Lake Marion Greenway Project - Lakeville Segment
The Lake Marion Greenway travels 20 miles through Burnsville, Savage, Credit River Township, Lakeville and Farmington.
The greenway will link the Minnesota River and the Minnesota River Greenway to Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve, Ritter Farm Park, Lake Marion, downtown Lakeville, South Creek and downtown Farmington. It will connect with the North Creek Greenway in Farmington.
These connections can be seen more clearly in the Lake Marion Greenway Master Plan Map, showing the vision for the full Greenway, linked below.
The Lake Marion Greenway will enhance access to natural areas, trails, and cultural resources.
This project will develop a feasibility study and preliminary design report for about 1.75 miles of the Lake Marion Greenway. This segment was identified in the 2013 Lake Marion Greenway Master Plan.
Project objectives include identifying:
- Preferred trail alignment
- South Creek bridge crossings
- Grade-separated crossing design at Cedar Avenue
Minnesota Zoo Pedestrian Bridge in Apple Valley pictured right.
Our team has identified and is proposing a preferred trail alignment that begins just north of 209 th Street, connecting to the existing greenway near downtown Lakeville.
The trail will then run from downtown Lakeville, east through the Grist Mill area.
The preferred alignment is what we are proposing for the long term vision for the trail. The alignment stays on the north side of the creek. This alignment is preferred because it:
- Provides future trail connectivity to Lakeville South Creek Trail
- Has minimal Flood Plain impacts
Meanwhile, the phased implementation alignment provides an easy option to make quick connections if needed in the short term.
The trail continues over Hamburg Ave., ending near Cedar Ave. There will be a pedestrian/bike bridge at Cedar Ave. The recently completed Dakota-Edgewood Trail Bridge (pictured below) in St. Louis Park is an example of a local pedestrian bridge.
Dakota-Edgewood Trail Bridge
Dakota-Edgewood Trail Bridge
As part of the Lake Marion Greenway Master Plan, this alignment will provide a future connection with downtown Farmington.
This project will also include these trail amenities:
- Safety and accessibility improvements of the trail crossings at Hamburg Avenue and Holyoke Avenue
- Connections to local trails and sidewalks
- Benches
- Wayfinding and interpretive signage
- Landscaping
Project Schedule
Preliminary Design
Public Engagement
Final Design
Expected Construction
Completing this feasibility study and preliminary design will be critical to help us prepare to secure federal funding for the next stage.
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Dakota County - Lake Marion Greenway