Solid Waste Management Grant Program
Each year, DEQ allocates funds to Oklahoma communities for solid waste management assistance.
Program Overview
Each fiscal year, when funding becomes available, DEQ issues a press release announcing an application window from December to February. Applications are reviewed and scored by the program's Grant Application Review Committee. Scores are based on various factors, such as the quality of the proposal, the degree of environmental improvement, and past performance, if applicable. New applicants are prioritized.
Grant Categories:
Environmental Officer Grants
curtail illegal dumping. They provide funds for the salary of one part-time officer as well as clean-up assistance.
Equipment Grants
help manage green waste, food waste recycling, HHW facilities, and more.
Examples include chippers, balers, rolloffs, HHW drums, receptacles/containers, excavator attachments, and compost spreaders.
Collection Event Grants
allow citizens to conveniently dispose of hazardous and difficult-to-dispose materials.
DEQ encourages communities to collect as many items as possible at each event. Examples include:
- House Hold Hazardous Waste (HHW)
- Tires
- Electronic Waste
- Pharmaceuticals
- Medical Sharps
- Scrap Metal
- Bulky Waste
- General Refuse
- Recyclables
- Clothing Waste
- Green Waste
Food Waste Management Grants
feed people, not landfills. We'd like to understand existing food recovery infrastructure in Oklahoma and support new and existing projects that aim to redirect edible food to people experiencing food insecurity, or that divert food from landfills by composting or feeding animals.
Reimbursable expenses include supplies, equipment, and technical support for school-food-share or community-food-recovery programs, and university research projects to define existing food recovery infrastructure.
Professional Services Grants
encourage environmental education, sustainability, beautification, litter-abatement, and more.
This grant category hosts more variety than the others. It is used for non-profits, multi-faceted projects, one-time clean-ups, and specialty solid waste management projects that do not fit into another category.
Coming Soon...
Sharps Management Grants
Check out our website for program details:
Funding Opportunities for Communities - Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
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FY22 Highlights
Now for some project highlights from each grant category...
FY22 Environmental Officers
FY22 Equipment
Funds for two balers, a trench burner, and a grapple loader were also granted in FY22.
FY22 Collection Events
FY22 Food Waste Management
This is a new category in FY22.
FY22 Professional Services
FY23 Highlights
Now for some project highlights from each grant category...
FY23 Environmental Officers
FY23 Equipment
FY23 Collection Events
FY23 Food Waste Management
FY23 Professional Services
FY24 Highlights
49 Oklahoma communities and non-profits utilized $2.1 million in Solid Waste Management Grant funding in FY24.
19 Environmental Officer Grants
10 Equipment Grants
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6 Collection Events
Across events, 22 communities and 2,505 cars were served. 700,000 pounds of household hazardous waste (HHW) was collected, including 71,000 pounds of electronic waste, 1,542 tires, leftover pharmaceuticals, and used medical sharps.
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8 Professional Services Grants
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provides education, tools, and resources to inform and engage businesses and individuals in the three areas of sustainability: social responsibility, economic vitality, and environmental stewardship — people, profit, planet.
is active in all 77 counties.
Oklahoma Meds & Sharps Disposal Committee (OMSDC) is a group of stakeholders focused on a statewide solution for the safe disposal of medical sharps and pharmaceuticals in Oklahoma.
serves as a central communication point for exchange among businesses, industries, government entities, public and private organizations, schools, and citizens about recycling.
OKRA provides a forum for networking, an educational platform, encourages local end-markets, and creates a unified voice for Oklahoma Recyclers.
promotes environmental responsibility by developing, delivering and supporting environmental programs and services, and by educating citizens and member communities on sound environmental practices.
practices beautification and environmental stewardship through collaboration, education, and advocacy.
encourages citizen participation in beautification projects and litter clean-ups.
Hardesty Public Schools
Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering Districts
Pass-through grants
3 Food Waste Management Grants
Scissortail Park Foundation
Bring your food scraps to the Farmers Market and take home finished compost.
The park's green waste is composted with Fertile Grounds.
Oklahoma Compost & Sustainability Association (OCASA)
encourages community‑wide efforts towards sustainable solutions by promoting the production and use of compost to support a health environment.
University of Central Oklahoma
Bronco Bites is UCO's food recovery program dedicated to reducing food waste on campus & redistributing surplus food to those in need.
Leftover edible food from campus eateries is repackaged into compostable to-go containers and placed in a refrigerator. Students, staff, and faculty can view the refrigerator in real-time and are welcome to take a meal for free.
Inedible food is composted onsite using their commercial composter.
This grant program is important because it allows communities to bring their own concerns to the table. Community leaders, like council members, mayors, program directors, and volunteers know best what their community needs. This means a variety of projects tailored to each community.
"We could not do what we do without DEQ."
"This piece of equipment has been a blessing to our city and one we are so very grateful for! Our city has NEVER had a piece of equipment like this and it would not have been possible without the grant funds provided. I cannot say enough, how thankful we are to have been granted the funds over the last few years and how much they have helped our small community."
"We more than doubled our participation from last year's event. The grant provided a great opportunity to educate the public about best practices for disposal of hazardous household material. Without the grant, our community would not be able to host this event."
"Dead or damaged trees are used as firewood and now with this chipper we can also produce mulch and woodchips. These will be given to elderly and tribal members for cooking and producing heat during the cold season. Then, used in gardens in spring and summer."