Suzanne Morphew Body Recovered. What's Next?

Missing Person's Case • Maysville, Colorado - USA

NOTE: Charges against Barry Morphew were dismissed shortly before his trial began. He is not facing criminal charges in this case at this time.

Sept 27, 2023: Remains positively identified as Suzanne Morphew

Agents with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) located human remains during the course of a search on September 22, 2023. Those remains were positively identified as Suzanne Morphew (49) of Chaffee County by the El Paso County Coroner on September 27, 2023. 

Morphew was reported missing from her home in Chaffee County on May 10, 2020. Investigators were searching in the area of Moffat in Saguache (SUH-watch) County on an investigation not related to the Morphew disappearance when the remains were discovered. Specific information about the location and the state of the remains are being withheld at this time. No arrests have been made since the remains were located. Updates will be provided as information becomes available during this ongoing investigation. Family notifications have been made following the formal identification of Suzanne Morphew.

“While this case has garnered attention from around the world, it has touched our community and the sheriff’s office deeply,” said Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze. “We have never stopped our investigation and will continue to follow all leads in pursuit of justice for Suzanne.”   

The remains were located in the 12th Judicial District, and District Attorney Anne Kelly has been notified. Note: There will be no news conference or media interviews related to this development in this case. “Although locating Suzanne’s remains is a critical component of this investigation, and for her family, we are left with many more questions than answers, and it would be a disservice to conduct a news conference at this time,” said Sheriff Spezze.

The public is asked to continue to report any information about this case by calling (719) 312-7530.

Reddit postings suggest the body was recovered near mile marker 113 and Hwy 285. This map shows that approximate location.


More Charges for Morphew

Cinco de Mayo Barry

First Court Appearance

What's Next for Morphew Trial?

More Charges for Morphew and Suzanne's Family Speaks Out

Quick Views

Watch Profiling Evil as we visit with Denver's Fox31 and Vicente Arenas in the video to the right.

Barry Morphew vs. Colorado: 2 Court Orders | THE PUBLIC RECORD | Profiling Evil

Overview of the Suzanne Morphew Case | 1 YEAR SUZANNE MORPHEW | Profiling Evil

Suzanne Morphew Vigils with Lauren Scharf I 🔴 LIVE I Profiling Evil

Oh Suzanne! Barry Morphew's Plea for his Wife | 1 YEAR SUZANNE MORPHEW | Profiling Evil

Barry Morphew Arrested! Mike joins Vinnie Politan on | COURT TV | Profiling Evil

Mother's Day 2020


May 9, 2020 • Maysville, Colorado

Sometime between 1400 and 2100 hours, Suzanne Moorman Morphew is communicating with her best friend on social media about an upcoming wedding. According to reports, the communication suddenly stops. Sometime later, a number of social media communications occur from Suzanne's "profile" but seem out of character to immediate family members and friends.

May 10, 2020 • Mother's Day

Suzanne's husband (Barry) reportedly leaves the home at 0500 hrs for a reported work assignment in Denver, Colorado. He remarks that he doesn't wake Suzanne. Reports say he texts Suzanne a Mother's Day greeting that goes unanswered. Hours later, Barry's daughters contact him and report that their attempts to reach Suzanne go unanswered. Barry contacts neighbor and asks her to check on Suzanne. Neighbor reports that she walked through house and can't locate her. She see's Suzanne and daughters vehicle there. According to reports, Barry asks neighbor to return and see if Suzanne's bike is missing, noting she may be on a bike ride. Neighbor confirms the bike is missing and the neighbor calls the local sheriff to conduct a welfare check.

Barry Morphew to Suzanne Morphew: I will do whatever it takes to get you back...honey I love you.

Press Releases

Questions & Press Releases

Husband Barry returns home late on Mother's Day. Questions are asked regarding why he was away and several narratives come out in the media. 1) In Denver for a firefighter conference, and 2) Prep for a job he was going to start the following day.

Watch the Chaffee County Sheriff Press Conference

Chaffee County Sheriff's Office gives update on search for missing woman

View an example Grid Search capability by clicking on this LINK.

September 10, 2020 • No New News

The Search Concludes and Sheriff Sends Out Press Release

Six Month Anniversary of Suzanne's Disappearance, Sheriff's Press Release • November 10, 2020

NOTE: There have been no press releases on the case since November 2020. Current Date is March 2021.

The Search

The Search for Suzanne

The Search for Suzanne

May 10-11, 2020 • The Search Begins

Sheriff personnel call the members of the Chaffee County Search and Rescue team to begin searching. They search into the early morning hours. On the 11th they enlisted the help of the Chaffee County Tac Team along with searchers from the Department of Corrections. Sheriff John Spezze reports that more than 100 searchers have been utilized and Suzanne has not been located.

May 13, 2020 • Sheriff's Office Press Release

Sheriff reports that additional searchers have been called in from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the South Ark Swiftwater Rescue Team. Reach Air Ambulance flies search and rescue missions in the area. Colorado Bureau of Investigations sets up a dedicated Tip Line at (719) 312-7530


  • Bike
  • Personal Item (believed to be a biking helmet and one other item) LOCATION IS DISPUTED BY DIFFERING REPORTS

View the terrain in the area with this 3D map. You can view in full screen by clicking on the box in the upper right corner of the map below. LOCATION IS NOT EXACT.

Morphew 3D

Family member Trevor Noel talks about the search for Suzanne (his aunt)

Nephew of missing Chaffee County woman gives update on search

Family and friends offer $200,000 reward

Cellular Tracking

Many questions have surfaced about tracking mobile phones. Search online to learn more. The map to the right show the Department of Homeland Security's last updated location of cellular towers in the area. Keep in mind there are private towers and those that may not be listed. There are also "small cell" towers providing access to wireless signals.

Watch this video clip from Esri, the GIS company. Chris Delaney explains how GIS embraces wireless technology for investigations.

Carrier Coverage Maps

The links below provide the carrier coverage for wireless providers in the USA (friends in other countries can send us a link for inclusion).

The Alibi's

Here are the 4 theories presented to explain Suzanne's disappearance.

Listen to the Mountain Lion Foundation respond to the probability that Suzanne was taken by a mountain lion.

The Mountain Lion: It was suggested that Suzanne could have been attacked by a mountain lion. He suggests that law enforcement reported seeing mountain lions in the area the day before. On August 31, 2020 the Profiling Evil team discussed the probability of a mountain lion attack. (There have been 20-27 deaths recorded in the last 125 years, (USA and Canada. That'a an area of 7.65 million miles). Watch the Interview with the experts. While a cougar attack is possible, experts from the Mountain Lion Foundation say a cat will only drag its prey about 450 feet in the most extreme circumstances. (red polygon) Cougars drag their prey downhill and probably toward the water as shown in the yellow polygon. Zoom out the map to get an idea of how large of an area each SINGLE cat will hunt.

Mountain Lion Range Theory

Our interview with Tyson Draper on meeting Barry Morphew | Profiling Evil Clip

The Bicycle Accident: Another theory, based on the discovery of Suzanne's bike at the bottom of a hill is that she crashed or was forced off the road. This is augmented with either an abduction or that a disoriented Suzanne stumbled into the raging river and was swept downstream.

Botched Investigation by Law Enforcement: Barry complains of the way evidence was handled and the manner and method of the investigation, blaming law enforcement for losing valuable evidence.

New Explanation Given in Fox21 Interview: Barry has introduced a new possibility when he said Suzanne may have been taken by someone close to her. (Lauren Scharf - Fox21 8/18/20)

Search Warrants

Three separate search warrants are conducted in relation to the Suzanne Morphew disappearance. The home is initially searched and then more intensely searched a second time.

A construction site associated with Barry is searched for several days by Chaffee County Sheriff's personnel and investigators and technicians from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

On May 11th and 12th there are inspections on the construction site prior to cement being poured.

In addition, search and rescue comb the river for any sign of Suzanne while well-wishers tie ribbons and continue to search.

Where's Barry?

Little is known about what efforts Barry is taking. It is reported online that he does take a friend to an area near Crested Butte where he collapses on the ground uttering something about Suzanne.

Guardianship Granted

Barry is granted guardianship on September 1, 2020 by Judge Michael Casati in Case # 29D01-2006+GU-000096

FOX21's Lauren Scharf reports Barry is also seen in town where he leaves a note in the Pancha Market. “Somebody knocked on the window and it was Barry Morphew,” Tiffany Butala (Store Manager). There was no mention of who he was looking for, no description, only this note.

Suzanne's family speaks out

August 20, 2020: In the video to the right, Suzanne Moorman Morphew's family speaks out. Don't miss this as we continue to hope and pray for her safe return.

On August 8th, Profiling Evil spoke with Suzanne Moorman Morphew's family to share their appreciation to everyone who is trying to help find Suzanne. This is the first time they talked.

NEW INFORMATION REVEALED on Suzanne Morphew from her family | Profiling Evil

Listen to the appeal from Suzanne's father to his grand-daughters. (Chris interviews Andy Moorman)

Help Us Get a Message From Grandpa to the Morphew Children | Profiling Evil

Watch Fox Digital News Interview with Andy Moorman

Unfolding Developments... A Hotel Room in Broomfield, Colorado

Mail Online reports Barry checked into a hotel room on May 9th, 2020 in Broomfield, Colorado. There are several different reports that suggest Barry last saw Suzanne on May 10th at or around 0500 hours.

3D Imagery is courtesy of our partner Nearmap. Maps are couresty of Esri

Andy Moorman Organizes Search for Suzanne


Andy's Search

I just want to bring my sister home. - Andrew Moorman

September 24-29, 2020

Andy Moorman Conducts a Civilian Search for Suzanne

700 volunteers descended upon the town of Salida to participate in a massive search. Moorman met with law enforcement days before the search and they stood by, ready to assist as needed.

In the end, Moorman's army of volunteers located several areas of high interest that were taken custody of by law enforcement. Everyone is awaiting word if the locations have relevance to the missing persons case.

Catch up on the daily report during the search.

DAY 1 Search Update with Andy Moorman #findsuzanne | Profiling Evil

DAY 2 Search Update with Andy Moorman #findsuzanne and Vigil | Profiling Evil

DAY 3 Search Update with Andy Moorman #findsuzanne and Vigil | Profiling Evil

DAY 4 Search Update with Andy Moorman #findsuzanne and Vigil

#7 Choir Practice Suzanne Morphew Search Final Day with Andy Moorman | Profiling Evil

DAY 6 Final Search Update from Andy Moorman from Salida Colorado #findsuzanne | Profiling Evil

Suzanne's Brother Claims He is NOT Permitted to Search the Morphew Home During the Independent Search

Cadaver Dogs Alert on 3 Locations. Law Enforcement Says it is Nothing.

Watch how cadaver dogs identify human remains underground or in the water.

Watch how cadaver dogs find human remains for police

HIT #1

The first alert was "passive" meaning that there may be enough Reasonable Suspicion, not Probable Cause to continue the search. Law enforcement took over the scene and dismissed Moorman who later found out they determined it to be unfounded. No excavation occurred.

Read this informative article by Terry Fleck on Cadaver Dog Alerts by copying/pasting this link:

HIT #2

Multiple SOLID indications were made by two separate cadaver dogs at this location. Law enforcement took custody of the scene and dismissed Moorman. Moorman later learned they ruled this site to be unfounded. No excavation of the site was conducted.

HIT #3

A third site was searched by Moorman on property owned by Barry Morphew in the Longhorn Subdivision. Moorman indicates that two separate CONFIRMED indications occur by separate cadaver dogs in this area. Law enforcement responds and determines this is unfounded. The site is excavated a day later and police report that no remains were discovered.

How GIS Helped

Profiling Evil Provided Free GIS Support to Andy Moorman's Search Efforts.

GIS played a crucial role in identifying areas to be searched, in the collection of information and the tracking of volunteers.

Heatmap showing concentration of searchers near the Morphew home on September 25, 2020

See Fox21's report on how GIS is being used in the search.

See how the world stepped in and used GIS to offer their best wishes to the Moorman/Morphew family

Dashboard that was set up on mobile apps or home computers so the world could offer support.

Profiling Evil helped Andy Moorman get Donations through a GoFundMe site. All proceeds went towward the search.

The Official Andy Moorman GoFundMe site

See how GIS was used for analytics, even in 3-D

ArcGIS Scene Viewer and Configurable Apps

Searchers and Other Volunteers used ArcGIS Hub for Centralized information

Mobile Applications for Collaboration in the Field



Barry Morphew Bound Over for Murder Trial

CO Courts on Twitter: "People v Morphew: defendant has entered a not guilty plea and waives speedy trial. / Twitter"

Mysterious Statue Appears Where Suzanne's Bike Discovered • April 2021

Breaking News March 4, 2021

Morphew Home Sold and Donthe Lucas Witness Murdered

Will New D.A. Breathe Life into the Morphew Case?

Will New D.A. Breathe Life into Suzanne Morphew Case? | THE PUBLIC RECORD | Profiling Evil

October 2020 • Morphew Home Goes Up for Sale!

The home went up for sale on October 5, 2020. Listing price was $1,759,000 with the following description:

You can view the listing by clicking on the link below.

Profiling Evil Reviews Colorado Law Regarding Conservatorship and 501c3 Nonprofit Organizations

Colorado Law Discussion on Conservatorship and 501c3 Nonprofit Organizations | Profiling Evil

Profiling Evil Chats About the Case on the 6-Month Anniversary

UPDATE Suzanne Morphew 6-Month Anniversary of her Disappearance | Profiling Evil

Suzanne's Father, Gene Moorman Passes Away

Suzanne Moorman Morphew Listed as Deceased in Father's Obituary

In Lieu of Flowers, Those Wishing to Send Donations Encouraged to Give to Domestic Violence Programs

About Profiling Evil

PE Talks About the Search and Investigation

Dr. Phil Speaks with Andrew Moorman and the Profiling Evil Team


Heatmap showing concentration of searchers near the Morphew home on September 25, 2020

The Official Andy Moorman GoFundMe site

You can view the listing by clicking on the link below.