Data for Impact (D4I)
A Legacy of Global Health Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL)
About D4I
Data for Impact (D4I), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), supported countries to generate and use high-quality health and development data to improve their programs, policies, and—ultimately—health outcomes. D4I also strengthened local capacity to collect, analyze, and use data to support sustainable development and adaptive management in low- and middle-income countries.
D4I is a consorsium led by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Palladium, ICF, JSI, and Tulane University. Implemented from September 2018 through March 2025, D4I is an associate award of MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV and has continued its long legacy of building evidence to improve monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL).
D4I's Key Themes
D4I's work spanned 34 countries across various health technical areas including maternal and child health (MCH), family planning (FP), reproductive health (RH), child protection and care (CPC), food security and nutrition, health systems strengthening, infectious disease, private sector engagement, and supply chain management.
D4I’s work focused on 6 thematic areas encapsulating the project’s goal of evidence generation and use. D4I not only addressed immediate health challenges but also laid the foundation for sustainable, data-informed decision-making processes that will continue to benefit global health initiatives in the years ahead.
Interact with stories about the 6 key themes by navigating the links below to learn more about D4I's work.
Theme 1: Localizing and Strengthening Local Capacity in MERL
D4I ensured that its capacity strengthening approach aligned with USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening (LCS) Policy . Wherever possible, D4I incorporated intentional, demand-driven processes that start with understanding local systems and the roles that local actors play.
D4I developed the Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package (RECAP) for capacity action planning, monitoring sustainability, and promoting local voices throughout social accountability methods. D4I funded 4 small grants and provided technical support to the sub-grantee teams in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Nigeria to enhance local research capacity and address knowledge gaps in family planning (FP).
Explore and interact with case studies about D4I's local capacity strengthening efforts on the map below.

Strengthening Evaluation Capacity with RECAP

Enhancing Domestic Resource Mobilization for FP

Analyzing Regional Variations in FP Use

Assessing FP Commodities during COVID-19

Evaluating Health Facility Readiness for FP Services
Assessing the Economic Impact of Malaria on Vulnerable Groups
Theme 2: Integrating Gender across MERL
D4I prioritized gender integration across MERL activities to ensure data are available to accurately assess gender and health outcomes, guiding policy and programmatic decisions. Through a solutions-driven approach that applied a gender lens, D4I advocated for gender, diversity, equity, and inclusion in collaboration with local partners to address inequalities in program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
D4I’s Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in MERL
D4I developed comprehensive guidance on integrating gender into MERL activities. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Integrating Gender outlines key terms, scenarios, and practical prompts to help researchers consider gender at every stage of the research process.
Strengthening Gender Competency among FP Providers
Piloting the revised Gender Competency Self-Assessment Tool with a family planning provider in Uganda.
Building upon formative work by the USAID-supported HRH2030 project, D4I developed a Gender Competency Self-Assessment Tool and eLearning course to strengthen the gender competency of FP providers. D4I piloted the tool in Ghana and Uganda. In collaboration with the Ghana Health Services, D4I then tested various training implementation modalities with FP providers to inform roll-out. Hear insights and recommendations from trained FP providers in a webinar recording about how to design gender competency training for FP providers.
Measuring Reproductive Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sample of the brief
D4I used longitudinal data to test the predictive validity of Reproductive Empowerment Scale to assess women’s capacity to make informed reproductive health (RH) decisions in sub-Saharan Africa. This tool measures women's communication with healthcare providers and partners, decision making, social support, and the influence of social norms around RH and fertility. Learn more in this brief ( English / French ) or webinar .
Engaging Youth in the Dissemination of a National-level Survey in Bangladesh
The Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey (BAHWS) 2019-20 was the first nationally representative survey on adolescent health in Bangladesh. In February 2021, D4I invited youth to present and discuss survey results and their implications for health programming and policy at a dissemination event. Shusmita Khan, formerly of D4I Bangladesh, interviewed two young women involved in the BAHWS dissemination, to share lessons learned about engaging youth in survey dissemination.
Insights from Shusmita Khan on the BAHWS Dissemination
Theme 3: Collaborating with Universities and Governments to Strengthen M&E Systems
D4I strengthened the capacity of local actors, including governments and universities , to conduct rigorous evaluations by promoting local ownership and prioritizing mutual collaboration.
Government Collaborations
D4I collaborated with governments to strengthen M&E by fostering mutuality, developing tools, and supporting local ownership of processes and priorities. Through tailored technical assistance in knowledge translation, D4I strengthened M&E systems to generate timely, actionable evidence for decision making.
University Collaborations
D4I adopted several approaches to local capacity strengthening of universities in Armenia, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, and Malawi, and Moldova. Faculty and students from university partners identified their capacity strengthening priorities, and D4I worked closely with each university to develop tailored interventions.
Click on the map icons or photos to learn more about D4I's collaborations with governments and universities. Zoom in and out using the buttons at the lower right.

Government Collaboration in Colombia

Armenia Government Collaboration

Moldova Government Collaboration

Universities in Armenia & Moldova

Government Collaboration in Bangladesh

Bangladesh University Collaboration
University Collaboration in the DRC (video)

Ethiopia University Collaboration

University Collaboration in Malawi (video)

Government Collaboration in Rwanda

Uganda Government Collaboration
Theme 4: Using Routine Data for Research and Evaluation
Routine health information system (RHIS) data—collected regularly at public, private, and community-level health facilities and institutions—are often overlooked by evaluators in favor of other data sources.
A Practical Guide to Using Routine Data in Evaluation
Building on the work of the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation project, D4I expanded the use of routine data in evaluations and research through the adaptation of existing tools and methods, development of new methodologies, and creation of a guide summarizing findings from 13 related technical briefs . The guide serves as a resource for future researchers and includes examples from sub-Saharan Africa and Ukraine across a range of health areas.
EN-MINI Tools and EWEN-MINSMI Tools for Routine Health Information Systems
Tool logos
The Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) tools enhance the availability and quality of data on newborn and stillbirth indicators in RHIS.The EN-MINI tools were designed for reviewing progress and performance, enabling data use for actions to improve outcomes for newborns and prevent stillbirths. The EN-MINI tools were pilot tested in both Bangladesh and Tanzania
Piloting the tools in Tanzania
The Every Woman Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn, Stillbirth, and Maternal Indicators (EWEN-MINSMI ) tools focus on maternal, newborn, and stillbirth data. Piloted in Tanzania, the EWEN-MINSMI tools support the Every Woman Every Newborn Everywhere (EWENE) initiative. The EWEN-MINSMI Tools expanded upon the EN-MINI Tools by integrating maternal health indicators.
Both tools guide priority actions to improve the availability, quality, and use of maternal, newborn, and stillbirth indicators in RHIS. The tools are free, user-friendly and designed for programmatic use with automatic analysis features for subnational and national use. Both sets of tools build on the PRISM tools.
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Infographic
Theme 5: Advancing the Global M&E Agenda
D4I advanced the global M&E agenda by partnering with USAID, WHO, and other global organizations and technical working groups to provide thought leadership and expertise in evaluation and localization. At the country level, D4I engaged local actors in evaluation design, implementation, and analysis while promoting sustainable programs through evidence-informed approaches and adaptable tools.
Group work with the Digital Skills Assessment Guide in Kampala, Uganda
Family Planning & Reproductive Health Indicators Database
D4I has advanced global health MERL for more than a decade with the Family Planning (FP) and Reproductive Health (RH) Indicators Database . Since 2013, the digital tool has provided detailed guidance on more than 450 indicators in FP/RH programmatic areas.
FP/RH Indicators Database
Each indicator includes a detailed indicator reference sheet with definitions, data requirements, sources, purposes, and considerations. The multi-lingual global resource is continuously updated as metrics and new programmatic areas evolve.
Check out the Top 10 Most Viewed FP/RH Indicators or view all available indicators .
Supporting the WHO in Routine Health Data Analysis and Use
D4I, in collaboration with GEMNet-Health, supported the WHO in updating guidance and developing capacity strengthening materials for the Analysis and use of health facility data: guidance for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (MNCAH) programme managers . Publicly launched by the WHO in 2023, the guidance and capacity strengthening materials feature a catalog of MNCAH indicators that can be monitored through health management information system data, along with detailed instructions for analyzing and visualizing indicators.
Assessing Approaches to Demand-side FP Measurement
IUSSP group discussion in Mombasa
In March 2024, D4I partnered with the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Panel on Rethinking Family Planning Measurement with a Rights and Justice Lens and the Population Council-Kenya to convene an expert meeting in Mombasa, Kenya. This global convening reexamined FP measurement, focusing on person-centered, context-sensitive approaches. Participants identified measures to assess FP progress, opportunities, and gaps and discussed strategies to advance global FP measurement .
Monitoring Tool for Private Sector Engagement
The Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Self-Assessment Monitoring (SAM) Tool supports USAID Missions and their private sector partners in assessing and improving their engagement strategies. Piloted in the Philippines and Tanzania, the digital tool and includes automated analysis and results visualization. Learn how to use the PSE-SAM tool by watching this webinar.
Core Components Checklists for High Impact Practices in FP
Birth control samples in Tanzania
High impact practices (HIPs) in FP are a collection of evidence-informed practices identified by global experts that have demonstrated impact on contraceptive uptake and related outcomes. D4I conducted a qualitative assessment of the extent to which 3 of 8 service delivery HIPs—community health workers, mobile outreach service delivery, and immediate postpartum FP—were implemented across USAID-funded projects in Bangladesh and Tanzania . Overall, D4I developed a list of 20 core components for the 3 service delivery HIPs. Learn how projects can monitor HIPs implementation with the core components checklist .
D4I reflected on the strategies and lessons learned with Joyanta Roy from the Capacity Building Service Group (CBSG) in Bangladesh and Catherine Kahabuka from the Centre for Research Mentorship and Support (CREMES International) in Tanzania in this blog post .
Global Goods: Strengthening Country Measurement of Child Protection and Care
In collaboration with USAID, UNICEF, country governments like Cambodia and Uganda , and implementers, D4I supported the development and dissemination of guidance, tools, and approaches to measuring the strengthening of child care and protection systems at the country, regional, and global levels. Explore the approaches and tools to support data use in strengthening the care system below:
Installing mosquito netting in Cambodia
Theme 6: Continuing the Legacy of MEASURE Evaluation & Informing Future MERL Projects
For more than 30 years, USAID has supported global health MERL through the MEASURE Evaluation project and its associate awards. D4I proudly continued MEASURE Evaluation’s legacy of advancing data quality and measurement for global health MERL. In leveraging global leadership and MEASURE Evaluation’s expertise in health information systems strengthening, D4I contributed to building resilient systems, improving routine data quality assessments, enhancing data systems, and promoting data-driven decision making. This legacy of global health MERL, championed by D4I, will continue with the new Global Health Program, Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (Global Health PEARL) project and other USAID MERL initiatives.
D4I Timeline
Scroll through time to view D4I's history. Then, interact with the Where D4I Worked map to explore D4I’s legacy in 34 countries.
USAID's EVALUATION Project: From 1991 to 1997, the EVALUATION Project laid the groundwork for MEASURE Evaluation.
MEASURE Evaluation Supported USAID's Global Health MERL Leadership: Launched in 1997 under USAID’s MEASURE framework, MEASURE Evaluation emphasized M&E and focused on family planning, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS. Follow-on phases expanded in-country presence and tool development and strengthened RHIS for better decision making at local, national, and global levels.
MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV Associate Awards Continue MERL Collaboration: While MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV was closing, streams of work were split into three associate awards– Data for Impact , PMI Measure Malaria , and TB DIAH —continuing the legacy of building evidence to improve health systems and programs.
D4I Launched Initial Activities and a Project Website: In 2019, the project began with 8 activities in Bangladesh , Botswana , the DRC , Kenya , and Zimbabwe , along with 8 core-funded MCH and cross-bureau activities . The D4I website launched, attracting over 11,000 visitors from 113 countries in its first 7 months.
Adaptive Management during COVID-19: Amid the challenges of COVID-19, D4I hosted a 4-part webinar series on complexity-aware methods in evaluation and developed resources to enhance the usability of routine data for monitoring health interventions . D4I developed methods to understand COVID-19’s effects on health service utilization with available routine health information system data in Bangladesh , the DRC , and Uganda .
Expanding Global Reach amid Emerging Challenges: D4I piloted the RECAP tool in Nigeria and reviewed in Nepal. Additionally, D4I collaborated with partners in Bangladesh on the EN-BIRTH study and adapted PRISM assessment tools. The first nationally representative survey on adolescent health and wellbeing, the Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-20 , was disseminated and engaged youth in key findings presentations and discussions.
Generating Tools to Support Localization & Advance Key Initiatives: D4I launched the RECAP tool. In Bangladesh, D4I hosted a series of Learning Labs for researchers and faculty from the University of Dhaka. D4I and collaborators officially rolled out the EN-MINI tools to guide priority actions to improve availability, quality and use of newborn and stillbirth indicators in RHIS.
Expanding Data Use and Strengthening Global Capacities: In Moldova, D4I launched two Data Review Rooms to support the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection to respond to the Ukrainian refugee crisis. D4I hosted a close-out event in Armenia to share lessons learned in standardizing social protection data and to present a roadmap for a child protection information system. In October, USAID awarded the Global Health Program Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (GH PEARL) project to build upon the legacies of MEASURE Evaluation and D4I in effective evidence generation and use.
Recognizing a Legacy of Locally Led MERL: D4I advanced global health initiatives by enhancing research and evaluation capacities, supporting locally led MCH and FP/RH evaluations in multiple countries, integrating GBV monitoring in health facilities, and validating data standards for child protection. D4I hosted a 5-part webinar series to share lessons learned in localization in MERL.
Celebrating 6+ years of D4I's Leadership in MERL: After more than 6 years of MERL leadership, the D4I project closed.
Where D4I Worked
Navigate around the interactive map by panning and zooming to view D4I’s work in the following countries. Click a country name to read more about D4I’s impact and legacy. Please enjoy this global overview of Data for Impact's more than 6-year journey in global health MERL!
Map Key
While D4I's work cut across a number of technical areas, we've highlighted countries that feature activities in the areas of Family Planning and Reproductive Health (FP/RH), Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Child Protection and Care (CPC), and Health Systems Strengthening (HSS).

Afghanistan (FP/RH)
Afghanistan (FP/RH) . Click to expand.
In Afghanistan, D4I funded ORCD through the Small Grants Program to analyze regional variations in FP use from the 2018 Afghanistan Household Survey. The research provided an estimate of the level of unmet need for FP both provincially and regionally.

Armenia (CPC)
Armenia (CPC). Click to expand.
In Armenia, D4I partnered with Armenia Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to strengthen data collection, management, and use of routine data to improve case management for child protection and care. D4I also supported Counter-Trafficking in Persons monitoring, enhancing data-informed decision making.

Bangladesh (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Bangladesh (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
In Bangladesh, D4I strengthened data use and program evaluation in partnership with USAID and the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. D4I also bolstered local capacity for research and evaluation through partnerships with icddr,b, NIPORT, and Dhaka University, enabling data-informed improvements in health, population, and nutrition programs across the country.

Benin (FP/RH)
Benin (FP/RH). Click to expand.
In Benin, D4I conducted a midterm evaluation of the USAID-funded MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery project with field visits in Benin and Ghana to assess interventions, implementation status, quality, achievements, and obstacles. The findings indicated that MPHD made progress toward its objectives across 4 key result areas and highlighted opportunities to guide future investments in private sector engagement for FP/RH, MCH, and nutrition.

Botswana (FP/RH, HSS)
Botswana (FP/RH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I partnered with local research organization Premiere to assess the PEPFAR-funded DREAMS initiative in Botswana. The mixed methods study included network analysis and participatory mapping to assess referral networks for adolescent girls and young women accessing HIV services.

Burkina Faso (FP/RH, HSS)
Burkina Faso (FP/RH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a Phase I assessment and Phase 2 performance evaluation of the USAID/West Africa-funded AmplifyPF project, which aimed to reduce unmet need for FP in urban areas of Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo. Using a mixed methods approach, the evaluation assessed the barriers and facilitators to project sustainability USAID/West Africa used the results to inform the next phase of the AmplifyPF project.

Burundi (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Burundi (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I implemented the final evaluation of the USAID/Burundi Tubiteho project, launched in 2019 to improve MCH in Burundi. In partnership with Burundian-based CERPED, D4I used qualitative methods and SWOT analysis to assess the project’s impact and sustainability.

Cambodia (CPC)
Cambodia (CPC). Click to expand.
D4I supported the Government of Cambodia’s child protection and social service workforce programsand policies. This support included measuring progress, providing training in M&E, enhancing digital skills, and assessing the government’s Case Management Information System.

Colombia (CPC)
Colombia (CPC). Click to expand.
D4I partnered with the ICBF in Colombia to improve the collection and use of routine child protection data. By enhancing the usability of the Sistema de Información Misional and strengthening capacity of subnational staff in evidence-informed decision making, D4I supported the ICBF in developing indicators for its new case management system to improve service outcomes.

Côte d’Ivoire (FP/RH, MCH)
Côte d’Ivoire (FP/RH, MCH). Click to expand.
D4I, in collaboration with Côte d’Ivoire-based Synergie Expertise, conducted an evaluation to assess the economic impact of malaria burden on vulnerable groups and the effectiveness of the government’s free healthcare policies aimed at increasing access to and use of health services. D4I also conducted a Phase I assessment and Phase 2 performance evaluation of the USAID/West Africa-funded AmplifyPF project, which aimed to reduce unmet need for FP in urban areas of Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
In collaboration with the Kinshasa School of Public Health, D4I conducted a mixed methods impact and performance evaluation of the USAID/DRC Integrated Health Program. The evaluation included baseline, midline, and endline data collection from health facility assessments, qualitative interviews and focus group discussions, and impact analysis using DHIS2 data. Findings indicated that USAID IHP positively impacted 4 of 13 indicators assessed—complicated pneumonia treatment, measles vaccination for children, complicated diarrhea and dehydration treatment, and new acceptors of modern contraceptive methods among women ages 15-49.

Ethiopia (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Ethiopia (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I led two evaluations in Ethiopia. In collaboration with Jimma University, D4I assessed the Packard Foundation-funded FUTURES project to evaluate its impact on reproductive health, economic livelihood, agriculture, and conservation outcomes in the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve. D4I also conducted an endline evaluation of USAID/Ethiopia's Private Health Sector Project.

Ghana (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Ghana (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
In Ghana, building on formative work by the USAID-supported HRH2030 project, D4I developed and piloted a Gender Competency Self-Assessment Tool and eLearning course to enhance the gender competency of FP providers. In collaboration with the Ghana Health Service, D4I tested different implementation modalities of the training to inform the roll-out in Ghana to improve FP providers' gender competency.

Honduras (FP/RH)
Honduras (FP/RH). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a thematic FP evaluation in Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco, and Peru to assess the sustainability of FP/RH programs that had transitioned out of USAID’s bilateral assistance. The thematic evaluation examined the extent to which government, civil society, private sector, and other local actors continued to engage in FP programs and achieved positive health outcomes over time.

Indonesia (FP/RH)
Indonesia (FP/RH). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a thematic FP evaluation in Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco, and Peru to assess the sustainability of FP/RH programs that had transitioned out of USAID’s bilateral assistance. The thematic evaluation examined the extent to which government, civil society, private sector, and other local actors continued to engage in FP programs and achieved positive health outcomes over time.

Kenya (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Kenya (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I addressed data gaps on neonatal mortality by conducting a desk review and secondary analysis to generate estimates for 9 counties in Kenya to guide USAID/Kenya's MCH interventions. D4I collaborated with the Kenya Ministry of Health to provide technical assistance for the 2018-2019 Kenya Harmonized Health Facility Assessment.

Madagascar (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Madagascar (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I conducted midterm evaluations of the USAID/Madagascar-funded IMPACT and ACCESS programs. These evaluations assessed the effectiveness of supply chain improvements, capacity building of district health management teams, and health service delivery.

Malawi (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Malawi (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a mixed methods impact evaluation of the Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) program.D4I assessed outcomes in education, gender-based violence, early childhood and forced marriage, sexual and reproductive health, and menstrual hygiene management. D4I also carried out process monitoring for the Organized Network of Services for Everyone’s (ONSE) Health project. The monitoring informed recommendations to improve access to and quality of MCH services.

Mali. Click to expand.
D4I assessed the application of USAID’s Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy (MSNS 2014–2025) across 5 countries—Bangladesh, Mali, Nepal, Rwanda, and Uganda—to understand its role in designing, implementing, and monitoring nutrition interventions. This multi-country assessment provided insights into the effectiveness of MSNS in improving nutritional status, economic productivity, and resilience in diverse contexts.

Moldova (CPC)
Moldova (CPC). Click to expand.
D4I collaborated with the Moldova Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and other key partners to enhance data use for improving outcomes for children in adversity. D4I provided technical assistance, grants, and equipment to strengthen data systems, including Moldova’s response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis through data-informed strategic planning and emergency response efforts. D4I also conducted the Moldova Quality of Life Survey (MQOLS), a national-level household survey to assess the population’s health and wellbeing

Morocco (FP/RH)
Morocco (FP/RH). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a thematic FP evaluation in Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco, and Peru to assess the sustainability of FP/RH programs that had transitioned out of USAID’s bilateral assistance. The thematic evaluation examined the extent to which government, civil society, private sector, and other local actors continued to engage in FP programs and achieved positive health outcomes over time.

Mozambique (MCH)
Mozambique (MCH). Click to expand.
In Mozambique, D4I worked with the Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-agency Group, the US Census Bureau, and UNFPA to update guidance on using census data for maternal mortality estimation.

Nepal (FP/RH, MCH)
Nepal (FP/RH, MCH). Click to expand.
D4I studied chlorohexidine use for umbilical cord care, assessed implementation of the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Monitoring and Learning Plan in Nepal, and supported locally led research with the Central Institute of Science and Technology through the Small Grants Program.

Niger (FP/RH, HSS)
Niger (FP/RH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a Phase I assessment and Phase 2 performance evaluation of the USAID/West Africa-funded AmplifyPF project, which aimed to reduce unmet need for FP in urban areas of Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo. Using a mixed methods approach, the evaluation assessed the barriers and facilitators to project sustainability USAID/West Africa used the results to inform the next phase of the AmplifyPF project.

Nigeria (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Nigeria (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I evaluated four USAID/Nigeria health, population, and nutrition activities in Nigeria to compare the effectiveness of integrated health programming versus disease-focused approaches. The evaluation assessed collaboration, coordination, and synergies among the activities, in addition to informing adaptive program implementation and USAID/Nigeria’s investment strategy. D4I also pilot tested behavioral strategies to increase engagement with the evaluation’s qualitative results.

Peru (FP/RH)
Peru (FP/RH). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a thematic FP evaluation in Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco, and Peru to assess the sustainability of FP/RH programs that had transitioned out of USAID’s bilateral assistance. The thematic evaluation examined the extent to which government, civil society, private sector, and other local actors continued to engage in FP programs and achieved positive health outcomes over time.

Philippines (FP/RH)
Philippines (FP/RH). Click to expand.
In the Philippines, D4I piloted and digitized the Private Sector Engagement Self-Assessment Monitoring (PSE-SAM) tool to enhance collaboration among USAID and private sector actors. The digital tool enables rapid assessment of factors influencing engagement, featuring automated results aggregation and visualization.

Rwanda (CPC)
Rwanda (CPC). Click to expand.
D4I employed mixed methods techniques to assess programs, evaluate the social service workforce, and strengthen capacity in evidence generation and use. D4I supported the Rwanda National Child Development Agency to strengthen its capacity to review and use child protection data management systems. D4I also worked with local Rwanda organization Research Hub to conduct a qualitative midterm evaluation of the Rwanda Gikuriro Kurio Bose-Rwanda Integrated Nutrition and Early Childhood Development activity. Rwanda was included in D4I’s assessment of the implementation of the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Monitoring and Learning Plan.

South Africa
South Africa. Click to expand.
D4I developed a case study on the use of routine data in an evaluation of the performance of the National Tuberculosis Program. D4I also conducted an experimental study to identify effective messaging strategies to increase evidence use in decision making processes.

Tanzania (FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Tanzania (FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I provided site-level monitoring and data collection to USAID/Tanzania and partners to assess quality standards and best practices in HIV, tuberculosis, MCH, and nutrition in Tanzania. D4I also supported the Every Newborn Action Plan and Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality objectives by enhancing data collection on maternal and newborn care outcomes. The EN-MINI Tools were implemented in Tanzania through a collaborative initiative involving policymakers, healthcare professionals, and data experts.

Togo (FP/RH, HSS)
Togo (FP/RH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I conducted a Phase I assessment and Phase 2 performance evaluation of the USAID/West Africa-funded AmplifyPF project, which aimed to reduce unmet need for FP in urban areas of Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo. Using a mixed methods approach, the evaluation assessed the barriers and facilitators to project sustainability USAID/West Africa used the results to inform the next phase of the AmplifyPF project.

Uganda (CPC, FP/RH, MCH, HSS)
Uganda (CPC, FP/RH, MCH, HSS). Click to expand.
D4I collaborated with the Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labor, and Social Development and other local partners to launch standard indicators and M&E guidelines for alternative care. D4I also piloted a gender-competency self-assessment tool with FP providers,assessed Uganda’s implementation of the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, and supported the guidance and measurement of child care and protection systems. D4I conducted geographical mapping of children’s homes and supported the government in planning solutions for children residing in unapproved children’s homes.

Zambia (CPC)
Zambia (CPC). Click to expand.
D4I pretested responsive care and early learning counseling cards developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition in Zambia to assess their appropriateness among caregivers of children under two.

Zimbabwe . Click to expand.
D4I collaborated with local research firm M-Consulting to use qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)-funded Zimbabwe Assistance Program in Malaria (ZAPIM)’s capacity to prevent and treat malaria.