Welcome! This website hosts four sample products for the Human Rights Watch Environmental Justice division to display, interact with, and create spatial data. All the products address deforestation and air pollution in the Amazon Rainforest.
The banner of this website includes logos from Human Rights Watch and Clark University, the partners in this project. This website primarily uses royal blue and white, the corporate colors for Human Rights Watch. Each tab on the web page corresponds with a different data product.
Product 1 is designed to help decision-making and promote user interaction with data. This product was built using ArcGIS Online and ESRI Dashboard. By using ESRI products, the data and product content are hosted online through ArcGIS Online.
Product 2 supports coordination during a project by displaying information about ongoing conservation efforts. Product 2 utilizes the Mapbox Javascript library to directly embed a map into the webpage. The data displayed in this map is stored in a Google Sheets file.
Product 3 tells a story about environmental justice work conducted by the Human Rights Watch. The story was written using ESRI StoryMap, an interactive storytelling web app. Similar to Product 1, the data and text content are hosted through ArcGIS Online.
Product 4 is a web form for crowd-sourcing data. This form was created through ArcGIS Survey123 and is hosted via ArcGIS Online. The data recorded through this website is saved in a tabular format.