The Importance of Resource Conservation

Equity Report

I live in Thousand oaks which is a very affluent and safe part of California a large percentage of residents living in home while others live in apartments. There is a small homeless population. There is no current process of gentrification ongoing but Thousand Oaks is innovating and attempting to better their residential and commercial districts.

The total population is 124,265 people with a majority white population with the average age being 44 years old.

The area is also mostly residential with few business so it's the environmental index is very positive and clean. It a nice healthy place to live.

School Site Comparative Energy Analysis

Powerville Highschool data

This is the data for Powerville Higshcool Building data

This is the data for Powerville Higshcool Outdoor lighting data

This is the data for Powerville Higshcool pumping data


Based on the data given in the graphs we can see that the building requires the most amount of energy and requires the most amount of money. We see that outdoor lighting and pumping do not requires any gas consumption and instead rely on electricity while the building needs both electricity and gas. The more efficient area is the building because it is able to utilize 2 different sources of energy while the other two sections are locked into one energy. One recommendation I would have it for outdoor lighting or pumping to attempt to tap into another energy source like the building did that way they can diversify the ways they are getting energy.

District-wide analysis

 Comparative Energy Analysis Report spreadsheet graph of district for building

 Comparative Energy Analysis Report spreadsheet graph of district for outdoor lighting

 Comparative Energy Analysis Report spreadsheet graph of district for pumping


Through the graphs for the total district we can see that once again district building has more total electricity consumption then other aspects such as outdoor lighting and pumping. Something I noticed was that on months that had high gas consumption it positively correlated with electricity consumption. On days that had lower gas consumption the electricity consumption was also lowered. Again throughout all schools outdoor lighting and pumping did not require any consumption. One area that where efficiency could be boosted is by lowering the gas or electricity consumption in the building area. Because we were able to find a positive correlation between electricity and gas consumption by reducing one of them we could achieve double the effect because the other would also get reduced. This would lower total costs because, for example, by using less gas we would also reach using less electricity.


One career related to energy sectors is a transmission system operator (TSO) these jobs are entrusted with transporting energy in the form of natural gas or electrical power on a national or regional level, using fixed infrastructure.

They are very important to energy sectors because without them it would be incredbily difficult to transfer energy from place to place. Moving energy is very time consuming, expensive, and difficult, these operators circumvent these challanges by changing the energy into different forms and transporting them to the given destination before transforming them into the form they are needed for.


This is the data for Powerville Higshcool Building data

This is the data for Powerville Higshcool Outdoor lighting data

This is the data for Powerville Higshcool pumping data

 Comparative Energy Analysis Report spreadsheet graph of district for building

 Comparative Energy Analysis Report spreadsheet graph of district for outdoor lighting

 Comparative Energy Analysis Report spreadsheet graph of district for pumping