A Closer Look: State of the Elizabeth River
An update on the health of the Elizabeth River
An update on the health of the Elizabeth River
Dissolved oxygen is crucial for fish and other aquatic life. Samples were compared to the open water state threshold of 5mg/L.
An important nutrients for algae growth but in excess can lead to algal blooms and fish kills.
The amount was compared to EcoCheck thresholds.
Overfertilization is one cause.
An important nutrients for algae growth but in excess can lead to algal blooms and fish kills.
The amount was compared to EcoCheck thresholds.
Overfertilization is one cause
Algae, known as phytoplankton, are vital for a productive river.
But some types of algae are harmful and in excess can lead to poor water quality.
Compared to EcoCheck thresholds.
Measures the depth that sunlight penetrates through the water column.
Important for aquatic vegetation growth and in turn fish and other organisms.
Enterococcus bacteria is an indicator of animal and human waste.
Elevated levels pose a risk to human health. Values were compared to state criteria for recreational human contact (104 colony forming units)
Fecal coliform bacteria levels in river water, associated with animal and human waste, compared to state criteria for shellfish harvest.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are correlated with cancer in fish and are often a legacy toxin associated with wood preservation and burning fossil fuels
Prevalence of both precancerous and cancerous lesions found on the liver of the small non migratory fish, the mummichog .
Abundance and diversity of life on the river bottom (worms, clams etc.)—indicates food availability for many fish.
Concentrations of Tributyltin (TBT) detected in the water column.
A highly highly toxic substance to marine organisms even a very low concentrations.
Letter grades associated with each parameter throughout the Elizabeth River.
Click the buttons to compareletter grades by stream for each parameter
Water Clarity- No trends
Recreational Bacteria- No trends
Shellfish Bacteria Standards- Degrading conditions (increasing levels of bacteria in M, L, W)
Broad Creek and Indian River Improving
Paradise Creek Possibly Improving
Southern Branch Possibly Improving
Western Branch Possibly Improving
From the last report card Southern Branch, Eastern Branch and Paradise Creek improved from D to C. road Creek, and Indian River improved from F to D and C respectively. The mainstem improved from C to B while Lafayette River and Western Branch remain at C.
Broad Creek, and Indian River improved from F to D and C respectively. The mainstem improved from C to B while Lafayette River and Western Branch remain at C.