ArcGIS Pro for Student Use

make ArcGIS Pro available on students personal laptops for use off campus

ArcGIS Pro is Esri's main desktop GIS software and it is easy to enable student to install and use it on their personal laptops. All you have to do is:

  1. set students up with an Esri Identity in ArcGIS Online
  2. point student at the video explaining how to download ArcGIS Pro
  3. Student logs into ArcGIS Pro using their identity

Lets go through those steps in a bit more detail.

Set Student up with an Esri Identity

An Esri Identity tied to your universities ArcGIS Online account enables users to access software, web applications and e-learning resources. It works in a similar way to a Microsoft Identity - opening up applications and allowing users to connect with their cloud storage meaning they can work on their own data on different computers without need to transfer data using a memory stick.

To set up new users, please refer to the resources below:

How to download ArcGIS Pro

You can download ArcGIS Pro from ArcGIS Online. This means that students can get instant access to ArcGIS Pro without having to access the university network. The video below shows you how to do it:

Log in to ArcGIS Pro

I'm not sure this needs it's own section as it is pretty self explanatory. Once you have installed ArcGIS Pro, you can use your Esri Identity (the login and password you use to log in to ArcGIS Online) to access ArcGIS Pro.

If you are using Single Sign On - you can click the Sign In with institutional login link that will appear in the log in window. You will need to know what your institutional ArcGIS Online URL is. Copy this URL and paste it into the login box in ArcGIS Pro (see image below.

Login to ArcGIS Pro through you Single Sign On

Login to ArcGIS Pro through you Single Sign On