2024-2026 UTA DBE Triennial Goal
Leave your public comments for the 2024-2026 DBE Goal and learn more about the effort.
DBE Triennial Goal
We need your feedback on UTA's 2024-2026 Triennial DBE Goal! Every three years, the UTA Civil Rights Team sets a goal on how much federal funding UTA will allocate to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (learn more about DBE here .) This goal sets the tone for the next three years to help us ensure that disadvantaged businesses have a level playing field at UTA. This goal is based on how much DBEs would participate if all things were equal.
The proposed overall DBE goal for federal fiscal years 2024-2026 is 8%. This means that we are aiming to spend 8% of our total non-vehicle FTA funding on DBEs.
The following is a simplified example is for demonstration purposes only. The financial figures and project details to not represent a current UTA project:
In this example, UTA is planning construction on a new TRAX station in 2025. The Federal Transit Administration will contribute $100,000 to the project. Assuming the 8% DBE goal, UTA will work to spend $8,000 of the FTA's contributions with DBE(s) on the project. If the $8,000 figure is reached, this project will be in line with the overall DBE goal for federal fiscal years 2024-2026.
Proposed Overall DBE Goal for Federal Fiscal Years 2024-2026

DBE Adjusted Base Figure: The base figure of relative availability of DBEs to all comparable firms (DBE and non-DBE) available to bid or propose on the Authority's FTA-assisted contracting opportunities projected to be solicited during the triennial period.
Race-Conscious Component: A program that focuses on and provides benefits only for DBEs via goal requirements. We are required to use a certified DBE list for bid announcements to offer all known DBEs the opportunity to bid and compete with non-DBE programs.
Race-Neutral Component: A program that encourages the participation of all businesses or all small businesses and is not limited to DBEs.
Understanding the DBE Goal
How are proposed goals determined?
- Determine base figure:
- Determine projected FTA funding on UTA projects for federal fiscal years 2024-2026.
- Assign work codes/ NAICS codes for type of work being performed
- Calculate relative availability of DBEs for work being performed.
- Determine weighted based figure.
- Adjust base figure:
- Make adjustments based on previous participation.
To establish the base figure of the relative availability of DBEs to all comparable firms (DBE and non-DBE) available to bid or propose on the Authority’s FTA-assisted contracting opportunities projected to be solicited during the triennial period.
Give us your input!
- Here's a few ideas to get you started:
- What do you think about the 2024-2026 UTA DBE Goal? What would you change about the proposed goal?
- What would you like to see changed in the way UTA approached doing business with DBEs?
- What does equality in bidding look like to you?
- What
Public Comments
Leave your public comment here! Public comments are accepted from June 22 - July 22, 2023.
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Register for DBE Goal Public Meeting
Join us on June 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. for a virtual public meeting regarding the proposed 2023 DBE Triennial Goal.
Q: What methodology is used to calculate the 8% for the 3-year period?
A: The goal is determined by reviewing anticipated federal funding, projects, NAICS codes for work, and prior DBE participation to determine a weighted-based figure. This figure is adjusted every three years to reflect the realistic use of DBE and the growth of federal funding-based projects.
Q: Is there an estimated breakdown of the money that will be spent in the different trades?
A: We break down each project by the anticipated craft needs. These projects were marked under NAICS codes and presented at our triennial and annual DBE open houses.