Automatic Identification System (AIS)

Founded in 2001, MXAK deployed AIS receiving equipment at our own expense to enhance maritime safety in Alaskan waters.

MXAK Contracts with USCG for Nationwide Automatic Identification System (NAIS)

  • Since 2006 MXAK has been under contract for delivering AIS data to USCG HQ under their Nationwide Automatic Identification System Operational Requirements Obligations.

Marine Safety Site (MSS)

  • MXAK owns and operates AIS equipment at 150 unique geographic locations throughout the state of Alaska

AIS Receive

  • Our organization owns and operates both terrestrial and mobile AIS receivers, delivering a real-time data stream of AIS information.
  • These receive systems enhance maritime domain awareness and support sea traffic management.

AIS Transmit

Safety Related Messages (Msg 12 & 14)

Aids to Navigation (ATON) Messages (Msg 21)

Binary Broadcast Messages (Msg 8)

Marine Exchange of Alaska Membership and AIS Subscription Levels