Walk Bike Clackamas Virtual Open House

This Virtual Open House will be available for the next several months, but the survey opportunities have been closed. Thanks for your input!

Project Overview

Welcome to the Walk Bike Clackamas virtual open house! Here you will find:

  • An overview of the Walk Bike Clackamas project, including what we’ve heard from the community so far;
  • An opportunity to let us know what you think about the draft project goals; and
  • A map where you can leave feedback and ideas about walking, rolling, and biking at specific locations.

You can use the bookmarks at the top of the page to navigate between sections. Jump to the last two sections to take our surveys!

What is Walk Bike Clackamas?

People talk with project staff at Summer 2022 outreach events.
People talk with project staff at Summer 2022 outreach events.

Project staff talk with members of the public at outreach events in Summer 2022.

Clackamas County is updating its pedestrian and bicycle master plans to create a comprehensive, long-term vision and to identify ways to improve walking, bicycling, and rolling for all people who live, work, and recreate in the county.

While we are focused on the unincorporated portions of the county, we are also keeping in mind how we link to connections in cities within the county.

The pedestrian and bicycle master plans are more than 20 years old.

Why are we doing this?

Oregon law requires regular updates and planning for transportation options, and the county’s pedestrian and bicycle master plans are nearly 20 years old. This updated plan will account for the many changes that have taken place, including:

  • New mobility options and technologies, such as bike share and e-bikes.
  • A County goal to be carbon-neutral by 2050.
  • An emphasis on a variety of safe, accessible travel options to support improved health and equity.

Project Outcomes

  • A list of priority pedestrian and bicycle projects, policies, and programs will be used to improve walking and biking, and advance health equity.
  • A Facility Design Toolkit will provide design guidelines for bikeways, walkways, and street crossings.
  • Performance measures will help us track progress toward goals over time.

Schedule and Public Engagement Opportunities

This project began in August 2022 and is expected to be completed in early 2024. An Advisory Committee of community members and staff from partner agencies and the county is helping to guide the project.

There are several key opportunities for public input:

Key Terms and Definitions

Understanding these key terms is central to understanding this open house and survey for Walk Bike Clackamas. Other key project terms related to equity and infrastructure can be found on the  project website .

Existing Conditions

We’ve taken a look at the walking and biking (active transportation) networks in Clackamas County, and assessed key measures of the physical and mental health of county residents You can read the Baseline Health Conditions memo  here . Check the  project website  in early February for the final Existing Conditions report.

Here are some key facts and figures from our analysis.

Active Transportation Network

Including cities and unincorporated areas, Clackamas County has:

167 miles of on-street bikeways

87 miles of shared-use paths

1,170 miles of sidewalks

2,800 total miles of public roadways

Health Assessment

Clackamas County’s health outcomes are better than the state average. However, many chronic diseases are increasing, including conditions like asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

Read more about the county's baseline health conditions  here .

What we've heard so far

Since summer 2022, we’ve heard from people at public and county events, farmers markets, public plazas, holiday festivals, web surveys, and the Walk Bike Advisory Committee meeting.

We have talked with people at six farmers markets and community events, with more to come.

Here’s a snapshot of the feedback we’ve received so far about walking, rolling, and biking in Clackamas County:

  • The County has improved some active transportation options, but there are many unmet needs across a large area.
  • Safety is a major concern.
    • High motor vehicle speeds are a serious safety challenge, especially around schools.
    • People want places to walk and bicycle that are safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities, and that are accessible and easy to use.
  • Clackamas County has wonderful natural assets, but many rural roads are uncomfortable for most people to walk and bicycle on because of a lack of safe paths, sidewalks, or shoulders.
  • The County could build connections between already built active transportation infrastructure before adding new facilities in areas where none exist at all.

Take the survey! - SURVEY CLOSED

UPDATE: The surveys are closed! Thank you for input and feedback, which will help us refine the final project goals and objectives and our approach to Shared Streets, as well as identify locations and issues to develop into active transportation improvement projects.

The Wikimap survey is now closed. Thanks for your input!

Thank you for participating in our Virtual Open House and sharing your survey responses! You can check our  project website  to read up on project work to date, sign up for our interested parties email list, and learn about the next steps in Walk Bike Clackamas.

Project staff talk with members of the public at outreach events in Summer 2022.

The pedestrian and bicycle master plans are more than 20 years old.

The Wikimap survey is now closed. Thanks for your input!