Remembering the 1974 Super Outbreak- 50 Years Later


This devastating outbreak of severe weather that occurred from April 3-4, 1974 affected a very large portion of the eastern United States, leaving despair and destruction in its wake. Tornadoes struck 13 states from Mississippi north into southeast Michigan (affecting Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio most severely). Below is a summary of the tornadoes and associated casualties during this event, broken down by state (one of the few to have this many tornadoes - 147 - in less than 24 hours).

The number and intensity of tornadoes per state and casualty information. **Note that some tornadoes affected multiple states, so the total number of tornadoes for the event is less than what the total sum would indicate in this table.

All the Tornado Tracks that occurred from April 3rd to 4th, 1974.

Picture of devastation in the Jasper, Alabama (Walker County), caused by an F4 tornado (shown in the radar loop on the right) that started in Pickens County at 6:35 PM on April 3rd.

Picture of the F5 Xenia Tornado that occurred in southeast Ohio.

In the subsequent sections of the overview, we will walk through the environmental setup that led to this Super Outbreak of tornadoes.

April 3rd (AM): Why Didn't We Have More Activity in the Morning?

To the right is the official surface analysis map for April 3rd, 1974 at 7 AM CDT. A strong 984 mb surface low centered over eastern Kansas stands out in the analysis on the left. You can also see much colder air wrapping around the back side of the surface low (air temperatures in the mid 20s to 40s). Temperatures ahead of the main cold front were in the mid 50s to around 70 degrees (mid 60s to lower 70s near and south of a secondary warm front through Tennessee).

With such a strong contrast in the air mass ahead of the front and behind it, a potent upper level jet ( at 500 mb) was already in place early in the morning on April 3rd beginning to rotate around the upper low with this system. This can be seen in the 500 mb analysis image from Corfidi et al. below. The highlighted shows the core of the main jet, where better shear and forcing were located.

Figure 1: 500 mb Analysis at 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 472]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

In addition to a strengthening upper level jet in place with this system, a strong low level jet between 40 and 60 knots was in place near and south of the surface warm front that extended at the surface from western Tennessee and into southern Missouri. The low level jet is highlighted in red below.

Figure 1: 850 mb Analysis at 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 474]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

These pressure patterns aloft helped to maintain a very robust surface front and very strong area of low pressure throughout the system's lifecycle on April 3rd, 1974.

These pressure patterns aloft create two areas of very strong winds aloft. When they are oriented like this relative to each other, it helps maintain the difference in temperatures we see behind and ahead of this storm system. Mainly because of the difference in air masses from which these two areas of stronger winds are originating from, as seen in the image below. The low level jet (850 mb) originates from a much more moist and warmer air mass (Gulf of Mexico). The upper level jet stream (500 mb) originates from typically a cooler air mass (Pacific Ocean/western Canada).

This image highlights the general orientation and source region of the Mid Level Jet (500 mb) and low level jet (850 mb) on April 3, 1974.

Figure 3: Upper and Low level jet orientation on 04/03/1974. Sam Shamburger, NWS Nashville

There were a few isolated tornadoes, large hail, and damaging winds between 7 AM CDT and 1 PM CDT on April 3rd, 1974 as the warm front moved northward. The reports during this period are shown in the loop below.

Figure 4: Severe Report Loop: 7 AM -1 PM on 4/3/1974. ** Note: The figure above has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 483 & 485]. [This loop used Fig 4 on both pages and was resized and animated].

There were things already in place that were advantageous for more widespread tornadoes/severe weather ahead of the cold front and with either warm front with this storm system as early as 7 AM CDT. Some of these are below:

  • Strong Shear: 50 - 70 knots of 0-6 km Shear
  • Steep Lapse Rates: 6.0 to 8.0 degree/km
  • 300-900 M2/S2 0-3 km Helicity.

However, there were enough impediments in place to keep severe weather extremely isolated in the morning. The primary ones are listed below.

  • Very warm air aloft at 700 mb (thermal cap) near and south of a warm front.
  • Lack of a deeper moisture profile in place near and south of that warm front, where cap was in place.

These two aspects of the atmospheric parameters in place in the morning are shown in the three images below:

Figure 5: 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Sounding from the Nashville, TN National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office.

Figure 6: 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Sounding from the Dayton, OH National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office.

Figure 7: 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Sounding from the Montgomery, AL National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office.

  • Stronger upper level jet dynamics (shear) was still just approaching the Missouri valley region south of the previously mentioned warm front.

Figure 7: 500 hPa (mb) Analysis at 7 AM CDT on 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 472]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

  • Cloud cover in the morning helped to limit high temperatures and delayed the eroding of a thermal cap.

Figure 8: Visible Satellite Imagery - 8:42 AM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Figure 9: Visible Satellite Imagery - 10:11 AM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Wednesday: Things Start to Change Around 1 PM

There was some significant clearing as can be seen in the visible satellite loop (seen on left - highlighted by red outline) as the surface low moved northeast towards southern Iowa during the late morning into the early afternoon hours. This clearing originated in southern Illinois and spread east into central Tennessee northward into Indiana/SW Ohio behind some departing mainly elevated convection between 10 AM and 1 PM ahead of the front below. This really further destabilized the atmosphere in these areas and removed the thermal cap aloft.

This was the final piece of the puzzle for the devastating outbreak of tornadoes to begin as the strengthening upper level jet and low level jet was pushing northeast into these areas. The nose of this upper level jet was likely near and just behind the surface warm front ahead of the storm system shown in figures 9 and 10 below.

Figure 10: 10 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Surface Analysis. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 485]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

Figure 11: 1 PM CDT 4/3/1974 Surface Analysis. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 487]. [Image was resized , text boxes added, and some areas highlighted].

Below is a re-analysis image from the Storm Prediction Center of surface based instability parameters at 1 PM on April 3rd, 1974. This is likely close to what was seen, but likely a bit low based on the Nashville, TN 1 PM sounding.

Figure 12: Re-analysis of Surface Based CAPE (SBCAPE) from U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 1 PM CDT on 4/03/1974

Most of the other parameters that were already in place such as shear and helicity earlier in the day (~7 AM CDT) only increased.

  • Strong Shear: 50 - 80 knots of 0-6 km Shear
  • Steep Mid-Lapse Rates: 7.0 to 8.0 degree/km
  • Very Strong 0-3 km Storm Relative Helicity: 400-over 900 M2/S2

These parameters only strengthened even more into Wednesday night. We will briefly talk about shear and helicity and how this helps to form intense thunderstorms updrafts that can produce tornadoes.

Wind Shear

  • Speed Shear - This component is a measure of how much wind speeds change with height in the atmosphere. This is usually looked at from either 0-6 km or 0-8 km to get an idea of the depth/strength winds in place ahead of a storm system. Higher values of this parameter promote the tilting of a storm’s structure. This allows thunderstorms to create and maintain very strong updrafts for thunderstorms longer and allows for more intense (possibly severe) updrafts in them.
  • Directional Shear - This component is a measure of how much winds change in direction with height. This helps to create circulations within thunderstorm updrafts and thus supercell thunderstorms. If we didn't have this part of the equation, then we would just experience straight line wind damage and hail with stronger to severe thunderstorms.

Storm Relative Helicity - This is a measure of potential for cyclonic (counter-clockwise) updraft rotation in right moving supercell thunderstorms that is available from the ground to either 1 km or 3 km. In other words, it gives one an idea of the potential for rotation in supercell thunderstorms to be able to be tilted down to the ground from the updraft of a thunderstorm.

This combination of the instability, shear, and forcing ahead of this storm system lead to the beginning several rounds of devastating tornadoes across the Ohio Valley into central Tennessee. The first wave is illustrated below by Corfidi et al. as the warm front over Tennessee earlier moved north into the Ohio Valley.

Figure 13: Severe Weather Reports from 7 AM to 1 PM on 04/03/1974. (blue dots - Damaging winds/green dots - Large Hail/Red Lines - tornadoes) Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 483 & 485]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

South of the Nashville area, as shown in the visible satellite image at 1 PM CDT, cloud cover was more persistent in the morning before 1 PM CDT and the lid (thermal cap) aloft was stronger.

Figure 14: Visible Satellite Imagery - 12:53 PM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Thus, it took a bit longer (closer to 4 PM into the early evening hours) for temperatures to climb high enough (upper 70s to lower 80s) to break through the thermal cap (lid) aloft south of Nashville, TN into much of Tennessee and Alabama. 

Around 4 PM CDT, you can see less cloud cover in place over those locations, particularly Alabama and Georgia. 

Figure 15: Visible Satellite Imagery - 3:59 PM CDT on 04/03/1974.

This provided the final spark that produced the final rounds of explosive and deadly tornado development that occurred during the mid-afternoon hours through the night hours as the surface low moved into northern Indiana and the attendant warm front pushed into the Ohio Valley region on April 3rd, 1974. Below is a surface analysis that corresponds very closely to the timing of the visible satellite imagery above.

Figure 16: 4 PM CDT April 3, 1974 Surface Analysis. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 489]. [Image was resized , text boxes added, and some areas highlighted].

Just how much did the instability increase during the mid afternoon to early evening hours? To get an idea of this we look at the image of surface based CAPE values from SPC's re-analysis page at 6 PM CDT below. Based on the actual 7 PM CDT sounding from Nashsville, TN, this re-analysis is likely a bit low with its values (Nashville's 7 PM CDT sounding - 2510 J/KG). This increase in instability really kept the stage set for dangerous long-lived tornadoes to continue into the late night hours on April 3, 1974.

Figure 17: Re-analysis of SBCAPE from U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 7 PM CDT on 04/03/1974.

At the same time, the upper jet intensified even more as seen below and the low level jet maximum pushed northward into central Kentucky.

Figure 18: 500 mb Analysis from 7 PM CDT on April 3rd, 1974. This highlights the strengthening upper level jet ahead of this storm system. Image created by Sam Shamburger from NWS Nashville, TN.

Figure 19: Re-analysis of 0-6 km Shear from the U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 7 PM CDT on 04/03/1974

Figure 20: Re-analysis of 0-3 km Helicity from U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 7 PM CDT on 04/03/1974

This combination of instability, lift, and shear produced multiple additional rounds of devastating, violent tornadoes into the overnight hours into 04/04/1974. These tornado tracks, along with other severe reports are shown in the images below.

Figure 21: Severe Weather from 4 - 7 PM on 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 489]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

Figure 22: Severe Weather from 7 - 10 PM on April 3rd, 1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 491]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

Figure 23: Severe Weather from 10 PM (4/03/1974) to 1 AM(4/04/1974). Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 492]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].


Tennessee Tornadoes

  • Tornadoes: 39
  • Deaths: 44
  • Injuries: 662

The April 3-4, 1974 "Super Outbreak" of tornadoes was one of the worst to ever affect the state of Tennessee. A total of 39 known tornadoes touched down across the middle and eastern parts of the state, resulting in 44 deaths and 662 injuries. Most of the deaths and injuries occurred in Middle Tennessee, where 24 tornadoes killed 38 people and injured at least 455 others - making this the largest known outbreak of tornadoes to ever impact the midstate. Over East Tennessee, 15 tornadoes touched down that killed 6 and injured 207, with the worst tornadoes striking near Cleveland and Knoxville. All of the tornadoes combined resulted in millions of dollars in damage to homes, businesses, churches, schools, utilities, and vegetation. More information on each of the April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes is available  here for Middle Tennessee  and  here for East Tennessee .

List of tornado outbreaks across Middle Tennessee

List of the deadliest and largest tornado outbreaks in Middle Tennessee as of April 2024

Middle Tennessee

Tornado #1 - Montgomery County

Montgomery County tornado information

Clarksville newspaper article on the April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #2 - Robertson County

Robertson County tornado information

Tornado #3 - Davidson County

Davidson County tornado information

Nashville International Airport weather observations from April 3, 1974

April 3, 1974 Nashville Airport weather observations

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Tennessean newspaper article on April 4, 1974

Tennessean newspaper photo from April 4, 1974

Tennessean newspaper photo from April 4, 1974

Tornado #4 - Maury/Marshall Counties

Maury/Marshall County tornado information

Tornado #5 - Trousdale/Wilson Counties

Wilson/Trousdale County tornado information

Lebanon newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Hartsville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #6 - Bedford/Marshall Counties

Marshall/Bedford County tornado information

Lewisburg newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Lewisburg newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #7 - Rutherford/Wilson Counties

Murfreesboro tornado information

Murfreesboro newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #8 - Marshall/Bedford Counties

Marshall/Bedford County tornado information

Tornado #9 - Limestone AL/Madison AL/Lincoln TN/Franklin TN Counties

Tornado #9, the "second F5 Tanner tornado", began at 6:35 PM CST (7:35 PM CDT) in Limestone County, Alabama southwest of Tanner, then traveled northeast across Madison County, Alabama as well as Lincoln and Franklin Counties in Tennessee. See the Alabama section to find out more information on this F5 tornado.

Tornado #10 - Overton County

Overton County tornado information

Tornado #11 - DeKalb/Cannon Counties

Cannon/DeKalb County tornado information

Smithville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #12 - Jackson/Putnam Counties

Jackson/Putnam County tornado information

Jackson County newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #13 - Lincoln/Franklin/Coffee Counties

Lincoln/Franklin/Coffee County tornado information

Tullahoma newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #14 - Fentress TN/Pickett TN/McCreary KY Counties

Fentress/Pickett County tornado information

Tornado #15 - White/Putnam/Overton Counties

White/Putnam/Overton County tornado information

Cookeville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #16 - Pickett TN/Wayne KY Counties

Pickett County tornado information

Pickett County newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #17 - Fentress County

Fentress County tornado information

Photo of Jamestown tornado damage

Taylor Place subdivision damage in southern Jamestown, TN

Photo of Jamestown tornado damage

Destroyed feed mill on Taylor Place Road in Jamestown, TN

Photo of Jamestown tornado damage

Tractor trailer blown off highway in Taylor Place subdivision

Jamestown newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #18 - Franklin/Coffee/Grundy Counties

Franklin/Coffee/Grundy Tornado information

Tornado #19 - Warren/Van Buren Counties

Warren/Van Buren County tornado information

Tornado #20 - Giles/Marshall/Bedford Counties

Giles/Marshall/Bedford County tornado information

Giles County newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #21 - Overton County

Overton County tornado information

Livingston newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Livingston newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #22 - White County

White County tornado information

Tornado #23 - Warren/White Counties

Warren/White County tornado information

McMinnville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #24 - White/Cumberland Counties

White/Cumberland County tornado information

Sparta newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Crossville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Crossville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

East Tennessee

Tornado #1 - Bradley/Polk Counties

Cleveland tornado information

Chattanooga newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #2 - Blount County

Blount County tornado information

Tornado #3 - McMinn County

Etowah tornado information

Tornado #4 - Hamilton/Meigs Counties

Meadowview tornado information

Tornado #5 - Loudon County

Loudon County tornado information

Tornado #6 - Monroe County

Madisonville tornado information

Tornado #7 - Bradley/Polk/McMinn Counties

Cleveland tornado information

Tornado #8 - Cocke County

Cocke County tornado information

Tornado #9 - Morgan/Scott Counties

Morgan/Scott County tornado information

Tornado #10 - Scott County

Scott County tornado information

Tornado #11 - Knox County

Knox County tornado information

Knoxville newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes

Tornado #12 - Anderson County

Anderson County tornado information

Tornado #13 - Jefferson County

Jefferson County tornado information

Tornado #14 - Hawkins County

Hawkins County tornado information

Tornado #15 - Sullivan TN/Washington VA Counties

Bristol tornado information

Kingston newspaper article on April 3-4, 1974 tornadoes


  • Tornadoes: 10 (3 F5, 1 F4, 2 F3, 3 F2, 1 F1)
  • Deaths: 77
  • Injuries: 927
  • The video below gives the viewer a first hand feel for operations in a NWS Weather Forecast Office that afternoon and night as this devastating round of tornadoes was occurring. Several of the major tornadoes reference at various points in this video. It gives an idea of just how chaotic things were operationally at Weather Surface Offices with so many big and violent long lived tornadoes happening in such a short span of time.

This video that was produced by NOAA in 1977, documenting via actual footage and re-creations from actual interviews with area residents, what was occurring in the north Alabama and into the Tennessee valley region from the late afternoon through the evening hours on April 3, 1974 during the Super Tornado outbreak.

The tornado that devastated the Guin community (F5 that started in Lamar County at 8:50 PM CDT) produced such catastrophic damage that it was even evident in the satellite imagery below.

Satellite Imagery after taken after April 3rd, 1974 showing the land scar left on visible satellite imagery.

Damage from the last major tornado of the night in Alabama (an F3 tornado that tore through the Madison and Huntsville areas of northern Alabama). Below is a video of some of this damage. Much of this video was taken near the Redstone Arsenal area of Madison and southeastern Huntsville.

Huntsville, Alabama April 3, 1974 Tornado Aftermath-Southeast Huntsville, Alabama

In the next several sections, we will look more in depth into several specific tornado tracks of this event in Alabama and see pictures associated with their damage.

Started at 6:15 PM CDT

Lawrence, AL/Morgan, AL/Limestone, AL/Madison, AL

Hardest Hit Area(s): Harvest, Moulton, Tanner

  • Tornado Length: 52 miles
  • Intensity: F5
  • Deaths: 28
  • Injuries: 267

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

The first F5 tornado to touchdown in Alabama formed at 6:15 pm CDT in Lawrence County, AL and ended just over 90 minutes later in Madison County, AL, killing 28 people. It touched down in the Mount Hope community and then tracked into Hatton, where the tornado rapidly intensified and swept away several homes.

This photo from the Moulton Advertiser shows the utter destruction in the Mount Moriah area of Lawrence County, AL, where a familly of six were tragically killed.

This photo from the Moulton Advertiser shows the utter destruction in the Mount Moriah area of Lawrence County, AL, where a familly of six were tragically killed.

In the Moulton community, the destruction was so complete that a witness reported that the largest recognizable objects among scattered debris from an obliterated house were some bed-springs. The tornado crossed into Morgan County, causing additional destruction in rural areas near Hillsboro and Trinity. After crossing the Tennessee River  into Limestone County, the tornado re-intensified, flattening a ¾-mile–wide swath of trees on the opposite bank. The tornado moved into the Tanner community where some of the worst damage in the outbreak was documented. Here, the tornado reached F5 intensity and many homes were swept away, vehicles were tossed, shrubbery was debarked.

The tornado then continued into Madison County and struck the Capshaw and Harvest areas. Numerous homes in Harvest and surrounding rural areas of the county were swept completely away and scattered.

Aerial picture of damage at Bowling Lane and Orvil Smith road in SW Madison county..

Started at 6:35 PM CDT

Pickens, AL/Tuscaloosa, AL/Fayette, AL/Walker, AL/Cullman, AL

Hardest Hit Area(s): Jasper, Cullman

  • Tornado Length: 110.6 miles (longest in AL)
  • Intensity: F4
  • Deaths: 3
  • Injuries: 178

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

A long-track F4 tornado began in Pickens County around 6:30 PM, moving northeast. Two people were killed at Berry in Fayette County, and 34 people were injured across Pickens and Fayette. The tornado entered Walker County, reaching its maximum intensity of F4 southwest of Jasper before moving through town at F2 to F3 strength. Downtown Jasper sustained heavy damage, with numerous stores and commercial buildings damaged or destroyed, the Walker County courthouse and Jasper City Hall severely damaged, and the fire station demolished. After a power station on the west side of town was struck initially, the clock on the courthouse stopped at 7:55 PM, where it remained for months following the tornado. Many homes in town were heavily damaged, and at Walker College, dozens of uprooted trees resulted in considerable damage to sidewalks and underground utility lines, along with damaged buildings and destroyed vehicles. Although no one was killed in Walker County, 102 people were injured.

Damage to Jasper City Hall.

The Walker County Courthouse was heavily damaged. The clock stopped at 7:55 PM is centered over the door.

The tornado continued northeast, entering Cullman County and striking the communities of Brushy Pond, Trimble, and Grandview. It entered the city of Cullman around 9 PM at F2 intensity, severely damaging or destroying numerous homes, an apartment complex, a Big K department store, and the East Park Shopping Center. One person was killed in Cullman, and 36 were injured. The tornado passed through the Larkwood neighborhood before dissipating northeast of town.

Started at 7 PM CDT

Etowah, AL/Cherokee, AL

Hardest Hit Area(s): Moshat, Spring Creek

  • Tornado Length: 20.9 miles
  • Intensity: F3
  • Deaths: 0
  • Injuries: 9

An F3 tornado began near the Etowah/Cherokee county line, passing to the south and east of Centre. Numerous mobile homes and several houses were damaged or destroyed in the Moshat and Spring Creek areas. Nine people were injured before the tornado dissipated.

Started at 7:35 PM CDT

Limestone, AL/Madison, AL/Franklin, TN/Lincoln, TN

Hardest Hit Area(s): Tanner, Athens, Harvest

  • Tornado Length: 62 miles
  • Intensity: F5
  • Deaths: 22
  • Injuries: 250

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

A little over 30 minutes after the initial F5 tornado struck the Tanner community in Limestone County, AL, a second violent tornado formed, devastating some of the same communities in Limestone and Madison counties. The Tanner community was again particularly devastated.

Many houses were leveled in this area at Tanner Crossroads area. (Courtesy of Limestone County EMA)

Many structures that were left standing after the first tornado were destroyed in the second one. After devastating Tanner it produced significant damage in the Athens area.

Damage at Lawson's Trailer Park in Limestone County, AL (Courtesy of Limestone County EMA)

Below is a video of an interview with Bill Dunnavant (Limestone County, Emergency Management Official). His recollection of being in this second Tanner F5 tornado in the Athens are

April 3 1974: 30th Anniversary - Spencer Black/Limestone County Emergency Management Testimonial

Click  here  to see a personal account of this devastating day from Gary and Deb Chapelle, who experience this tornado as it affected portions of the Athens, AL area.

It then continued across rural Limestone County and into Madison County, where the communities of Capshaw and  Harvest  were devastated once again. Northeast of Harvest, the tornado swept away multiple additional homes in the Hazel Green community.

An aerial picture of demolished houses/structures courtesy of EMA officials from Madison county, AL SW of Hazel Green community along the track.

A picture of a bathtub impaled into the ground at least a few feet by the tornado in the Harvest area.

The tornado continued northeastward through rural portions of Madison County before crossing into Tennessee, causing considerable damage across Lincoln and Franklin Counties.

Started at 8:50 PM CDT

Lamar, AL/Marion, AL/Winston, AL/Lawrence, AL/ Morgan, AL

Hardest Hit Area(s): Guin, Delmar

  • Tornado Length: 79.5 miles
  • Intensity: F5
  • Deaths: 28
  • Injuries: 272

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

The destroyed Guin Post Office building.

Thought to be among the most intense tornadoes to ever strike Alabama, this F5 tornado began in Lamar County around 8:50 PM, causing heavy damage to the Monterey Trailer Park. It quickly entered Marion County, where the town of Guin was struck just after 9 PM, leaving 23 deaths and 250 injuries. Much of Guin was devastated by the tornado, the center of which passed a block north of the US 43/US 278 intersection. The brand new city hall building was heavily damaged, and the Guin Post Office and Guin Mobile Home Plant were destroyed. Many homes were heavily damaged or reduced to rubble, with debris being wrapped around trees that were debarked or reduced to the main trunks. The First Methodist Church was reduced to just the front porch steps and basement walls. In one instance, the bus from the First Baptist Church was blown up the street and deposited at the front door of the Tombigbee Electric Coop office. After departing Guin, the tornado caused similar devastation at Yampertown. Shortly after, the NWS office in Birmingham issued a Tornado Warning for the northwestern quarter of Alabama, as it was apparent that significant damage was being observed.

A Tornado Warning issued by NWS Birmingham after the Guin tornado was observed via WSR-57 radar in Centreville.

After devastating Guin, the tornado moved through Winston County at F3 intensity, killing 5 and injuring 22 in the Delmar area. The Densmore Store was completely destroyed, in addition to numerous homes and other structures. The tornado then moved into the Bankhead National Forest, crossing into Lawrence County while maintaining F2 to F3 intensity. In Bankhead, approximately 20 million feet of pine and hardwood timber was blown down over a 15-mile path that was up to one mile wide at times. Significant damage continued into Morgan County until the tornado dissipated south of Decatur after 10 PM.

Remnants of the Guin Mobile Home Plant.

Damage at Yampertown, just northeast of Guin.

Along the entire path, 546 buildings were destroyed and 330 were heavily damaged. 191 mobile homes were destroyed, and 59 were heavily damaged. 60 small businesses were destroyed or heavily damaged. In total, 28 people were killed and 272 were injured.

The Densmore Store in Delmar (Winston County) was reduced to rubble.

It then continued into southern portions of the Huntsville, AL community, where damage was severe.

Started at 10:24 PM CDT

Morgan, AL/Limestone, AL/Madison, AL/Jackson, AL

Hardest Hit Area(s): South Huntsville, Redstone Arsenal, Ryland

  • Tornado Length: 46.5 miles
  • Intensity: F3
  • Deaths: 2
  • Injuries: 7

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

This tornado touched down near the Tennessee River about 7 miles southeast of Decatur just a few miles ENE of the point where the major Guin to Morgan county (F) lifted only six minutes earlier (the same supercell thunderstorm that produced the Guin to Morgan county tornado produced this tornado as well). This tornado moved northeast crossing through the saddle of Ward Mountain just southwest of Huntsville. Descending the east slope of the mountain it suddenly became powerful,  smashing through Redstone Arsenal.

This video, via WHNT-TV, was shot in the Huntsville, Alabama area from near Redstone Arsenal, to near Airport road in southeast Huntsville, Alabama.

It continued into southern Huntsville, where damage was also severe. A modern elementary school and mobile home park was wiped out and numerous homes were demolished or heavily damaged.

April 3 1974 Late evening Huntsville Tornado at Glenll Trailer Park

 Several businesses along South Parkway were demolished or heavily damaged, including a department store and automobile agency.

Aerial Damage Photo near Memorial Parkway (SE Huntsville, AL) that was between John Hunt Park and Braham Spring Park. Courtesy of Madison County EMA.

Picture of tornado damage near Memorial Parkway and Drake Avenue in Huntsville, AL.

 It weakened a bit and may have very briefly lifted as it approached Monte Sano mountain. However, it quickly lowered back to the ground and became very powerful as it reached the top of the mountain starting down the eastern slope.

Picture of large trees snapped off at their bases and other tree damage in the Monte Sano area from the tornado. Courtesy of Madison County EMA.

Ryland on U.S. 72 was nearly wiped out as it continued this path. Continuing over the rough terrain of NW Jackson county, the tornado finally ended in the Paint Rock Valley area. 

Below is an areal video of the destruction provided to us by WHNT-TV (Huntsvile, AL) after the tornado went through the area:

April 3 1974 Aerial Tornado Damage Video in Limestone and Madison Counties. Courtesy of WHNT-TV (Huntsville, AL)



  • Tornadoes: 5 (2 F4s, 3 F2s)
  • Deaths: 16
  • Injuries: 109

The April 3-4, 1974 "Super Outbreak" of tornadoes heavily impacted north Georgia over the course of two days. There were a total of 5 officially documented tornadoes that resulted in 16 deaths and 109 injuries that were officially documented by the NWS. The main damage occurred in Chatsworth, Buchanan, and Cherry Log with other towns also affected along the way. These five tornadoes caused billions in damage to homes, businesses, vegitiation and utilities across North Georgia.

*Disclaimer: This data is compiled based off of official NWS reports with supplements from the Atlanta Constitution, but there may be missing data that was not officially documented.

Started at 7:30 PM EDT

Gilmer County, GA/Fannin County, GA

Hardest Hit Area(s): Cherry Log, Aksa

  • Tornado Length: 15 miles
  • Intensity: F2
  • Deaths: 0
  • Injuries: 5

An F2 tornado began near Elijay in Gilmer County, GA before moving northeast affecting the city of Cherry Log before moving northeast into Fannin County before dissipating near Blue Ridge. Severe damage occurred to homes, trees and utilities along the path with an damage estimated at $800,000. One of the hardest hit areas was in Cherry Log in Gilmer County. This was the first tornado of the day to affect Georgia damaging several homes in Cherry Log, GA. Baseball size hail was also reported with this storm as it moved to Aksa.

Started at 7:40 PM EDT

Gordon County, GA/Murray County, GA

Hardest Hit Area(s): Chatsworth

  • Tornado Length: 25 miles
  • Intensity: F4
  • Deaths: 9
  • Injuries: 54

An F4 tornado began in western Gordon County, west of Calhoun, GA moving northeast into Murray County affecting the city of Chatsworth before dissipating. Severe damage occurred to homes, businesses, trees and utilities along the path with an damage estimated at $4.3 billion. Some of the hardest hit areas were in the Whitfield-Murray County area, including the city of Chatsworth. The Meridon Carpet Mill in Chatsworth was destroyed with 60 people inside but all were rescued and taken to local hospitals.

Started at 7:00 PM EDT

Haralson, Paulding, Bartow and Cherokee Counties, GA

Hardest Hit Area(s): Chatsworth

  • Tornado Length: 35 miles
  • Intensity: F2
  • Deaths: 1
  • Injuries: 20

An F2 tornado began in Cleburne County, AL before moving northeastward into Haralson County affecting Buchanan, GA before moving northeastward through Paulding and Bartow County and finally ending near Lake Allatoona in Cherokee County, GA. Severe damage occurred to homes, businesses, trees and utilities along the path with an damage estimated at $2 million. One of the hardest hit areas was in the Haralson County area, including the city of Buchanan where most of the injuries took place including a pregnant mother who was transported to the hospital.

Started at 8:30 PM EDT

Cherokee, Pickens, Dawson, and Lumpkin Counties, GA

Hardest Hit Area(s): Ball Ground, Juno

  • Tornado Length: 15 miles
  • Intensity: F4
  • Deaths: 6
  • Injuries: 30

An F4 tornado began just north of Ball Ground in Cherokee County, GA before moving northeastward into Haralson County affecting Buchanan, GA before moving northeastward through Pickens County then northeastward through Dawson County where the town of Juno was heavily damaged, before ending in southwest Lumpkin County, GA. Severe damage occurred to homes, businesses, trees and utilities along the path with an damage estimated at $2 million. One of the hardest hit areas was in the Dawson County area, including the town of Juno where most of the deaths occurred.

Started at 10:00 PM EDT

Rabun County

Hardest Hit Area(s): Ball Ground, Juno

  • Tornado Length: Short/Unknown
  • Intensity: F2
  • Deaths: 0
  • Injuries: 0

An F2 tornado touched down briefly in Rabun County in extreme northeast Georgia affecting Dillard. Severe damage to homes, businesses, trees and utilities caused damage estimated at $90,000. Information was limited on this tornado overall, but no injuries or deaths were associated with this tornado directly.

Interactive Tornado Map

ArcGIS Dashboards

In Memoriam

May these names be remembered in the honor of all those who tragically lost their lives on April 3rd to 4th in 1974

Mrs. George (Martha Mae Lem) Baird, Sr Mrs. Jimmie Sue Ballard Suzette Ballard Arnold Bate Idella J. Berry Edgie Bevill Howard Bevill Matt Bevill Billy Blankenship Mrs. Billy (Lovinia) Blankenship Marilyn Jeanette Brackins Rev. Houston Brand Mrs. Houston (Sally) Brand Deborah Sue Braswell Billy Joe Brown Janet Lynn Brown Mrs. Billy Joe (Virginia Louise) Brown Mrs. Rosie Bell Burleson Odie Ray Cagle Mrs. Louise Cain Thomas Lee Cain Mrs. Willie Alvis (Helen) Carter Teresa Carter Tony Carter Willie Alvis Carter Mrs. Howard (Virginia Dale Green) Calvert Mrs. Dotson Anna Lavada Durham Raymond Rayford (John) Edwards Mrs. Novie Ruffin Ellison Mrs. Maggie Lee Fisher Goldie Fletcher Mrs. Wayne (Peggy) Gautney Mrs. Henry (Mildred) Gautney Garner Gautney Benjamin Gibbs Child of Benjamin Gibbs Mrs. Winnie Ellen Gilmore Winford Glover Mrs. Annaise Green Mrs. Lillian Green Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Guined Linda Lavada Gurley James Lionel Harris James Hazelwood James Earl Henderson Jimmy Herron Orville James (Boots) Hess, Sr. Rev. Baxter Holt Herman Edwin Jones James Kirby Herman Lambert Audrey Sue Latham Bernard Letson Mrs. Bernard (Corine) Letson Ricky Letson Sharon Letson Owen Limbaugh Mrs. Owen (Kathy) Limbaugh Mrs. Larry (Patsy) Lovell Mrs. Rosie MacLine Herbert Preston Martin Willie McCrary Mrs. Hattie Ruth McGlocklin Sandra Ruth McGlocklin Walter James McGlocklin Nannie Moore Ruth Moore Mrs. Phillip (Althea) Owens Phillip Owens Linda Owens Phyllis Owens Terri Owens Thomas (Buddy) Owens Lonnie Pamplin Mrs. Robert (Juanita Hankins) Pennington Ella Mae Poke Carl C. Presley Joseph Emmett Shirey Mrs. Joseph Emmett (Lois) Shirey Mrs. Clifford (Mary Elizabeth) Smith Mary Elizabeth Smart Mrs. Barbara Lane Smith Darrien Smith Minnie Bell Smith Mrs. Mary Lou Harp Thompson Trevor Kyle Thompson Mrs. Katherine Throle James Marvin Tidwell Oliver Mark Tidwell Mark Ronald Todd William Paul Todd  Ruby Williams

Did you lose a loved one and not see their name listed above? Please click  here to fill out this form  so we can be sure to add their name!

See a mistake on a name that is currently listed? Please click  here to fill out this form  so we can fix this mistake as soon as possible!


NWS Nashville, TN


NWS Atlanta, GA


NWS Birmingham, AL and NWS Huntsville, AL

May these names be remembered in the honor of all those who tragically lost their lives on April 3rd to 4th in 1974

The number and intensity of tornadoes per state and casualty information. **Note that some tornadoes affected multiple states, so the total number of tornadoes for the event is less than what the total sum would indicate in this table.

All the Tornado Tracks that occurred from April 3rd to 4th, 1974.

Picture of devastation in the Jasper, Alabama (Walker County), caused by an F4 tornado (shown in the radar loop on the right) that started in Pickens County at 6:35 PM on April 3rd.

Picture of the F5 Xenia Tornado that occurred in southeast Ohio.

Figure 1: 500 mb Analysis at 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 472]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

Figure 1: 850 mb Analysis at 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 474]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

Figure 3: Upper and Low level jet orientation on 04/03/1974. Sam Shamburger, NWS Nashville

Figure 5: 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Sounding from the Nashville, TN National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office.

Figure 6: 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Sounding from the Dayton, OH National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office.

Figure 7: 7 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Sounding from the Montgomery, AL National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office.

Figure 7: 500 hPa (mb) Analysis at 7 AM CDT on 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 472]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

Figure 8: Visible Satellite Imagery - 8:42 AM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Figure 9: Visible Satellite Imagery - 10:11 AM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Figure 10: 10 AM CDT 04/03/1974 Surface Analysis. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 485]. [Image was resized and some areas highlighted].

Figure 11: 1 PM CDT 4/3/1974 Surface Analysis. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 487]. [Image was resized , text boxes added, and some areas highlighted].

Figure 12: Re-analysis of Surface Based CAPE (SBCAPE) from U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 1 PM CDT on 4/03/1974

Figure 13: Severe Weather Reports from 7 AM to 1 PM on 04/03/1974. (blue dots - Damaging winds/green dots - Large Hail/Red Lines - tornadoes) Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 483 & 485]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

Figure 14: Visible Satellite Imagery - 12:53 PM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Figure 15: Visible Satellite Imagery - 3:59 PM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Figure 16: 4 PM CDT April 3, 1974 Surface Analysis. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 489]. [Image was resized , text boxes added, and some areas highlighted].

Figure 17: Re-analysis of SBCAPE from U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 7 PM CDT on 04/03/1974.

Figure 18: 500 mb Analysis from 7 PM CDT on April 3rd, 1974. This highlights the strengthening upper level jet ahead of this storm system. Image created by Sam Shamburger from NWS Nashville, TN.

Figure 19: Re-analysis of 0-6 km Shear from the U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 7 PM CDT on 04/03/1974

Figure 20: Re-analysis of 0-3 km Helicity from U.S Tornado Outbreak Interface (Storm Prediction Center) at 7 PM CDT on 04/03/1974

Figure 21: Severe Weather from 4 - 7 PM on 04/03/1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 489]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

Figure 22: Severe Weather from 7 - 10 PM on April 3rd, 1974. Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 491]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

Figure 23: Severe Weather from 10 PM (4/03/1974) to 1 AM(4/04/1974). Note: This figure has been adapted from [Corfidi et al., (2011). "Revisiting the 3-4 April 1974 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes", Vol. 25, 2, 492]. [This image was cropped to incorporate into this presentation].

List of the deadliest and largest tornado outbreaks in Middle Tennessee as of April 2024

April 3, 1974 Nashville Airport weather observations

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Antioch tornado - photo courtesy of Niki Gentry

Taylor Place subdivision damage in southern Jamestown, TN

Destroyed feed mill on Taylor Place Road in Jamestown, TN

Tractor trailer blown off highway in Taylor Place subdivision

Satellite Imagery after taken after April 3rd, 1974 showing the land scar left on visible satellite imagery.

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

This photo from the Moulton Advertiser shows the utter destruction in the Mount Moriah area of Lawrence County, AL, where a familly of six were tragically killed.

Aerial picture of damage at Bowling Lane and Orvil Smith road in SW Madison county..

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

Damage to Jasper City Hall.

The Walker County Courthouse was heavily damaged. The clock stopped at 7:55 PM is centered over the door.

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

Many houses were leveled in this area at Tanner Crossroads area. (Courtesy of Limestone County EMA)

Damage at Lawson's Trailer Park in Limestone County, AL (Courtesy of Limestone County EMA)

An aerial picture of demolished houses/structures courtesy of EMA officials from Madison county, AL SW of Hazel Green community along the track.

A picture of a bathtub impaled into the ground at least a few feet by the tornado in the Harvest area.

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

The destroyed Guin Post Office building.

A Tornado Warning issued by NWS Birmingham after the Guin tornado was observed via WSR-57 radar in Centreville.

Remnants of the Guin Mobile Home Plant.

Damage at Yampertown, just northeast of Guin.

The Densmore Store in Delmar (Winston County) was reduced to rubble.

Radar Loop highlighted storm of interest that produced this devastating tornado (Centreville, AL radar).

Aerial Damage Photo near Memorial Parkway (SE Huntsville, AL) that was between John Hunt Park and Braham Spring Park. Courtesy of Madison County EMA.

Picture of tornado damage near Memorial Parkway and Drake Avenue in Huntsville, AL.

Picture of large trees snapped off at their bases and other tree damage in the Monte Sano area from the tornado. Courtesy of Madison County EMA.