Phase I - Ecusta Trail

Exciting news! The groundbreaking of the Ecusta Trail took place on October 28th. Keep scrolling to learn more about this future trail.


The opening date for Phase I of the Ecusta Trail has been pushed back to late spring/early summer 2025 due to Hurricane Helene. Storm damage to the trail totaled $406,000. However, the cost of damages will not impact the construction of the rest of the trail. NHM Constructors were unable to be immediately mobilized to trail cleanup and repair due to the high need across western North Carolina for post-Helene recovery work.

The Ecusta Trail

The Ecusta Trail (when complete) will be a 19.4-mile multi-use, paved pathway along the former Watco Rail Line. This trail will connect downtown Hendersonville and the city of Brevard. This trail will provide opportunities for pedestrians and cyclists to explore a variety of landscapes, from the French Broad River to rolling hills and mountains.

This Storymap is dedicated to Phase I (A,B,C) of the Ecusta Trail, from South Main St. in downtown Hendersonville to the US-64/Battle Creek Rd crossing in Horse Shoe. A separate Storymap will be created for Phase II (D), from US-64/Battle Creek Rd to Oskar Blues Brewing in Brevard, once the design is underway. Check back for updates on this exciting project!

Explore the map of Phase I of the Ecusta Trail from downtown to US-64/Battle Creek Rd. This map features bridges, crossings, and other trail elements. Phase II will be mapped as the design progresses.

Construction Progress - September 2024

!! Important Information for Trail Users !!

Any road crossing that has the blue sign indicated in this photo is a permitted trail access point. Trail users should not enter the Ecusta Trail in areas where these signs are not present, as there may be a safety concern. Any property owner who wishes to create a permitted trail access point should  click here  for more information on the process and the County's encroachment policy.

Construction Updates

Construction for Phase I of the Ecusta Trail has begun! The official Ecusta Trail Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on October 28, 2023. For now, the Ecusta Trail will be closed while the first six miles are being constructed. It is important for property owners to be aware that construction crews are present on the trail while clearing and grubbing take place. Clearing of the trail is expected to last into the Spring, with grading to follow. Landscaping will be added to the trail further into the project. The County greatly appreciates the patience of property owners and residents while this exciting project is underway!

The Ecusta Trail Groundbreaking - Photo Credit(s): Friends of the Ecusta Trail

Have questions, comments, or concerns during the construction phase of the Ecusta Trail? Contact the County Engineer, Marcus Jones:

Construction Progress - January 2024

Construction Bid Timeline

July 7, 2023

Construction bid posted - must be a prequalified NCDOT bidder

July 20, 2023

Mandatory pre-bid meeting at 100 N. King Street office

August 7, 2023

Construction bid opens - JMT Engineering Office in Asheville

August 16, 2023

Board of Commissioners Meeting

August 30, 2023

Construction re-bid opens: construction timeline for Phase I still under a year

July - September 2023

Procurement process underway for Phase II engineer for design

September 20, 2023

Construction Contract Phase I: County BOC identified NHM Constructors, Inc. as the lowest responsive bidder ($10,126,120)

September 20, 2023

Phase II Engineer Selection: BOC authorizes JMT to perform engineering for Ecusta Trail (Phase II)

September 2023

Board of Commissioners accepts bid from NHM Constructors to build Phase I of the trail and authorized TPD to complete engineering design for Phase II of the trail

October 28, 2023

Groundbreaking ceremony held at the Veterans Healing Farm to start first six miles of construction

Interactive Map

Ecusta Trail Final Design

Overview of Ecusta Trail from Brevard Rd to South Main St

Click the image above to view the Final Design Plans for Phase I of the Ecusta Trail!

Friends of the Ecusta Trail (FOET)

Trail Branding

Friends of the Ecusta Trail

Destination by Design

The local non-profit organization, The Friends of the Ecusta Trail (FOET), has recently hired Destination by Design to create branding for the entire trail, including Transylvania County. Destination by Design is described as a multi-disciplinary economic development firm that specializes in recreation and tourism and is based out of Boone, NC. View their projects by  clicking here .

View from Ecusta Trail

Ecusta Trail Partnerships

In preparation for the trail opening, Henderson County staff have been working with local, trail-adjacent businesses and other establishments regarding potential opportunities for collaboration. Staff are also working to identify potential issues that may arise after the trail's opening, and consulting with property owners to ensure safe access and connections to the Ecusta Trail. If you are a business or property owner located along the trail and would like to learn more about the trail partnership and/or access/connecting to the trail, please email Liz Hanson at

Trail Funding & Grant Information

Phase One of the Ecusta Trail Construction is being funded by a series of private donations and grants. See below for more information about the various grants awarded in the last several years.

  • In 2020, The Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) was awarded through the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization (FBRMPO) for the engineering and construction of the first six miles of the trail ($5,075,219).
  • In 2022, the Friends of the Ecusta Trail (FOET) were awarded $600,000 from the state of North Carolina, to be applied to Phase One engineering (to be spent by June 30, 2023).
  • In 2022, the Surface Transportation Block Grant was awarded for the construction of the final portion of the trail within Henderson County limits ($10,467,234 - US 64 to Transylvania County line).
  • In 2023, additional STBG funding was awarded to Henderson County for the first six miles of the trail ($2,708,974).
  • In 2023, the City of Brevard was awarded a RAISE grant for project engineering and construction of the Ecusta Trail from Hendersonville to Brevard ($24.5 million). Of the $24.5 million, Henderson County's portion was approximately $5,818,069. These specific funds will be made available in 2026.
  • In 2023, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) was awarded the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) Program grant for the construction of the trail from Hendersonville to Brevard ($21.4 million). Of the $21.4 million, Henderson County's portion was approximately $2,917,645. These funds are available this year but must be obligated by September 2025.

View the NSFLTP Grant Application below:

The Ecusta Trail NSFLTP Grant Application Executive Summary

View the RAISE Grant Application below:

The Ecusta Trail RAISE Grant Application

Key Design Elements

Existing Ecusta Trail Right of Way (ROW)

Conserving Carolina purchased the railroad right of way from Blue Ridge Southern Railroad in 2021, and subsequently leased the property to Henderson County for 100 years. The portion of the trail in Transylvania County is leased by the City of Brevard. The ROW is the strip of land that includes the rail bed and the land on either side of the rail bed. The ROW varies in width, from 123 feet at its widest to 37 feet at its narrowest. Knowing the limits of the ROW is important because the grant funding for this phase of trail development states that all work must happen within the existing ROW. For questions related to specific properties, please see the County GIS.

Ecusta Trail Wetlands

Environmental Evaluation / Water Features

Before construction can begin, Henderson County needs to know about and understand the potential impacts of sensitive environmental features in the study area, both for conservation purposes and to comply with federal and state regulations. To fulfill national environmental regulations, the Ecusta team investigated the presence of a wide variety of environmental features, such as streams and wetlands, plant communities, and wildlife habitats. Streams and wetlands and their surrounding buffers are biological reservoirs that provide refuge for flora and fauna and are regulated and protected by the Clean Water Act. Wetlands are the only environmental feature that the Ecusta team needs to design around. To avoid impacts to these resources, there are areas where the trail alignment strays from the initial centerline. You’ll see these as bends (or jogs) on the map.

Ecusta Trail Wetlands

ET Bridge Over French Broad River (Phase II)


This section of the Ecusta Trail includes six bridges. During design, the Ecusta team evaluated the condition of each bridge as well as repair costs and whether they could be designed to carry an emergency or trail maintenance vehicle.  Based on the Ecusta team’s findings, each existing bridge will be replaced with what's known as a prefabricated steel bridge and they will also be elevated to avoid impacts to flood levels. The images shown below are examples of similar bridges from other communities and the sketches of the two bridge widths found along the trail.

Ecusta Trail Bridges

Crossing at Battle Creek Rd & US 64 (Phase I End)


One of the many elements investigated during the design was identifying which types of traffic control treatments will be needed at roadway crossings. These treatments vary depending on traffic speeds and the amount of traffic at each roadway crossing and can include items such as traffic signals, flashing warning devices, painted pavement markings, and warning signs. For example, where the trail crosses busy roads like Brevard Road/US 64 and Kanuga Road, a new traffic signal was determined to be the best option for trail users to cross the roadway based on traffic conditions and the presence of nearby intersections. The trail crossing at 5 th  Avenue West, in Laurel Park, was determined to need flashing warning devices that are activated by the presence of approaching trail users.  Other crossings, where there are lower traffic volumes and speeds, such as South Whitted Street, will be treated with high visibility crosswalk markings and warning signs.

Ecusta Trail Crossing Renderings

Ecusta Trail

Trail Width

Given that the Ecusta Trail is expected to get a lot of use in the coming years, the Ecusta team determined a trail width (usable asphalt surface) based on national standards.  The goal is to provide a trail width that will allow for comfortable sharing of the trail by a variety of user types (people walking, running, rolling, or cycling at all ages and levels of ability).  The team also looked at design constraints, for example, the width of the trail in the section closest to the City of Hendersonville is limited by the width of the available land (or right of way).  With these items in mind, the team identified the need for a 14 foot wide trail in the urban section that is expected to get a greater volume and variety of users, from Hendersonville to White Pine Drive in Laurel Park. The trail will be 12 feet wide along the more rural section from White Pine Drive to the end of this phase of the trail at Brevard Road / US 64.

Ecusta Trail Width

Integration with Other Projects

NCDOT has two projects in various planning stages that will impact the Ecusta Trail.  1. The Brevard Road (US 64) widening in Laurel Park will include a roundabout at White Pine Road and 2. The South Main Street project will consist of a roundabout at South Church Street on the south side of downtown Hendersonville. Each of these projects will impact the Ecusta Trail elevation and crossing location. In Laurel Park near White Pine, we have included a trail crossing that will be modified and finalized with the Brevard Road (US 64) project. At S. Main Street and S. Church Street, the Ecusta Trail crossing will be constructed with the NCDOT roundabout project.

NCDOT will integrate the Ecusta Trail with the Church Street and Main Street roundabout.

For updates and more information on the NCDOT US 64/Brevard Rd project, visit: 

Example of Trail Parking

What about parking, bathrooms, and other trail amenities?

During this phase, the budget only allows for the design of the actual trail AND all design elements must be within the existing railroad right of way. In future phases of the project, Henderson County will work with project partners to enhance the Ecusta Trail with amenities such as parking, bathrooms, and other features.

For more information on partnering with Henderson County on trail amenities, please contact Liz Hanson at

Example of Bike Rack & Bike Repair Station

Have any questions?

Ecusta Sign Up & Questions

Henderson County Planning Department


Friends of the Ecusta Trail (FOET)

Destination by Design

View from Ecusta Trail

Ecusta Trail Wetlands

Ecusta Trail Wetlands

ET Bridge Over French Broad River (Phase II)

Crossing at Battle Creek Rd & US 64 (Phase I End)

Ecusta Trail

NCDOT will integrate the Ecusta Trail with the Church Street and Main Street roundabout.

Example of Trail Parking