The Pseudonymous Chronology
The following is a chronological guide to Kierkegaard's pseudonyms. Both pseudonymous editors and authors are included. Authors are listed in the order that their writing appears within the text. Only pseudonymous texts are included.
February 20, 1843 - Either/Or, edited by Victor Eremita
- Victor Eremita
- A
- Johannes the Seducer
- Judge Wilhelm (B)
- The Jutland priest
October 16, 1843 - Repetition
- Constantin Constantius
- The Young Man
October 16, 1843 - Fear and Trembling
- Johannes de silentio
June 13, 1844 - Philosophical Fragments
- Johannes Climacus
June 17, 1844 - The Concept of Anxiety
- Vigilius Haufniensis
June 17, 1844 - Prefaces
- Nicolaus Notabene
April 30, 1845 - Stages on Life's Way, published by Hilarius Bookbinder
- Hilarius Bookbinder
- William Afham
- Victor Eremita
- The Young Man
- The Fashion Designer
- Constantin Constantius
- Johannes the Seducer
- A Married Man (Judge Wilhelm)
- Quidam
- Frater Taciturnus
January 10, 1846 - Response to Corsair's attack, published in The Fatherland
- Frater Taciturnus
February 27, 1846 - Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, edited by S. Kierkegaard
- Johannes Climacus
July 24-27, 1847 - The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress, serialized in The Fatherland
- Inter et Inter
May 14, 1849 - Either/Or, second edition, edited by Victor Eremita
July 30, 1849 - The Sickness unto Death, edited by S. Kierkegaard
- Anti-Climacus
September 27, 1850 - Practice in Christianity, edited by S. Kierkegaard
- Anti-Climacus