Hunger for Solutions to Food Insecurity

Explore why so many families in Los Angeles lack access to food and find community resources to help


Before the pandemic, as many as one in five people living in L.A. County experienced food insecurity — when someone lacks regular access to affordable and nutritious food — and  more than a quarter  of low-income households with children experienced low food security.

As COVID-19 spread across the United States, mass unemployment arose and preexisting inequities compounded, resulting in an explosion of food insecurity. Food banks in California reported serving 10 times more working and low-income families and at least  one in four  L.A. County families reported food insecurity between April and July 2020. Although the peak of food insecurity occurred early in the pandemic when unemployment was at its highest, it remains higher today than pre-COVID levels, making it an urgent public health matter.

L.A. Controller Ron Galperin created guides to free and low-cost food resources throughout the City, County and State during the pandemic. This story map further explores the root causes of hunger and provides additional resources to people in need.

The Problem

The  United States Department of Agriculture  defines food insecurity as a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. The inability to reliably access healthy and affordable food can cause myriad negative health effects, like increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and obesity, as well as other physical and mental health problems.

Food Security Pyramid, USDA

Its affect on children is especially acute — research shows that children in food-insecure households can experience delays in cognitive, emotional and physical development, resulting in higher rates of hospitalizations and school suspensions and reduced high school graduation rates as compared to their food-secure peers.

While any disruption in food access can harm a person's quality of life, long-term periods of very low food security can result in lasting impacts. Often, persistent food insecurity is linked to overall economic instability and is one of many challenges that low-income families face.

Food Insecurity Factors

Food insecurity can be attributed to a number of factors including, location, health, age, affordable housing and a lack of available public transportation. Some of the most critical risk factors are poverty, rent burden and unemployment levels, which are explored in depth in the maps of the Los Angeles area below.


Poverty is the most common cause of food insecurity across the United States. In L.A. County, where 15 percent of the population lives below the federal poverty line, food insecurity overwhelmingly impacts low-income, unemployed and underemployed people. Click on a census tract to see the poverty rate for that area.

Rent Burden

As the cost of living continues to climb, many Angelenos spend the majority of their household income on rent, leaving little money left over for food. Click on a dot to see the percentage of renters in that area who spend 50% or more of their earnings to keep a roof over their head.


Unemployment is a key risk factor for food insecurity. During the pandemic, the large spike in job losses resulted in many individuals and families struggling to afford food. Click on a census tract to see the unemployment rate for that area.

Grocery Store Access

Communities that are prone to food insecurity also lack easy access to grocery stores within walking distance. These areas — referred to as food deserts — are often low-income neighborhoods where a substantial number of residents do not have access to a nearby supermarket or large grocery store to purchase nutritious food.

Explore the map below to view grocery store accessibility in L.A. neighborhoods. Gray areas do not have any grocery stores within a 10-minute walk, although they may have some within a short driving distance, while darker areas on the map have more options nearby. Click on an icon to see how many stores are in walking and driving distance of a given area.

ESRI Grocery Store Access

The same areas with less access to grocery stores are commonly saturated with unhealthy food options. Known as food swamps, these areas  have proliferated in Los Angeles  — particularly in underserved communities where corner stores and fast food restaurants are frequently the only choices available to residents.

Across Los Angeles, many of the areas experiencing these food disparities are historically Black and Latinx neighborhoods.  Research  shows that communities of color and low-income areas where residents may lack reliable transportation are more likely to experience the long-term health impacts associated with food deserts and food swamps.

COVID-19's Impact

According to a  recent USC report , the pandemic impacted the ability of hundreds of thousands of Angelenos to afford food.

During the Pandemic

  • Between April and July 2020, one in four L.A. County households — nearly one million households — experienced food insecurity, a significant uptick from previous levels.
  • Food insecurity in L.A. County peaked in April-May 2020, but still remains significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels.

Who Was Affected?

  • The people who suffered the most were those with low household incomes, the unemployed, people between 18-50 years old and single parents, especially women of color.
  • Households with children were impacted by soaring unemployment rates and the loss of access to free school lunches, despite efforts by some school districts to replace those meals.

The chart below reveals more about residents who experienced food insecurity during the pandemic.

Food Insecurity during COVID-19 - USC Public Exchange

Today, the overall level of food insecurity in L.A. County is higher than it was before COVID-19. Millions of Angelenos are still struggling to find consistent, healthy food options. Communities across the Southland have mobilized to bridge gaps in food access for their neighbors and public resources continue to provide critical support. Despite these admirable efforts, the scope of the problem requires more collaborative, policy-driven solutions from both the City and County to truly address this public health crisis.

“It is unacceptable for any child in Los Angeles to go to bed hungry and for families to lack easy access to quality, healthy food. There are resources available to help people in need find free and low-cost meals, but policymakers must use data to create meaningful programs that address the root causes of food insecurity now and in the years to come. ”

-L.A. Controller Ron Galperin


In response to the pandemic, Controller Galperin released the  Food for Californians  resource map, the first guide of its kind to help people across the Golden State locate food pantries and distribution centers near them. Use the map below to find a location. Be sure to contact a location directly to confirm hours and eligibility before visiting.

Food Resources for Californians Map

Additional Resources

Food Security Pyramid, USDA

Food Insecurity during COVID-19 - USC Public Exchange