Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan

Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan adopted

The District of Squamish Council gave final reading to the Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan on February 23, 2020 and the plan is now adopted as a schedule to the Official Community Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan designates the plan area as a mix of of Rural/Low Density Multifamily, Hillside Housing, Mixed Use Industrial, General Industrial and Conservation as shown on land use plan Schedule "A". Please note that the plan does not change the current zoning in place, but it does provide a policy guide for any new development/rezoning applications.

To view a copy of the Neighbourhood Plan and full policies  please click here .

The Loggers East Schedule "A" land use plan is shown below:


The District of Squamish is undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan for the portion of the Loggers East neighbourhood located south of Raven Drive and north of Robin Drive shown on the map below. This neighbourhood is identified in the Official Community Plan (OCP) as an area where a neighbourhood plan is required prior to future major development applications. (Note: other parts of the original Loggers East planning area to the north - Maples, Seven Peaks, Ravenswood - are now developed or in a rezoning process).

Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan Area

Why is this plan being done?

Currently, the Loggers East area consists primarily of single family uses with a semi-rural character, as well as some smaller lot residential and industrial uses. The OCP designates Loggers East as “Residential”, which allows for a wide range of residential uses and densities. There is considerable interest in redevelopment in this neighbourhood. At the same time, there are a number of development constraints and environmental values that must be considered. Once adopted as a Schedule to the OCP, the Neighbourhood Plan will provide planning policy to guide future development in the neighbourhood.

Plan Content

As described in the OCP, the Neighbourhood Plan addresses future land use, density, housing forms, natural hazards, environmentally sensitive areas, roads and servicing infrastructure, and opportunities for recreation and public amenities. Several technical background studies were completed as part of the planning process to provide a more detailed review of environmental conditions, steep slopes, servicing, drainage and transportation requirements. The plan reflects this background information as well as input from area residents on their vision for the area. The Plan also reflects other District-wide objectives, particularly retaining or providing new employment lands, affordable housing, active transportation (walking/biking) and climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

What are the main policy directions of the Plan?

The following vision statement and guiding principles provide the framework for the Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan:

Overview of Planning Process

The planning process began in mid-2019 with data collection and completion of background technical reports. The first public engagement steps took place in October 2019 with a public Open House and online survey. The public engagement provided extensive comments from area residents. Council reviewed an update report in March 2019, including review of the first survey results, and provided direction to staff on potential land use options.

Engaging with the neighbourhood through this online format took place during October/November of 2020 with a second online survey and electronic open house, providing important feedback to help refine the draft plan. When finalized, the plan will be adopted as an amendment to the OCP. As required by legislation, all bylaws must have consideration of three readings, public hearing and adoption by Council. The OCP amendment bylaw was given first reading on December 15, 2020 and second reading on January 19, 2021. The public hearing was held on February 9, 2021 and Council also gave third reading to the plan.

Previous Council reports and bylaw readings

The Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan was reviewed by Council at several previous Council meetings, and some revisions to the plan were made based on Council recommendations. Previous Council reports and summaries of public engagement activities can be viewed at the following links:

  • March 3, 2020 – The Committee of the Whole received an overview of technical background reports, a summary of early public engagement and two preliminary land use options ( Report to Council  and  Survey results ).
  • October 13, 2020 - The Committee of the Whole received a report with the first draft of the Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan ( Report to Council ).
  • December 15, 2020 - Council gave first reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw No.2798, Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan. The Council report also provided a summary of public engagement on the draft plan ( Report to Council  and  Loggers East Plan Bylaw 2798 at first reading ).
  • January 19, 2021 - Council received a staff report providing responses to earlier Council questions and gave second reading as amended to the OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2798, Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan. Two additional edits to the plan were recommended by Council, now included in the final version for public hearing ( Report to Council  and   Loggers East Plan Bylaw 2798 at second reading ).

Background Information: Technical Reports

The following reports provide detailed reviews of environment, slope and drainage/stormwater issues in the neighbourhood:

Questions or comments

  • Please contact the District by phone (604-815-5002) or email (planning@squamish.ca) for general questions on the Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan.

Loggers East Neighbourhood Plan Area