The Green Companion
Promoting environmental sustainability in humanitarian sectoral responses
In line with the UNHCR Climate Action Framework and the Operational Strategy for Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (2022 - 2025) , embedding environmental considerations in sectoral interventions plays a crucial role to mitigate climate change impacts, improve overall natural resources management and reduce the impact of humanitarian programs on the environment. The Green Companion can be used in a wide variety of displacement contexts (formal settlements, rural and urban settings) while adapting to each unique context.
The green companion offers UNHCR personnel and partners practical appraisal tools, case studies and good practices to explore the potential options for reducing the environmental impacts in key sectoral areas of:
- Shelter
- Shelter
- Settlement planning
- Shelter
- Settlement planning
- Shelter
- Settlement planning
- Energy, including clean cooking
- Shelter
- Settlement planning
- Energy, including clean cooking
- Environmental protection
- Shelter
- Settlement planning
- Energy, including clean cooking
- Environmental protection
- and Waste management
Click on the map for more information by country or filter by initiative implementation below
Settlement Planning
Good settlement planning facilitates the resilience and well-being of people, as well as the equitable and efficient delivery of goods and services and has a positive effect on the environment. Settlement planning includes participation of the people who live there and promotes self-reliance and enable communities.
UNHCR aims to enhance settlement planning and evidence-based decision making for improved environmental management of displacement settlements using Remote Sensing and GIS technologies. It further seeks to increase capacities in the use of geo-information technologies for settlement planning by integrating critical environmental considerations.
The Master Plan Approach (MPA) to settlement planning provides a framework for the spatial design of human settlements. It establishes a specific response vision aligned to national, sub-national and local development plans and acknowledges the contributions that humanitarian responses can make toward long-term development efforts.
Under Principle 2: Environmental Considerations Drive Design, the MPA advocates for environmental considerations to inform decisions regarding the geographical location of human settlements, and the definition of site carrying capacity and layout.
Shelter & Housing
The provision of sustainable housing should provide privacy, security, protection from the elements, and a sense of home for the forcibly displaced. Shelter and housing programs should be adapted according to geographical context, cultural practices and habits, local availability of skills within the affected population at large as well as accessibility to adequate construction materials in any given country. Preferred housing solutions must be designed and engineered based on context-specific structural and performance requirements while considering climate related risks and environmental sustainability.
The shelter should provide a secure and healthy living environment with privacy and dignity and protect from a range of risks, including eviction, exploitation and abuse, overcrowding, poor access to services, and unhygienic living conditions.
The development of an appropriate shelter response is a process and not simply the delivery of a product. A critical environmental consideration in housing programming is the choice and use of materials. Selection will be determined by the environment, climatic conditions, available materials while considering their potential environmental impact.
Key information is also available in the UNHCR Shelter and Sustainability Guideline which provides a technical and environmental comparative overview of common shelter typologies found in settlements across UNHCR operations.
Case study: Good practices in shelter – Tehama Emergency Shelter Kits (TESK), Yemen
Tehama Emergency Shelter Kits
An enhanced shelter kit using locally available materials was designed in Yemen as part of the emergency shelter response in locations with colder climates. The Tehama Emergency Shelter Kits (TESK) are an innovative type of Shelter Units produced by vulnerable displaced Yemenis themselves. In 2018/2019, UNHCR started building 9,000 TESK that can be further upgraded into Transitional Shelters with some minor adjustments. The walls are made by Khazaf sheets that are trimmed and hand-made by Yemeni women from displaced and host communities. The mud walls drastically reduce the hot temperatures inside the unit during the summer months. The Transitional Shelter Unit incorporates the materials of TESK to reach a more sustainable upgrade whereas ensuring high levels of cost efficiency by “recycling/adjusting” the materials provided during the emergency phase.
Cash based interventions (CBI)
In line with the UNHCR’s Policy on CBI 2022-2026 Cash-based interventions (CBI) are preferred over in-kind assistance, to deliver assistance and services during humanitarian response in a way that meets affected people in the most flexible manner. CBIs can reduce protection risks, facilitate solutions, and improve efficiency and effectiveness in programme delivery. CBI programs help localize humanitarian responses, reducing long supply chains which are very heavy carbon footprints. Furthermore, CBI can increase overall environmental sustainability by supporting access to environmentally preferable products, through encouraging positive buying behaviors and market enhancements.
Case Study: Evaluation of the effects of UNHCR cash-based interventions on protection outcomes in Rwanda
By evaluating CBIs in different contexts, much can be understood about the effects of these interventions on different protection outcomes. Such evaluations also meet the need for evidence on CBIs’ impact and effectiveness, address potential challenges in use of CBIs, and help develop recommendations for future programming. This Rwanda evaluation had three objectives: to examine the contribution of CBIs towards sectoral and long-term protection outcomes; to measure the contribution of CBIs to broader protection outcomes in interaction with other support provided by UNHCR and partners (complementary assistance, referrals, protection); and to identify key contextual factors that influence the socioeconomic integration of cash recipients (i.e., refugees) and protection outcomes.
The energy need for cooking, lighting, and electricity can have negative protection consequences and increase the risks especially for the most vulnerable.
Using solid fuels and inefficient technologies to cover energy needs for cooking, heating, and lighting generates health and protections risks, especially for the most vulnerable, and may create conflict with local communities. In addition, using polluting fuels and unsustainably harvested biomass also negatively impacts the environment, such as increasing soil erosion, landslides, and desertification.
To mitigate these negative impacts and improve protection outcomes, clean fuels for cooking are the preferred solutions, over the use of unsustainably harvested biomasses such as firewood; renewable energy systems are recommended for sustainable household lighting and electricity for community facilities including water boreholes, health centers and educational facilities.
Access to clean cooking technologies and fuels
Alternatives to unsustainably harvested firewood exist: LPG, ethanol, solar-electric, biogas (if culturally accepted) and locally produced fuels such as pellets, briquettes are all cleaner energy options, ideally combined with efficient cooking stoves to replace traditional three-stone fire. They can all have a positive impact on the natural environment and beyond: they can help prevent deforestation, while also mitigating GBV risks and having better health outcomes rather than firewood or other traditional solid fuels. Eventually, they also help decrease tensions with local hosting communities due to competition over scarce natural resources.
Key information is also available in the Cooking Compendium which provides an overview of common implementations across UNHCR operations.
Case Study: LPG in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh
The arrival of more than 740,000 refugees from Myanmar in 2017 put a strain on the local environment in Cox’s Bazar, which was already under pressure prior to the influx due to extensive firewood collection in the area. UNHCR has worked closely with local authorities and other humanitarian agencies to find a better solution for fuel supply for refugees’ cooking needs, to mitigate the impact on the environment and protect and restore it with the help of refugees. The solution adopted was LPG, which is available locally in Bangladesh. Once fuel was provided, land rehabilitation began with activities involving extensive planting to stabilize and regenerate soil and rebalancing the impact on the environment. Assessments have proven that the deforestation has dropped by 79% in refugee camps and 53% in host communities. To improve the sustainability of the LPG programme, UNHCR is looking at fuel-saving practices such as the use of pressure cookers to reduce fuel consumption in the Rohingya refugee settlements.
Sustainable household lighting
Provision of portable solar lamps from the onset of an emergency avoids the use of open fires, burning sticks, gasoline or kerosene lamps that produce carbon emissions and are harmful for human health due to the air pollutants. Solar lamps can be provided in-kind or preferably via CBI interventions. Key information is also available in the Lighting Compendium which provides an overview of common implementations across UNHCR operations.
Sustainable electricity for communal facilities
UNHCR promotes access to sustainable electricity, including the expanded use of renewable energy, to minimize the negative environmental impact in a way that is inclusive of host communities while improving the protection and wellbeing of refugees.
A solar power plant the size of 33 football fields consisting of 30,000 solar panels is securing the electricity supply of a refugee camp in the Jordan desert. This not only gives the Syrian families a feeling of normality, but also creates busy city life. In November 2017, living conditions in Zaatari, one of the world’s largest refugee camps, improved significantly through a photovoltaic system, the largest one in a refugee camp run by UNHCR. Electricity that is produced when the sun is shining but not used in the camp is fed into the Jordanian grid. Because Zaatari now needs less electricity produced from fossil fuels, Jordan’s carbon emissions are reduced by 15,000 tons per year.
WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Refugees can live in harsh environments that make access to WASH services complex. Untreated water, lack of proper sanitation and precarious hygiene conditions put refugee health, protection, education and livelihoods at risk. Furthermore, climate change poses serious risk to the delivery of water and sanitation services to refugees and host communities: drought, heatwaves, storms, and flooding make the delivery of services more complex.
Water sources
The extraction of groundwater should be coupled with continuous groundwater monitoring to ensure extraction and recharge is done within the capacity of the aquifer to recharge. Failing to do so may lead to irreversible consequences on water levels, the environment and the sustainability of the settlement and as a consequence habitability.
Renewable energy for water extraction, treatment and distribution
Solar, hybrid or other renewable energy sources should be prioritized over carbon-based fuel generators to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the operation and maintenance of water pumping, treatment and distribution. Use of gravity fed systems rather than motorized ones also have positive environmental outcomes.
Percentage of Solarized vs Non-Solarized Boreholes
Water treatment and distribution networks
Leakage at extraction points, in water distribution systems and at communal collection points wastes water, causes localized erosion, increases the risks of water contamination and can create water hazards, especially for young children. It also increases the potential for vectors to breed.
Water usage
Systems for regulating water usage minimize the likelihood of water wastage. Community-led water committees can enforce water usage regulations. Social influencers can also support advocacy initiatives to prevent wastage and integrate water efficiency measures in programme design. Poorly designed or aging infrastructure can also increase water waste.
Click on the map for more information by country. Hatched countries have an active Smart Water Sensor (SWS) system enabling climate-smart water infrastructure monitoring.
Wastewater containement, treatment and disposal
Wastewater consists of:
- blackwater from toilets, which is fecally contaminated; and
- greywater from bathing areas, laundries, kitchens, and other use points, which is not generally fecally contaminated.
Where appropriate, black and grey water should be separated at the source and managed separately.
Case Study: Rapid Groundwater Potential Mapping for Sustainable Water Supply in Uganda
To meet the demand of drinking water in emergency situations, it is key to quickly assess possible water sources and plan for sustainable water supply options to rapidly transition away from costly emergency responses, such as water trucking. The Rapid Groundwater Potential Mapping (RGWPM) , developed by the Geneva Technical Hub , guides the planning of geophysical investigations and is a practical tool for humanitarian actors and decision makers to strategically plan and implement which water supply option is most adapted where.
Groundwater mapping in Uganda
The refugee influx from South Sudan into Uganda ignited the development of a spatial tool to rapidly assess borehole yield range probabilities for the identification of areas where borehole drilling is likely to be successful. The use of RGWPM in Uganda significantly increased the average yield of the sited boreholes when compared to the boreholes sited without RGWPM. These boreholes triggered the transition from emergency water supply (water trucking and hand pumps) towards sustainable exploitation of groundwater sources, coupled with solar-powered systems. The mapping has since been extended to 13 refugee operations, with an objective to establish a scalable methodology to optimize well sitting, increase yields and enable sustainable water provision.
Solid waste management
Solid waste, generated by households, institutions and markets can directly pollute local environments and surface or groundwater sources. It can also indirectly affect ecosystems by blocking natural drainage channels. Poor management of solid waste can also have a direct impact on air quality.
Management of end-of-life products should be considered, to minimize the volume of waste generation also from electric and electronic equipment.
Public health
Climate change is impacting health in many ways and leading to death and illness from increasingly frequent extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, storms and floods, as well as increases in water- and vector borne diseases, and mental health issues. At the same time, the health sector itself can have an environmental impact and mitigation in waste management, use of energy and transport can positively contribute to reducing the negative environmental impacts.
Medicine management in a UNHCR medical store
Where feasible, favor the safe and environmentally sound treatment of hazardous health care waste (e,g, by autoclaving, microwaving, steam treatment integrated with internal mixing, and chemical treatment) over medical waste incineration.