State of Alaska Hazard Fuels Program
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry & Fire Protection
The State of Alaska, Division of Forestry & Fire Protection, manages an active Hazard Fuel Reduction Program. The objective is straight forward; remove enough vegetation (fuel) so that when a wildfire burns, it is less severe and can be more easily managed. Division of Forestry's protection responsibilities are geographically split into six separate areas. Each area plans and implements fuel reduction projects strategically identified through land managers, fire management, cooperative agencies, and wildfire protection plans.
Division of Forestry by Area
Common Mediums of Implementation
Fire Crews specialize in creating shaded fuel breaks. Their expertise in fire behavior, fire line construction, use of chainsaws, and production output make them ideal candidates for project implementation.
Mechanical treatments with heavy equipment like roller choppers, excavators, or masticators are used when less precise or large scale fuel removal is required.
Prescribed Fire, or fire use, is also an effective way to carry out fuels reduction. Fire use has become an identified path for firefighter workforce development.
Building Capacity
Division of Forestry's hazardous fuels reduction program has expanded in the past several years, receiving substantial funding from federal and state sources to create fuel breaks and defensible space around our communities. Alaskan fuel breaks have proven their effectiveness in several wildland fires, saving millions of dollars in firefighting costs and homes saved. As the demand for these critical projects increases to match our growing fire seasons, our capacity to implement projects must also increase. We expect to hire fuel reduction project managers within each area to assist with implementation. The positions will serve as advanced operational firefighters and lead hazardous fuel reduction projects.
Fairbanks Area
Delta Area
Tok Area
Copper River Area
South-West Area
Mat-Su Area
Kenai-Kodiak Area
Hazard Fuel Disposal
Open Project Solicitations
Request for Interest http://notice.alaska.gov/206873
Project Status Map
The Division supports multiple locations through out the State of Alaska for residents to dispose of hazardous fuels removed from property in efforts to mitigated damage caused by Wildland fires.
SOA Public Fuel Treatment Map
Community Wildfire Protection Plans
SOA Public Fuel Treatment Map