Financing a Nature-Positive Future
Why and how to measure, value, and invest in nature
On June 1, 2022, Deborah Lehr (Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Paulson Institute) delivered the keynote to a UK Government event ahead of the Stockholm+50 Conference . The event, Financing the Transition to a Nature Positive Future, was opened by Lord Zac Goldsmith, UK Minister for the International Environment and Climate, and brought together public and private sector leaders from across the globe to discuss how to unlock finance for nature to slow, halt, and reverse biodiversity loss—an issue PI addresses in our landmark Financing Nature report .
Amidst the war in Ukraine, a global energy crisis, supply chain issues, and a looming food security crisis, some may ask, "Why focus on biodiversity?" The answer: Without a healthy planet, without healthy ecosystems, we undermine our ability to tackle all other crises. We are in the midst of one of our planet's greatest extinction events—the first to be driven by humans. To protect the future of our planet and human prosperity, we must appropriately value nature and its essential biodiversity.
Watch Lehr's full speech as she details the why and how to measure, value, and invest in nature.