SCORE Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Catalogue
An Educational Catalogue for Coastal Climate Adaptation using Nature-Based Solutions & Ecosystem-based Adaptations
This storyline provides an application to explore EbA solutions for coastal areas within combined urban and natural contexts. The case study examples of the implemented measures can be explored through the map tour. The application also allows filtering the options by climate hazard and land category, or through a combined search.
EbA | Case Study Map Tour
Select a pinpoint on the map to explore the different EbA options or click on the photos to read the description, the objectives and the benefits related to each EbA measure.
The introduction, restoration, protection, stabilization and nourishment suggested through these EBAs is based on activities that encourage the use of indigenous and climate-resilient plant species and locally available resources.
EbA | Landscapes
Multipe EbAs are grouped in six categories based on the landscape:
- urban green,
- sustainable drainage systems (SuDS),
- river floodplains,
- wetlands,
- coastal shoreline,
- and marine waters.
Each category is represented by a different pictogram. Hover the mouse over the information icons to read the name of the landscape category.
Select the category and click on the name of the EbA to learn about the case study. You can select more than one EbA at once and read the description on the pop-up over the map.
Zoom out from the map to have a global view of the case study locations. Zoom in and pinpoint the pictogram to learn about a case study.
SCORE EBAs - Categories
EbA | Hazards
There are seven main hazards identified that affect coastal areas:
- sea level rise,
- coastal flooding,
- land and river flooding,
- coastal erosion,
- storm surge,
- droughts and heat waves,
- landslide.
Each hazard is represented by a different pictogram. Hover the mouse over the information icons to read the hazards.
Select the hazard using the arrows at the bottom of the tool and click on the name of the EbA to learn more about the case study. You can select more than one EbA at once and read the description on the pop-up over the map.
Zoom out the map to have a global view of the case study locations. Zoom in and pinpoint the pictogram to learn about the case study.
SCORE EBAs - Hazards
EbA | Hazards and Categories
Climate hazard and landscape filters can be applied simultaneously with this application.
Select the landscape, select the hazard, and apply the filters to identify the different EbA options available on the map. Then, click on the pictogram on the map and a pop-up window will show you information about the case study description where the EbA has been previously implemented.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003534. Visit the SCORE website.