Salt Wise Municipal Champions
Wisconsin Cities, Towns and Villages committed to protecting freshwater through salt reduction.

Appleton. Click to expand.
At the City of Appleton, we started pre-wetting salt in 2007. The benefits of pre-wet salt were immediately evident. In 2021, we bumped up the amount of salt brine we’re using for pre-wet to the maximum possible with our current equipment. As we update our fleet, we plan to purchase trucks with even greater liquid capacity.

Bayside. Click to expand.
The Village of Bayside is taking an aggressive step forward in their salt brine operations for the Winter of 2021. Their salt usage has been trending downward since 2018 due to the introduction of salt brine and comprehensive training on equipment usage. Last year, they only used 5.7 tons of salt per inch of snow over 46 miles of road. They completed equipment calibration of their fleet and they plan on ongoing calibration annually. Depending on how their salt brine operations go in the Winter of 2021 - which is looking optimistic - they plan on budgeting for better equipment and larger storage. Additionally, the Village will be looking for local partnerships to purchase and make their own brine in the future.

Cudahy. Click to expand.
The City of Cudahy Department of Public Works started its salt reduction program a little less than a decade ago. The first initiative was to learn the art of calibration. Properly calibrating the salting equipment resulted in a 46.5% reduction in salt and a cost savings of roughly $60,000 annually. Over the years, the City used these savings to purchase anti-icing application equipment and V-Box hoppers and electronic spreaders with electronic ground speed controls. The updated equipment and the anti-icing application resulted in an additional 20% reduction in salt usage. Cudahy went from using roughly 2000 tons of road salt in a “bad” winter to clear its 149 lane miles of streets to about 660 tons. The department, however, could not achieve this without the involvement and support of its staff from the personnel behind the plow to the department’s leadership. Cudahy is now on the final step of optimization and the advice we give everyone is calibration takes work and it’s a science, but it will give you the best outcome.

De Pere
De Pere. Click to expand.
De Pere takes salt reduction seriously. The City first started investigating alternatives in 2008. Since 2009, they have been using brine for anti-icing and de-icing. They’ve since honed their use of brine by connecting with municipal and county experts throughout Wisconsin and Illinois.

DeForest. Click to expand.
“The Village of DeForest has reduced salt use by 200 tons a year. Calibration and pretreatment help save on salt and call outs for the smaller snow storms. Going through the [Salt Wise] class was a huge eye opener for everyone. Our crew has really accepted the idea of saving on salt and trying new things. We use Facebook to talk about the salt brine use on the roads and have sent letters to businesses to help reduce the amount of salt used on their parking lots. Our goal is to have the businesses and residents see the benefits and keep our rivers, streams and lakes clean.”

Linn. Click to expand.
Fewer trips equals less salt, less fuel, less vehicle wear & tear, and less time. All frontline trucks are calibrated annually, have liquid capabilities and pavement temperature sensors. The primary barrier I overcame was a ‘this is the way we have always done it’ mentality. We have worked diligently over the last 2 years to bring all the pieces of snow and ice control to BMPs. My biggest highlights are the staff buy-in and constructing our own brine-making and blending system.

Menomonie. Click to expand.
The City of Menomonie started implementing salt brine for pre-wetting and anti-icing in 2015. Salt brine is applied before a storm on the main highways, bridges, hills and curves in the city. Initially, staff manually mixed salt brine for use on city streets. In 2021, the City completed an expansion of the Community Services shop. This expansion included a salt brine mixing and storage area to increase efficiency and accuracy in creating and loading the brine. Trucks are calibrated on an annual basis. The City continues to upgrade equipment such as spray bars, brine tanks, variable speed controllers and electronic calibration for anti-icing and salt reduction as trucks are due for replacement.

Onalaska. Click to expand.
We knew that we needed to lower our use and dependency of salt after seeing the increase of sodium and chloride levels in our municipal drinking waters. It was clear that if current trends continued, the wells would become inoperable. Drilling new wells would cost millions.

Paddock Lake
Paddock Lake. Click to expand.
From 2010 to 2020, Paddock Lake has been successful in reducing its total salt use by 63% through improved training of Public Works staff, precision applications, improved plowing practices and incorporating passive “solar power.”

Portage. Click to expand.
In 2015, we calibrated our spreaders to 300lb/lane mile and implemented salting on our last pass instead of during the storm. This resulted in a 40-70% salt reduction per storm with no substantial decreases in level of service. We averaged 30-35 tons per event with these practices; down from 40-100 tons per event.

Sheboygan. Click to expand.
The City of Sheboygan’s Department of Public Works (DPW) began anti-icing practices in December 2016 and is continuing with it this winter season. Anti-icing applications and pre-wetting road salt have reduced the amount of salt used and provided clearer roads for Sheboygan residents. The DPW issues snow plowing updates on social media and on sheboygandpw.com.

Superior. Click to expand.
The City of Superior’s salt use has decreased significantly since 2014. In the past two years, the City of Superior has used about 1,000 tons less salt (a 34% decrease) and saved over $60,000. Our most significant barrier was receiving support to invest in new equipment. However, the annual cost savings and salt reductions have increased support for these investments.

Wausau. Click to expand.
At the City of Wausau we are committed to reducing salt use and achieving a high quality service level for winter maintenance. Our commitment is evident in our investments in equipment, education, and pre-storm planning.