Native Plants & Foods Story Map

Exploring Indigenous foods and medicine work and education in Coast Salish communities and beyond

Welcome to our StoryMap

Knowledge of how to stay healthy and well through traditional foods and medicines has been passed down through generations of Indigenous Peoples in Coast Salish communities and beyond. In this story map, we document the work that educators, Elders, and community members are doing through programs and partnerships. We believe that sharing these stories can help spread good health and wellness among networks of Indigenous Communities. We hope it brings you inspiration, new ideas, and opportunities for collaboration!

For the Coast Salish people, our traditional foods are physical, mental, and spiritual medicine. That means that when we are actively on the land in pursuit of wild game, or fishing the river, or harvesting foods and medicines with good intention, and then generously sharing those with people, we are gifted with memories . . . both new and those of a distant past. Those memories are the medicine, that is what we are looking for.

-Valerie Segrest (Muckleshoot)

Rose James (Lummi) explains why we made this story map. Photos and videos provided by the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community.

About Us

This StoryMap was developed in partnership between the Swinomish Community Environmental Health Program, Feed Seven Generations, GRuB Wild Foods and Medicine Program, and Urban Indian Health Institute. The stories included illustrate how environmental health teachings have spread through Coast Salish communities and beyond.

The Stories

Native communities have maintained relationships with Indigenous plants and foods in the Coast Salish region since time immemorial. This knowledge upholds education, health, and revitalizing culture. A network of Tribes, organizations, and individuals ensures that the knowledge continues to be shared with the next generations via culture, stories, and relationships with the land, water, air, and nonhuman relatives.

Featured Story: Native Infusions

In 2017, Muckleshoot nutritionist, native plants educator, and founder of Feed 7 Generations Valerie Segrest and herbalist Elise Krohn developed Native Infusion: Rethink Your Drink, a teaching toolkit to support Native communities in making healthy choices about beverages. The toolkit integrates Native American cultural teachings and traditional health and nutrition concepts from the Coast Salish region and includes a curriculum, teaching posters, and Feeding 7 Generations: A Salish Cookbook. The educational resources in this toolkit remind us that genuine nourishment comes from receiving the gifts of the land.

The development of Native Infusion was supported by the First Nations Development Institute. Joe Seymour Jr. (Squaxin Island) and Roger Fernandes (Lower Elwha Klallam) are the poster artists. Annie Brulé of Chatwin Books is the graphic designer. Fiona Devereaux, RD from Island Health in Canada offered guidance on setting up beverage stations.

Feed 7 Generations continues to implement the curriculum in the Muckleshoot community and beyond.

The curriculum has also been adapted as a lesson in the Tend, Gather and Grow Curriculum by Garden-Raised Bounty, a non-profit in Olympia, WA. Community members learn about the health impacts of sugary drinks, sample beverages made from local plants, and learn about Indigenous traditions around healthy beverages. They also investigate the role the media plays in promoting sugary drinks and develop their own strategies for promoting healthy drinks.

Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity, & Recreation Council (ISPARC) was founded to improve the health and well-being of Indigenous people in British Columbia (BC), Canada. They coordinate gatherings to deliver healthy living programming to Indigenous communities across BC including lessons about traditional plants and medicines. Elders in the community told them that they were sick of hearing about all the things they couldn’t eat or drink to stay healthy- they wanted to learn about what good things they could have.

One ISPARC staff attended a Native Infusions training hosted by Garden-Raised Bounty and decided to share it at their gatherings. It was the first traditional foods activity they implemented, and it quickly became a big hit with communities.

ISPARC has been sharing the Native Infusions Curricula with communities across BC for over 5 years. In 2019 alone, ISPARC programming brought the Native Infusion curriculum to over 300 Nations and Organizations across British Columbia. It included over 90 communities from every corner of the province comprised of community leaders from First Nations, urban Indian organizations, health service providers, public schools, ministries, and government agencies. They have seen numerous leaders sharing these drink stations in their own communities and putting their own traditional twists on the drinks.

This is just one story of many that illustrate how Indigenous knowledge is spread through communities to create this expansive network of knowledge sharing. These networks are critical for rebuilding and reclaiming traditional lessons among American Indian and Alaska Native people. They allow for the sharing of knowledge and resources that support traditional ecological knowledge. Continue to the stories below to see how other tribes and organizations have implemented these lessons and the impact it has had on their communities.

The following stories represent some of the work that is growing in Coast Salish Territories and beyond. As you learn about programs, you might also explore the webs of relationships in the Network map. We witness that knowledge, culture, stories, and relationships with the land grow stronger as people collaborate.

You can view the stories by clicking on the tile on the left-hand side or by selecting a point on the background map.

Swinomish Indian Tribal Community

Feed 7 Generations (FEED)

Garden-Raised Bounty (GRuB)

Nisqually Indian Tribe

Tulalip Tribe

Center for Natural Lands Management

Spokane Tribal Network 

Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity, & Recreation Council (ISPARC)

Suquamish Tribe

Urban Indian Health Institute

Camassia Resource Stewardship

Island Health

Bastyr University Gardens

Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe

Native American Youth and Family Center

 Swinomish Indian Tribal Community 

The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community is a federally recognized tribe with a reservation located on Fidalgo Island in Western Washington State. The Swinomish Tribe is descended from and is a successor to tribes, including Swinomish, Kikiallus, Samish, and Lower Skagit, that inhabited the Skagit Valley and Puget Sound islands for thousands of years before non-Indian settlement.  

Programs such as the Swinomish Community Environmental Health Program (CEHP) support and enhance health and wellbeing in the Swinomish way. CEHP developed and launched the 13 Moons curriculum, based on the 13 lunar phases and traditional seasonal harvest calendar. The curriculum provides a variety of workshops and activities for all ages that are specific to the time of year. The activities reflect the foods, resources, traditions, technologies, and practices associated with each of the 13 moons, supporting and bolstering health and wellness. 

Foods and medicines made during 13 Moons workshops are shared with the community at Elder lunches and community dinners, among other events.

Feed 7 Generations (FEED)

FEED leverages the collective experience of its staff to make a national impact on the health and wellness of Native people. 

For over a decade, tribal communities and passionate individuals have organized and unified efforts to enhance the health of the land and people. During this time, FEED staff established themselves as strong voices in the food sovereignty movement. They developed partnerships, created curriculum and educational content, advocated for environmental policy, and provided community education classes. These efforts made an impact and are a testament to the power of tribal communities across the country. 

Garden-Raised Bounty (GRuB)

GRuB is a nonprofit organization working at the intersection of food, education, and health systems to grow healthy food, people, and communities.

GRuB’s Wild Foods and Medicines Program provides educational resources, community classes, and teacher trainings that connect people with the land, the seasons, and community. Tend, Gather, and Grow is a K-12 curriculum dedicated to educating youth about wild edible and medicinal plants and the rich cultural traditions that surround them. GRuB educators worked with a team of twelve people, including tribal members, to develop the curriculum, which includes a plant guide and modules on cultural ecosystems, tree communities, wild food traditions, and plant technologies. Coast Salish stories, recipes, games, videos, and hands-on activities are woven throughout the curriculum. The project aims to build food security, promote health, and facilitate connections with the land. 

The Plant Teachings for Growing Social-Emotional Skills toolkit was developed through a partnership between GRuB, Northwest Indian Treatment Center, and Seattle Indian Health Board. Over two years, a team of plant experts, mental health workers, and cultural knowledge keepers worked together to synthesize plant teachings for common Northwest plants. ​​The toolkit includes a book, cards, movement videos, and an activity guide, and can be integrated into many different settings, including behavioral health programs, community health and wellness, K-12 social-emotional lessons, and outdoor education programs.

Nisqually Indian Tribe

Nisqually Community Garden works toward Tribal self-sufficiency and overall mental, physical, and spiritual health. We grow traditional plants, vegetables, berries, and fruit trees. All produce is distributed directly to Nisqually tribal members & the community. 

The Nisqually Tribe has a long history of Community Gardens. The current Nisqually Community Garden at the Culture Center began in 2009 on 410 acres of farmland at the mouth of the Nisqually River that was purchased by the Tribe in 1998. Hundreds of acres of this farmland were restored to the estuary after being dammed for about 100 years to make it farmable. The Nisqually Tribe Department of Natural Resources and partners removed the dams and planted thousands of native plants, restoring this critical salmon habitat. The Community Garden sits on about 70 acres of uplands overlooking this restored estuary.

Tulalip Tribe

We are the Tulalip Tribes (pronounced Tuh’-lay-lup). We operate a Wellness Garden where plants and people come together and learn from each other.

Our program is grounded in Native American Coast Salish culture and teachings followed by best practices and curriculums. We believe our Elders are the backbone of our programming. In return for giving our Elders a platform to contribute their skills, they volunteer and share their time and gifts to give back to the community. We truly are stronger and better together as a result. I believe this is the true meaning of community engagement. 

Our native foods have come back to our longhouse on special occasions and we are thankful for these special opportunities for these plants and animals to give their lives for the health and wellbeing of our people. 

Center for Natural Lands Management

The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) South Sound Prairies program works on the restoration, conservation, and stewardship of prairies and oak woodlands in the south Puget Sound region. In recent years the staff at CNLM have worked with Tribal partners and allies to incorporate and identify ways to include Indigenous needs and priorities for harvest and the reintroduction of native practice and support cultural ecosystems and access on public lands.

The harvest days have been a highlight of this work at CNLM. At one harvest day hosted in partnership with the Chehalis Tribe and FEED 7 Generations, participants shared stories of how grandmothers, great-grandmothers, aunties, and great Auntie's used to harvest camas, yet not many of the people alive today had ever harvested camas at all. There just haven't been places for a large harvest. It made CNLM realize that access to public and private lands for harvesting is a high priority of the community.

"It is encouraging to hear some of those stories and learn how they can be brought to present-day to reiterate that this is not a historical practice, it is current practice and one that isn't just spoken about in past tense." 

These Indigenous practices can and should be something that's recognized as a way that the landscape is utilized and managed today. 

Spokane Tribal Network 

The purpose of the Spokane Tribal Network (STN) is to build bridges in the Spokane Tribal Community and develop healthier lifestyles and lifestyle choices for all people in the community, especially among youth. They align their food sovereignty activities with the restoration of traditional foodways outlined in the  Spokane Tribe Sustainable Community Master Plan.  

STN joined what was being called by the community a Prairie Grassroot movement because prairie grass roots go deep unlike regular grassroots. They share information about traditional foods on their social media and organize harvesting days for their community to share traditional knowledge. When they have community gatherings around traditional foods they said that everyone helps others remember and learn.

“So when we get together and somebody will remember one little thing, then somebody else will remember one other thing, and then the collective nature of the knowledge starts to come together.” 

Since STN has been doing traditional food work, other interior Salish tribes in the area heard about the great work and reached out to STN to work together in developing similar programming in their own tribes. They've also started hosting events together to share knowledge across tribes and working to process plants into salves, teas, and tinctures for their communities.  

Learn more at their  website .

Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity, & Recreation Council (ISPARC)

Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity, & Recreation Council (ISPARC) was founded by First Nations Health Council, the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, and the Métis Nation BC with the goal of improving health and well-being of BC’s Indigenous people. They deliver healthy living programming to Indigenous communities across BC including lessons about healthy eating with traditional plants and medicines. They’ve started implementing a Re-Think your Drink station at all their large gatherings where they offer water infused with different traditional plants. 

"The native fusion drink station was kind of the first traditional plants and foods activity that I really wanted to bring to our leaders across the province. We started to serve the native fusion drinks at our training sessions about five years ago and they became so popular that we found out that two of our leaders actually started duplicating these drink stations in their own communities. It's been pretty cool to see these leaders putting their own traditional twists on creating drinks across communities."

Suquamish Tribe

The Suquamish Tribe takes their name from the traditional Lushootseed phrase for “people of the clear salt water”. These expert fishermen, canoe builders, and basket weavers have lived in harmony with the lands and waterways along Washington’s Central Puget Sound Region for thousands of years. 

The Traditional Food Program at Suquamish is on a mission to reconnect tribal members with the expert knowledge of their ancestors and their land. They teach community members about Indigenous plants using the Tend, Gather, and Grow curriculum through plant classes, apothecary work, and food preservation workshops. By sharing knowledge, the traditional foods program gets the community excited about traditional foods and facilitates community learning through tribal members sharing stories about how their families used traditional foods in the past.  

Urban Indian Health Institute

Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) is a Tribal Epidemiology Center focused on the health and well-being of Urban Indians throughout the United States. They partner with multiple organizations to host workshops and trainings including those on Indigenous plants and foods.

UIHI also supports the evaluation of Indigenous plants and foods work through applying their Indigenous evaluation framework and principles to conduct a community-based evaluation.

Camassia Resource Stewardship

Camassiah Resource Stewardship works with tribal communities to support increased access to and consumption of camas. They are currently working with the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community to develop a generational camas management plan and grow some test plots of camas on Swinomish agricultural lands. In the past, Camassiah worked with GRuB to help develop the cultural ecosystems module for the Tend, Gather, Grow curriculum. By doing this work, building relationships, and hearing the stories of resilience and struggle, they have become even more determined to try to be a strong ally or accomplice to tribal communities and individuals.

"I guess what I learned from doing all these workshops in communities is that I can be a facilitator and just kind of step back and let the plants do the work."

-Camassiah Founder

Island Health

The Indigenous Health Program at Island Health collaborates with Indigenous partners and communities to ensure that Indigenous peoples within the Island Health service region receive culturally appropriate and safe services. This includes a nutrition program that collaborates with Indigenous communities on food security and uses Indigenous plants and foods knowledge in their curricula.

A profound impact of Indigenous plants and foods work is seeing the plants spark intrinsic memories and knowledge that already exist within the community. One educator shared a story of how when she was presenting at one Nation, she passed around a container of dried nettles as a part of the presentation. When one Elder smelled the nettles, he started sharing all this knowledge he had about the plants and their stories and properties- the smell alone had evoked a memory that had long since been engrained! 

Indigenous plants and foods work has really shown that plants are the true teachers and the programs at Island Health have seen this through the impact Indigenous plants and foods work has had in the communities.  

Bastyr University Gardens

The Sacred Seeds Trail at Bastyr University offers hands-on education and programming around ecosystem restoration, identification, cultivation, seed saving, and medicine of native plants. The project works with local Coast Salish Tribes to preserve and respectfully share knowledge of local plants and their use for food, medicine, craft, and ceremony. Beyond Bastyr classes, the program collaborates closely with the Tend, Gather, and Grow team at GRuB to provide ethnobotany field trips for K-12 students (at no cost to Tribal and Title I schools). 

"On field trips, we have an activity station we often do in relationship to evergreen trees where we 'bathe' together. First, we do a walk-through or 'forest bath', where we use our senses to smell and touch the different trees and learn about forest ecology and tree medicine. Then we use our hands to infuse evergreen trees into Epsom salts to take home and have a 'forest bath' anywhere. Students usually enter this activity with the most skepticism and leave really grounded, engaged, and curious. There is something about getting up close and personal with trees and then getting hands deep in Epsom salts and fir needles—it seems to help them open up to what's around them."

-Bastyr Gardens Staff

Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

Story coming soon...

Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe

Story coming soon...

Native American Youth and Family Center

Guided by Elders and trusted by the community, The Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA) is an urban Indian center located in Portland Oregon that creates a place for the Native community to gather and live the values of our own unique cultures. They are a family of numerous tribes and voices who are rooted in sustaining tradition and building cultural wealth.

At NAYA, they believe that reclaiming Indigenous peoples’ ability to access and manage traditional food sources is the most powerful tool that we hold to combat chronic disease. Their Indigenous food sovereignty project promotes healthy, traditional ways of eating while also bringing our traditional hunting, harvesting, fishing, preparing, and storing knowledge to new generations.

The traditional foods gathered from their community garden are used to supplement NAYA’s community food distribution program and used in cooking classes for the community. Youth help gather the food and learn valuable lessons about traditional foods and medicines. With support from community partners, NAYA is working to increase access to tribally caught fish and to provide safe access to traditional gathering sites.

NAYA’s Food Sovereignty programming includes medicine and food gardens, group cooking classes & recipe sharing, sustainable harvesting, food preservation demonstrations, ecosystem restoration, networking and resource sharing, food and medicine distribution to Elders and others.

Our Network

Here, we document some of the many connections that support our Indigenous plants and food education. So far, we have documented over 200 connections throughout the United States and beyond. The map below illustrates the many connections between educators; a web of relationships supporting the work.

Use the slider on the map below to see the reported connections between organizations working to spread Indigenous plants and food knowledge. Click on the blue points or the connections to see the name of each organization. Use the plus and minus buttons in the lower right to zoom in or out.

Indigenous communities have been passing down the knowledge of traditional plants and foods since time immemorial. Even though colonization sought to stamp out this knowledge communities kept practicing their traditional ways. Today there are many programs run by tribal nations or non-profit organizations that are focused on revitalizing and spreading this knowledge among Indigenous communities.


Search the social network map

In the Spring of 2020, we asked ourselves and our partners "who do we work with on Indigenous plants and food work?" With this question, we documented a rich web of connections stretching far and wide. We then built a map to display these partnerships that make this work and community possible. This map is not exhaustive as our community is constantly growing and evolving. You can use the link below to access an interactive web map where you can search the partnerships captured by our initial survey. If you have any questions about how to use this map or suggestions for improvement please send them to

Native Plants and Foods Portal

If you are interested in learning more about the curriculum used by this network you can visit the Native Plants and Foods Curriculum Portal. The educational resources included in the portal explore native and naturalized plants and foods of the Pacific Northwest region. They were developed with an emphasis on serving Native communities and include Indigenous knowledge, stories, and traditions. The curricula may also be applicable for non-native educators and can be used as a model for other regions.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1812543. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Additional funding for this work came from the Center for Disease Control National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion RFA-DP17-1704PPHF1 and RFA-DP19-19-3.