. Wilford Hicks had an antique shop in the downstairs. At present, the building has been adapted for use as residential apartments.

44 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1820. Boon-Abshire House. 170-0009-0006. Also 170-0005. CB.

This property was one of the last remaining, very few intact small farmsteads in the town limits of Boones Mill and retains in addition to the ca. 1820 main house a varied collection of domestic and agricultural outbuildings. The Boon-Abshire House, which faces east-northeast toward Dogwood Hill Road, is an evolved two-story, weatherboarded mortise-and-tenon-framed building with a fieldstone foundation, recessed front porch, two six-panel front doors, six-over-six double-hung wood windows, Flemish-bond brick exterior end chimneys, and a standing-seam metal side-gable roof. Small, square, four-light, fixed-sash windows in the gable ends flank the chimney stacks. A one-story gable-roofed ell extends from the rear of the house. A 1937 survey prepared for the Virginia Historical Inventory documented the interior features of the house: The roof of the house is extended to cover the front porch, which is cut off at each end. One end forms a large entrance to a built-in winding stairway which is the only stairway in the house, except the one going to the attic from the upper left room. At the other end of the porch is a small bedroom. A long room above extends over the entire front of the house. Two rooms and a hall complete the second floor, and the attic has a very low ceiling and two small windows. There are three windows in front on the second story and one on each side. Downstairs there is one window in the room used for the stairway, one in the small bedroom, two in the room on the left, and three in the room on the right, as well as two over two windows in each of the two rooms constituting the "L". The frame of the house is of huge timbers mortised and pinned with wooden pins, two to each rafter. There are four glasses in a transom over each of the doors, and the facings of all the doors downstairs are beautifully carved. The wainscoting has a carved border, and the mantels which are of poplar are also carved. The hardware has been replaced by modern contrivances, but the original keyholes remain and are of great size. The doors are mostly four-panel, but the two doors on the porch are two-panel. The foundation is of native stone and the two brick chimneys are ornamented several feet from the grounds.

The property was obtained by Stephen Boon in 1814, and the Abshires have owned it since 1900. In 1937 the property was owned by former Franklin County Deputy Sheriff Henry T. Abshire, who in 1936 was convicted during an infamous moonshine-related conspiracy trial. (Virginia Historical Inventory, 1937).

VDHR Architectural Historian Michael Pulice asserts that the Boon-Abshire House is the second-oldest surviving house in Boones Mill and that it is one of the region’s earliest surviving houses (DHR file #170-0005, October 2013). Some traditions suggest that the house is of log construction and was built in 1777 by Jacob Boon, but architectural evidence supports an early nineteenth-century construction date.

a. Storage building. Ca. 1900. CB. This is a one-story, front-gable, wood-frame outbuilding with vertical siding, a stone pier foundation, and minimal window openings with protective bars. Entry is through a single-leaf, braced-board door centered in the gable end. The building is sited to partially overhang a small creek at the rear of the property and appears to have been used as a workshop or storage building.

b. Corncrib. Ca. 1900. CB Structure. This is a one-story, lath-sided wood frame corncrib with a stacked-stone pier foundation, standing-seam-metal front-gable roof, and a braced overhang at gable-end entry

c. Garage/workshop. Ca. 1930. CB. This is a one-story wood frame garage or small shop building with wood weatherboard siding, 4-light fixed windows on side walls, a single bay opening with double-leaf garage doors, a pier foundation of stacked stones, and a standing seam metal front-gable roof. Doors face the adjacent street (Heatherwood Drive), but an interior vent pipe suggests other uses, possibly as a workshop. Deputy Sheriff Abshire reputedly stored moonshine confiscated from bootleggers in the garage/workshop outbuilding (HBMV).

d. Springhouse. Ca. 1930. CB. This is a one-story, shed-roofed, wood-frame springhouse with wood siding and poured concrete foundation.

e. Mobile home. Ca. 1980. NB. This is a one-story, single-wide prefabricated mobile home with an added front deck and skirting. Addressed as 40 Dogwood Hill Road.

The house was deconstructed piece-by-piece in 2021 by Dr. Boone, a descendent of the Boone family. Dr. Boone has reconstructed the house on his personal property.

7170 Bethlehem Road - Originally Boones Mill Christian Church Ca. 1920

This is an Italianate-style, three-bays-wide, seven-bays-deep, nave-plan church building adapted for reuse as a fraternal order meeting hall. The gable-front form has numerous character-defining features including front and rear parapets with decorative corbelled brick cornices, stucco ornaments, projecting brick piers, arcaded brick corbelled frieze, round classical-turning vent, ornamental stained leaded glass one-over-one arch-top windows with brick arches and cast-stone details, and double-leaf entry doors beneath an arched sign panel. The building’s brickwork is generally laid up in a five-course common bond with penciled mortar joints. Pressed metal shingles cover the original gable roof. A ca. 1940 two-story rear office/classroom addition of plain Colonial Revival character has separate front and rear entries, 6/1 double-hung wood windows, a side-gable roof with asphalt shingles, and minimal detailing. Located at the prominent historic intersection of the old Callaway Road (now Bethlehem Road/Va 739) and old US 220, the former church is set back from the intersection with landscaped front and side yards. Mature boxwoods and other ornamental plantings are augmented with poured concrete walks on the north and east sides of the property. This church was dedicated in 1920 as the Boones Mill Christian Church for a congregation established in the town in 1918.

Former Boones Mill Christian Church Fellowship Hall

1960. CB. This is a one-story, brick-veneered side-gable office building styled to look like a ranch house, with a large chimney and simple Colonial Revival-influenced detailing, including multi-pane 8/8 and 6/6 double hung wood sashes and six-panel wood doors placed at three entries located on the front and side elevations. The front entrances are located adjacent to the large paved parking lot of a service station.

Ca. 1930. Lee Telephone Company (former). 170-0009-0024. CB.

This is a one-story commercial/utility building of brick and concrete block construction. Built in two phases (brick front, concrete block rear), the building was modified ca. 2000 by the installation of stucco veneer. The building’s front-gable roof is clad in asphalt shingles; its main entry is a centered wood-and-glass-panel door; and the southeast elevation retains an original six-over-six double-hung wood sash window. A large sign for "Heatherwood Apartments" is affixed to the northwest side elevation. Built into the sloping site, the building has a tall foundation at the rear and sides, and is entered on the front elevation at street level. The triangular parcel drops sharply in grade from the street level down to a tributary of Maggodee Creek that passes along the southeast side. In front of the building is a paved parking area with raised curbs.

117 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1920. Bowman House. 170-0009-0010. CB

This is a two-story, three-bay American Foursquare dwelling of frame construction with brick veneer under a hipped roof with a hipped front dormer. Decorative details, especially at the front entry portico, reflect the influence of the Federal and Colonial Revival styles. A principal feature of the house is its gabled portico, which has a segmentally arched vaulted ceiling and tripled square corner columns. Applied fan-pattern wood trim caps the six-panel entry door. A one-story porch on the south elevation has been enclosed as a sunroom. A polygonal bay window projects on the north side of the house. To the rear is a one-story kitchen ell. The house’s windows are vinyl replacements with grid muntins; the deep eave overhangs and boxed cornice are also clad in vinyl. The house and outbuildings are situated on a large, mostly wooded parcel at the southwest edge of town. It is one of several large dwellings built in the early 20th century on this hillside overlooking Boones Mill. Numerous designed landscape features adorn the yard property, including the winding entry drive that terminates in a circular parking area, concrete gate posts, stone retaining walls, poured concrete and brick walks, stairs, and patios, and abundant ornamental plantings. Due to the steep slope, there is minimal lawn area, located only in the immediate proximity of the house.

a. Garage. Ca. 1920. CB. This is a one-story brick two-bay garage with a poured concrete foundation, asphalt-shingled hip roof, and detailing similar to that of the house. It appears to be used for storage.

b. Garage. Ca. 1990. NB. This is a one-story, side-gable frame garage with Colonial Revival influences, including clapboard-look vinyl siding, applied shutters, and a ridge-top ventilator with weathervane. The garage bays are not visible from the street below.

121 Dogwood Hill Road Ca. 1920. Abshire-Flora House. 170-0009-0008. CB.

This two-story house has a blocky double-pile, center-passage form with stylistic influences from the Craftsman (tapered square columns on tall brick porch piers), Queen Anne (gabled roof dormer with tripartite windows), and Colonial Revival (multipane transom and sidelights at entry door) styles. It has a wraparound porch (partially enclosed), exterior walls of running bond brick veneer, and a pyramidal, metal-clad roof. Original wood windows have been replaced with vinyl sashes, but otherwise, the house has good integrity. This was the home of Wilson Abshire, a town policeman in the 1950s and 1960s. It was later owned by Jennie Flora (HBMV).

a. Chicken Coop. Ca. 1920. CB Structure. This wood-frame chicken coop has board and batten siding and a v-crimp metal roof. It is in deteriorating condition and has an associated fenced enclosure to one side.

b. Garage. Ca. 1920. CB. This one-story, single-bay, front-gable garage, built into the hillside, is constructed of rusticated concrete block walls on a poured concrete foundation and has V-crimp metal roofing. The garage’s gable ends are clad with vertical board siding, and the garage bay incorporates tongue-and-groove braced-board hinged doors.

185 Dogwood Hill Road. Ca. 1930. James Moore House. 170-0009-0007. CB.

This is a two-story, three-bay wood frame and concrete block house on a poured concrete foundation, with a hipped asphalt-shingled roof, interior brick flue, hipped front dormer, onestory hipped front porch, and a two-story rear shed ell with an additional one-story ell behind it. The house generally retains its historic form, though there have been numerous alterations in materials: aluminum siding covers the second-story weatherboards, vinyl sash replaced wood windows, and the front porch was enclosed. A semi-octagonal deck and metal awning have been added to the front of the building as well. According to local tradition, this was the home of James Moore. James Fisher, Ewell Walker and others helped dig out the basement by hand and pour the concrete walls. At times, Raymond and Gelene Amos lived in a downstairs apartment, and Mrs. Lilly B. Moore lived in a second apartment (HBMV).

a. Garage. Ca. 1930. CB. This is a one-story, hip-roofed concrete block garage with a sideloaded, double-width, single garage bay. Asphalt shingle roofing was installed after 1998.

183 Dogwood Hill Road. 1927. White-Richards House. 170-0009-0009. CB.

This one-and-a-half-story Craftsman bungalow with brick veneer exterior features a side gable roof with a front gabled wall dormer, an interior brick chimney and flue, and broad overhanging eaves with exposed decorative stepped purlin braces. A hipped porch wraps around the front and sides of the house and incorporates a central front gable feature and tapered square columns on concrete-capped brick piers. A rear shed-roofed porch is similarly detailed. One-over-one double-hung windows are used throughout the house, and the façade features two polygonal window bays, one on each side of the central entry with its transom and sidelights. Although this is the best example of a Craftsman bungalow in the district, the original sashes have been replaced and some exterior trim has been covered with vinyl. According to local tradition, this was the home of Herb White and is now owned by Betsy Richards (HBMV).

37 Easy Street. Ca. 1970. Lee Telephone Company Building. 170-0009-0051. NB.

This is a one-story Modernist commercial communications facility that houses infrastructure associated with telephone services. The exterior has oversized bricks laid in stretcher bond, a flat roof obscured by parapets, an asymmetrical façade with cast-stone vertical bands framing the single-leaf entry and a grouping of eight square cast-stone panels, and cantilevered flat roofs that shelter the front and side entries. The side yard of the property is enclosed with metal fencing to protect equipment stored on the site. Originally built by locally owned Lee Telephone Company, this facility was later affiliated with Sprint and is currently associated with CenturyLink.

100 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Boone Mill Supply Company/Garst Lumber and Wood Company Offices. 170-0009-0015. CB.

This two-part commercial building includes the retail-oriented Boone Mill Supply Company (right side), with its storefront-dominated façade; and the Garst Lumber and Wood Company offices (left side), which appears as an extended wing. The retail side is a two-story, four-bay brick structure of common bond with a full-width metal-framed storefront and transom windows (boarded over). Character-defining features include a central recessed entry with double-leaf doors, a five-light transom, and ornamental pressed-metal ceiling; a slightly recessed upper-level facade with decorative brick corbeling, twelve-light steel framed windows with cast-stone sills and lintels, a projecting pressed-metal cornice, and an extended front parapet with a cast-stone plaque and parapet coping; and stepped side parapets with tile coping. Brickwork on the façade has been scratched and scribed with initials and names, especially in readily accessible areas near the front entrance. Visible through the storefront windows is a large, undivided display area with some intermediate support columns and an ornate pressed-metal ceiling.

The two-story, four-bay left-side wing is either original or an early addition, and features similar brickwork and windows, but with less ornate detailing, including a projecting soldier-course of bricks. Tile coping tops the front and stepped side parapets. The wing's first floor windows incorporate 1/1 double-hung wood sash. Two front entrances with concrete steps and stoops provide access to the office entrance, which has a single-leaf door flanked by sidelights; and to a stair hall entrance, which has a transom-topped single-leaf door. Three-pane steel windows are installed above the first floor doors and windows as clerestory-like, inoperable transoms.

Boone Mill Supply Company, Inc. was incorporated April 19, 1918; C.J. Kinsey was listed as its first president. Later officers of the BMSC included Dr. S.S. Guerrant, president, Jack Garst, vice president, and Mrs. J.O. Angell, Sec/Treas. In February 1940 the company was reorganized, with Jack Garst identified as the company’s president. In March 1941, following Garst’s death, the firm was again reorganized, naming C.C. Jamison as its president. According to Smith et al, in the 1950s this property was home to the H.A. Ruff Supply Company (right side) and the Garst Lumber & Wood Company (left side). Clothes, shoes, meats, and locally grown produce were sold here. At one time, there was a casket company upstairs. Arthur H. Jack “Buck” Garst, John H. Ferguson, and a Mr. Dillon had a pulpwood business in the building beside the store from the 1910s through the 1950s. Later shops in the building included Ruff’s Antiques and Cannaday’s Store. Hubert (H.A.) Ruff bought the store in the 1930s and sold it in 1962. The retail section of the building is currently vacant and used for storage (Franklin County General Index to Charters, Partnerships, and Assumed Names; HBMV).

120 Easy Street. Ca. 1950. Boones Mill Town Hall (former). 170-0009-0049. CB.

This is a one-story, rectangular building of concrete block construction with a flat roof obscured by front and side parapets. The façade has evidence (seams, changes in materials, a large cast concrete lintel) of a former garage bay opening, and may have housed firefighting apparatus in addition to office space. The large bay has been reduced to a smaller multi-pane display window, with brick infill below. The building’s front elevation also has a replacement insulated steel entry door with a decorative glass panel. Each of the side elevations has large steel-framed windows with fixed upper and lower panes and awning-hinged middle panes, and cast-concrete sills. This one-room-with-restroom building served as the Boones Mill Town Hall until 2011 when the town offices moved into the former offices of the former North American Housing manufacturing plant elsewhere in town. Local tradition holds that at one time the town was the smallest incorporated town in the USA. Boones Mill was incorporated and received its town charter in 1927, and occupied this space beginning about 1950. Sue Hill recalled that her father was a volunteer fireman when this was still in use as the firehouse and that there was an emergency warning siren located on a high pole next to the building, to alert firefighters in town. (HBMV).

125 Easy Street. Ca. 1950. Homer G. Murray Building (Boones Mill Lions Club). 170-0009- 0048. CB.

This is a one-story, five-bay, concrete block social hall with Colonial Revival-influenced details, including eight-over-eight double-hung steel-framed windows, a six-panel entry door with sidelights, a pedimented surround with pilasters, applied moldings, and a dentil cornice, and minimal eaves. The building is side-gabled with corrugated metal roofing and side-gabled extensions at each gable end. A wooden ramp at the south-end addition provides accessible entry since the main entry is reached via steps that lead up to a concrete stoop. The window sashes are set into openings with concrete sills and lintels. According to Smith et al, the Boones Mill Lions Club hosted “Saturday Night Movies” here. It is one of two meeting halls in the district. It provided a setting for many of the community's social gatherings throughout the second half of the twentieth century. The Boones Mill Lions Club has been the principal organizer and sponsor of the Boones Mill Apple Festival since its inception in 1977. According to local tradition, back in the 1950s, they had movies and square dances on the weekends. Jess Call laid the block for the building, which was constructed before 1958. Prentice McGuire recalled that her father also helped with the building’s construction. The building occupies the site of a former sawmill (HBMV).

150 Easy Street. Ca. 1890. Jamison-Thurman House. 170-0009-0016. CB.

This is a two-story, three-bay I-house of simple traditional character with a one-story gabled rear kitchen ell and a Folk Victorian influenced three-bay front porch featuring a hipped roof, turned posts, spindle balustrade, diagonal lattice panels between concrete block piers, plank floor, and beaded board ceiling. Original six-over-six double-hung wood sash remain intact beneath metal storm windows. The centered entry features a wood and glass door with six divided lights above two horizontal panels. The side-gable roof is covered with standing seam metal and is set off from the walls by boxed eaves. The house has a brick foundation which is partially parged with stucco. The rear ell has an exterior end brick flue with a corbeled cap, two multi-light French doors, paired six-over-six windows, and shed-roofed extensions to the north (enclosed) and south (open porch with 4" x 4" post supports and a concrete slab floor). The property’s intact early-twentieth century residential garden landscape is notable in the district. This was the home of Curt Jamison in the 1950s and 1960s, and was the home of Myrtle Thurman for many years as well (HBMV).

160 (also addressed 206) Easy Street. Ca. 1900. T.A. and Mae Flora House. 170-0009-0017. CB.

This house was built in two phases: it includes an older, late-nineteenth-century two-story, threebay wood-framed I-house with a side-gable roof, interior brick flues and a brick perimeter foundation; with a ca. 1940 front addition of frame construction on a poured concrete foundation. Windows include two-over-two double-hung wood sashes, (single upstairs, paired downstairs); the 1940s entryway features a Craftsman-type wood-and-glass panel door. A partial-length, hipped-roof front porch was also added ca. 1940. Post-historic-period alterations include installation of vinyl siding and rebuilding of an exterior end brick chimney, and replacement of the porch supports and balustrade with modern turned wood elements. According to the property owner, there may have been an old tannery on or near this site, and the house may have been built as early as the 1870s, with major additions and alterations in the 1940s (Owen). This was the home of Tom A. and Mae Flora. He ran T.A. Flora’s store in town (HBMV).

a. Well. Ca. 1900. CB Structure. This is a hand-dug, unlined, shallow well in the front yard of the house, with stone walling above the ground line.

b. Garage foundation. Ca. 1920. NB. This is a poured concrete slab and perimeter foundation of a former two-bay garage, now used as a sports court with a basketball goal at one end.

c. Shed. Ca. 1920. CB. This is a one-story, wood frame shed with vertical siding and metal roofing, currently used for storing firewood and other miscellaneous materials. It touches the house at one back corner but is considered a detached outbuilding rather than an addition.

170 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Crook-Cannaday House. 170-0009-0018. NB.

This is a two-story, three-bay, complex hip-roofed I-house with twin gabled rear ells, two-over-two double-hung wood windows, an interior brick flue, and a brick pier-and-infill perimeter foundation. A one-story, three-bay front porch with square columns and a hipped roof shelters the house’s front entry. Alterations include installation of aluminum siding, replacement roofing, and veneer stone to some of the exposed foundations. Additions to the house include a rear shed ell, a south-side bay window and picture window, and an exterior brick chimney. In the side yard a side-gabled, semi-detached garage wing has been constructed; it includes an open carport and enclosed workshop next to the house, and three garage bays on the opposite end. The wing is fronted by a large asphalt-paved parking lot. This house was formerly the Letcher Crook House, and was later owned by Russell Cannaday (HBMV). According to current property owner Jason England, this property has been owned by someone in his wife's family, the Cannadays, for over forty years (England).

200 Easy Street. Ca. 1890. Young-Hurt House. 170-0009-0019. CB.

One of the few late-nineteenth century buildings in the district that may predate the railroad’s arrival in Boones Mill, this is a two-story, irregular-form house of wood frame construction with weatherboard siding, two-over-two double-hung wood windows, and some features that indicate Queen Anne stylistic influences. Local tradition asserts that the left-side wing was the original part of the house and served as village post office. If so, the front-gabled portion of the house is a major, early addition and transformation from the late nineteenth or early twentieth century period. Architectural evidence suggests that there were once double-leaf doors centered on the first story of that front-gabled section; other early additions to the house include a pyramidalroofed tower feature, two-story wings to the sides and rear, and a multi-bay wraparound porch with Tuscan columns, a pedimented gable feature, and a decorative balustrade. The porch has been further modified with partial enclosure on the south side for a sunroom.

The house and guest house are situated on a relatively large, flat parcel that extends from Maggodee Creek to the base of the railroad line embankment. The parcel is divided into two sections by Easy Street. That portion of the property where the house and guest house are located is bounded by a low wall of rusticated concrete blocks with piers that frame openings for the front walk and driveway. The landscape features lawn areas along with large specimen evergreen and deciduous trees and smaller ornamental trees and shrubs. Originally the Young House, later owned by the Hurt family, but according to Crawford Turner, the original portion of the house (left side) was the Boones Mill post office. A walkway from the upstairs to the railroad tracks was used to secure the incoming mail from the trains. John G. Bernard suggested that the house was built by the Garsts (HBMV). Previous survey records identify this as the Joe Angel House.

a. Guest house. Ca. 1930. CB. This is a one-story, side-gable weatherboarded wood frame guest house or office on a low pier foundation; located in the side yard of the main house, its gable end is oriented toward the street. A full-length, 2-bay porch is supported by unsawn timber posts of what appear to be peeled cedar. Openings include a single-leaf door and two-light fixed or hinged windows.

230 Easy Street. Ca. 1930. Ferguson-Ruff House. 170-0009-0020. CB.

This is a two-and-a-half-story, side-gabled house of frame construction with a brick veneer exterior, recessed arched entry, gabled wall dormers, an arcaded side porch, grouped windows, and an exterior end chimney with prominent "S" shaped ornamental metal brace. The roof is clad in asphalt shingles while the house stands on a concrete block foundation that includes a full basement. The building reads from the front as a tall one-and-a-half stories due to the prominent dormers, but the side gables reveal an additional half-story a full level higher. One of the more architecturally "academic" buildings in the community, it is the district’s best extant example of the Tudor Revival style. Original windows have been replaced with metal-clad sash, but otherwise, the house appears to have undergone few changes. The property is a rectangular lot that extends from Maggodee Creek to the base of the Norfolk Southern railroad embankment and rises gradually in elevation from west to east. Easy Street divides the parcel into two sections, with the residential yard on the east side of the street. The side and rear yards are screened by privacy fencing and mature plantings. A winding poured concrete front walk links the street with a brick terrace at the front stoop. The front boundary of the yard is marked by a riverstone retaining wall, and a paved driveway occupies the northern end of the yard. This was the home of John Hatcher and Winifred Garst Ferguson, and later the home of Hubert A. Ruff, who was a local merchant (HBMV).

a. Garage (Shed). Ca. 1930. CB. This is a one-story, front-gabled single-bay detached garage, now used as a storage shed. Though it is partially obscured by a privacy fence, the building appears to be of brick construction with wood trim and coordinates in design with the dwelling.

240 Easy Street. Ca. 1900. Garst-Wright House. 170-0009-0001. Also 170-0002. CB.

This three-bay raised cottage, approximately 28 x 32 feet excluding the porches, is of woodframe construction on a tall stone foundation, and features a front gable set into a metal-clad hipped roof. A central brick flue with corbelled cap remains. The lower ground-floor level, essentially an English basement, has heavily repointed rubble stonework. The façade is fronted by a raised five-bay, partial-length front porch that retains what appear to be original lath-turned wood balusters, and two types of turned posts (six appear to be original, two appear to be newer). The exterior of the house has been extensively renovated with modern materials that cover or replace historic materials and features: vinyl siding, trim, and windows have been added, along with wooden lattice panels as porch skirting; paired decorative cornice brackets were removed when the other changes were made. A rear screened porch and open deck are not visible from the public street. Local tradition holds that this was the home of Ruby Wright, who taught in the county schools for many years. Plum Naff and his wife later lived here, and according to Mary Jo Ferguson her grandparents Jack and Belle Angell Garst built the house (HBMV).

a. Shed. Ca. 1900. NB. This is a one-story, two-part, gable-front storage building of frame construction with an uncoursed rubble stone foundation, fixed two-pane window, and added vinyl siding. One section is 9 x 15 feet, the other is 8 x 12 feet. Original use is not clear from exterior observations.

b. Carport. Ca. 2000. NB. This is a metal framed open carport with metal roofing, anchored in place and wide enough to accommodate two vehicles.

280 Easy Street. Ca. 1920. Garst-Cook House. 170-0009-0021. CB.

This is a two-story, three-bay brick-veneered American Foursquare house with Colonial Revival detailing that features a raised basement, raised front terrace, standing seam metal hipped roof, boxed eaves, broad overhangs, a central entry with sidelights, and double-hung windows. A onestory side porch, also on a raised foundation, is enclosed with French doors and multi-paned windows to create a sunroom. A one-story rear frame addition has weatherboard siding. The exterior brickwork has been painted. The house is situated on a roughly rectangular town lot that extends from U.S 220 across Maggodee Creek and Easy Street to the railroad embankment at the rear of the house. The property features numerous mature trees and other ornamental plantings. A brick-walled staircase and retaining walls support a raised terrace in front of the house. A paved driveway and parking area are situated on the northwest side of the property.

“Jack Garst, born 5 May 1863 . . . married Rosa Belle Angell at Boones Mill in 1898, operated his father’s mill [Garst Mill in neighboring Roanoke County] for about five years, and then moved to the Boones Mill area of Franklin County in 1906 and entered a partnership in the corn- and flour-milling firm of Angell and Garst (which was his alone by 1911). He also began his lumber dealership there at the same time. By 1917, Garst had sold the flour mill and instead owned a sawmill. He was described in 1924 as being ‘in business on an extensive scale.’ At that time he was a contractor for the bark used in extracts and canning, manufactured ‘great quantities of telegraph poles and railroad ties,’ owned and operated five sawmills, and in some years shipped as many as ‘one thousand carloads of lumber and timber product.’ By 1940, however, he only owned two mills and leased two others, cutting mostly hardwoods; he was ‘interested in the pulpwood business.’ During his long career, he also engaged in farming, contracting, and banking. When he died in January 1941, Garst was described as being ‘the largest shipper of cord wood in this section of the county.’ Moreover, railroad officials recognized him as the first to ship on the Winston- Salem branch of the Norfolk and Western Railroad after the line was built through Franklin, according to the News-Post. At his death, Garst was vice-president of the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Boones Mill and associated with the Boones Mill Supply Company among other enterprises” (Salmon and Salmon, 342-343).

This was originally the home of Jack “Buck” Garst and his wife Elva, and was later owned by Dr. Cook, who operated the Boones Mill Medical Center (HBMV).

a. Garage. Ca 1920. CB. This is a two-level, two-bay garage building with a tall poured concrete garage-level foundation and a brick upper level used as an office or servants quarters. The building has a standing seam metal roof, interior brick chimney, two-over-two wood windows, and folding wooden garage doors. A portion of the foundation has been veneered with stonework.

300 Easy Street. Ca. 1782. Boon-Angell-Ferguson House. 170-0009-0004. Also 170-0001. CB.

This two-story, four-bay log and frame house is on a raised stone foundation, has board and batten and weatherboard siding, a very large (10 feet, four inches wide), double-shouldered exterior end stone chimney, an exterior end brick chimney, two front doors, a two-story porch with square posts and balustrade, and a side ell. Across the rear elevation of the original (log) house is a two-story frame addition that was built during the late-nineteenth century. The onestory south wing of the house was constructed by the current owner's parents ca. 1960. In the basement of the c. 1960 wing can be seen the mid-19th-century brick south chimney on the exterior end of the log pen. The bricks are hand-made and the mortar joints are penciled. The brick chimney stack emerging from the roof has been painted.

The house’s early log section has a single large room on the first floor and two rooms upstairs. The upstairs rooms both have exposed, hand-hewn joists overhead, and both rooms have sixpanel front doors leading out to the porch. Both doors are hung with hand-forged strap hinges. The south interior wall of the second-floor north room consists of exposed hand-hewn logs and gray cement daubing. The window and door trim throughout the house has been replaced with flat, unmolded wood pieces. The log section also has an uncoursed fieldstone-walled basement with massive, round-log joists supporting the first floor.

The property includes relatively flat land on both sides of Maggodee Creek and Easy Street, and across the Norfolk Southern Railroad’s right-of-way to encompass a steep wooded hillside to a point near the town water tank. Most of the residential area of the lot is open and manicured lawn with mature boxwoods and dogwoods. Low stone retaining walls mark the front edge of the yard and help define terraced garden beds near the house. Archaeological remains associated with the Boon grist mills, which were demolished in the 1930s, are likely to remain intact on that portion of the property between the creek and Virgil H. Goode Highway/U.S. 220, but no sites have been formally identified yet. A portion of the mill site is owned separately from the large parcel on which the house stands.

In an interview with VDHR architectural historian Michael Pulice, the owner asserted that the house was built by Jacob Boon in 1782; architectural evidence supports the possibility of a lateeighteenth- century construction date. The arched stone fireplace in the first floor of the log part of the house is much larger than those found in the area after the early nineteenth century. It is similar to, though substantially larger than, the fireplace in the stone portion of Roanoke County’s Harshbarger House [080-0013], which is credibly dated to 1797 (DHR file 170-0001).

a. Garage. Ca. 2000. NB. This is a one-story, single-bay garage/activity building of frame construction with wood weatherboard siding, a poured concrete slab foundation, nine-overnine double-hung windows, an asphalt-shingled front-gable roof, and a metal garage door. According to the property owner, the garage also serves as a recreation space (poker room).

b. Site of Boon’s mills. 1782-ca. 1930. CB Site. This site, located on an adjoining parcel to that of the dwelling and garage, approximates the location of the mills erected by Jacob Boon in the late eighteenth century. Boon’s flour and corn mills stood on each side of the tributary creek that flows into Maggodee Creek at this location. The mills were torn down ca. 1930 when the federal highway (now U.S. 220) was built, but the creekside site has remained basically undisturbed by development since then. Historic photographs indicate that the mills were of substantial wood frame construction on stone foundations. The site is likely to retain evidence not only of its architectural features but also of the milling activities that took place on the property for nearly 150 years.

450 Easy Street. Ca. 1900. Charles O. Murray House. 170-0009-0022. CB.

This is a two-story, three-bay wood frame I-house with an asphalt-shingled hipped roof, interior brick flues, and a full-length front porch with unfluted Tuscan columns. Structural piers and wood lattice panels are visible under the porch floor. A one-story rear ell extends behind the house, and the steeply sloped site requires the front facade to be on a raised basement foundation while the rear ell is banked into the hill. The house has been altered with the addition of vinyl siding and some replacement windows, but overall retains a fair level of integrity. The property is located on the slope at the terminus of Easy Street, on the east side of the Norfolk Southern Railroad’s right-of-way. The tract includes open area in the immediate vicinity of the house and outbuilding, and heavily wooded hillside elsewhere on the large irregular parcel. This property was acquired in 1902 by Charles Oliver Murray; there was an older one-story house to which the two-story addition was built by Murray before 1917. It is still owned by members of the Murray family. There was a ford in the creek just below the house (HBMV).

a. Shed. Ca. 1900. CB. This frame front-gable shed or small barn has vertical wood siding, a vcrimp metal roof, concrete block pier foundation, and an open side shed. The outbuilding is oriented with its long axis roughly parallel to the railroad line, and perpendicular to the entrance driveway.

30 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1890. Emswiler-Murray House. 170-0009-0025. CB.

This property is unusual in the district for its large collection of agricultural and domestic outbuildings from the late 19th and early 20th century periods. The primary resource is the single-family dwelling, a two-story, three-bay I-House that features a standing seam metal hipped roof, paired and single one-over-one and two-over-two double-hung sash windows, center entry with transom and sidelights, and a porch with Ionic columns, turned post balustrade, pedimented porch entryway with a lunette window supported by paired brackets. A small rear ell, attached to the main house by a two-story addition, was possibly a kitchen. The rear ell features corner boards supporting a wide frieze with boxed gable eave returns, decorative diamond-shaped gable vent, and scrollwork gable treatment. The property is a large irregular parcel on the hillside east of and overlooking the Norfolk Southern Railroad line. The house and outbuildings occupy a relatively open and gently sloping portion of property; other areas, more steep in grade, remain in timber. There is a short, steep entrance driveway into the side yard from Maggodee Ridge Lane. The house has suffered damage to the roof and adjacent walls due to fallen tree limbs, which had not been repaired as of November 2013. This was at one time the Emswiler House; it was later owned by Pete Murray. (HBMV)

a. Well House. Ca. 1890. CB. This frame side-gable well house is attached to the main house with a breezeway. It has weatherboard siding, a v-crimp metal roof, brick foundation, and exposed rafter tails.

b. Barn. Ca. 1890. CB. This frame barn has weatherboard siding, a side-gable v-crimp metal roof, a brick foundation, and wooden ventilators attached at the ridge. The interior has not been accessed to determine framing characteristics.

c. Chicken House. Ca. 1920. CB. This frame chicken house has board and batten siding, a vcrimp metal roof, and exposed rafter tails.

d. Shed. Ca. 1920. CB. This frame, front-gable shed has board-and-batten siding, a v-crimp metal roof, and concrete foundation.

e. Garage. Ca. 1920. CB. This hipped roof frame garage has weatherboard siding and a v-crimp metal roof.

44 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Pete Murray House. 170-0009-0026. CB.

This one-story, four-bay, pyramidal hipped cottage dwelling is of frame construction on a raised, banked basement. Intact historic features include weatherboard siding, paired and single sixover- six double-hung windows, two front entries with paneled doors, boxed eaves, corner boards, frieze band, and wide trim at door and window openings. The two front doors suggest a possible original function as a duplex dwelling. The front porch’s posts and balustrade are pressure-treated wood, but other porch components appear to be original. Located on the east side of the lane, this resource is associated with two narrow, rectangular lots that extend up the hillside above the Norfolk Southern Railroad line. Areas closest to the house are open and grassy, while those higher up the slope are heavily wooded. This was Pete Murray’s home in the 1950s and 1960s (HBMV).

80 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Ethel Boitnott House. 170-0009-0028. CB

This two-story, three-bay foursquare house of masonry and frame construction is topped by a pyramidal standing seam metal roof with a central front gable feature. It exhibits Craftsman stylistic detailing, including decorative rafter ends, a three-bay front porch with tapered square columns on brick piers, a gable feature, and simple picket balustrade. Windows throughout appear to be original, one-over-one double-hung wood sashes, with added triple-track metal storm windows. The upper story has had wide-reveal metal siding added atop original weatherboards. The house’s doors and windows retain simple wide trim boards, and the front entry is flanked with sidelights. Additions include a shed-roofed modern porch on the north side of the house, and exterior stairs to a gabled porch on the south side's upper level. The use of rusticated concrete blocks for the first story is unusual among residential structures in the community. The house is situated on a large polygonal tract on the west-facing hillside overlooking the Norfolk Southern Railroad line and Maggodee Ridge Lane. The tract is mostly wooded, with cleared yard space, ornamental trees and shrubs in the vicinity of the house. A graveled drive leads into the property from the street, and a modern wooden picket fence defines the northwest side of the yard. According to Juanita Murray, this was the homeplace of Mrs. Ethel Boitnott, Bobby and Butch Boitnott’s mother (HBMV).

90 Maggodee Ridge Lane. Ca. 1930. Boitnott House. 170-0009-0027. CB.

This is a one-and-a-half-story Craftsman bungalow with a brick main level below wood-shingled gables and a full-length shed dormer. It features exposed rafter ends, triangular braces supporting broad eave overhangs, and a full-length front porch with square brick columns and a centered gable. A full-length rear shed (pantry/screened porch) appears to be original. Original three-overone wood windows have been replaced with vinyl sash. This is a fairly well-preserved example of a typical bungalow with Craftsman features, a style represented relatively rarely in the town of Boones Mill.

The property is a large polygonal parcel on the west-facing hillside overlooking the Norfolk Southern Railroad line, at the terminus of Maggodee Ridge Lane. The tract is mostly wooded but has open yard space and ornamental plantings in the vicinity of the house. What appears to be a rectangular in-ground pool is situated in the yard just north of the house. A rutted gravel drive provides access to the property from the street. Local tradition holds that this was formerly the home of Bud Boitnott (HBMV).

20 Main Street. Ca. 1920. C.H. Peters Feed Store (Windy Gap Outdoor Power & Equipment). 170-0009-0012. CB.

This is a one-story commercial building that was initially owned and operated separately from the former Blue Ridge Mercantile Company Building, with which it shares a party wall. As built, the building was long, low, and utilitarian in character. It featured concrete block walls with brick facades, a simple corbelled cornice, and raised parapets with tile coping. Steel-framed casement windows pierce the wall on the rear elevation. A poured concrete, raised loading dock extends the full width of the Boones Mill Road façade, which is recessed behind the adjacent building’s facade. One storefront space with a display window, glass door, and transom, is present, along with other doors and windows that access the retail space from the loading dock and the Main Street facade. The façades of the building have been obscured with the addition of stucco panels ca. 2000, but the original masonry remains intact and is clearly visible when viewed from the rear. This building was originally home to the C.H. Peters Feed Store, which offered the Virginia Seed Service in the early decades of the twentieth century. The Jack Garst Agency now operates the property as retail and warehouse space for agricultural supplies. The building appears in a 1923 photograph alongside the older mercantile building; the two are on separate tax parcels, but are under joint ownership and currently addressed as a single property.

a. Blue Ridge Mercantile Building. Ca. 1905. CB. This is a two-story, three-bay commercial building of six-course common bond brick that fronts on Boones Mill Road. It features oneover- one double-hung wood windows with cast stone sills and brick soldier-course lintels, a projecting pressed metal parapet cornice, a cast stone storefront cornice, and stepped sidewall parapets with tile coping. Below the storefront cornice, the original display windows and recessed entry have been replaced with a metal roll-up door, reflecting its present-day use as a warehouse storage area. The interior is essentially intact, and retains original pressed metal ceiling tiles. An exterior stair on the east side of the building provides access from the ground to the second story. The rear elevation has five windows across, providing abundant natural light to the upper-story area. Originally home to the Blue Ridge Mercantile Company, owned by L.K. Bussey Sr., the store here was later operated by merchant T. A. Flora.

b. Storage Shelter. Ca. 2000. NB. One-story, metal framed structure with gable roof and open sides, serving as outdoor pavilion to warehouse/shelter products available for sale. One side wall has metal siding panels.

40 Main Street. Ca. 1955. Farmers and Merchants Bank/Former BB&T Bank. 170-0009-0044. NB.

This is a ca. 1955 one-story, five-bay Modernist brick-veneered masonry building with a central entrance, front and side parapets, a low-slope shed roof, and fixed windows. The principal entrance from Main Street has an aluminum-framed pair of doors topped by a tall nine-pane transom window, all set into a slight recess with a wide cast-stone surround. The windows, with replacement glass, also have cast-stone surrounds. Most of the exterior has stretcher-bond brick veneer, but the spandrel panels under each window are ornamented with stacked-bond brickwork. One façade window has been closed up and replaced with an ATM station; a two-bay brick canopy added to the side of the building shelters drive-through customers. A metal-clad parapet was added to the upper façade in the late twentieth century. This was built as the second home of the Boones Mill Farmers and Merchants Bank; it was completed in the mid-1950s along with a number of other buildings along Boones Mill's new Main Street. Initially only three bays wide, it was substantially expanded after 1964 with detailing consistent with the original construction. The property was acquired in the late twentieth century by BB&T Bank, which sold the branch in 2018. The building is currently vacant.

60-80-90 Main Street. 1958. Boones Mill Shopping Center. 170-0009-0046. CB.

This commercial shopping and services center is a one-story building of pressed brick laid in five-course common bond. Steel multi-pane casement and fixed windows on the side and rear elevations are set into openings with soldier-course sills and no lintels. The façade is fronted by a six-bay porch with a flat roof, cast-iron pipe supports, a plywood-paneled ceiling, recessed square ceiling light fixtures, and a poured concrete slab floor. Three principal spaces (post office, pharmacy, and insurance office) and a fourth smaller space (professional office) comprise the occupants of the building. The post office and pharmacy have occupied their locations since the building was placed into service. The U.S. Postal Service leases the space it occupies, and as a result the federal government is not an owner of property in the district (note that the relevant box in Section 5 of this form is not checked). The post office has two recessed entries: one with double-leaf doors leads into the vestibule and provides access to the service area; the other has double-leaf doors set into a window wall that access P.O. boxes. The adjacent pharmacy also has floor-to-ceiling window walls of plate glass framed in aluminum. The interior and exterior ceilings are on the same plane, reinforcing the indoor-outdoor connection of the spaces. Original 2' x 2' gridded ceiling tiles, suspended fluorescent fixtures, and recessed spotlights remain intact in the interior. The third principal space is a professional office with wood-framed display window and transoms, an aluminum-framed glass single-leaf door, and a minimal recess behind the frontal plane of the building. A fourth space, occupied as professional offices, is tucked around the corner; it has a concrete-slab stoop beneath a wooden portico (original flat-roofed structure capped by a later shed roof and scalloped trim bands), a six-pane wood-framed display window and transom, and a single-leaf entry door. The rear elevation includes separate exits for each of the major tenants, and at the post office there is an additional portico originally with a flat roof but later capped with a tall shed roof. A metal veneer was added to the top portion of the parapet on the front and sides of the building in the late twentieth century. There are fixed signs on the façade for each of the shopping center’s tenants.

This commercial building was established by Boones Mill Shopping Center, Inc., which recorded its incorporation locally in 1958 with G.W. Bowman, Jr. as the company’s designated agent (Franklin County General Index to Charters, Partnerships, and Assumed Names). Initial tenants included the United States Post Office(#60 Main, aka #101), Wood's Pharmacy (#80 Main, aka #103), and two professional offices (#90 Main, aka 105-107). The post office branch was dedicated in a public ceremony in 1958 and remains today (HBMV). It is currently the home of Boones Mill Mercantile.

100 Main Street. Ca. 1955. Boones Mill Medical Center (former). 170-0009-0047. CB.

This is a one-story, five-bay commercial building of stretcher-bond brick with multi-pane steel casement-and-fixed-panel windows, a single-leaf front entry door, a portico with pipe supports, and poured-concrete entry steps with flanking brickwork and metal pipe handrails. The flat roof is obscured by front and side parapets, and the parapet is somewhat obscured by an added metal veneer. A brick chimney exhausts the building's heating plant. Plastic shutters have been affixed to the exterior flanking many of the windows. This building was initially the Boones Mill Medical Center, occupied by a practitioner named Dr. Cook. According to local tradition, this was the former medical center where Dr. Hughes and Dr. Cook practiced (HBMV).

24930 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 2000. Commercial Building (FSI Auto Sales). 170- 0009-0043. NB

This is a one-story, seven-bay commercial building with a ca. 2000 stucco exterior treatment (including faux corner quoins), broad eaves overhangs, picture windows, a recessed front entry, asphalt shingled side-gable roof, and large bays on the side to allow vehicles to be moved indoors and out. A large signboard is affixed to the roof.

a. Office. Ca. 2000. NB. This is a one-story, shed-roofed commercial building with flat front and side parapets, a single-leaf front entry door, one rear window, and stucco veneer over original exterior material. At its core there may be a (now unrecognizable) earlier commercial building.

b. Carport. Ca. 2000. NB, This is an open metal-framed prefabricated carport structure with metal roofing panels.

24935 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 1920. Virginia Motor Company Building. 170-0009- 0014. CB.

This is a two-story, four-bay, common-bond brick commercial building with angled walls that roughly conform to irregular lot lines. The building’s flat roof is obscured by tile coping-capped parapets, and the exterior brickwork is painted. Other than one original industrial steel framed window and garage doors on the rear elevation, all doors and windows in the building have been replaced with infill panels, windows, or grouped glass-panel doors. Cast-stone sills and soldiercourse brick lintels demarcate door and window openings. Exterior access to the second level, where vehicles were stored in the large open space, is provided by an upslope driveway at the rear and a poured concrete staircase from the long south-facing street side. A wooden stair and narrow deck-balcony on the north-facing side provide access to a bank of electrical meters. Originally an automobile dealership for the Virginia Motor Company, which retailed Chevrolets, this large building remains in commercial use with offices and storage areas. According to Smith et al, in the 1950s it also accommodated a restaurant known as Tiny's Café. When surveyed in the late 1990s it was home to Boones Mill Carpet Outlet. Local resident Yuell Bernard was the last owner of the Chevrolet dealership that was located here (HBMV).

a. Town Siren. Ca. 1940. CB Object. This siren is located on a metal pipe tower on the hillside just north of the building, in a position where its sound could carry in many directions without obstruction. It appears to be a Federal Signal [Federal Electric Company] Vertical Siren, model 5, and may date as early as the 1940s or 1950s, when Boones Mill was actively participating in Civil Defense activities.

24938 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 2000. Commercial Building (Subway Restaurant). 170-0009-00. NB.

This is a one-story, three-bay commercial building with a flat roof and low parapets on three sides, stucco veneer (with faux quoining) over concrete blocks, a central entry with double-leaf doors and sidelights, fixed display windows, and a one-story hip-roofed side wing. A wooden deck with lattice screening has been added to the south side of the building.

25160 Virgil H. Goode Highway. Ca. 1920. Lily Peters House. 170-0009-0023. CB.

This two-story, four-bay foursquare dwelling was minimally detailed, with two-over-two doublehung wood windows and a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles. It faced eastward across Maggodee Creek and Easy Street, towards the railroad line and the denser residential development east of the creek, disregarding the roadway at its back. The house lost some integrity due to late-twentieth-century alterations such as the installation of replacement siding and the removal of the original front porch, but it retained sufficient character-defining features to be contributing. The house was situated on a parcel in a flat, rectangular lot whose eastern boundary aligns with Maggodee Creek. This was the home of Lily Peters from the 1940s through the 1960s. (HBMV) The house was demolished in 2017 as part of a new business development.

Statement of Significance

The locally significant Boones Mill Historic District is eligible under Criterion A in the area of Commerce as one of Franklin County’s principal commercial centers serving agricultural and industrial producers during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially after the Norfolk & Western Railway arrived in 1892. The district is also eligible under Criterion A in the area of Politics/Government for its resources associated with the governmental operations of the Town of Boones Mill, which was established in 1927. The historic district is further eligible under Criterion C in the area of Architecture, for the distinctive character and variety of its buildings, which include settlement-era landmarks such as the Boon-Angell-Ferguson House; the early nineteenth-century Boon-Abshire House; I-houses, bungalows, Foursquares, and cottages with Colonial Revival, Craftsman, and Folk Victorian detailing; a stylish Tudor Revival dwelling; Italianate buildings including a church and railroad depot; farm buildings; and commercial architecture that includes handsomely detailed early-twentieth-century masonry buildings as well as minimalist mid-century Modern Movement buildings. The district’s period of significance begins in 1782, reflecting the traditional founding date of the community by Jacob Boon, and extends to 1964, fifty years ago, reflecting the town’s ongoing importance as a commercial and governmental center in Franklin County.


The community of Boones Mill was founded in Franklin County in 1782 when pioneer settler Jacob Boon established flour and corn mills on Maggodee Creek along the Carolina Road, a north-south route that connected to the Great Wagon Road through the Valley of Virginia. Although Jacob Boon died in 1814, the mill named for him continued to operate at least through the 1920s. The first post office in the village, by then named “Boone’s Mill,” opened in 1828 (Mitchell). Through the nineteenth century, the mill village continued to grow into a small trading center serving farmers and travelers in the northwestern part of the county. Despite the establishment of a turnpike through the community in the late 1840s, generally, inadequate transportation facilities in rural, mountainous Franklin County hindered the ability of farmers to deliver cash crops to markets in a timely fashion, so until the coming of the railroads in the late nineteenth century, most trade was local. Farmers typically “had a mixture of livestock and such crops as wheat, corn, oats, and flax. Almost everyone grew at least some tobacco as a cash crop, although a few farmers managed to get along without it” (Salmon and Salmon, 134). Boon’s mills were counted among the manufacturing mills in the county, of which there were nine in 1850 and thirteen in 1860 (Salmon and Salmon, 122). Thomson’s Mercantile and Professional Directory – Virginia – 1851 identified John A. Smith as a flour miller in the village of “Boon’s Mill.” Smith was also a tobacconist, producing and/or selling tobacco products. As the century wore on, the growth of the county’s agricultural production was evident in the increased number of local manufacturers: the 1870 census recorded 33 gristmills, 7 sawmills, and 4 tobacco manufacturers in the county; and the 1880 census listed 11 sawmills, 27 gristmills, 2 cabinetmakers, and 3 tobacco manufacturers (Salmon and Salmon, 335).

Train Ride Through Boones Mill, June 27, 2012, filmed by Mike Smith.

The expansion of railroads in the last decades of the nineteenth century facilitated profitable connections between producers and markets, leading to commercial development booms in large cities as well as small villages. The Boones Mill Norfolk & Western passenger and freight station opened in 1892, and commerce in the village just across the tracks was quick to follow. Mrs. J.L. Abshire opened a florist shop by 1897 (Salmon and Salmon, 351); Mrs. A.M. Bowman advertised her millinery business in 1908, and was listed as a milliner in a 1911 business directory; the same directory noted that Bettie Mettes was a general merchant in town; and in 1917 at least one woman, Mrs. S. E. Turner, operated a boarding house (Salmon and Salmon, 352).

,In 1903, commercial-scale apple growing was established in Franklin County when Dr. Samuel S. Guerrant created the county’s largest apple orchard in the first half of the twentieth century at Algoma (near Calloway). Guerrant’s rail shipping point was Boones Mill, from which (as of 1916) “many thousand barrels of Albemarle Pippins and other apples are shipped annually, many of them being exported” (N&W, 68). By 1933, Algoma “employed 180 people and shipped as many as twenty thousand barrels of apples a year, an increase of ten thousand barrels over 1926.” (Salmon and Salmon, 372). While there was a growing population and ready market for fresh produce in nearby, rail-connected markets like Roanoke, canning fragile fruits and vegetables before shipment also became a popular and lucrative commercial activity for growers and brokers in Boones Mill beginning around 1900. In 1916, the Industrial and Shippers Guide said of Boones Mill, population 500: “Bones [sic] Mill is in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains and is a very important trading center for a large section of Franklin and Floyd Counties. The town contains several general stores, bank, well graded primary school and a number of churches . . . Surrounding Boones Mill is one of the finest apple and tomato sections of Virginia . . . Many thousand cases of canned goods are shipped from this station annually. . . There are four sawmills, two flouring mills, a dozen or more canning factories and several other enterprises of a similar character located here” (N&W,68). Boone Mill Supply Company, Inc., located at 100 Easy Street, was organized in 1918 to include canning among its several commercial activities. Company officer Arthur H. “Jack” or “Buck” Garst was one of the community’s most productive businessmen; in addition to the cannery he managed a lumber dealership and several sawmills, was a livestock dealer, and “in some years shipped as many as ‘one thousand carloads of lumber and timber product’” including cord wood, telegraph poles, railroad ties, and pulp wood (Salmon and Salmon, 341). Garst, like other lumber dealers, would typically obtain crossties from area farmers, who used them as a source of extra income from their land (Salmon and Salmon, 340). Other commercial-scale agricultural endeavors that were enhanced by shipping by rail from Boones Mill and, later in the twentieth century by over-the-road trucks, included butter and milk exports to Roanoke’s Clover Creamery and Winston-Salem’s Southern Dairies (the latter, after a processing stop in Rocky Mount (Salmon and Salmon, 375).

As income flowed into the community, some of the town’s businessmen decided to keep local money close to home, and so established the Boones Mill Farmers and Merchants Bank, which opened in 1912 on a corner lot close to the railroad depot. The bank eventually outgrew its home and expanded into a new building at 40 Main Street in the 1950s. As the population of the county grew in the years after the conclusion of World War II, Boones Mill garnered more professional office spaces, including a medical center and other small office buildings.

Farmers not only shipped products out of town, they also purchased goods and equipment in the town’s various retail establishments, including general merchandise (department) stores such as the Blue Ridge Mercantile Company and Boone Mill Supply Company, both of which date from the late 1910s; specialty stores such as drug stores; and beginning in the 1920s, automobile dealerships such as the Virginia Motor Company, a Chevrolet dealer. As a well-stocked supply center for the area, Boones Mill also was a convenient service center, with restaurants, gas stations, and auto repair businesses. Established in the early 1920s, the C.H. Peters Feed Store served as the local supplier of feed and seed through the Virginia Seed Service (now Southern States). The store moved to its present location at the corner of Main Street and Boones Mill Road in the 1930s (Cundiff and Shively 1978:80). The 1940 United States Census documented the types of local retail and service businesses where area residents worked, including a feed store, auto repair shops, a café, a flour mill, a stationery store, filling stations, a car dealership, the post office, a bank, general merchandise stores, barber shop, shoe shop, lumberyard, drug store, millinery shop, lunchroom, and telephone company. By the later decades of the twentieth century, Boones Mill’s retail focus shifted from the historic commercial core area to the roadside gas stations and convenience markets alongside heavily traveled U.S. 220. The Chevrolet dealership closed in the 1960s. While many retailers have moved out, most of the town’s commercial spaces continue to be used and are occupied by professional and service offices and workshops.


One of the first governmental entities to establish its presence in the community was the U. S. Postal Service, which established a “Boone’s Mill” post office in the 1820s. The post office occupied various business locations over the years but eventually settled into its current home at the Boones Mill Shopping Center (60 Main Street; DHR #170-0009-0046) in 1958. Local government authority was eventually granted to Boones Mill when it received town status in 1927. Chartered by the state of Virginia, Boones Mill is one of only two incorporated towns in the county (the other is the county seat, Rocky Mount). It is governed by a council composed of a mayor and six council members elected at large. Perhaps not coincidentally, electric power arrived in Boones Mill in 1927. To encourage additional community development, Boones Mill’s leaders realized they needed to offer better infrastructure and services, including utilities like water and sewer systems, and basic fire and police protection. Paying for such enhancements was possible only after the community had an official town government authorized to levy taxes. Unfortunately, the Great Depression struck not long after Boones Mill acquired town status, so for a time infrastructure improvements were placed on hold. In the 1930s Wilson Abshire, son of Franklin County Deputy Sheriff Henry T. Abshire, began serving as town policeman, a position he held for decades. The town also gave some attention to fire protection during this period by obtaining a fire truck and organizing a crew of volunteer firefighters. Initially chartered as Boone Mill, the town officially changed its name to Boones Mill in the 1940s.

During World War II, the Franklin County Volunteer Emergency Service was established with departments that included fire, police, emergencies, nursing, utilities, and air raid warning services; some people even offered “to house children who might have to be evacuated from the Eastern Shore”(Salmon and Salmon, 434). Boones Mill, because it already had fire, police, and other services in place, mobilized quickly to participate. “Because Franklin was located 250 miles from the coast between two trunk line railroads and two industrial cities and not far from the gunpowder plant at Radford, the mission of the local defense force was to protect the area from incendiary bombs and resulting fires. With the formation of the Franklin County Aircraft Warning Service, the county was divided into strategic observation districts for spotting enemy planes. By 15 June 1941, twenty-four warning posts had been established” (Salmon and Salmon, 438). A mid-twentieth-century “air raid” siren located on the hill above and to one side of the Virginia Motor Company building (DHR #170-0009-0014) may date to this period, or the Cold War era of the 1950s and 1960s.

After World War II concluded, the town finally managed to build a modest Town Hall at 120 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0049), which also originally housed the town’s fire truck. With the creation of the Boones Mill Rescue Squad and the Boones Mill Volunteer Fire Department in the 1960s, the building ceased serving as a garage space for the firefighting apparatus. Town Council meetings and other town government activities took place in the diminutive building until 2011, when the town offices and meeting space relocated to spacious offices elsewhere in the town. And while the town did manage to establish a public water authority to supply Boones Mill from area wells and springs, as of 1993 there was still no sewage treatment service available (Salmon and Salmon, 452).


The district is significant for its varied assemblage of historic buildings that illustrate the evolution of architectural preferences in a small rural community over more than two centuries. While no two buildings are exactly alike, nearly all reflect a generally conservative or modest approach to exteriors. The oldest resource in the district is the Boon-Angell-Ferguson House (DHR #170-0001), which, although altered, is the house that Jacob Boon, the founding father of Boones Mill, built ca. 1784. Known as Locust Lawn, the house is a two-story log dwelling with a raised foundation of coursed fieldstone, exterior wood siding, a two-story frame rear ell, and a 1960s side wing. On the north gable end of the house is perhaps its most significant feature: a massive double-shouldered stone chimney of coursed fieldstone. Original portions of the house include the mud cellar, the living room, and two upstairs bedrooms. The two-story front porch was constructed in the mid-nineteenth century. Like other early settlement-era structures in the region, the house features locally sourced native materials for its construction. In 1782, Boon established his first mill along the west side of Maggodee Creek. The mill consisted of two buildings, one that milled corn and the other grain (Salmon and Salmon 1993:342-343). Both were large, blocky timber-frame buildings with weatherboard siding and stone foundations, with small glazed windows and side-gabled roofs with minimal eaves overhangs and no other ornamentation. The mill was removed ca. 1930 when a federal highway (then Route 30, now U.S. 220) was built through town; the approximate site of the buildings is located within the district boundaries.

The Boon-Abshire House (DHR #170-0009-0006) was constructed ca. 1814 when Stephen Boon inherited the property upon Jacob Boon’s death. It has been in the Abshire family since 1900. An eighteenth-century log house stood in the rear yard until the 1930s. Reputedly the first frame dwelling in the area of Boones Mill, this two-and-a-half-story building has an unusual floor plan with the main staircase tucked into a small room off the front porch rather than from the more typical interior hall. This variation suggests an intentional attempt to separate public (downstairs) from private (upstairs) spaces, a desirable feature if the house actually served as some type of tavern or lodging for travelers. Two front doors access the two first-floor rooms from the porch. The house retains exceptionally fine craftsmanship in the form of its Federal-style woodwork, which includes gouged and reeded carved mantels and door surrounds with tripartite and tablet panels, reeded architrave moldings, and wood panel wainscoting. First-floor windows feature nine-over-nine wood sashes, while the shorter second floor has six-over-six windows. A one-story rear kitchen separated cooking messes from the more elegant dining room and parlor of the dwelling. The building stands on a rubble fieldstone foundation, is of mortised and tenoned timbers with weatherboard siding, and features exterior end chimneys of handmade local bricks with semi-detached stacks.

Until the post-Civil War period, few other buildings were constructed in the area now encompassed by the district boundaries. The Boon-Angell-Ferguson and Boon-Abshire houses were both the seats of larger farms, and the bottomlands alongside Maggodee Creek would have been prime agricultural lands, not occupied by buildings. Though “Boone’s Mill” existed as a place and had a post office, it was not a dense village but rather a collection of neighboring farmers and millers. The next phase of building, which did increase the density of development, began after 1880 when the Angell family purchased the Boon Mills and Homeplace and set about subdividing the land along the creek into smaller lots for houses. By 1892, the Norfolk & Western Railway had built its rail line through town and established the Boones Mill Depot as a passenger and freight station; and the first batch of new houses was going up. The depot design reflects standard-issue N&W planning: a long rectangular form clad in board and batten siding, a side-gable roof with broad eave overhangs, exposed rafter ends, and decorative stickwork trusses and braces; and a distinctive projecting polygonal bay facing the tracks. The Late Victorian and Italianate categories come closest to describing the building’s architectural style.

The earliest houses from this period are I-houses of weatherboarded frame construction, with six-over-six or two-over-two windows, brick foundations and interior flues, and hipped or side-gabled roofs with front porches that feature either turned posts or Tuscan columns, turned or picket balusters, and other trim. The Jamison-Thurman House at 150 Easy Street (DHR #170- 0009-0016) is a good example of this vernacular type with simple Folk Victorian accents. Slightly more grand is the Jess Call House at 63 Boones Mill Road (DHR #170-0009-0011), another weatherboarded I-house, which has fancy Eastlake stickwork applied in the gable ends.

At the upper end of the spectrum for this period is the Angell-Young-Hurt House (DHR #170- 0009-0019), which grew from an I-house into a complex cross-gabled house with a Queen Anne inside corner tower. Houses from ca. 1900 to 1920 are stylistically similar, but often employ either a one-story (square cottage) or two-story (Foursquare) form, and are distinctive for their steep hipped roofs. A few examples, such as the Folk Victorian-detailed Garst-Wright House at 240 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0001) are raised above tall basements. Colonial Revival characteristics also begin to make an appearance with these types, as with the Bowman House at 117 Dogwood Hill Road (DHR #170-0009-0010).

The district has four large Commercial Style buildings in the district, all built ca. 1900-1920, that anchor their respective areas: the Blue Ridge Mercantile Building on Boones Mill Road, at Main Street (DHR #170-0009-0012a), the Boone Mill Supply Company at 100 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0015), the Virginia Motor Company Building at 24935Virgil H. Goode Highway (DHR #170-0009-0014), and the Bowman and Bowman Building at 4 Dogwood Hill Road (DHR #170-0009-0013). They each include ornamental masonry features, were constructed with large ground-level storefronts or display windows, and smaller upper-story windows, and have flat or low-slope shed roofs obscured from pedestrian view by raised front and side parapets. A one-story version of this style is represented by the former Farmers & Merchants Bank at 75 Boones Mill Road (DHR #170-0009-0003), which also happens to fall into the corner-entry “bank” type, due to its angled and recessed corner entry.

The former Boones Mill Christian Church on Bethlehem Road at U.S. 220 (DHR #170-0009- 0005, dedicated in 1920, has the most ornate and unusual exterior in the entire district, and as a result stands out among its neighbors. Now used as a masonic lodge meeting hall, the building might be best described as Italianate-Romanesque in style. Its ornamental features include roughcast bricks, stucco panels, brick corbels and brackets, and stained-and-leaded glass windows to the original sanctuary.

The 1920s-1950s witnessed the more widespread use of brick as a finish veneer to disguise less expensive, easier-constructed wood frame or concrete block structural systems, for both houses and commercial buildings. Earlier examples continued to use decorative brick treatments such as corbelled cornices, while later buildings such as the BB & T Bank at 40 Main Street (DHR #170- 0009-0044) adopted minimalist, clean lines that gained favor for commercial buildings in the mid-twentieth century period. Three of the four 1920s houses on the heights of Dogwood Hill Road are of brick-veneered frame construction, and illustrate the influence, if not the adoption, of certain styles popular in Boones Mill housing during the period: Craftsman/Bungalow, transitional Queen Anne/Craftsman, and Colonial Revival. There are also only a few houses in the district that represent “academic” or “textbook” examples of the styles they use: the Boitnott House at 90 Maggodee Ridge Lane (DHR #170-0009-0027) is a Craftsman Bungalow of merit, and the Ferguson-Ruff House at 230 Easy Street (DHR #170-0009-0020) is a singularly wellcrafted example of Tudor Revival style.


Brown, Ron. Jacob Boon Established Mill Along Maggodee Creek. Franklin County Bicentennial, Franklin News-Post, Rocky Mount. 1 January 1986:3E.

Chauncey, Barbara and Michael Pulice. NRHP Nomination Form for the Rocky Mount Historic District (Boundary Increase), December 2007.

Cundiff, Dorothy R. and Rod Shively, editors. Franklin County 1785-1978: Yesterday and Today. Seventh Edition. Franklin County Retail Merchants Association, Rocky Mount, 1978.

Franklin County General Index to Charters, Partnerships, and Assumed Names (Book C, page 78).

Franklin County GIS data:

Franklin County Real Estate Records, online at

Hildebrand, J.R. A Settlement Map of Franklin County, Virginia. Franklin County Historical Society, Rocky Mount, 1976.

Historic Boones Mill, Virginia Facebook page (referenced in nomination text as “HBMV”):

Mitchell, Betty Naff, A Little History of Boones Mill. Web article at Accessed 28 February 2014.

Norfolk & Western Railway Electrification Plan for Boones Mill Combination Depot (1927): Accessed 23 February 2014.

Owen, Randy. Informant, interviewed 4 November 2013.

Salmon, John S. and Emily J. Salmon. Franklin County Virginia 1786-1986: A Bicentennial History. Rocky Mount, Virginia: Franklin County Bicentennial Commission, 1993.

Smith, Mike and Dianne, with Albert and Lois Janney, "Ca. 1950s Downtown Boones Mill." Display at Boones Mill Town Hall.

Thomson’s Mercantile Directory (Virginia, 1851): htm#Franklin Accessed 23 February 2014.

U.S. Population Census for Franklin County, Virginia, 1920, 1930, and 1940.

Virginia Department of Transportation Advanced Bridge Report: 2 Accessed 23 February 2014.

Virginia Historical Inventory. “Old Abshire House, Boones Mill, Virginia.” Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project sponsored by the Virginia Conservation Commission under the direction of its Division of History. Copy in the collections of the Library of Virginia, Richmond. 1937.


This Story Map was created by the Town of Boones Mill.

The Story Map framework is part of the Esri suite of GIS solutions used by Boones Mill in cooperation with Franklin County, Virginia. These same solutions are used by organizations and entities of all purposes and sizes all around the world.

Special thanks to the  Franklin County GIS Division  for assistance in developing and hosting this site.

All historic photos and videos in this Story Map were provided by Mike Smith, Town Councilman, and Town Historian. Additional photos were taken by Town staff and/or obtained from Google Maps within a non-monetized context for this free informational website.

Information source: Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) Site # 170-0009, dated July 1, 2014.

The district's core commercial area.

The old Bussey house (current location of Carter Bank) with the train depot in its original location across the street on the hill.