Digital Exhibition of Outcomes and Findings
Case studies using innovative pedagogical approaches to teach with GIS, including an evaluation of their effectiveness (IO4)
The rapid growth of geographic information and open geolocated data has driven the use of cloud-based Geographic Information Systems or Web GIS platforms such us ArcGIS Online (ESRI), not only in research and transfer, but also in geographic education.
To integrate Sustainable Developing Goals (SDGs) is a new challenge to face, and it is possible to do using the geoinformation in teaching and learning processes using Web GIS.
Rosenshine's Principles for teachers' use (2012)
It is possible reformulate like this:
A. Explain: direct instruction
1. (Daily) review
2. New materials in small steps
3. Ask questions
B. Modelling: show how it is done
4. Provide models
C. Explore: make students to look into geoinformation
5. Guide student practice
D. Check to give feedback avoiding misunderstandings
6. Check student understanding
7. Obtain high success rate
8. Scaffolds for difficult tasks
E. Solving problems
9. Independent practice
F. Assessment
10. (Weekly and monthly) review
Case studies
Scroll below to see case studies
GI-Pedagogy Passport for Geography
- Target group: K7 (11-12 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use maps online applications
Sequencing GIS in curriculum
- Target group: K7 - K10 (11-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use GIS
Physical Geography
- Target group: K7 - K12 (11-17 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Locational Knowledge (Digi Maps)
- Target group: K7 - K10 (11-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use Digi Maps
Tectonic Plate Margins
- Target group: K9 - K10 (14-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Water Security
- Target group: K7 - K9 (11-14 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Sea Level Rise
- Target group: K11 (16-17years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
- Target group: K9 - K12 (14-17 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Economic Inequalities in the World
- Target group: K11 - K12 (16-18 years old).
- Link to the complete case study sequencing and explaining how to use the web mapping.
- Target group: K9 - K11 (14-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
- Target group: K9 - K10 (14-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Wind Energy
- Target group: K11 - K12 (16 - 18 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping.
Economic Sectors and the Clark Fisher Model
- Target group: K7 - K9 (13-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Agricultural Landscapes: the Example of the Wine Landscape
- Target group: K12 (17-18 years old).
- Link to the complete case study sequencing and explaining how to use the web mapping.
Demographic Transition Model (DTM). Geographical Distribution of DTM Stages
- Target group: K7 - K9 (11-14 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
Geopolitics in Today's World
- Target group: K10 (15-16 years old)
- Link to the complete case study explaining how to use the web mapping
The Effectiveness in Learning
UNED experience
- Academic results in the subject of Complements for Disciplinary Training in Geography
The students, future teachers, obtained more satisfactory results in the year in which the coursework was a learning scenario integrating geoinformation using Web GIS and/or interactive maps and the Sustainable Developong Goals (SDGs) (academic year 2021-2022), instead of the traditional didactic unit (academic year 2020-2021).
The teachers in training who have approached these materials and have developed new ones, have experienced the potential of cloud mapping and web maps or Web GIS to learn about the territory and its sustainability issues in a reasoned way, so they have valued very positively the activities carried out. territory and its sustainability problems in a reasoned way, so they have valued very positively the activities carried out.
Project Conference
Results of the conference: learning situations done in 2 hours by the attendants
Follow the stream, how plastic moves from land to the oceans
To have an idea about it you can see the video or download the text from here .
Hot deserts
To have an idea about it you can see the video or download the text from here.
Evolution and distribution of world population
To have an idea about it you can see the video or download the text from here .
Environmental problems and sustainable cities
To have an idea about it you can see the video or download the text from here .
Sustainable agriculture
To have an idea about it you can download the text from here.
To Find Out More...
Final Toolkit
GI-Pedagogy partners. (2022). Toolkit of Innovative Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching with GIS, including the GI Pedagogy Framework and Model (IO2).
Print publications
Puertas Aguilar, M.A., Conway, B., De Lázaro Torres, M.L., De Miguel González, R., Donert, K., Linder-Fally, M., Parkinson, A., Prodan, D., Wilson, S. & Zwartjes, L. (2022). A teaching model to raise awareness of sustainability using geoinformation. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía 15, 23-42.
Puertas-Aguilar, M.Á., Álvarez-Otero, J., y de Lázaro-Torres, M.L. (2021). The Challenge of Teacher Training in the 2030 Agenda Framework Using Geotechnologies. Education Sciences, 11(8), 381.
Spanish learning scenarios (case studies) on a book for training teachers:
De Lázaro Torres, M.L. and Puertas-Aguilar, M.A. (Eds). "La geoinformación en la educación para la sostenibilidad integrando los principios de Rosenshine. Situaciones de aprendizaje." [Geoinformation in education for sustainability integrating Rosenshine principles. Learning scenarios]. UNED. Available as an ePub format here (Adobe Digital Editions is needed to be possible to read the book)
Zwartjes, L., Puertas-Aguilar, M. Á., Conway, B., de Lázaro-Torres, M. L., de Miguel González, R., Donert, K., ... & Wilson10, S. GI PEDAGOGY: BRUIKBARE PEDAGOGIE VOOR HET LESGEVEN MET GIS.
Abbott, T. D. (2001). An Evaluation of Geographic Information System Software and its Utility in Promo-ting the Use of Integrated Process Skills in Secondary Students. [Tesis doctoral, University of Connecticut].
Buzo-Sánchez, I.J, Mínguez, C. & De Lázaro-Torres, M.L. (2022). Expert perspectives on GIS use in Spanish geographic education, International Journal of Digital Earth, 15(1), 1205-1219.
De Lázaro Torres, ML.; Puertas-Águilar, M.A; y Álvarez-Otero, J. (2022). La educación para la sostenibilidad desde las aulas universitarias empleando los Sistemas de Información Geográfica en la nube.
De Miguel González, R.: De Lázaro Torres; M.L. (2020). WebGIS Implementation and Effectiveness in Secondary Education Using the Digital Atlas for Schools. Journal of Geography, 119 (2), pp. 74 - 85.
EUROGEO and project partners. (2020). An Innovative Pedagogical Model for Teaching with GIS
Favier, T. (2013). Geo-informatietechnologie in het voortgezet aardrijkskundeonderwijs: Een brochure voor docenten. [Tesis doctoral, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam].
Gómez-Ruiz, M. L., Morales-Yago, F. J., & de Lázaro-Torres, M. L. (2021). Outdoor Education, the Enhancement and Sustainability of Cultural Heritage: Medieval Madrid. Sustainability, 13(3), 1-21. 1106.
Rosenshine, B. (2012) Principles of Instruction Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know. American Educator, 36(1), 12–39.
Sterling, S. (2004). Higher Education, Sustainability and the Role of Systemic Learning. En Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise and Practice; (pp. 49–70). Springer.
UN. (2022). Global Indicators framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Vuorikari, R., Kluzer, S., & Punie, Y. (2022). DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens - With new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Publications Office of the European Union.