Supporting Conservation - One Otter Sighting at a Time
Why Otter Spotter?
Imagine standing on the bank of a creek in the rain, watching four otters hunt enthusiastically up and down the reach, nosing into every crevice. They raise their heads to crunch crawdads one after another, make chirping contact calls as they go, then roll around the shore scent-marking. They keep an eye on us, but don’t leave. We are quiet, thrilled to see these elusive animals.
Shortly after that day, we discovered that otters were officially considered non-occurring not only in that creek, but in most of the San Francisco Bay Area. We set out to find, document, and update the river otter range map using community science. We understood that river otters, highly attractive animals of great interest to many, could help to focus attention on improving habitat.
Otter Spotter crowdsources otter sightings. An Otter Spotter is someone who sees an otter and inputs the sighting to our handy online form . The sighting is mapped and saved. Take a stroll through these pages, learn what it’s like to be an Otter Spotter, how our results changed the range map, who uses that information, and what we are planning for the future.
We believe in involving everyone with an interest in community science as partners on our project—supporting watershed health through research, and education.
Otter Spotter Stories
River otters are fascinating animals, medium sized predators thriving in the densely-populated San Francisco Bay Area. Their presence excites people, gets them chatting, galvanizes some of them to help preserve and protect habitat and watersheds. That’s conservation in action.
The stories Otter Spotters tell are sometimes charming, sometimes emotional, sometimes questioning, and always interesting. We’ve gathered some examples here – enjoy! And if you see an otter, you know what to do – submit your sighting and become a community scientist, part of our trusty cadre of nature lovers and protectors.
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Otters Climbing a Cliff in Sea Ranch
The small stream empties out onto a cliff overlooking a small bay. You can see them climb this cliff in the video. They would swim all around the bay, lounge on the rocks. I never did see them eating. - Jeff Murchett
Eagle and Otter Interaction at the Mouth of the Russian River
The otter brought up what we think was the remains of a seal. The eagle attacked to get the remains. The otter made the eagle back up. Then the otter left with the remains, the eagle followed but they were right below our feet and we couldn’t see them. The eagle did leave empty taloned later. Never saw the otter again. - Bill Barrett
Otter Coyote Interaction at Point Reyes National Seashore
It was sleeping by the pond when the coyote came by and woke it up! - Sarah Killingsworth
Otters on the Sidewalk in Vista del Lago
This is a man made pond that has a small tributary feeder creek that the river otters travel in! I’ve seen two and one before, not 5! They were swimming and rolling on the grass and leaves as well as marking. Looked like they were headed to the creek, but got spooked and went back into the pond. - Lizbeth Hamlin
Otters in the American River
The observations were certainly a highlight of the things I've experienced along the American River. - John Cleckler
Otter in the Contra Costa Canal
Seeing river otters swimming around and playing in trash in the Canal worries me. While I’ve watched their curiosity and excitement over finding new things like old sheets, towels, bags, even bicycles in the canal, I worry that they’ll entangle themselves, and that the canal will in time become too polluted to sustain them, or other wildlife. - Karen James
Otters Swimming in Alamo Creek
I saw one adult otter interacting with 3 pups on the creek bed (super cute!) and went back to the same area with my husband at around the same time on the following day and saw an entire family. It was so exciting to have a very good sighting two days in a row and witness the otter family thriving in this area. - Junko Takahashi and Eric Shieh
Otter at Lake Merritt in Oakland
Read about this exciting encounter here -- the first otter seen in Lake Merritt.
Sutro Sam in the Sutro Baths in San Francisco
Sutro Sam is a perfect example of the joy we gain from making the changes great and small that allow wildlife to return and thrive in areas where we haven’t seen them in a long time. - Megan Isadore
Otter in Coyote Hills
The first Otter Spotter photo we ever received. Jerry Tang, the spotter, did not say much, but we think a photo of an otter in the South Bay of San Francisco is worth a thousand words.
How Can I Become An Otter Spotter?
Otter Spotter Sightings
Where Should I Look?
You can spot otters all over the Bay Area and throughout much of Northern California.
Look around any waterway! River otters are happy in fresh, brackish and salt water. They’re often seen in coastal areas near the mouths of rivers and creeks, marshes and wetlands. They’re a little harder to see along vegetated rivers but keep looking, especially when you’re boating. They’re often found in lakes…look where the fish congregate. If lakes are stocked, otters will follow that activity closely. Check out the map above to see where they're often reported.
Are River Otters Dangerous?
Otters are normally dangerous only to their prey items, like fish, insects, crustaceans, and birds. If you see otters, remember that even though they are cute and playful, they are wild animals. Don’t approach them, just enjoy watching from afar. Do not let dogs chase or bother them, and do not feed them.
If you’re swimming and encounter otters, back off and keep away. Normally they are shy of humans, but if they have young with them, they can become aggressive. It is not normal for otters to attack humans, but it does happen very occasionally.
When Should I Look?
River otters are most often seen at dusk and dawn, but can be seen at any hour of the day or night.
What Should I Look For?
Look for large ripples on the surface of the water, lots of bubbles and a 3- to 4- foot-long animal with a long thick tail. The tail is about a third of the body length of the otter. Otters are dark and sleek in the water, with small heads and ears. Often you will just see the ripples and a very small head. Otters have a large black hairless nose (rhinarium). Some animals often mistaken for river otters:
- Muskrats, much smaller than otters, upper left photo
- Nutria, rodents with orange teeth, upper right photo. If you see a nutria in California, please photograph it and report it via email to: invasives@wildlife.ca.gov
- Harbor seals, much bigger than otters, with a different color and shape, middle left photo
- Beaver, large rodents with orange teeth and a large flat tail, middle right photo
- American Mink, bottom left photo
- Sea otter, bottom right photo
Note how all the rodents have similar fur.
Animals mistaken for river otters: (from upper left to bottom right) nutria, muskrat, harbor seal, beaver, mink, sea otter
For more information on identifying river otters, please see our Field Guide, Field Etiquette, and How to Identify a River Otter.
How Do I Report My Sightings?
Fill in the form below and your sighting will appear on the map above within a few days. Thank you for your sharp eyes. Don’t forget a photo if you can get one. Even bad or blurry photos are fine; we just want to be able to see that it’s an otter.
Otters on the Move!
Coastal otters cresting a hill...otters are agile and fast on land as well as in the water.
Welcome Back Otters!
Historically, river otters were present all over the Bay Area, but as wetlands along San Francisco Bay (the largest estuary in North America) were filled to provide more land for people and industry, the waters became polluted, fish stocks and habitat grew less attractive to wildlife, and otter presence dwindled. Nobody paid much attention to river otters for decades. Trapping for river otter pelts, while never apparently a large business around the SF Bay, was banned in 1961.
In 2012 when we began soliciting sightings, it was difficult to figure out what was known and whether otters had actually disappeared from their historic range. We knew otters were still present in northern Sonoma County and in Carquinez Strait (the gateway to the San Francisco Bay Estuary). We had seen them ourselves in creeks and coastal areas of Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate. The most recent range map from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife from 1995 included a bit of the southernmost part of San Francisco Bay.
Where are you, otters?
Otters are elusive, slippery, traveling animals. They’re able to move long distances along rivers, coasts, lakes, even across land. They can climb cliffs and trees. They are small and dark, and can be hard to spot. Their population growth rate is generally not rapid, so there was unlikely to be an explosion of otters, but more a slow increase as long as conditions remain favorable.
We determined that spreading the word about otters and asking the community to look out for them and report sightings might offer some insight.
We outreach widely through professional and social networks, television, presentations, environmental events, and print media to encourage participation in our community science Otter Spotter program. People input their sightings to a form on our website, including photos. We ask directed questions to help us determine whether the sighting is credible. We particularly request photos. We also ask for sightings of deceased otters, usually the result of traffic collisions. We partner with the CDFW Department of Wildlife Investigations and California Academy of Sciences to necropsy otter carcasses, seeking further information about their health status.
The updated range map includes 4,100 square miles of additional river otter range. Because river otters are indicators of a healthier environment, the fact that their range has expanded naturally (without reintroduction), tells us that conditions have improved.
Without this improvement, we would not find otters as well as other wildlife, returning to areas from which they were missing for many years. The return of river otters helps us understand that conservation and restoration can work; that we can remediate the harm humans have caused to the environment.
On the left is the range map from 1995, and on the right is the updated range map from 2019. Move the slider to compare the two maps.
Use the slider to compare the river otter range in the Bay Area from 1995 to 2019.
Note: Priority conservation areas are shown in green. Current wetlands conservation projects are shown in yellow.
Priority conservation areas are lands that provide agricultural, natural resource, scenic, recreational, and/or ecological values and ecosystem functions. These areas are identified through consensus by local jurisdictions and park/open space districts as lands in need of protection due to pressure from urban development or other factors. PCAs are categorized by four designations: Natural Landscapes, Agricultural Lands, Urban Greening and Regional Recreation. Source: Association of Bay Area Governments
History of Mapping and Methodology
The original California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) range map for river otters was based on a map in California Wildlife, Vol. I-III, edited by Zeiner et al., and published from 1988-1990. In 2017, we provided a dataset of approximately 1,500 northern California Otter Spotter sighting records to CDFW, and requested that the agency consider updating the range map. They agreed, and off-and-on over the next two years we worked with CDFW’s Biogeographic Data staff to determine the areas that should be included in the updated map.
The updated range map represents the best available information on river otter presence over the past 20 years. Historic presence is also included unless there is substantial evidence that river otters were extirpated from an area. For the updated map, presence was determined from the original map, our Otter Spotter data, local agency data, published reports, and expert opinion. Presence was mapped using the USGS HUC12 Watershed Dataset Boundary delineation. Identified presence in any part of a Watershed Unit was mapped as presence in the entire Watershed Unit.
Who Uses Otter Spotter Data?
“Otter Spotter sightings added about 4,100 square miles of Bay Area habitat to the 2019 river otter range map. The maps can help planners know which lands to conserve for habitat and connectivity,” Melanie Gogol-Prokurat, Ecologist, California Department of Fish & Wildlife.
“I've been watching the river otters here for years and just discovered your project. They are here consistently. There are homes on the creek and the otters climb on the docks to eat … I think they are incredible and I never get tired of watching them.” Otter Spotter Henry Bornstein.
The otters’ expansion here reflects the headway we’ve made in cleaning up waterways and restoring wetlands. River otters are big eaters, and the fish, crayfish, and other prey they depend on need unpolluted water to thrive. “If there’s enough food for river otters, there’s a healthy environment too,” Sarah Allen, Ph.D. Science Program Lead, National Park Service Western Region (retired).
A consideration of who uses the river otter range map data stresses the importance of protecting entire watersheds for our shared benefit. Each of the users illustrated here work in tandem with the others to ensure healthy watersheds. None can be effective on their own. We support the “Fifty by fifty” endeavor to protect 50% of San Francisco Bay Area lands by 2050, as it is only through supporting a web of connected protected lands and waters that we can heal and support ecological function on our planet.
Who Uses Otter Spotter Data?
The most important group using Otter Spotter information are the people who see otters, become interested and excited, report their presence to Otter Spotter, and tell their friends.
Otter Spotter is meant not only to collect data, but to spur interest in conserving our shared watersheds and restoring wetlands.
Continued conservation can be increased when people see the connection between their sightings and the increase in range. When river otters return all on their own, we know the habitat is improved for everyone, including humans.
Toxic Spill Preparation and Response Teams
This map shows the railroads of California that carry crude oil and tanker vessel traffic. An understanding of river otter presence is necessary for responders to spill response, whether land-based or water-based. CDFW/Office of Spill Prevention and Response has the mission to provide best achievable protection of California's natural resources by preventing, preparing for, and responding to spills of oil and enhancing affected resources.
Watershed Managers
Because fish comprise otters’ main prey item, watershed managers must, at a minimum, know whether or not there are otters inhabiting the areas they manage.
The presence of otters must be considered in restorations geared toward endangered or threatened fish, such as salmonids, or other wildlife species.
This map shows the Conservation Lands Network's priority stream targets. The Conservation Lands Network is a regional coalition of land managers and conservation organization whose goal is to preserve 50% of the Bay Area’s lands by 2050.
With the present and future of California increasingly connected to fire, all wildlife is under threat and are more than ever in need of the ability to move through wildland corridors to allow an escape from fire.
The Woodward Fire, Point Reyes National Seashore 2020
Land Managers
This map shows state and national parks. State, national, and local parks and open space managers have an important stake in understanding the presence and habits of the wildlife within their purview. This matters for protecting habitat, species, and wildlife corridors and for supporting safe wildlife viewing for humans and animals.
This matters for protecting habitat and wildlife corridors and for helping the public view wildlife safely. This map shows protected lands in the Bay Area, which includes federal, state, and local parks; watershed lands; and lands protected by conservation easements.
California Roadkill Observation System
This map shows hotspots of roadkill incidents from the California Roadkill Observation System. CROS gathers information about where wildlife vehicle collisions occur, what animals are involved, on what roads collisions are frequent, to help inform policy, management, and financial investment in reducing roadkill.
They share data with collaborators and agency-users and use the data to study how and why roadkill occurs and what we can do to reduce it.
Policymakers must know where the otters are to leverage their return and continued ability to thrive to support policies that further watershed conservation and wetland restoration. We provide comments and advice to agencies based upon our work in various watersheds. View our comment letters here.
This map shows priority conservation areas and current wetland projects in the Bay Area.
Megan Isadore, co-founder of River Otter Ecology Project, speaking up to defend science at the March for Science, San Francisco, 2017
Environmental education can begin with maps. Our maps are used as the basis of interactive, experiential learning from elementary school to graduate classes.
Here are a few photos from our education programs.
Marin Academy students with our hands on watershed mural - helping students to visualize connections among processes, environment, and people.
A young otter fan at the Bioneers Conference in 2017. Art and ecology are natural complements.
A field trip with AP Environmental Science and AP Biology students from Tomales High School. An 11-otter day, a thrill for everyone.
Elementary students having fun making otter art!
Tomales High School AP Environmental Science students learning how prey studies work.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers
Wildlife responders need to prepare for any wildlife species they may encounter, including otters.
Baby otters need lots of care and feeding to survive and thrive.
At rehabilitation centers, river otters require pools and ponds to learn to do all they must do to survive in the wild.
Outdoor playtime is essential for learning how to navigate the wild environment.
What's Next?
Team Otter!
When river otters die from disease or old age, they are not often found. When they are killed in road accidents, they may be noticed and reported to River Otter Ecology Project. We take the opportunity whenever possible to salvage the bodies and discover what we can about their health status.
In partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Academy of Sciences, we have formed a salvage team to collect river otter carcasses for necropsy (animal autopsy) and to support the Academy’s specimen collection.
Deceased Otter Observations
The CDFW Wildlife Health Lab has performed necropsies on 23 river otters during 2013 through 2021, finding evidence of trauma, pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, gunshot wound, infections, natural poisoning (not human-caused), and some evidence of rodenticides, though not in high enough concentration to cause death
The California Academy of Sciences Ornithology and Mammalogy Department collects specimens to help in compiling a wealth of data on the evolution of these organisms, their distribution around the world, and how they are responding to changes in the environment.
The more we understand about the way otters respond to their world, the diseases and changes they exhibit, the better our ability to support conservation of otters and watersheds.
Filling in the Range in California
A tantalizing question we have not yet answered is how far into San Francisco’s South Bay are river otters living and reproducing? We know river otters are common in coastal California north of San Francisco. Despite many surveys on foot as well as widespread outreach, we have not discovered any otter presence along the coast from San Francisco southward. There is habitat available, but as yet, no otters.
Are river otters slowly expanding southward through the East Bay? Will they get to the coast, and when? These are questions to which we hope Otter Spotters will help find the answers.
Otter Spotter Web Map
On the above map, the blue points in the South Bay represent unconfirmed otter sightings.
Expanding Otter Spotter through North America
When our project began in 2012, we sought to discover where in the San Francisco Bay Area river otters thrived. Since then, we have expanded our horizons to include all of California, and now all of North America.
We welcome otter sightings from all states and provinces. We are careful about mapping the sightings, as we are protective of otters and have no wish to “out” sensitive sites. If we or the community science Otter Spotter judges any site to be worth keeping secret, we do not show it on the map, but only add the information to our database.
Community Conservation
At River Otter Ecology Project we often look at our programming and planning through this lens: why and how are we making a difference to conservation, to equity, inclusiveness, and diversity? Which of the many ideas we have will be of most use? Which do we have the resources to try?
One idea we are exploring currently is using the excitement over urban otters to contribute to underserved urban communities. We are looking at how we can serve specific communities’ needs using our education, outreach, and community science work.
As we gather information, input, and resources to carry this effort forward, we will continue to use our base of community science support through Otter Spotter both to discover where otters and communities intersect, and where our project is able to support the goals of underserved communities.
Click here to learn more about our published research.
Acknowledgements and Credits
With greatest appreciation to the Otter Spotters who input their sightings and make community science valuable.
Many thanks to Kelsey Wright of the College of William & Mary - our invaluable ArcGIS Story Map creator.
We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the Institute for Integrative Conservation at the College of William & Mary for their support of our Story Map.
With sincere thanks to all the photographers who generously allowed us to use their photos. To view the credit for any photos or videos, scroll over the top left corner and click on the "i" symbol. The cover photo is by Bob Gunderson.
Thank you to California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Rose Foundation for Communities & the Environment Environmental Grassroots Fund, Landsberg Foundation, and CuriOdyssey.
And to the IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group for great encouragement from the beginning.